Page 4 Friday, November 16, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER The proxy who said that collage pendent wealth in a few short trail can be had for a year or two, Given, director-treasurer; J. H. years and retire. I am well ac­ by which time it is likely some of Fletcher, director-Bccretury-man- ¡girls make the worst wives is priio- quainted with a man who resigned the moat important witnesses will uger, and C. C. Lenunon, director. .'ibly hiding out now, If lie married his position as chief of police in a have died or left the country and Glenn O. Taylbr and O. H Bengt­ Jone. Weston I .ruder. certain western city to take a job all they can do will be to fine him son were elected attorney« for th«» as An ordinary policeman in Seat­ and let him go They may sentence association by the board oi direc-1 tle where the pickings were far him to 10 years and imixlon or tore By J. C. REYNOLDS fto brand Total stock subscribed nt tills parole him in ' six months. — What ‘ I every maverick they larger. Almost every day we run across i ' could ---- 11 — get * a rope on Many a one Then consider the big, legalised a life! And they tell us crime does time is approximately $45,000 with the association in a position to re- the axiom, "Crime does not pay," I have branded myself for my boss crooka of Wall street who ply their not pay. in newspaper, detective magazines, and thought nothing of it. Would nefarious trade under the protec­ Why, at is the biggest paying teive further stock subacriptions crime novels and in confessions of you call that crime, stealing an­ tion of the law, cold-bloodedly thing giMng, especially if one The secretary of the treasury of Milt* 25c • Eves M.1<- • Kiddles llk> famous, as well as obscure, crim­ other man's cows and calves? fleecing their victims to the last avoids the raw sluff like Dillinger. the United States, under the Home inals This idea is played up big I was standing on the sidewalk penny, many of said victims being Pretty Boy Floyd and that kind i live i ; I.iuui net >»f 11'33. will in by all the writers and by the police of a western city talking to one unsophisticated widowa and or­ of criminal is so fond of. and which vest in stock $3 for every $1 that Ends Sut urda y element everywhere. And it is not of the biggest cattlemen in that phans This kind of thievery is really does not pay, and makes it Is raised by local aubncriptlon. On a point to get in solid with the this basts, the association can cull a bad idea at that to endeavor to section who also was a state sen­ termed "high finance." Suppose impress on the public mind by con­ ator. The roundup had just come you had $50,000 you wished to in­ legulized criminals who have noth­ upon the secretary of the treasury stant repetition that crime does in and a bunch of his cowboys vest in a way that would bring ing to fear and who can put in a lor $135,000 ns soon us it has been not pay. lode by us up the street. There you In gisHi interest on the invest­ whole lifetime at it. Then, at the passed upon by a federal examina­ But let’s you and I examine the was a nigger rider in the outfit ment and one of those financial last minute, he can repent of his tion. This examination is expected matter more thoroughly. who was quite a pet with every­ jugglers persuaded you to put it sins, be admitted Into Heaven and tn be mad« in a very short time If you were buying a house you one on account of his daring and ail into mining or oil stocks that live happily ever afterward The Medford Federal Savings PREVI E SAT. NIGHT would hardly pay out your money the cattleman called to him, "How he knew were about to go flooey. --------- •— and Loan association is a mutual on the agent's bare word, nor did the roundup come out. Sam?" Suppose he sprayed you with a thrift institution in which people Federal Home Loan would you be entirely satisfied may invest their funds in order to Siin-Mon-Tue good, pretty good. Boss." flow of wise-sounding and fluent with one look at the front side. he "Pretty conversation until you invested provide for the financing of homes answered. "Mos' all de cows Association Soon to You would wish to go all over it. had two calves dis year and some your money and lost it, and then in this community. see it from the back and examine of de bulls had calves too.” The gave you the horse-laugh for being • Be Ready for Loans its foundations. It might turn out cattleman laughed heartily and a sucker. Is that anything out We are wholly unable to work to be a house with a false front, said to me. "That Nig is all right, bare-faced thievery ? And is not An organization meeting of the up a thrill over the discovery of with rotting foundations and never forgets to rustle for his thievery considered as crime the about to tumble down in the back, boss " I worked a long time for a world over? Yet they are doing it Medford Federal Savings and I..»an un extensive ice-eovere 1 plateau If you would use the same man who got his start holding up every dav and getting awav with association was held a few days In Little America Weston Leader. ago at the offices of the Jackson * amount of caution in all other , stages THIW4MAN in the early days. When he it. County Building anil Lian associa- ways you would find it to be of , got enough Do you suppose they believe that he quit, bought a busi ­ tion, and organization of ALLTHE the as- considerable value in your daily ness. made a lot of money and died crime does not pay ? The merchant Suciatlon was completed, At this dealings. who shortweights or shortchanges AW of the state's most respected meeting legulations and by-laws Now let us have a look behind . one citizens, though the way he ac­ you or charges you two prices for were adopted as provided for fed- this structure that appears so sol­ quired no reason except his own greedi ­ his first stake was no se­ eral savings and loan associations, id in front and has the motto in cret Everybody knew it. gave ness is as much a criminal as the giving primary consideration to the big letters over the front door. me the Colt's he did the He holdup who relieves you of your 1 Adults 25c - Kiddies 10c holding- "Crime does not pay." Please be up with, and I carried it a couple i cash at the point of a gun. though best practices of local mutual thrift and home financing Instl. assured that I am not trying to of years in preference to my own | the law does not so regard it. in the United States put in a good word for crime. I am six-gun. A man who, under some flimsy tutlons A board of directors was elected dead against it. But I am also dead pretext, sells you a piece of ground I could tell some pretty snappy * '(OlUyLA »Itlftfl against inhaling a lot of hooey that for $300 per acre that is really as follows: C. M Kidd, director­ is designed to hypnotize the pub­ yarns about what happened at that worth no more than $40 an acre is president’ John C. Mann, director- lice and which does to a great ex­ camp and the tough bunch that as much a criminal as the thief . vice president; W. J. Warner, worked there and the way we had president: Glenn tent. who breaks into your house and . rector vice director-attorney; Crime indeed does not pay the of putting out the lights at bed­ steals everything he can get hiB Taylor, ( one who gets caught. And the of­ time. No lights ever were blown hands on. What is the difference? Green, director-treasurer; ficial figures say that one out of out there. We shot 'em out after In either case you are rudely every 10 criminals is caught. But getting into bed and woe to the PREVI E SAT. NIGIIT how about the other nine out of one who didn’t make a good job separated from your money very much against, your will. Do you the 10 who are not caught? Did of it. Sun-Mon I often have heard it said that remember the swarm of profiteers ■ I VA I you ever wonder what they Children 10c thought about it ? And did you no saloon man could stay honest who started out fleecing every­ know that thousands upon thous­ in that business for over two years body right and left at the close of Saturday Only ands of our so-called respected and as the chances to get away with the war and got so bad the gov­ Starts Wednesday ULED influential citizens made their money were too plentiful and too ernment had to take a hand in it? KEN MAYNARD In Men you regarded as your good HIS HF! money from various kinds of crime tempting. Be that as it may, I NORMA rSEDRIC and a lot of them are still at it? personally know of six saloon men friends, prominent in church and SHEARER MARCH Take the gangsters for example. who made so much of that kind social circles, seemed to go crazy CHARLES The government is hot after them: of money in the early days "roll­ with the lust for gain. Once you LAUGHTON hopes to wipe them out: has in­ ing” drunks, and in other shady fell into their clutches they would Also Merlai. deed already put the screws to ways, that they were enabled to skin you out of your eye-teeth dioua t, awo’i ™E BARRETTS OF quite a number. But. Buddy, let me retire from al) work years ago and and laugh in your face. One big de­ "The VANISHING SHADOWS heurt ami (.old tell you the government hasn't since then have been taking life partment store I know of, inducted W IM POLE STREET Sunday and Monday made a dent so far in the ranks easy in beautiful homes here and by the government for profiteering of these lawbreakers. They have there in various western states and on 85 separate counts of selling JOHN BARRYMORE in made a big fuss over the ones they have reputations of being exem­ cloaks to women for $150 apiece that cost them but $16. have caught up with and have plary citizens. IS THE WAY" 1 he > ear s Finest Would it hurt any worse to have However, in some instances, the thundered out to the rest that crime does not pay and threatened law catches up with the malefac­ your purse taken away by a foot­ FRANCHOT TONE to keep after them till they get tor in a hurry, as in the case of a pad ? Where are all the absconding MAY ROBJON with CAROLE LOMBARD cashiers, bankers, treasurers and desperate character who recently them all. KAREN MORLEY r But the nine out of every 10 purloined a potato and an onion employes who have run off with Beloved nuil cuati who are still on the loose, outside in the city of Medford and who millions? If you ask me. I would May Tuesday and Wednesday Uta AN M ta aai of a very few unlucky ones, have was quickly apprehended and sent­ say most of them are sitting pret­ Hobson Q M PtCtVtl nothing to fear and still pursue enced to 30 days in jail. The sent­ ty in some foreign country having W. C. FIELDS in in another their nefarious trades unafraid and ence was remitted on condition a good time spending the dough. role to grip contented. And why should they that he leave the state, but it goes Once in a great while some fly- your heart! ■a.4ia. Aj be afraid, when their money will to show that thievery, even when by-night like Insull is caught and buy protection from the police and committed by hungry robbers, will a big fuss made about it. and we 411»', EAST MAIN pay lawyers and judges to secure not be tolerated in that well-regu­ are again assured that crime does with JOAN MARSH Tue-Wed-Thur not pay. But how about all the their immunity from punishment? lated community. PHONE 84 Look at the rascals who have rest of ’em that are not caught? Our country is thickly sprinkled Thursday and Friday REALTY SERVICES And we are not going to believe today with individuals who stole stolen government timber, oil AT A MAYING their start in life and who are now lands, mines, patents and other anything serious is going to hap­ LEE TRACY In Permanent Wave . $2.00 taking things easy on the fortunes things of great value and are now pen to Insull until we see it. Some they built up on that foundation. living in affluence, admired and clever lawyer will find a comma Finger Wave ... .... 25c Just show me an old-time cattle­ respected by the public at large. missing, or a semi-colon misplaced Comb Wave .... 25c man who ever ate his own beef, or Look at the police of some of our in the indictment and that will kill Shampoo whose cowboys were not instructed largest cities who acquire inde- the whole proceeding so that no with GLORIA MTI’ART *.oa I.,,» Haircut »•>><>•• »an. sesti Marcel Manicure All-Star Eyebrow Arch Supporting < ant Scalp Treatment Hot Oil ......... ...... Facnils Cowboy Casts Caustic Comment on Crime Pay RÛXY20cÆ <0lMkT Fiddlin’ Buckaroo “20th Century r Medford School of Beauty Culture You’re Telling Me I’ll Tell the World ■ W I^OtCDIU Don’t Prolong The Agony HOT * SOUR-GRAPER Next time you suffer from Gas on Stomach, Headache, Sour Stomach, a Cold, Muscular, Rheumatic, Sciatic or Periodic Huns; That Tired Feeling, That ‘‘Morning After" Feeling Gel a glass of water and drop in one or two tablets of Alka-Seltzer IN ANY CARLOAD! No, sir, not at the Marble Corner . . . carload after carload of southern Oregonians drive over to historic old Jacksonville for an evening of jolly fun at the Right People’s Rendezvous . . . Tasty dinners, smackin’ good sandwiches, the best beers and the inimitable entertainment of Billy and Audrine White, coupled with the Marble Corner dance floor, present the sea­ son’s best mixers. Drop over any evening—no harsh irritants, no sour-graper8—we have a weeder-outer for such nuisances. “GOOD TIMES ARE AROUND THE MARBLE CORNER” The New Pain-Relieving. Alka­ lizing, Effervztcent Tablet Watch it bubble up, then drink it. You will be amazed at the almost instant relief. It is called Alka-Seltzer because it makes a sparkling alkaline drink, and as it contains an analgesic (Acetyl-Salicylale) it first relieves the pain of every­ day ailments and then by re­ storing the alkaline balance cor­ rects the cause when due to excess acid. • TRY THE NEW MODEL UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS • Saturday till Taylor and Bierma 31 N. Central—Telephone 112 Medford * i CONGER FUNERAL PARLORS Medford, Oregon 2 Jacksonville After trying many brands of medicines—so-called relief for gas, and all of them a failure, I gave up hopes. By chance I tried Alka-Seltzer—I am more than satisfied. Geo. Bennett, New York. N. Y. Get a glass at your drug store soda fountain. Take home a 30 cent or 60 cent package. PLASTER BOARD CEMENT I À1 kji* Sel t 25c Dr Miles Nervine 21c $1 Dr. Miles Nervine 83c Either Liquid or Effervescent Tablets The MARBLE CORNER On Jacksonville’s Main Stem—Phone 281 DANCE SERVICE BUILDING MATERIALS EXPLOSIVES s C ompany T imber P i Next to Mann’s on N. Central Phone 78 ALL MAIL ORDERS SENT POSTPAID TO YOU End North Central Phone 7 A Good Firm to Trade With