Friday. November 23, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Page 4 tion Land Claim No. 72, in town­ if a satisfactory division of play complaint on file herein. Defend­ ship 37. south of rang«- 2 west and work could be accomplished ants. by us as individuals, wiser and of th«- Willamette meridian, in SUMMONS more profitable moments would TO: L. T SPICKELMIER and I Jackson county. Oregon, and run le bloiiglil about. ELTA I, SPICKELMIER, husband I north 540 5 feel; thence south By J. <’. REYNOLDS and wife; also all other persons or I 89 deg. 20 min. west 869.5 feet Just for example, FOUND IN THE DIGGIN'N for the true point of beginning, Jake Shafer, rancher of Jack­ Let me give you a sample parties unknown claiming any from this true point of begin play practice being sonville. a few days ago received Of the new kind of verse "Elmer ... _ right, title, estate, lien or interest ning. run thence south 0 deg. 07 in or to the real catate described word from Washington. D. C.. of I Some as bad as this and some posted regularly on the board. min. east 271 feet; thence south the granting of patents on a trail­ Science student trying to ex­ herein. much worse). SO deg. 20 min west 217 feet; er hitch device which he worked That lady rhymsters lately with­ plain the difference between heat IN THE NAME OF THE thence north 0 deg 07 min west out in his own barnyard machine and temperatui-e. Let’s hear you STATE OF OREGON, you and out due excuse. 271 feet; thence north Nt) deg each of you an- hereby required shop. Shafer is considering several Are striving to introduce. upper classmen explain it. 20 min east 217 feet to the piucc marketing opportunities for the I really do not admire these new­ appear and answer the com- "Big Shots" coming to school to of baglrning, containing i', hitch, which will be an innivation plaint of the plaintiff on file here fangled poetical stunts. with drooping eyelids. acres more or less: subject to m devices of that kind. in against you, or otherwise plead But am willing to try almost any­ Some students continually chew­ thereto, within four (4) weeks mi casement for road purposes Shafer's trailer hitch embodies thing once. over u atrip of land 20 feet in a swivel principle which allows And so to avoid any needless ing gum. from the date of the first publica- widtli along the north line of A bashful senior telling u pal, tion of tills summons, universal movement of a trailer delay. above described tract, same be­ connection, eliminating all possi­ I'll spring this mess of doggerel on that it muBt be an awful feeling You are hereby notified that if fog th* >• urt h iif of io- io 25c Haircut 25c Marcel 28c Manicure 25c Eyebrow Arch 25c Scalp Treatment 50c Hot Oil .................. 50c Facails 50c DANCE Saturday till ♦ - mo - CONGER 2 FUNERAL PARLORS Medford, Oregon Nervou* Narrow* Indigestion C ervine PLASTER BOARD CEMENT Liquid and Effervescent Tablet» ALL I»R. MILES’ PREPARATIONS ARE SOLD AT Jarmin’s for Drugs Next to Mann’s on North Central—Phone 78 60c Size Alka Seltzer— BUILDING MATERIALS EXPLOSIVES TI mber IT C ompany MEDFORD ORCOON At Jarmlna you pay only ALL MAIL ORDERS SENT POSTPAID TO YOU End North ('entrai Phone 7 A Good Firm to Trade With