Friday, November 16, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Personal News Notes Charles A Myers, of Applegate on had aa guests Sunday Mr. and i"CC camp, returned irom a short Mrs. Ray Anders and children of furlough in Portland Tuesday Central Point ami Mi and Mrs • Mr. and Mrs Ed Sutton of Elmo Throckmorton of lower Ap­ Klamath Fulls are visiting at the Millard Sutton home here. plegate. 0 Courteous service at the Nugget • Stop at the Nugget. • Miss Erlene Taylor la spending > Mr. und Mrs Leonard McKee f Applegate visited at the W. A several days at the home of Mr and Mra Wayne Binghuni at Med­ 'hilders home Saturday while en- route to Medford on a ■«hopping ford. • John Harr und sister, Miss I rip. Ixiulse Harr of Applegate, who are ) Mr. and Mrs Harry Whitney at the Mark Smith home attending school in Ashland, ex ’ visited Pl pvet to a|M*nd thia week-end in Tuesday evening. Granta Paaa attending the annunl • Nate Smith, local boy who la convention of the Crater I-ake 'naking g a gate. cruise. • The Nugget for magazines • Mrs John Fewell, formerly of • Jim Winningham and John Jacksonville, moved to I’hoenix Byrne of Applegate and Ix-onard to make her has home. Andrews of Ashland continue in • Lee Port. Jr., student at Oregon the employ of the forest service, 1 State college, spent Armistice day taring stationed at the present at I week-end at the home of hla pur­ Stewart-Warner I-ake o' the Woods, where they ents, Mr. and Mrs Lee port, at are engaged in a recreation pro­ Star ranger station. Service - Sales - Rentals ject • Mr. and Mrs Heuber of Vallejo, • Western Union at the Nugget. Calif., are spending several days • Mrs. Noblit, Jackson county re­ 423 East Main Street, Medford as guests of the former’« «Inter, lief worker, was on Applegate ear ly this week in connection with Mra. l/>n Offenbacher. TELEPHONE 66« • Master Joseph Ginet returned business of her office. • Mrs. Clara Elmer of Alham- to the Sacred Heart hospital re­ cently for further treatment of an • ------------------------------------------- abdominal wound sustained some time ago when he fell on a knife which he carried in his hand while running. • Mrs Frank Stinson and child­ Ain Hut on Our Floor Now Only ren of Medford were guests of Mrs. Stinson's parents, Mr. and Mra. Newton Ix-wls, Sunclay. • J. A. West wait taken to Mcd- ford early Tuesday morning for treatment of an infected hand / Í which resulted from a scratch a VALUES TO 04.08 Ik short time ago • Mrs. Louise Kilham returned to YOl 'LI. LOVE THESE! her home in Portland Saturday, after spending several weeks in Matched Sets of Wool this city as guest of Mr. and Mra. John Opp. Cap, Scarf and Gloves • E. A. Fleming of this city was Now on Display among local people in Medford Saturday. nflN’Q RADIO SERVICE Special Selling of Hats Page 3 und 2 grxxl wells, 2 acres partly In fruit, grapes and walnuts, lo­ cated In Jacksonville. >600 cash; will accept good used car or truck as part payment. Call The Miner, phone 141, Jacksonville.' • PAINTING AND DECORAT­ ING See Henry Andrews or call Godward's store, Jackson­ ville (Nov 16) • FOR RENT Floor sanding ma­ chine See Economy Lumber com­ pany, North Riverside at Court, or phone 1504, Medford. _ _•------------ FOUND IN THE DIGGIN'S The boys must have got a "bang” out of throwing paper aeroplane* Friday. It'» funny why it take« no long for a senior to grow up. A couple of boys attracting in- , quixitive students. I'll bet you know they could make music; we didn’t. From all of the “pretty ro- j rnances” you would think it was the spring of the year. Is it for i show or could it possibly be na­ ture? General Accident Someone lost I their footing on the stairway. A student doing his bookkeeping in red ink which turned out to be mercurochrome. A cartoonist posting pictures on the bulletin board. Freshman showing his talent for music before the assembly. •METH PARKER’ IMPER­ from the audience as these were SONATION AT SCHOOL displayed. There were, also, many That famous author of radio­ jokes and stories which kept the land, Seth Parker, impersonated building filled with laughter. by John Howard, was seen and heard in the high school gymnas­ ium Tuesday evening Mr How­ ard, supported by a local cast, S. C. PETERS gave an excellent performance, which was greatly enjoyed by the (D.M.D.) audience. Costumes were of the old-fash­ ioned type and many Laughs arose Dentist I----------------------------------------------I R. W. Sleeter, M. D. 202 Medford Bldg. Phone 4 Opposite Post Office JACKSONVILLE Medford I GO EAST SUNSHINE ' -------- If you go East this winter, why not go through California and Southern Arizona? Ride our famous Sunset Limited or Golden State Limited through America's sunniest winter region. Stopover anywhere. For details, see your local agent or write J. A. Ormandy, General Panenger Agent, 705 Pacific Building, Portland, Ore. Southern Pacific Brings tidings Its ring may mean good news about a position or a business transaction. It pays to have a telephone. THE HOME TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY OF SOUTHERN OREGON AI.ETHA CANTRALL, Jacksonville Agent JACKSONVILLE, 98c - $2.49 • The Nugget for cold drinks. • Ixx-al Odd Fellows, Including John Norris, Alec Norris, George Ix'wis, George Brownlee, Ike Coff­ LEE MILLINERY M. M. DEPARTMENT STORE NOTICE! NOW AVAILABLE WITH BOYDELL ELECTRIC MANICURING SETS Drop In and see mec'haiilcal Mniiieuring—the very latest! BOWMAN’S Barber Shop and Beauty Purlor Phone 57—IS 8. Central BEWARE of DYNAMITERS Who practice deception and high-pressure sales methods . . . who sell their work through misrepresentation and fraud. Med­ ford’s oldest and finest auto paint shop sells its work on a basis of quality and dur­ ability and not on false claims or cut-price methods ... we employ workmen at full NRA scale and stock only the best mater­ ials obtainable. Should any person solicit your painting and Simonizing claiming to represent Daily’s in any way, he is perpe­ trating a fraud and you.should notify the police or phone 724-R.—J. H. Daily. DUCO—LACQUER—ENAMEI. SIMON1Z AND PLATINO DAILY'S AUTO PAINTING 32 South Bartlett « THE JACKSONVILLE PHARMACY WILL BE REOPENED ♦ Wednesday, November 21 AS A COMPLETELY RESTOCKED, REFINISHED AND REDECORATED STORE UNDER THE NEW NAME OF CHITWOOD’S Wednesday, November 21, Chitwood’s will be reopened as a modern,' up-to-date store completely renovated, redecorated and restocked with the market’s latest and most popular Home Remedies, Toilet­ ries, Hospital Supplies, Novelties, Holiday Goods, School Supplies, Stationery and a choice line of famous, fresh Chocolates. In other words, Jacksonville, Applegate and Ruch folk once more will have the convenience of a modern, cut-price pharmacy brought to their very door! Watch for the opening next Wednesday ... it marks a new era in the business life of Jacksonville. Only new, fresh, nationally adver­ tised stocks at deep-cut prices competitive in quality, freshness and price with any other drug store in southern Oregon. Come in next week, look around and see for yourself what this new Chitwood’s is going to mean to you! CHITWOOD'S WILL BE UNDER THE PERSONAL MANAGEMENT OF JEAN GILLIS, WHO INVITES YOU TO PROFIT FROM THIS NEW SERVICE NOW—WHAT YOU WANT WHEN and HOW YOU WANT IT BRING US YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS OUR CONNECTIONS PERMIT US TO SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR ENTIRE NEEDS IN THE DRUG AND SUNDRY LINE—SEE US FIRST!