Friday, November 23, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Personal News Notes on Monday. • Mr. and Mr«. J. S Howard and «on Billy, and Mr«. Frances tane. Mr. Howard’« mother, all of Medford, called on friends here Friday evening. r - ............. —~l R. W. Sleeter, M. D. 202 Medford Bldg. Medford Ehone 4 TRY THE TRAIN TO CALIFORNIA ICE CREAM MOLDS When you go to California, try the train! Big < hange» have taken plate on our rail». Pullman charge» are a third le»» than last year. Rail farev^rc touching bottom «1 2# a mile and lew. Complete meal» in our dining caxi cMt as little as 80<*. For de- tail», *ec your local agent or write J. A. Ormandy, 704 Pacific Building. Portland, Oregon. Special Ice Cream Molds, in Thanksgiving motif, lend a special festive air to the holiday feast. Tasty, whole­ some ice cream, in all flavors, either from custom patterns or made up in special order may be had from your favorite ice cream dealer or, if you prefer, you may phone or call at the plant, 38 North Bartlett, to place your holiday order. You will find Snider’s serv­ ice complete, and prices most certainly within reason. SNIDER DAIRY & PRODUCE CO. Southern Pacific PHONE 203—MEDFORD TO YOU, WE OFFER OUR MOST SINCERE HYGIENIC AN I CURING NOW AVAILABLE WITH BOYDELL ELECTRIC MANICURING SETS Drop In and nee meehiutlcal Manicuring—the very latest! BOWMAN’S Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor Phone 57—1» 8. Central IL e Because of the Unfortunate Death of C. C. Chitwood, Our Formal Opening Was Postponed Till Next MONDAY NOVEMBER 26 T7 T? T? f TO FIRST 50 WOMEN f K £ £• on OUR OPENING DAY CAr bottle □BL PERFUME COME IN EAKLY MONDAY AND SEE JACKSONVILLE’S NEW STOCKS OF HOSPITAL SUPPLIES SCHOOL SUPPLIES STATIONERY HOME REMEDIES NOTIONS TOILETRIES HOLIDAY GOODS NOVELTIES FRESH CHOCOLATES AND TAKE HOME YOUR FREE GIFT OF PERFUME WITH OUR COMPLIMENTS CHITWOOD'S WHAT YO UWANT WHEN YOU NEED IT! Mrs. .lean Gillis, Manager Phone Jacksonville 12 THANKS! There’s a word! A word, THANKS. But what does it mean? The bell-hop mutters “thanks” when we slip him a dime; the telephone operator echoes “thanks” when we give her a number; the politician guffaws “thanks” when we pledge a vote. A national holiday is based on the word. We use it a thousand times a day in our speech. Yet—what does it mean ? To the merchants who have signed this page it means this: They have tried to bring you the finest merchandise and at the lowest prices to you. Ybu have appreciated their efforts. By buying in Jacksonville you have shown your appreciation of their work. You have said “thanks” to them. They, in turn, go further. They have appreciated your patronage but they are trying to make their thanks mean even more . . . they all join in wishing you a most happy and enjoyable Thanksgiving. These Merchants Wish to Express Their Thanks to Jacksonville! THE MARBLE CORNER THE NUGGET CONFECTIONERY DUNNINGTON’S MARKET COLEMAN’S HARDWARE THE BASKET GROCERY 1 JACKSONVILLE SERVICE STATION WHILLOCK’S GOLDEN RULE DUNNINGTON’S GARAGE AMY DOW’S CAFE THE JACKSONVILLE MINER