-se_-4—.. Today T he J acksonville M iner /*'«« to Volume 3 PLATES STOLEN, MILL SHUT DOWN Workmen, returning to gold mill of the Jacksonville Gold Mining company, limited. Thursday mom- Ing were surprised to see three amnlgum plates of the treating plant had been stolen during the night. The plates were valued at approximately $200, but had been cleaned up prior to end of work Wednesday evening, and no gold values were involved. According to L. Houghton, presi­ dent of the company, new plates will be installed and the mill re­ turned to operation by Monday. Amalgum plates are used to catch free gold from ores being milled in the company's 25-ton Straube unit. They first are coated with quick­ silver, which has an affinity for native gold, passing waste mater­ ials onto a concentrating table. The Jacksonville Gold Mining company has been operating its mill for more than a year on cus­ tom ore and ore from their Black- well Hill mine. It is thought bur­ glars are known to the authorities, who are at work on the case. JOHN KNIGHT RESTING AT MEDFORD HOSPITAL, WORD Becoming seriously ill about midnight Wednesday, John Knight of this city was removed to the Sacred Heart hospital In Medford by ambulance, where he has been under care of Dr. W. G. Bishop. Although an Intestinal obstruction made Knight’s condition grave, he had not been operated on late last night. ----------- •------------ FOUND IN TIIK DKIGIN'S Three freshmen in a huddle. Someone wanting to know if they looked better with their hair be­ hind their ears or in front. A teacher asking Bud Mit '-.ell if he could make any more noise. Those sweet little notes are in circula­ tion again For this week the biol­ ogy class is having fish for their menu, instead of frogs. After look­ ing the student body over, there are only two redheads to be found this year. A sophomore boy wish­ ing he rated. What an idea half a football for a hat! Howard Kie- hoefer selling pies for 10 cents each in English class. The Young Printer signs his notes "Me.” w ▼ a a a • •< zni Ww ■ Jacksonville, Oregon, Friday, December 21, 1934 ♦ PACIFIC STATES WILL SHUT DOWN FOR 3-DAY REST The soviet government recently shot several farmers for refusing to pick cotton Meblie they were American farmers. • Clara How'» "It" turned out to be seven and one-half [siundx of bouncing "him.” • And when we get to an overpro­ duction of human life, plowaharea will be beaten back Into swords. • if we could choke the back-seat driver twice ns Ion", few of tin would care If an extru cupful of gaaoline was wanted • Possibly the reason movies are so popular la because on the acre« n we can ace others aa we'd like to aee ouraclvea. • No doubt, with a slogan cam palgn against crime underway. 10,MO ears In Sing Sing are burn Ing. • Americanism: Chicago women seeking to outlaw toy guns and weapons of war und overlooking the menace of toy autos. • One thing In favor of the Town- semi old age pension plan is that It might end the crack. "One is only as old as one feels " • The gold digging business has been on the up-grade, but la noth­ ing compared to what it would be If every man over 60 were to re­ ceive $200 a month, and no work to do. • With flood control going for­ ward In many sections, apparently the government Intends to leave the poor farmer a loam. • A sea serpent seer is merely a viewer with alarmer with nothing else to do. • A person always can talk better sense than they can live. • Consistency: A nation of people who won't care for their own blissl relatives wanting the government to donate $200 per month to every person over 00. • Kight American missionaries traveled to Hankow recently In junks, according to a press dis­ patch. Evidently flivvers have in­ vaded the Orient, too. • A lazy woman seldom has a lazy tongue. • She’s A Nugget, Ain’t She Boys! First of Year to See 3-Shift Continuous O|N*rution of Treat Illg Plant Thar may be gold in them thar mountings, but then again, thar's a Manly Claus a-comin, and min­ ers at Pacific States all 3ft of ’em arc going to receive a three-