Page 4 Friday, November 30, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER on the desert with my outfit. you that $35 now and my Plenty of grub and only a half- mind." Medicine Man’s pint So I made it home all right and. water left. Matters looked pretty black. I as the snow was about gone in the assure you. Imagine my relief high ranges. I opened up a mining Murder Saves Life can then when I spotted a cloud of claim I haected by the workers of our barrels of water. A number of old couldn't understand why Uncle painlessly (or be passed out) from country, for which we are wait­ sourdoughs were going along with Sam should butt in and have those a land of never-ceasing contention, ing patiently ? A W orkingman. Answer: Don’t you read the him. about the raggedest looking four uncles arrested for simply than to continue to live and listen bunch I ever saw. Even their bur­ following the old Indian custom. to the lamentations of our money papers? Everybody has already Sun-Mon ros appeared skinny and scraggly. They had a law that when a medi­ accumulators whose inordinate af­ received a substantial raise—In But burros are the best bet for the cine man fell down on his job. they fection far the dollar has never taxes. Is it possible you were desert because they can live on bumped him off. I told them I been surpassed, or even equalled overlooked ? Dear Doc: I am 20 years old. hardly anything and can get along thought it was a good idea and I by any of nature’s phenomena. for days without water. I had the was going to try and introduce the The actual cost of the drug six feet fodb inches in height, but only first class outfit in the crowd. custom among the whites when I would probably be no more than quite slim, weighing only about 90 TULLIO CARMINATI But then I was always noted for got back. 20 cents per head and. if purchased pounds. Have tried several occupa­ tions without success. Am unable having a good outfit. LYLE TALBOT in carload lots, much cheaper, and Arrived at Durango, I was still the operating expense quite insig­ to determine what I am best suited I was able to make the start MONA BARRIE 200 miles from my headquarters for. Can you help me ? Billy the when they did, but they told me nificant compared with the money exactly where they were going and and had only about $14 or $15 left. saved in pensions. A tremendous Kid Answer: You neglected to state I promised to start inside of a How to get home with all that out­ business revival would immediate­ week and would catch them along fit I had was a puzzle, so I stuck ly occur, which would benefit drug­ whether you had two eyes or only around a while to see what would gists, undertakers, clergymen and the road somewhere. I said this place was 200 miles turn up. One could get a fine meal others immensely and perhaps end RlAdlftoVsi Q A la a ad from nowhere. It is not that far off for two-bits and beds were four- the depression. c> from anywhere in a straight line, bits. I ate in a swell little restau­ One of the greatest benefits in ­ but travelers do not follow straight rant where electric fans made it dicated, if this measure is adopted, lines. They follow roads and trails nice and cool and kept the flies would be that the fifteen billion which often lead them a long way out. now held securely by our Now Durango i at that time, any­ dollars from a straight course. bankers in their vaults would re­ EANT MAIN way) was one town where the Sal ­ Now I well knew I was going main intact as this vast sum will PHONE 84 into a gawd-awful tough country, vation Army was not welcome and be needed shortly to finance the Stewart-Warner HERBERT MARSHALL because several years previous a one night as I came out from sup­ not far distant European conflict BEAI'TY SERVICEN Sri GTIK« C.'MFMU fellow I had been chumming up per the Army was just marching which, even if never paid back, Service - Sales - Rentals AT A SAVING MUCH NUDIMI with and myself came flying out of up the street. There were two men. would be a more praiseworthy Pi rmanent Wave 82.00 (IIUCHN titan a little Utah town with a swarm an oldish lady, a girl of about 17 method of investing the money t.'.T ! unti Finger Wave ............ ....... and another girl of 12 and they ...25c of angry Mormons not far behind than by wasting it in pensioning 423 Kant Main Street, Medford who were thirsting for our blood. stopped right across the street in people who are citizens of the TELEPHONE 663 front of a saloon and began to And we made our getaway across Shampoo Tue-Wed-Thur richest country on earth. part of this same desert. And all sing. Quickly a crowd gathered ga Haircut 25c and did all the things it could that saved us that time was the Marcel 25c I BIIAN «Nil hard corn we were able to buy think of to hinder the Army from Manicure from the Indians at a dollar for either singing or talking. When FAOL LUK; ; 25c every five hatfuls, and the direc­ they sang the crowd would sing a ■ ■ * KM msM ’ , Eyebrow Arch ........ 25c ■ Children 10c • re Hn/o tions they gave us for finding the drinking song louder and drown • ' Scalp Treatment 50. few hidden water holes along our out the sound. Each of the men in a 1 Hot Oil ............................ turn tried to speak, but the crowd 50c I Saturday Only route. I hadn't done anything my­ | i Focal Is . 50c I self, but my pal had and when the streamed in and out of the saloon, BOB STEELE in city marshal failed to arrest him getting, noisier all the time. The after putting four bullet holes old lady tried to say something but through his clothes and got shot was not heard. The young lady was Here’s good news for you people himself during the scrap, he had to bare-facedly insuited when it came Also Serial, whose nerves are so jangled, get out of town quick. And. as I her turn and had to stop. I was was his pal. I didn't want to be getting madder and madder at the “The VANISHING SHADOWS" you can’t eat, sleep, or rest; who left behind for them to take their unfairness of it all, but didn't see worry over trifles, start at sud­ Sunday and Monday spite out on me, so went with him. what I could do about it. Finally den noises, have Nervous Indi­ • the little girl stepped bravely up Ten years afterward a cowboy gestion, Nervous Headache. TRY THE NEW was telling me about a trip he and faced the crowd and they MODEL l)M)EKW(X)l) made through that section. He said seemed to quiet down a little. DR MILES NERVINE WILL TYPEWRITERS he had camped overnight at a cer­ She said, "You men don’t like RELIEVE YOU QUICKLY. It tain spring along the road and us Salvation people and do all you • was originated by a Nerve Spe ­ shortly after daylight one morning can to hurt us. But we like all of cialist especially for people in Taylor and Bierma a couple of dozen Mormons came you just the same and if you will tearing into his camp looking for come down to the barracks, we will your condition. It has been 34 N. Central—Telephone 112 with BING CROSBY two Gentiles, one of whom had show you that we do like you and Medford making good for more than fifty CAROLE l-OMBARD shot the city marshal in the town will do anything we can to help years. they came from, and asked if he you and make you happy.” She George Burns and Gracie Allen Hundreds of thousands of nerv- had met them along the road. He said a lot more, but the crowd got Tuesday and Wednesday said he had not. That made it ap­ tired of it and started to sing, ous people have had an experi- parent that they had left the old “Johnny Fill Up the Bowl.” ence like that of Maud Thomas. A Master Mystery Thriller! freight road at those springs and Believe me, I was getting pretty Read her letter. You too will struck out over the desert. They well worked up. Then the young H h find the dollar you spend for decided not to follow. The cowboy lady began to pass the tambourine heard them say there was no use around but was hooted and sneered your first bottle of Dr. Miles with MARY BRIAN to follow as the Gentiles were as at for her trouble. Finally she saw Nervine the best investment you JOHN DARROW good as dead anyway. Nobody, three of us sitting on the curb­ ever made. If you don’t think they said, could live to cross that stone across the street and came Thursday and Friday so, we will return your dollar. desert unless they had good out­ over. I was the last one she ap­ fits especially for the occasion. I proached. Looking in the tambour­ "lias done me more good than Fires May Come, and Fires May (Jo— asked the cowboy if he remem­ ine, I saw 15 cents in it and, rising I can express” bered the date on which this oc­ to my feet, ran my hand into my with WALTER CONNOLLY I am a Dr. Miles Fan all the BUT OUR curred and, after he had told me. pocket, grabbing all the silver my way through. I have taken ROBERT YOUNG I quietly Informed him that I was fist would hold- about $7 or $8— Nervine tor 2 years with good DORIS KENYON success. It is more than it is one of the two Gentiles and that and dropped it in her tambourine. recommended to be and it has we had not perished, but had made I faintly heard her say "Thank dond me more good than I can it through in good shape to a point you. Sir,” as I turned hastily away express. I am Tn better health in Arizona, much to his amaze­ and went up the street. In a few ] now than I have been tor ten ment. minutes I began to cool off and years. Maud Thomas, So I figured that if worse came said to myself, "What in hell did Glasgow, Kentucky to worst I could manage to make you want to do that for? Here you it all right. I was full of curiosity ire broke and 200 miles from home DrMii„ about all this gold down there and and just gave your money all you know a fellow will go any­ away. What a fool!” Liquid and EfferveicentTabletf In Our Temporary Office At the End where in the world and cheerfully I reached my hand into my face any hardships if he thinks he pocket and found a four-bit piece of North Central 25c Dr Miles Nervine 21c will find gold. Will only say that I had overlooked. my extreme perseverance, or you “Well,” I said to myself, "we $1 Dr. Miles Nervine 83c LUMBER—BUILDING MATERIAL—FUEL may call it pure stubbornness, ran sleep tonight, anyhow.” So I Either Liquid or Effervescent caused me to go too far. I couldn’t went and bought a bed. Tablets go any farther, neither could I Next morning found me walking take the back track. As a climax the streets stony broke and won­ one of my horses laid down and dering where breakfast was going died and I shot the other to short­ to come from. But I guess giving en his suffering. The Indians had my money to the Army brought imber rw fcrs ompany had a crop failure the year before me luck for most unexpectedly I b >. «toroso J/«# ORKOON and had left that section for other met a fellow who had owed me parts. There was not a solitary $35 borrowed money for over three Next to Mann’s on N. Central blade of grass anywhere and the years and I had just about given Phone 78 water holes had all dried up, as up all hopes of ever getting it. Phone 7 ALL MAIL ORDERS SENT I found out from a couple of strag­ "Hello, Jack,” he greeted me. End North On trai A Good Firm to Trude With POSTPAID TO YOU glers I met. There I was, marooned "Sure glad to see you. I can pay OLD AGE PENSION OR POISON DOSE? A l LEES j CD OFIW DOR’S RADIO SERVICE InCuiOrd bCllüül * of Beauty Culture B ROXY 20c Æ ^ÏÎEF 4A Demon for Trouble" tañí, TYPEWRITER SERVICE DANCE “We’re Not Dressing” Saturday till Monte Carlo Nights Jacksonville 2 * ‘Whom Gods Destroy' DELROfiOI nervine ^ JARMIN’S for DRUGS BUSINESS GOES ON AS USUAL T P C k