Friday, December 21, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Personal News Notes II m and timbers of the grade •chool are hind at work on a Christmnx cantata, "In Cjuext of Hnntu Claus," which will be given in the .lackaonvlllr gymnasium Friday, December 21, at 8 o'clock The seventh and eighth grade pu­ pils will alng Christinas carols and membora or the high school glee clubs will present a cantata. • Mr and Mix Ernest Holbrook of Han Francisco are expected to arrive Saturday evening from San k ranclxco to spend the holiday per­ iod with Mrs Holbrook's parents. Mr and Mrs Frank Cameron • Mr and Mrs Charles Hocker smith of Medford were dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs E H Taylor Hunday. • Wesley Offcnbacher. four-year old son of Mr. and Mrs Lance Offcnbacher, sustained a broken arm as a result of a fall Monday It Is believed ttiat the youngster fell from a chair, which caused both bones of the arm to break be­ tween the wrist and elbow. • Courteous service al Uiu Nugget • Mr and Mm Sherman and son of lumdcaster, Calif , were on Lit tie Applegate the first of the week in the interest of purchasing u cattle ranch. They were accom­ panied by F. L. Nutter, real estate dealer of Ashland. • Mlns Idabellc Jester of Phoenix, recently of Rocky Point at Klam ath lack mules to the mountain top Wednesday to bring out the larger portion of the carpentry equipment. • Mr. and Mrs Primlo Cardf of Medford vicinity were guests at the Aris Throckmorton home Mon­ day • Miss Virginia King of lower Applegate was in Medford Mon­ day, where she visited friends. • Applegates annual Christmas dance will be sponsored by the Community league this year. The dance will be given Christmas night, with music by the Owen Oregon Lumberjacks of Medford Lunch of sandwiches, cake and coffee will be served. • The Nugget for magazines. • Rudy Knutscn, Star gulch min­ er, expects to go to Portland soon to si>end the Christmas holiday. Carl Ayres, teacher at the Little Applegate school, also will leave this afternoon to spend the holiday at his home In Portland • Mrs. Gene Mee wus hostess to a large group of local friends at a whist party at her home Saturday evening. Prizes for high score were awarded Mrs Vivian Whitchett and Edward Kubll, low going to Miss Mary lieatty and Harry Brown. • Miss Mollie Ray Is leaving soon for Portland, where she will be a guest of Miss Mabel Mickey. • Miss Mary Beatty, who is teach­ ing at the Ruch school, will return to her home in Ashland this eve­ ning to s|>end the holidays. • Programs thia afternoon and • v. nlng will mark the close of the Applegate schools for a week's Christmas vacation. Sterling pu­ pils planned |u< s. ut then pn • gram Thursday evening, which would be followed by a box social, while Thompson creek will give their program Sunday evening Beaver creek, Ruch and Watkins will give entertainments tonight. I while Uniontown and Little Apple­ gate have selected this afternoon for the annual observance. Ex­ change of gifts and receiving of candy and nutx around the Christ­ mas tree will be enjoyed by the children. • Stop at the Nugget. • Mi and Mrs George Rowden, newlyweds of the Applegate, were the Inspiration of two charivari parties during the week-end. Ruch friends gathered for the ancient custom Saturday evening, while the following night lower Apple­ gate people assembled to extend their well wishes. • U-o Hoffman will arrive from the Sacramento Junior college dur­ ing the week-end to remain here for the Christmas vacation. Lee Port Jr., from Oregon State col­ lege, also will spend the holidays here. • Chestci Lind, prospective young stockman of the Applegate, Is the proud |>oHHesHor of a new bicycle, which has caused excessive riding about in the tain, as well as a little unusual recreational activity where adults ure concerned. • William Dorn of upper Apple­ gate spent the week-end with ■friends In Medford. • W. B. Crause, the nurseryman of Jacksonville hill, is ill in the hospital at Roseburg. His wife ex­ pects to go to Roseburg to tie near him until he recovers. • Mr. and Mrs. George Ritchey and I-awrence I ar Nies have moved to one of the cabins on the Cady place to spend the winter. Mrs Ritchey's little daughter, Reta May Welch, has gone to California to spend the winter with her father. • Mrs. Mabel Roberts, who hai been employed at the Amy Dow confectionery, left Monday to ac­ cept a new position. She was ac­ companied by her small son Ger­ ald • The Nugget for cold drinks. • Memls'rs of the Jacksonville Grange took charge of the Grange program at Applegate hall Friday. December 14. • Mr and Mrs. M D. Thorpe and daughter, who came here recently from Granta Paxs, left Wednesday to spend the holidays on the coast. • Claude Miuike of this city has passed entrance examinations and expects to leave soon for Han Diego, Calif , where he will enter the United Htates navy. • Mrs Clinton Hmlth entertained members of the Jacksonville Health society unit with a covered dish luncheon Tuesday. • Mlar. Ida Kieinhammer, who has been visiting her brother, Arthur Klein hammer of Applegate, re­ turned to her home In Yreka last week. • Del ma Eaton and Jimmie Kent reentered the l low coach-tourist fares on sale every day. A Southern Pacific Have You Tried (With Mirror and ruff) 60e Clever Compact Sets, 25c ) ▼ '•"A’ There is no gift that is appreciated more than one which adds comfort to the lucky person on the receiving end . . . Can you imagine anything that could give a man any more comfort than one of these warm, comfortable Flannel Robes. Plain colors and fancy trims—a color and a size for every man. ff!" o Boxed Personal Stationery, 35c up I 4» $7.00 to $11.00 4» • ••-- •••- SILK SHIRTS Mechanical Matches, 15c NEW BREAD? Here is a gift which expresses the true Yuletide spirit! A real "dress-up” shirt—made of the finest pure silk crepe— cut in ‘ “ the newest form-fit style . . . you will find these in the colors every man prefers . . . blue . . . white ... . tan. BAKED IN ONE OF THE FINEST BAKERIES IN THE WEST Chitwood’s JACKSONVILLE Look Over Our Selections—Open Evenings $1 to $2.50 • a... •••- Pollyanna Oil Lamps, 75c ■••• F, Mufflers, silk or wool, plain or colorful, big and warm. He’ll need this practical gift every time he steps outdoors. ROBES (The Duck lest Little Copper Jiggers You Ever Saw) ■ ■••• MUFFLERS Un Modernistic Metallic Table Lamps $1.98 PHONE 12 $5 >y Powder Boxes TREE LIGHTS Complete Outfits « ) ( • ••- Rich, luxurious Silk Pa­ jamas for either sleep or lounge wear — trimmed with contrasting silk pip­ ings. You will find these Pajamas in colors that are truly masculine. I —Chitwood’s have loads of ’em . . . in fact we just received another load of unusual Christ­ mas Gifts, including— 4U- PAJAMAS [✓ * This Sensational GIFTS? ■»••• • ••■■ Restore gray and overbleached hair to Its natural shade ... at Give a Gift of • •• Schade2 Larry SHAMP-U-TINT ♦ . On Sale at YOUR Favorite Grocers’ • •••■ 4> • a.-- • a. THIS STORE WILL REMAIN OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8:30 ••a..