f V — . I. I T he J acksonville M iner “The Sheet ThaPe in the Pink” J Volume 3 I V— .Jacksonville, Oregon, Friday, November 16, 1934 »* ! =T— I -J-J-L------ ------- J Number 46 e NEWLY STOCKED DRUGSTORE WILL OPEN NOV. 21ST Flattery Is a fine thing until someone starts believing it. • The youngster who isn't broke to Ivud generally Is the one who is led into trouble. • We all want government of, by and for the people, but we want someone else to pay for it. If it'll b< olo- with President Rtxtscvelt, we'd just as soon hi» suggested work Insurance would protect us from too much contact with it. • Americanism: A Baltimore phy xlclan who can’t explain what causes common colds declaring hi' has discovered a method whereby he can develop a six-year-old child into the strength and sluturc of a college halfback. • Human beings are pretty smart crlttsrs at that A r t < m being elim­ inated by grade crossings for the past 20 years, they are going to eliminate the grade crossings • If idle hands are tools of the devil, then the hnpless |*oison oak sufferer is certainly on speaking terms with St. Pete. • Brother Moore Hamilton of the Medtoid Nawa I'd the field In I uh race for representative of Jackson county. Good training for any young scribe for it la a recognized fact that longevity in the news­ paper business often depends on good running. a The AAA's pig-sticking business would indicate Uncle Sam'l be­ lieves the sword Is mightier than the J>en • We'd just as soon never get to that last roundup after listening to a lot of punk radio singers mumble they were headin' thata- way. • Modernization hasn't done so much Our forefathers were led around by a wagon tongue, and we are still guided pretty much by waggin' tongues. • Marine worms have been found that can stretch from two to 90 feet in length at will Now there's something we'd like to see substi­ tuted for Uncle Sam's frogskins. • The height of procrastination is the belief that only after death will come judgment day. A critic is a guy who does all his checker playing over your shoul­ der. There should be a liniment to all things, believe Jacksonville's elk hunters recently „»turned from the mountains. Indian, Australian Meet in Lillard’s Thursday Mat Go A wrestling meet that had the outward appearance of an inter­ national meet at Geneva was pre­ sented to fans at the Medford ar­ mory last night by Promoter Mack Lillard, who brought Jaggat Singh. 245-pound Hindu and Bonny Muir, Australian, together in half of a double-header. Muir took the In­ dian two out of three falls in a whirlwind match which was fre­ quented with comedy when Ref­ eree Ray Friable attempted to un- derstand the Hindu tongue of the beefy loser. Singh halls from Punjab, India. which is an appropriate name for a wrestler's home town, and is a student of the Oriental method of grapple and grumble. Muir already has hopped from the nimble seat of a kangaroo into hearts of south­ ern Oregon mat encirclers and has proved almost as popular as that rubber-legged gent from Texas, Sad Sam lathers, who issued a challenge to last night's winner. In the first half of the exhibition Lillard had pitted Cliff Thiede. Ix>ng Beach lifeguard, against the Hooded Devil, a "new face" in Medford that must have been a caution when Thiede finished tak­ ing two out of three falls with Son­ nenberg butts. Thiede is a willing mixer who thinks an opponent is something to cushion canvas with. Lillard s Thursday night match­ es are on regular winter schedule, starting promptly at 8:30, with extra-low rates prevailing. ----------- •------------ LOW RAILROAD FARES FOR HOLIDAY TRAVEL Roundtrip railroad tickets sell­ ing for the regular one-way fare plus 50 cents will be the travel "bargain” offered by Southern Pa­ cific during the Christmas and New Year period, according to an announcement received here. The low-fare roundtrip tickets will be on sale from December 13 to January 1, inclusive, and the return trip limit on all tickets will be January 15, it was stated. Hunters Seek Elk In Corner of State But End in Beefing BASEMENT WORK AT SCHOOL SOON A group of Jacksonville nlrnrods this week were biting _ themselves IN FINAL STAGES Week Sees Three hires Break Out on Applegate’s Hills CITY FORWARDS PWA CONTRACTS Three minor forest fires, now under control, broke out on Ap­ FOR WATER LOAN plegate over the week-end, with with borrowed elk teeth as they returned from a forage into the SERA Relief Work Uses largest burn covering between 50 and 75 acres, according to Ranger Abundance of Red Tape Is wilds of northeastern Oregon in Port, who took a crew of CCC Crew of 10 to Improve Lee search of big game. The huntsmen Partially Cleared by City boys to Elliott creek to snuff the returned over the week-end with High School Gym and to Dads in Special Council blaze which hail been burning for everything but Insomnia and elk days till reported by a Construct Shower Room several meat. Meeting Wednesday Nite resident of that section. About 10 days ago Ray Cole­ Two other bums were reported, Established almost In Jackson­ man, John Knight, Harold Reed, With erection of forms next Meeting in special session to ville's first year of existence, the Jack Green, Arthur Van Galder Monday, workmen will start pour­ one on Whiskey peak which was authorize Mayor Wesley Hartman handled by Ed Russell, forestry Jacksonville Pharmacy, dating and son Peewee, Dan’l (Boone) ing cement for the new gymna­ and Recorder Ray Coleman to sign buck to 1862, will is* reopened next Shutts, Jim Littell and Howard sium basement soon at the local foreman at Camp Applegate. It PWA water loan and grant con­ covered about two acres on Sut ­ Wednesday, November 21, as a Latimer departed with camping school, stated Principal M. E. Coe, tracts, Jacksonville's city dads completely modernized, up-to-date equipment und high hopes for elk who is superintending the improve­ ton gulch. Another small bum was Wednesday night completed more said to be under control on Sally ’ s drug store, according to Mrs. Jean country where, they were led to ment. Ceiling in auditorium has in the Little Applegate wat­ preliminary technicalities which Gillis, who will personally super­ believe, the animals abound. John been completed and several coats gulch placed the city that much closer ershed. vise the renovated store owned by Knight alone bagged a bull elk, of paint applied, with balance of to actual realization of a new pipe­ •• C. C. Chitwood, pharmacist of this while others didn't even scare up SERA work to center in basement 4- ♦ line between main and service res­ city. a g10,- needed improvements to the next week's opening will return to 000 water bonds voted for this pur­ Shuss. a woodsman by Instinct, toilets, Jacksonville, Applegate and Ruch fired a round of six shots at a building. pose three years ago, and also First authorized under CWA, folk a complete, modern and con­ spike that was nibbling moss off would give to Jacksonville a >3000 venient pharmaceutical service. Old the end of his rifle barrel without work at the school auditorium was grant for water development. merchandise has been cleared out. once hitting the animal, and then later authorized under SERA'S The agreement was forwarded to fixtures remodeled, the building Jim Littell had to chase the lost stringent relief requirements, gov­ By OUR KEYHOLE EXPERT Washington officials immediately, has been redecorated and entirely Dan'l 18 miles through trackless ernment furnishing >1264 for la­ 4--------------------------------- —4 leaving only a check of legal de­ new and fresh stocks of drug sun­ weeds back to camp, Dan’l making bor, the school district to furnish Theron (App) Applcbaker sort tails and the submission of engi­ dries, toiletries, hospital supplies, the entire jaunt in a dead run be- all materials, which are expected of listless-like since his bee' fran neer’s report—now in process of to about equal the labor bill. Un ­ stationery, chocolates, holiday cuuac he thought footsteps behind got hisself hitched to a local gal. completion—between printing of goods and other necessities, includ­ him were those of an elk, never der SERA only those on county re­ the bonds and actual breaking of Alice Hoefs not living up to the ground ing household remedies, have been once knowing his tracker was lief rolls are eligible for work, on the project which has legend concerning blonds and re ­ Imported for the store, and Mrs nothing more harmful than the which is prorated at about 24 to been a hoped-for improvement for maining man-proof. She even ad ­ 36 hours per month, with a pay Gillis expects to be in a |x>sition to Jacksonville marshal. a number of years here. Wooden scale ranging from 50 cents per mits that, after giving single life pipeline which would be replaced supply ail local drug and prescrip­ About the only accomplishment a long trial, she believes she's I hour for unskilled labor to as high tion needs as accurately, economi­ by PWA funds has been in service cally and quickly as Medford con­ of the trip, according to local as >1.10 for plumbers. As many going to like rugged individualism. many years past its allotted span housewives, was that hunters, who Jacksonville men as possible have Globetrotters Mr. and Mrs. Ray and is in deplorable condition, con­ cerns. Residents of this section have departed like monarchs of the for­ been employed on the work, which i Wilson borrowing a ouija board to tributing in part to this past sum­ long felt the need for a pharmacy est, returned like lambs and now is going forward three days a discover what made one of their mer's water drouth. The >3000 car’s valves lean over like a top- grant would be for the purpose of which offered quick, reliable serv­ meekly eat their bread crusts, put i week, explained Coe. The project, when completed, heavy toadstool on their recent continuing ice in administering to their drug the cat out obediently and address water development and sundry needs and the new the missus with a respectful "Yes. will give to this community an trip to Eureka. Calif. started by chamber of commerce Ma'am. ” auditorium and indoor sports court Jacksonville Pharmacy, which will Knee action doors at the Marble officials and the local fire company with complete dressing and toilet Comer slapping a gent in the face late this summer which averted a henceforth be known as Chit­ facilities which, coupled with the in a take-that-you-mug manner. wood's, is intended to fill this serious water shortage when a need Complete stocks, fresh, new , Antique and Trinket scaled interior, will proved of great Bros, hardware store >300 expenditure produced enough convenience and practicability An in Hubbard merchandise will be featured at [ Medford using a steam shovel water to handle domestic needs. low prices, on a direct competitive j Hunters, Here’s Your outside entrance to basement will to get into the hole. City Engineer D. McDonough be constructed which, in addition Itasis with other drug and cut-rate ’ was hired recently to submit spec­ A tiny Jacksonville youngster, Utopia at Chitwood’s to school use. will make the fa­ with saucer-like eyes and a turned- ifications for the project and this stores of southern Oregon. cilities available for outdoor pic­ up nose, sporting chapeaux made week city officials passed an or­ W<- will try to carry as large a stock of items as possible,” said Enough dingbats and doodads to nics. baseball games and other of his dad’s miner's cap muchly- dinance authorizing Mayor Hart­ Mrs Gillis this week, "and we will buy half the world, in early In­ gatherings of a public nature. At pinned over in back. man's and Recorder Coleman’s sig­ be in a position to fill any request dian medium of exchange, has been present there are no such facilities natures on the contract, under the City Councilman-School Board available. for moat exacting prescriptions guiding hand of City Attorney H. Member-Mail Tribune Pressman High school students, said Prin­ Paul Godward trying to convince K. Hanna, who is handling legal und any unusual merchandise need dffsted off and uncovered at the with promptness and at a consid­ Jacksonville Pharmacy, southern cipal Coe. have been so interested a bystander the beer keg in the detail of the application. erable saving." Dr. Harold B. Gillis Oregon's first, as a by-product of in the work they have volunteered back of his car was filled with No definite time has been set and his wife have met the need renovation going on there under many hours of hard labor to hurry water. for actual arrival of funds for the the feminine touch of Mrs. Har­ completion of the project, which is for an up-to-date drug store in Florence Severance sending a J. Improvement work, but it- is ex­ Jacksonville and a few days ago old B Gillis, who will be interested expected within a few more weeks. C. Penney money-cup off on a pected that red tape will be un­ remodeled in the newer store being ----------- •------------ completed buying and merchandis­ tangled in time for the work to jingling circuit. ing arrangements which enabled and restocked. be completed before warm months Quad, the office pup, scratching them to aid Chitwood in complete-1 Such ultra-luxuries as quill Merritt-Winningham some of those type-lice Devil Bill of next spring and summer. ly rehabilitating his store. Mrs. toothpicks, fancy buttonhooks and ------------•------------ Johnson has been looking for. Nuptials Return to Gillis will act as manager-clerk drugs long since dropped from the Screwball Turner all dressed up und extends a special invitation to pharmacoepca have been discov­ Applegate, J’ville Applegate to Live and grinning an apology. all people of this trade territory ered in archives of the store which Jack Green and Art Van Galder to drop in Wednesday to inspect dates back to 1857. when Jackson­ Contribute Gobs to Following a brief trip to Van­ totin’ bottles, this time filled with the new Chitwd's and to become ville was the largest city in Ore­ couver. Washington, last week, Mr. gold. familiar with the service which it gon territory. And, brother, when and Mrs. Percy C. Merritt returned Uncle Sam’s Navy Carl Anderson whinging a ding brings closer to homes of Jack- a tooth is picked the quill way, I to Applegate, where they plan to in Yacksonville, by yiminy! sonville and the west side. it is really picked, point out old- make their home. Mrs. Merritt was Ike Coffman with his nose The arrival of the United States ----------- •— timers who are up on their re- Valera Winningham, daughter of wrinkled and head screwed to one fleet on the Pacific coast Friday membering-whens. CUSTOMERS RIDE NEW Mr. and Mrs. Jim Winningham of side as he waxes descriptive. is of more than passing interest Of course, plain and. fancy but­ Applegate and Jacksonville, Mrs. CUSHIONS AT THE ROXY Superintendent Mitchell of Pa­ to local people since Edward How- tonhooks are a little bit less adapt­ Merritt being a graduate of high cific States mine kinds liking that brook, who formerly made his Theatergoers were treated to a able to present-day uses, what school here last spring. young son of his. home with Mr. and Mrs. A. S. new luxury this week at the Roxy with button shoes and corsets Merritt is a lieutenant at Camp ----------- •------------ Kleinhammer, and attended the theater in Medford when Gene yielding to the rip of zippers. How­ Applegate CCC. and came here local high school, is one of the ever, antique and novelty hunters Childers, owner of the popular some time ago from the east. The sailors. Mr. Howbrook's ship, the house, installed latest seating had better drop into the old phar­ young couple were recipients of a Warning to Hunters! destroyer Decatur, described in a equipment which provides the ul­ macy before the junk man calls charivarie Tuesday night at the press dispatch as a "slim gray By J. C. REYNOLDS tra-modern auditorium with deep- round if they would eye whaja- home of the bride's parents, where ghost in the early morning light,” Probably the majority of hunt­ was the first of the van of 57 ves­ cushioned seats which are the last macalllts even Gran’pap would’ve the marriage was solemnized last ers are not aware of the strict sels to enter the harbor at San Thursday, November 8. word in comfort and design. thought were old-fashioned. provisions of the law governing Diego. the conduct of the swarms of nim- Mr. Howbrook, stationed in Phil­ rods now infesting the woods and adelphia during the summer, vis­ * hills during the present hunting ited New York. Baltimore and season. other coast cities while on the At­ AttenUon is called to the fact lantic seaboard, he has written that it is unlawful to shoot a CCC friends here. He will visit San worker at any time. There is no Francisco soon, and during the open season on these game birds. coming year will cruise to Alaska 6 ATS ^ES> T&WT Ranchers, if found in the hills and Hawaiian islands. --A « mt T)O m '7 away from their homes, may be H IS HOT Forrest Hall, young brother of i T hunted and shot at, but if hit, the The Miner editor, also is a member Kt SS -H im ÓA mi TA«?'/ carcass must be tagged and the CoTF of Uncle Sam's fleet, being as­ hide left on. signed to the U. S. S. California. There is no closed season on Other local naval recruits from MOT prospectors. Those having horns Jacksonville include Calvin Lusk, may be bagged at any time, now here on furlough, Charles k'lSSUM though the meat may not be ship­ (Chuck) Ward and Alfred Babb. ped out of the state. The bounty on prospectors' scalps is 75 cents wild game of our forests will be per dozen, payable in county war­ preserved intact. Any violation of these provisions rants maturing in 1989. It is unlawful tp kill more than will be regarded as a misdemeanor two milch cows and one work­ and shall be punishable with a horse between the hours of 7 and fine of not less than 10 cents, or 12 o'clock when using a spotlight. 15 minutes in jail, or both, at the Turkeys and hens may be killed discretion of the court. ----------- •------------ at any time during the daylight Speaking of "abundant life,” it hours. Hogs, when mistaken for coug­ is especially so in China.—Weston ars. may be killed on the spot, but Leader. the hams must not be cut from the body and carried away. OUR QUERY All hunters with criminal in­ stincts are advised that the pres­ "To dam or not to dam?” ent hunting season offers the only Is answered near the town C ome T5 ack T-HAT MRAMi IT MAw, vj+jAT chance for another whole year for By Luman, The Worker. 4+ E« e ! WHATi IS NOT the legal murder of an obnoxious Who dammed with his own IT meam A ll T-M is partner or, in fact, of anyone they CLEAN hands vj -H eh 5> umt +| in 'J(( dislike. The method most in vogue For six feet of water ■AISouT I lu T ell 7 A in ' t is to invite such parties on a hunt­ In lakelet, crystal clear. T+|e>St T’OLK'S ing trip and quietly bump them In which he soon will plant ( SAM 17 A1?T off. By professing great sorrow, Two hundred thousand trout. 'To WAS-0 Y+J at the killer can usually get off with Why not do likewise, 1i>Ai3y a sharp reprimand from the judge Every one who can ? and a promise to be more careful in the future. Farmers The wisest procedure is to carry a small, wide-mouthed bottle in and Fruitgrowers the pocket of the hunting coat into which the killer may weep, thus 9 Bank saving his tears to exhibit as proof (Deposits Insured) that his sorrow was genuine. If P.S.: he finds it impossible to shed tears Who will be the next one a little salty water in the bottle To dam where waters run? will answer the same purpose. To stop the damning, It is hoped that, by the strict And go to damming? © Th« Bell Syndicat». Int.) observance of these provisions, the 7 Jacksonville Pharmacy Is County’s Oldest; To Be Modern Store in Stock, Fixtures and Price Tags SEEN In A Daze S’MATTER POP By C. M. Payne