Hut You Really Should Subscribe Today T he J acksonville M iner She’s A Nugget, Ain’t She Boys! Volume 3 Jacksonville, Oregon, Friday, November 23, 1934 Number 47 - s WARRANTS WAIT RorL []D fkn Don(js Mof fkp $ewerd PACIFIC STATES 0FD nui in® deWerS'SEEN AS MOTHER )r APPEARANCE fl All AtBC Tuesday, November 4, Medford citi- stream from a town if the water is a There's been much compluint about coming higher taxes by folk« who forget that if Uncle Hum Is to carry business and the unem­ ployed there must be some sort of carrying churge. P iavia lib I IV DANCERS ze,1H wil1 vote on a proposed bond issue nt'At/irlo Fiinrlu F/»r* inatallofu»n /~vF on to provide funds for installation of an adequate sewage disposal plant, which has been a serious need for several years. Of course it is hard to pay already high taxes, and it is too bad that the city of Medford has to be saddled with additional debt to handle the problem, but troubles of this nature can in no sense come under the heading of lux­ uries or unnecessary expense. Any city that has sewers, has a moral and civil obligation to dispose of the waste with­ out endangering health or property values in other districts. Yet Medford’s proposed bond issue is meeting stiff opposition in some quart­ ers, undoubtedly for political reasons. It is hard to believe any citizen can be so callous or slovenly as to believe it is just too bad for those who live down- i/» Earl Johnson and Three John Does Sought by Deputy As Result Free- for-A11 Burst of Fighting polluted. And it is a proven fact that I Oljr TYPE MINE KA ori Fr»»»rl ’a aotiraivn n»»nklnTVi in ■>■■■»•■ Medford ’s sewage problem is acute and aggravated. History of Local Mine Is Until Medfordites adopt habits of the Repetition California’s lowly cat, they will have to pay the Great Long-Time, Low- price—however painful—of proper com­ Grade Gold Producers munity sewage disposal. Residents of a History of gold mining in the city cannot throw garbage onto their Mother Lode country of California neighbor’s lot simply because they find started when surface deposits of metal—placer gold— were dis­ it hard to pay for sanitary service. There the covered more than 80 years ago. are definite obligations people must as­ to be followed by still greater from quartz deposits sume if they are to live in populated production which originally held all gold sections, and proper sewage disposal is values. Mines have continued to a depth of more than 9000 feet on one of the most important. these quartz seams without ap­ preciable change in values, and If Medford voters could get the view­ such famous producers as the point of Jacksonville—gained through a North Star have found profit in ore chutes to more than half-moon opening in a door on the back following 1600 feet below sea level. lot—they would not hesitate a minute History of mining in southern to make necessary provision for proper Oregon, however, is an unfinished story. The rich surface deposits sewage disposal equipment. of gold have been found in abund­ about the same time as Cali­ You can’t pull a chain and solve the ance fornia strikes, but for some reason problem. The sewage disposal bond issue miners have not followed ore chutes downward in their effort should be voted. to collect in full from Mother A gang fight may save tempor­ ary urrest and avert being ordered Burning a candle from both ends from a dance hull, but when laws always leaves a person between governing peace and order swing two fires Into action, the situation takes on a different complexion. At least, A man's whole heud has to b< that is what is destined to be smart to keep his cheeks from embarrassing for four fighters who smarting sometimes. thought they were tough In Jack­ sonville last Saturday night. The gal with good looks geln This week Dance Fkxir Manager good looks. Ike Coffman swore out warrants for one Earl Johnson, thought to A New York man swallowed hli: be a truck driver running between bridgework while sleeping, proving Han Francisco uml Medford, and that a sweet tooth Is not all that'll three of his friends listed as John Doe, which were turned over to bad for the stomach. deputy sheriffs Johnson had not if Cock Robin were the name Of been located by last night, and a liquor more men would be in It is thought warrants will be held in readiness in case any of the tereated in who killed it. four reuppear in Jacksonville Sal • Naval parity and naval paring urday night or later. The war- may sound similar, but there accinu rants charged assault and bat- tery, the charges growing out of to be quite a difference, at that. a tiear-riot which ensued at the • Nature. By outdoing Itself In every new w<*ckly dance here last week-end It is acknowledged by geologists when Coffman attempted to re ­ prixluction. and making each new Applegate School Hooded Devil, Sad and mining engineers that Jack­ film several times better than its quire paid admissions from the sonville's quartz deposits probably predecessor .the movie Industry four. Coffman's request for either Social Will Feature a northern continuation of the Sam Meetat Armory are manages to hold its own. and ex- the producing of a ticket or the Mother Lode country which cen­ haunt Fino Hemmila’s supply of procuring of one was met with a Program Saturday The Red Devil, sans horns and ters in mountain due east of San blow in the face, according to ac­ adjectives Shorty Farnsworth had his forked toil, but fully equipped Francisco. Geology of mines here counts of the difficulty, where- With the swift approach of the brakes repaired Tuesday. with other ornery characteristics appears very similar to that of And some radio comedians seem u[x>n about four men attacked the holiday season, community groups floor munager as he endeavored to Four-wheel brakes? Maybe so. of Satan, waa scheduled to blink the rich California districts, and to be at their wits' end. it remained for Pacific States remove the objectionable cus­ are preparing to observe Thanks­ but when Shorty thinks of brakes his optica through alite in a red A federal old uge pension as tomer. The fracas resulted in a giving. The Applegate school is they are on his little red express hood at Sain Lethers, Medford Mines. Inc., to pioneer southern suggested la an effort to persuade general brawl which broke out In giving a social tomorrow night, wagon, drawn by his beautiful favorite, Thursday night in an­ Oregon's deep mining. For two main reasons no outfit government to do that for each in­ various parts of the dance hall. which will include a lively pro­ other of Mack Lillard’a weekly has ever explored depths of quartz Earl Johnson, or a man giving gram. fish bond, and bazaar, with malemute dogs, Mickey and Major, mat menus. dividual which he should but does­ seams in this section. First, they that name, was later arrested and free refreshments. A new feature which combination serves as his n't do for himself. Lethers is the rubber-legged may not have found deposits just­ lodged In city jail by Marshal of the event will be the presen­ only means of transportation from gent • from down under the Mason- The man who today Is.needless­ James Littell. who later released tation of the program on the stage his present abode at Squaw Lake. Dixon line whose dexterity and ifying exploration, and second, ly killed in an automobile is a des­ Johnson without ball Coffman lust completed at the school house When Shorty drove his curious flexibility have made him a prob­ they may have contracted cold cendant of the fellow who, a few then swore out a warrant in Med­ by the manual training class con- | team out from the lake during lem for the nation's best grapplera feet. However Pacific States, form­ years ago, was always getUng ford for re-arrest of the man, and ducted by Wm. Ludwig, upper i the week-end. he was obliged to and Lethers was picked as capable erly Opp mine, has not only de­ three accomplices whose names grade* teacher. In reviewing ac- | walk down the steep inclines be­ buffer for the Red Devil, who a veloped oxidized surface deposits killed by a runaway team were not known complishments of the class, Mr. I cause his dogs were unable to hold week ago slugged two out of three of gold, but also has carried quartz Heaven help us now; the sky Is Saturday night's disorder waa Ludwig said his pupils will begin the wagon back when weighted falls from Cliff Thlede. The Devil mining to a depth which would no longer the limit, thanks to the first to take place in the hall work soon on book cases, maga­ with his 75 pounds. That is why weighs 230 and chooses to hide Indicate that continuation of val- strutospheriata. for nearly a year, and steps are zine racks, and other Christmas Edward Kubli repaired his brakes. his features, believing that veils ues in this section is probable. Mr Farnsworth, dwarf of four are being wom this season in the Surface enrichment of quartz being taken to prevent a recur­ gift articles. through oxidization generally con­ feet, Beven inches, attended the best circles, and rings. Portland has declared war on rence of this kind, said chamber The Big Applegate Community Grange tinues about 50 feet downward, dance at Applegate Sat­ .poison oak says the Cottage Grove of commerce officials yesterday, club will present "Corn Fed As a special appetizer in first while No. 1 winze at Pacific States Sentinel Portland printers writ* Dance crowds have been large and Babies,” a one act comedy, at the urday, and plans to remain some­ half of the double main event, Lil­ The Miner for attractive swap well behaved, as a rule, officials Beaver creek school house Wed-1 where in the Applegate commun­ lard provided wily old Al Karasick. already is producing good milling offer. pointed out, and brawls will not nesday evening. The plot portrays 1 ity during the winter. At present Russian Lion, and Hans Schultz, ore from the 320-foot level which is visiting his numerous friends German mat masseur weighing would indicate that values are bet­ be tolerated. the ticklish situation in which a he throughout the length of the val­ 215. The pair, both from the old ter below lovel of No. 18 tunnel Art (Hie) Powell of the Central ----------- •------------ young business man places him- 1 ley. Mr. Farnsworth than above. doubt has Point American chides us for sug- and both heady old timers s. If in order to get a raise in many intriguing tales no he could tell country Mrttag Friend Hamilton of the Stope in No. 1 winze has been at the business, deal in dirt and salary. The role of the young man concerning his experiences since legitimate, depending on which opened up for more than 200 feet News was elected as a neat meth­ is played by Stanley Raymer, tele- [ his orphanage at the time of. his best suits mood or purpose. Al, de­ 130 feet below No. 18 tunnel— od of banishing one editor by add­ phone operator at the Star ranger birth The Little Applegate territory, station, Wisconsin 54 years ago. spite his many years and short previously deepest point reached in ing that we would |x>ll a unani­ other members of the cast There in might be stories of the days stature, has exhibited more "take- any quartz mine north of the Cali­ mous Vote for an office that would devoted extensively to mining in­ including Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker, require departure. Absence makes terests in recent years, supports Miss Lucille Reeder, and Mrs. Tru­ he spent with the Lemon Brothers it" ability than any other single fornia line in Oregon. Mother Lode mines, chief among which are the the heart grow fonder, Art, but we man Lewis. In addition to the circus, too, when he was not yet wrestler appearing at the armory Empire, Idaho Maryland. North have no intention of becoming a new project opened thia fall by play, dramatic stunts will be pre­ 20 and. despite his outbursts of mean ­ ----------- •------------ Star, and Murchie. found values Jackson county's sweetheart if it the Aurora Mining company of sented, including "The Lover's Er­ ness. has the silent admiration of Seattle. It is reported that the GOP leaders now admit that I many fans practically unchanged from below can be helped. company has purchased 88 acres rand" and "The Bathroom Door.” they had no program. All they surface oxidization to indefinite Promoter Lillard's weekly shows The dramatic numbers will be in ­ could do, it seems, was to start have been opening to packed depth. As near as Shasta county, Though we're not up on habits of ground on which they are in­ I with a fanfare and end with a houses, with choice seats selling at the Mountain Copper Co., Ltd., of marine life, something tells us stalling a hydraulic plant. A num­ terspersed with singing. ----------- O------------ dirge.—Weston Leader. Kingfish live on suckers, at least ber of local men have been em­ out early. Cash customers are ad­ I gold mine, 700 tons of ore per day ----------- •------------ ployed during the last month in It might help some if a labor in the bayou state. by Timekeeper Viv Beach to are being treated at a profit, while repairing ditches, clearing ground, board could not only get to the | The most aggravating relief case vised arrive well before first bell at 8:30 King Solomon just over the line A cool million has put more than and laying pipe lines in prepara­ seat of the agitation but paddle is the chap whose indigence is his if they would procure good seats. from Jackson county is producing tion for piping when the water that of the agitator. Weston j fault rather than his misfortune.— at the rate of 300 tons per day. one man in hot water. supply is sufficient. Leader. Weston Leader. • Geologists explain that a min­ WHATT NO J ’ VILLE MANHOOD Often, too, election victory is in eral belt extends throughout the LEFT? QUERIES RAT RETER of tricks. the bag length of California, continuing into Oregon, where it dips be­ There was a day in Jackson ­ We've a fear that someday Q our neath a lawa formation to reap­ ville’s history, according to Ray­ pear in British Columbia and friend Clark Wood of Weston, Ore­ mond Reter, former local boy now Alaska. It is on this extension into gon, will develop writer's cramp peer of the pears in Medford, when Oregon that Pacific States has from cramping Olin Miller's style. the old town bowed her head to started following gold producing no man’s knuckles. Reter’s re­ quartz toward center of the earth marks were occasioned by a recent and it is thought the Jacksonville Charles C. Chitwood, incident at the Saturday night district one day will follow in dance when a group of invading footsteps of Mother Lode mines Druggist of J’ville, Medfordites took exception to the which are large producers of low floor man's rules of order and grade ore. Pacific States ore. at Is Called by Death promptly and effectively assumed present, is of higher grade than control via flying fists. Charles C. Chitwood, a resident the most profitable ventures in the "Why. when I was a chinwhack­ sunshine state, and officers of the of Jacksonville for the past 13 er in my dad’s barber shop— company believe the old Opp mine years, where he has owned and where the post office now is— may yet write mineral history for operated the Jacksonville drug when there were shiners to be Oregon. store, passed away at his home given out, Jacksonville fellows al­ there Tuesday morning. While his In addition to present develop­ ways were noted for their gener­ ment health had not been the best for in No. 1 winze. Superintend­ osity. It was a lumpy, swollen day ent Mitchell some time, death came as a great of Pacific States said when any stranger started any­ yesterday that shock. Mr. Chitwood was born at preliminary timber­ thing in these parts then," remem­ ing on No. 2 winze Salem, Ore., July 28, 1867. is underway, bered Reter, who is quite a hulk and that sinking on that At the age of four years he came ore chute of a man himself. to southern Oregon with his par­ will start soon. In addition to this However, Reter should not take ents, Dr. and Mrs. John H. Chit­ development and stopes above the licking of his following genera­ new wood, selling in Ashland. In 1902 No. 18 tunnel being worked to tion too much to heart, say local he waa united in marriage to Min­ another chute has been lads, for the incident came as a surface, nie A. Applegate at Klamath Falls, blocked out surface which in­ surprise and, after all, crimson cor­ dicates about at 3500 where Mr. Chitwood was operating tons of good puscles still circulate in J’ville. milling ore which may a drug store. After living there be handled "We don't intend to let it become through contract. for 21 years, they moved to Jack­ a habit,” said spokesman for a sonville, where they have since re­ Treating of ore at the mill is group of Jacksonvillians who still sided. take pride in the gold camp's man­ being continued two shifts per day, Besides his wife, Minnie Chit­ liness. “We don't think there will handling about 65 tons of mater­ wood ,he is survived by one daugh­ be a recurrence of the ah—er, fric­ ial. while Mitchell hopes to be ter, Dorothy, of Jacksonville; one tion, but we aim to see that it able to increase output to 100 tons brother, H. T. Chitwood of Port­ isn't four-to-one next time,” he daily with the addition of a third land, and one sister, Mrs. S. K. crew soon, which would handle 35 concluded. Ogle of Jacksonville, also a wide Oh well, plain old fights occur tons daily of the surface develop­ circle of friends. He was a mem­ in the best of families, and Jack­ ment in addition to the under­ ber of Warren Ixidge No. 10 A. F. sonville, Applegate, Ruch, Sterling ground output of 65 tons at pres­ and M., of Jacksonville. and other sections hereabouts have ent. Funeral services will be held at a fine fistic heredity to live up to. Gold production in California the Conger funeral parlors Friday, Jacksonville has been snubbed, li­ from quartz mines alone totaled November 23, at 2 p. m. Rev. beled, picked on and pillaged, but more than $12,000,000 in 1933. with Jones will have charge of services total disregard for the city’s sim­ production mounting rapi&ly for at the chapel, and the Jackson­ ple rules of behavior will be met this year. Highest point in history ville Musonic lodge will conclude on the manlv field of honor, if need of the state was reached in 1914, the services at the grave, in the be, it was hinted. with 1929 being the region's low­ Jacksonville cemetery. ----------- •------------ est. Gold production in last five ------------•--------- — When some folks get something years, however, has been mount­ Hope us Oregon democrats aro for nothing, others are bound to ing at a rapid pace, and although smart enough to keep house when, get nothing for something.—Wes­ accurate figures are not available after 56 years, we’ve got ono.— ton Leader. (Continued on page four) Weston Leader. Malemutes Bring Shorty Back Alive Aurora Opening Up S’MATTER POP By C. M. Payne