Friday, November 9, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Page 4 a racing car in the good old days When the pumpkin's urangish yel- ' the Horn in '63, being grounded ! water over the highest building in ulKHird the Queen of the Pacific at from one town to the next. low, ikn of the Columbia iWihlli I'lVi ’l' the __ mouth river, The White steamer sheared off a Blends with apples sweet and mel­ ii.. Jacksonville being forced to |my wheel up in the mountains, and low. By M.E.P. $27 »alvage coats, according to of­ -stood motion less for several hours, When the stately maple's bower Floyd McKee convinced several but that didn't count. They were Falls to ground with leafy shower, ficial record» Tuesday that he can't fiddle a The Baltimore concern first only counting the actual time it's Halloween. moon song now because it's the when the steamer was in motion. That night the witches all are out: heard of the I< k * h I pumper a hand dark of the moon. operated rig with leather buckets Adults 25c - Kiddies I Or Time out for beers, trouble and Cats and goblins all about. W. H. McDaniel and James O’­ and hand-drawn attachments horses in the road. Total elapsed Unknown noises fill the air, Brien engineered a major bridge time between Medford and Rose­ Wild shrieks und culls are every­ through newspaper publicity given project during the week-end. was 18 hours, and actual run­ this section during the Diamond burg where Fri-Sat Albert Anderson’s goldfish does Pumpers ol ning time eight hours 59 minutes, Happy, joyful, gladsome laughtv t*r. • iHlee celebi ition an esthetic dance number every like type and vintage have become recalls Bill. Fills the air mid echoes ufter Rou»ing, lllghS|HM*d morning when he isn't dodging real treasures over the country, Hodson, its every old-timer will All good folks are tight in bed. ACTION! marbles. and a few yearn ago the city of recall, established the first auto­ All W’>e prayers arc safely said, Junior Pernoil, armed with a mobile garage this aide of Portland Ah. San Francisco |»ilcket for his chain-drive, Jennings Bryan hoarded every mo­ pocket knife. The daring young man with the and an aluminum body, transform ­ ment they could spare. Theodore in Elvis Offenbacher walked the ing the contraption into the fleet­ Roosevelt as a lad was not strong, Filth Saturday ■ woodshed roof with a marked de- flying trapeze er. handlebar mus­ est thing afoot er. on wheels. Bill but by the wise use of »pare time tache is none other than Bill gree of success Saturday. picked his day. contacted the tele­ he made himself Into a husky fel­ ----------- •------------ (William) Hodson. Jacksonville's phone company as official starter, low. The list is endless. blacksmith who set up shop under and chugged away with a tank Your spare time can he the most a spreading locust tree, just to be filled with half ether and half gas- enjoyable part of the day. It can, be unprofitable. "Satan finds 1 different. Two weeks ago we told I | ollne He hatl aent word along the also, no W.C.FIELDS • ZASU PITTS Jacksonville High School . you he was the first man to t_ intro-I line to have a11 Jittery horses un- work for idle hands to do,*' is the less true today than when i duce motor cars to southern Ore­ ' hitched and over on the south forty proverb PRE VUE SAT. NIGHT was originated. Tue-Wed-Thur gon. and he was We said he was that day, and Bill sped on hl's JACKSONVILLE STUDENTS • the first man to drive an automo­ gambler's mission over rutted and JOIN IN C. E. RALLY bumpy roads, sometimes at the OAMONWNIOII Sun-Mon-Tue A large group of Jacksonville bile to the rim of Crater Lake, and rate of nearly 50 miles an hour. Staff Photographer he was him. too. And we also students attended the Christian And Bill swears that's no exag ­ KATU3AI I Pictures Old Pitmper Endeavor rally at Phoenix Novem­ warned that Bill is the guy who geration. 1 Mffe *• ONLY A ber 2, 1934. A covered dish lunch­ built the first bridge over Union For Eastern Concern Well, people up and down the eon was served and an interesting Creek which permitted auto travel route turned out to see the man on Grown-Up can truly talk was given afterward on the over that stream, and he was. the flying trapeze, duster and gog­ J. Verne Shangle. Miner stuff But of even more interest than gles and all, go whizzing past in photographer who has taken quite goal of Endeavorers. Since Jack­ feel the joy und thrill sonville had the largest number of that is the story of how Bill hap­ his effort to completely humble a a vacation from his journalistic of thi» vltul entertainment! Ills week­ representatives, they won the pened to have the above photo­ steam-propelled automobile To duties on the paper since recent lies was shield which is to be kept until graph taken and the copper half­ make the story shorter than the political disturbance, was in Jack­ women . . . lit TRACY the conference which is to be held tone made of it back in 1908 by trip. Bill met but one horse on the sonville Monday photographing an­ and HUGH MACK at Grants Pass November 16, 17 the Oregonian newspaper, no less road which, of course necessitated cient fire department pumper pur­ 3d« Ituoi MâCHÀQ Icmondrops L and 18. You see. it was like this: At that a delay while owner of the animal chased in 1863. Proofs and nega­ In Those who attended the^ rally time one of the swellest cars made unhitched. Bill's total elapsed time tives are to be sent to a Baltimore were: Avadna Ayres, Russell was the White steamer, a product was only 5 hours 13 minutes, a fire insurance company, where Ayres, Winfred Backes. Maxine of San Francisco factories, and it margin of 3:46 over the White they will be placed in a collection Boone, Vyron Bostwick. Roger was touted as the fastest thing on steamer's actual running time. He Of 500 pictures of old-time fire Why be Coretha wheels save for the iron horse, collected his $1000 stakes at a fighting apparatus. Card. Vivian Card, ulth Churchill. Dixie Churchill, Eleanor which (although it may be hard ’ Roseburg bank and rode home like The pumper was built by Rum­ Clark. Margaret Edens. Chester to believe today) was the fleetest a conquering general. sey and company at Seneca Falls. THOMAS ME1GHAN Flitcroft. Lucille Flitcroft. Simon mode of traveling known, people Yeh. it was the same old Bill N. Y., and was purchased by this Johnson, Mrs. Roy Martin. Bud not knowing what to do with all Hodson who today sharpens min­ city for $600. was shipped around O. P. REGGIE There’s n time-tested, harmless; Mitchell, Marcella Mitchell. Mrs. the time they saved when traveling ers' picks and shovels and sips an preparation, compounded by a Martha Mitchell, Lula Metzger, by train. The White steamer at­ occasional glass of beer in ford specialist in nervous disorders, Madeleine Metzgar, Mr. W. J. Nee. tempted to beat the railroad's run­ memory of the days that was Wednesday Only.' for the relief of Sleeplessness, Albert and Ernest Olson and Eun­ ning time between San Francisco Bill's credentials for all these inci­ Irritability, Nervous Indigestion, ice Sanden. and Portland and when the White dents. by the way. are bonafide ■ ■ V» ■ Children 10c Nervous Heuduchc, RcstlcKsness, contraption popped off at Medford, and plentiful Although others tin* Blues und Hysterical Con­ BASKETBALL SCHEDULE the guide who was to ride from have made claim to the signal dis­ Saturday Only ditions. The secondary school's athietic there to Roseburg showed up miss­ tinctions listed two weeks ago Bill I association held a conference at ing and Bill was drafted for the Hodson is the original, as most ev- , During the more than fifty years JOHN WAYNE in Central Point Saturday, drawing job. And, as Hodson remembers, if eryone who was in Medford or: since this preparation was first you think cross-word puzzzles are . up a schedule for the ensuing year Jacksonville along about 1908 will I used, numberless other nerve With the gymnasium nearing tough, you should've tried to direct | recall. sedatives have come—and gone. completion the boys are very anx­ But the old reliuble has always Also Serial, ious to start practicing. The turn­ 3. Student in typing class mak­ ious errors for you to waste prec­ been in constantly increasing "The VANISHING SHADOWS” out this year is expected to be ing 3/5 words per minute for 15 ious time making them. demand. promising. Under the guidance of minutes. "Some junior remarked the other the coach. Mr Joe Nee. Jackson­ Only one medicine fits this dis- Sunday and Monday 4. The biology class dissecting day that it was wise to get into ville will flash a small but fast grasshoppers to see what makes things at once. He was right. Don’t cripUon. team. them jump. let any dust collect beneath your DR. MILES First conference game of the 5. Seen in the assembly: Stud­ heels. Now is the time to build season will be at Central Point De­ ents writing their "John Henry" in that box-office attraction in peo­ cember 14. This is expected to be everyone’s autograph. with SHIRLEY TEMPLE ple's minds. You may prefer to one of the hardest games of the JAMEN DUNN 6. Some of the upper class girls gradually sink in on us, like words If you are nervous, don’t wait season. The other games on the haven’t forgotten how to giggle. CLAIRE TREVOR on a hectograph, but by the time to get better. You may get schedule are as follows: 7. A small boy saying that book­ we’ve contacted you, half your op­ worse. Take Dr. Miles Nervine. Dec. 18—Rogue River, there keeping gave him the headache. portunities will have gone to a Tuesday and Wednesday You can get Dr. Miles Nervine Jan. 8—Talent, at Jacksonville. bolder personality." —Liquid and Effervescent Tab­ Jan. 11—Phoenix, there FROM THE ‘SISKIYOU’ WE lets—at your drug store. Jan. 18—Gold Hill at Jackson­ GRADE SCHOOL NEWS QUOTE THIS EDITORIAL: ville. Helen Echols has entered the —There is something in it, HELPED 96 PERCENT Jan. 25—Central Point, at Jack­ Robert Young—Madge Evan» Jacksonville school in the first even for Jacksonville high! sonville. Interviews with 800 people who Feb. 1—Rogue River at Jack­ “Ashland Normal is still a small grade from Yakima. Washington. Death on the Diamond had used or were using Dr. Betty Lou Davis, who has en­ school, despite its 24% increase sonville. with JEAN ARTHUR Miles Nervine showed that 784 If you figure big. maybe its only tered the fourth grade this year, is Feb. 8—Talent, there. and DONALD COOK had been definitely benefited. a new pupil from Couer d ’ Alene, Feb. 15—Phoenix, at Jackson­ because you're in a small puddle. Isn't anything that offers a 49 Idaho. Remember that its easier to dis­ ville. Thursday and Friday to 1 chance of helping you worth cern who's doing the croaking in Feb. 23—Gold Hill, there. In the fifth and sixth grades trying? a small puddle.” each individual has been writing EDMUND LOWE and FOND IN THE DIGGIN’S [ “You can’t escape observation original Halloween songs. After Get a package of Dr. Miles VKTOK McLAGLEN in 1. A junior boy giving a teacher here, but don’t let it lead you to the words are written the two Nervine today. If it fails to help f an “awfully” big smile. • an individualism which will make classes compose the tune for them. you —take the empty bottle or 2. Seen: The junior debating you too noticeable. There is ne- One student, Norma Jean Arnold, carton back to your druggist, teams carrying voting pamphlets cessity for a certain conformity, wrote "Halloween Thoughts,” as • and he will re! id your money. from class to class. and its too hard to retrace prev- follows: TRY THE NEW MODEL UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS 25c Dr Miles Nervine 21c • $1 Dr. Miles Nervine 83c Slants onj the Folks ¡KEN MAYNARD SMOKING GUNS CRATZniANi “YOUNG and BEAUTIFUL” ÏGGSrftfe High Prospector CabtageFatdi W KID Jackie Cooper PECK’S BAD BOY NERVOUS ROXY 20c ™ The Lucky Texan Baby, Take a Bow NERVINE “Most Precious Thing in Life” ‘No More Women Mellowed... that’s What! % THERE’S A RIPE OLD WISDOM THAT COMES I 4 ONLY WITH AGE AND EXPERIENCE Sr NO HARSH IRRITANTS! Not that rah-rah clatter and clamor of In­ experience and adolescence. No sir, not at the Marble Corner! Mellowed, well-aged fun, that’s what it is, Sir, in southern Oregon’s oldest bar In Jackson county’s most artcient, ah, er, inn ... we take only the center leaves from life, weed out the trash and irritants and there you are—a jolly good time where you can spend an evening in cozy, com­ fortable association with your friends . . . dine, dance and sip. The Marble Comer has provided music and entertainment as only Billy and Audrienne White can bring to you . . . with the most delicious Italian dinners, soups and sandwiches you ever drove a mile for. Remember— "Good Times Are Around the Marble Comer.” MinErs Are Allowed MinOrs Are Not The MARBLE CORNER On Jacksonville’s Main Stem—Phone 281 of Beauty Culture 419'/, EAST MAIN PHONE 84 BEAUTY SERVICES AT A SAVING Permanent Wave ............ $2.00 Finger Wave ......................... 25c Comb Wave ........................... 25c Shampoo ................................. 25c Haircut ................................... 25c Marcel .................................. ...25c Manicure ....................... 25c Eyebrow Arch .................. 25c Scalp Treatment ................... 50c Hot Oil..................................... 50c Facails ................................... 50c .. ...... ............................... DANCE Saturday till * 2 Jacksonville TYPEWRITER SERVICE Taylor and Bierma 34 N. Central—Telephone 112 Medford CONGER FUNERAL PARLORS Medford, Oregon Either Liquid or Effervescent Tablets JARMIN’S for DRUGS Next to Mann’s on N. Central Phone 73 ALL MAIL ORDERS SENT POSTPAID TO YOU SECOND-HAND LUMBER Available for those who come first —a large selection of used lumber— rough, sound dimension and timbers with nails removed. Good Lumber at a Considerable T imber P C ompany OStpON End North Central Phone 7 A Good Firm to Trade With »