Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935, November 09, 1934, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, November 9, 1934
Personal News Notes
• Mr. and Mrs Robert Cunning­
hum of Medford are spending the
week with the former's parents,
Mr mid Mrs Seth Cunninghum
ncur Ruch
• Miss Virginia King, who has
spent two months nt the home of
her aunt. Mrs Win. Ludwig, has
returned to her home at Redding
for a short time. She wus accom­
panied by her smull cousin, Curtis
• Herman Offrnhacher was host
to a few friends at his home Sat­
urday evening The guests devoted
their lime to curds mid games.
• Mis. James Buckley was host
ess at u meeting of the Little Ap­
plegate sewing which was held nt
her home lust week Guests from
Jacksonville included Mrs Buck-
ley’s mother mid sister. Mrs Alice
t'Iricli nn<l Mrs Herbert Hunna,
Mrs. Al Boone, Mrs. Mnrthu Mitch
• •Il mid Mrs Chester Purscl. Mrs
Harold Crump will entertain the
club Wednesday.
• Mr mid Mis Edwin Taylor and
daughter Erlene mid non Aubrey
were dinner guests nt the home of
Mr. Taylor's sister, Mrs l-cster
Throckmorton, of Engle Point Mun­
• Mlns l-eiih McKee, sophomore of
the Medford high school, spent the
week-end nt her home on Apple­
• Stop at the Nugget
• Mr. mid Mrs William Copple of
Murphy, accompanied by their
grandchildren, Beverley and Nor-
man Johnson, were guests of Mr
Copple's sister, Mrs D L. Jones,
on Little Applegate Munday.
• Mr and Mrs Albert Young ex­
pect to leave Main for Butte Falls,
where they will rnnke their home
during the winter. Mr. Young, em­
ployed at Star Ranger station here
during the summer, has employ­
ment as telephone foreman for the
Mouth Fork of the Rogue CCC
camp. The line crew has estab­
lished headquarters at Butte Falls
• Mr nnd Mrs Ia-wis Culy and
son and daughter are spending sev­
eral duys with Mrs Culy's parents,
Mr. and Mrs Charles Madsen, of
Forest creek.
• William Dorn of upper Apple­
gate Is making an extended visit
at Chehalis. Wash., as a guest of
his uncle, Ernest Dorn.
• Ladies aid of the Jacksonville
Presbyterian church will meet
Thurs«iay, November 15, at 12:30
with a covered dish luncheon. A
cordial invitation is extended to all
ladies interested. A good time is
promised for ail
• Jacksonville health workers met
with a covered dish luncheon at
the home of Mrs. Fred Fick in
Medford Monday, with a discussion
of health subjects, Mrs. H K. Han­
na outlining work for the com­
munity chest drive, in which effort
the ladies are taking part this
• The Nugget for magazines
• Fred Straub«- and sons I-ouis
and Bill motored to Klamath Falla
vicinity on business Monday.
• Mr. and Mrs Ora Phillips of
Squaw lake, who recently pur­
chased the Ix-ila McKee ranch on
Big Applegate, have moved to
their new home, their son having
entered the Beaver creek school in
the first grade. Mr. and Mrs. Leon­
ard McKee are residing at the
Hedberg ranch for the present.
• B. F Baker of Portland, camp
superintendent at Camp Carberry,
arrived for duty early this week,
being accompanied to his new post
by N. C. White of the Medford
forestry headquarters and Ranger
Lee Port, the latter taking him on
an inspection trip of the winter’s
recrention projects
Carberry is
being occupied this winter by re­
cruits and officers from Dog lake.
• Miss Alice Malin, acting home
demonstration agent, met with the
Applegate Extension unit Tuesday,
demonstrating the use of the
"guide pattern.”
• Guests at the home of Mrs.
Dora Saltmarsh Sunday included
Mrs. John Cantrall and daughter
Norma of Medford, Mr. and Mrs.
Dean Saltmarsh and family of Oak
------------------ —— --------------- —/
Grove, and Mrs. Ulla Huskins of
• Ed Coffman of Medford, well-
known son of Sum Coffman of this
city, visited friends and relutivcs
here Wednesday afternoon.
• Ruth Severance, wiki I s teach­
ing school In Ashland, spent the
week-end with her mother, Mrs.
Florlne Severance of this city.
• Mis Harold B. Gillis of this
city Is spending the week-end in
O Jess Taylor mid family of Ap­
plegate called on friends here Sat­
• Courteous service ut the Nugget
> Leulon mid Joan Nee, son and
laughter of Mr and Mrs. Joe Nee,
are III with the flue at their home
t> Miss Virginia Fick, formerly of
da city now residing In Medford,
elehrated her 22nd birthduy an­
niversary recently. A party in her
' onor wan given nt the Medford
Elks lodge.
(» Dr. Ilurold B Gillis, who in em­
ployed as surgeon ut the Union
('ruck CCC camp, spent the week-
nd with his wife here.
t> Mrs Taite of this city wan
rnong shoppers in Medford Sat-
O Mrs Annie Kaiter of Medford
ailed on friends here Friday.
>) C. C. Chitwood, well-known lo­
st druggist, Is confined to his bed
for some time due to Illness.
> Mrs. Jenny Merritt and Mrs.
Brideon Sanderson of Central
Point visited friends here Satur­
• Regular meeting of the Jack­
sonville P.-T. A. wus held in the
high sch(s>| auditorium Friday, No­
vember 2. President Ixtttie Bow­
man presided over the meeting,
which Included a program of group
singing by the first to fourth
grades of songs comjxsted by the
pupils themselves under the direc­
tion of Mrs. Hunsaker. Following
a short business meeting plans
were discussed for serving soup
for nwn lunch. Principal M E
Coe suggested building a kitchen
in the school basement A commit­
tee was appointed to plan ways
and means for such a project.
• Mr Miller, foreman of the Pa­
cific .States mines, recently of Ida­
ho. Is residing at the Alec Norris
home here At one time Miller was
superintendent of Blue Ledge mine
when that property was under pro­
• The Nugget for cold drinks
• Mr. and Mrs Henry Burke and
Mr. Case of Michigan put on a
short program at the Jacksonville
high school Tuesday afternoon Mr
Case played several pieces on his
trumpet, accompanied at the piano
by Mrs. Burke, who also played
two hymns on musical glasses.
• Mr ami Mrs C. G. Gardm-i
have departed for Fort Angel.
Wash., where they will make their
• Mr. and Mrs. George Wells and
•mall son of Yucca. Artz... are vis­
iting nt the home of the latter's
narents, Mr and Mrs. F. F. Theide
• Mr Spicer and son, Arthur,
left Tuesday for Eugene for a
short visit while enroute to the
latter's home in Alaska.
• Mrs Chest er Purse!) and Miss
Golda Boone were Medford caller»
Tuesday afternoon.
• Mrs Albert Smith of Miller
Gulch visited the B A. Gaddy
home Monday.
• Ike Coffman and his dog. Doc,
»per* ~«veral days at Star gulch
last wees.
• Mr. and Mrs Marion Hulse vis­
ited the B. J. Coffman and Mrs
Anna Coffman homes at Medford
• Charles Williams was a visitor
at Sterling Sunday.
• Ray l.«'wis, Doris Clark and Hal
Green, who are attending Ashland
Normal, will stay In Ashland over
the week-end to attend homccom-
9 Allee Boone, Alice Morgan. Mrs.
Itny Hunsaker, Miss Elizabeth Re­
bec and Miss Velina Charlton are
among those planning to motor to
Portland over the week-end for the
football game.
• Mi and Mrs. Elmer Kivett and
family are visiting at the P. A
Hulse home on Sterling.
• Carrol Ix-wls of Jacksonville
has enrolled in Medford schools.
• The Senior Endeavor held its
first meeting Sunday night with
an attendance of about 30. Miss
Vera Wright gave a short talk on
the convention that Is to be held
In Grants Pass November 16, 17
and IB. Everyone of high school
age and up 1» invited to attend.
• The G. O. Sanden family spent
Sunday afternoon visiting relatives
in Phoenix.
• Western Union at the Nugget.
<* Miss Vivian Card left for Klam-
ath Falls Saturday night .return­
ing Monday evening.
Mr and Mrs Fred Yocum of
Medford spent Sunday •■veiling vis­
iting at the George Hilton home
• Mr. and Mrs. Gail of Medford
were guests at the birthday din­
ner honoring Mr. G. O. Sanden
November 1.
• Next Tuesday evening, Novem­
ber 13, in the Jacksonville gum-
nnsium, a program entitled, "Seth
Parker in an Evening in Jones-
port,” will be given A small ad­
mission charge will be made.
• Mrs. Ethel Jones of Medford
was a guagt at the Oscar I>-wis
home Sunday.
• Mrs John Heuners and daugh­
ter Minnie returned home the lat­
ter part of last week after a visit
of several weeks in the east and
south They visited the world's fair
in Chicago, and with relatives in
Nebraska. They also visited their
son and brother, John Heuners Jr.,
In Texas.
ING—See Henry Andrews or
call Godward's store, Jackson­
(Nov 16)
• FOR RENT Floor sanding ma­
chine. Sec Economy Lumber com­
pany, North Riverside at Court, or
phone 594. Medford.
FOR SALE -4-room house with
basement, garage, woodshed,
large chicken house, city water
and 2 good wells, 2 acres partly
in fruit, grapes and walnuts, lo­
cated in Jacksonville. $600 cash;
will accept good used car or
truck as part payment. Call The
Miner, phone 141, Jacksonville.
----- •------------
St. Mary's All-Stars basketball
team of Medford will give a dance
at Dreamland hall tonight, said
Richard Lewis, member of the
_ ______
Moore's orchestra
play for the benefit dance, said
Ix'wls, and dancers are cordially
Invited to attend and help the boys
I Sale of Cinderella’s
Page 3
equip themselves for the pasketball
shops indicates that it isn't the
season Players, for the most part,
The six debaters chosen from skin alone the facial operators love
arc eompoM-d of baseball players the Junior class will debate in the to touch. Wston Leader.
from the summertime Gilmore assembly some time during the
Lions nine.
week The question, resolved: That
the 20-mlll tax limitation amend­
WOULD EXPLAIN TOWNMEND ment, as stated in the voters' pam­
OLD AGE PENSION ACT HERE phlet, should be passed
The team is composed of three
A. R. Parker of Central Point, girls and three boys The affirma­
organizer for Townsend old age tive speakers are: Russell Ayres,
pension clubs, was in Jacksonville William Pittoek and Morris Byrne.
a few days ago in the interests of The negative speakers are Dixie
the plan which, he says, is gather­ Churchill, Alice Walton and Alice
ing momentum every day in this Madsen.
The teams have worked on this
country. The plan provides $200 a
month for each adult over 60 years project for the last week and hope
of age, but the sum must be spent to do some good and, also, to ex­
plain the tax to the student body.
during that time.
Mr Parker has asked that all
The fact that women of this
persons interested in forming a
Townsend club in Jacksonville, or country support 68,000 beauty
in hearing an explanation of the
proposal, to get in touch with him
at Central Point by letter or tele­
phone. He has offered to address
When you go to California, try
any public gathering held for that
the train! Big change* have taken
purpose, and to contribute his time
place on our rail«. Pullman
and effort in acquainting people of
charge* are a third les* than
Jacksonville with the Townsend
last year. Rail fares «re touching
bottom at 2< a mile and les*.
--- •-----
----- •-----
Service - Sales - Rentals
123 East Main Street, Medford
Complete meals in our dining
car* cost as little a* 804. For de­
tails, see your local agent or
write J. A. Ormandy, 705 Pacific
Building, Portland, Oregon.
Drop in and see mechanical
Manicuring—the very latest!
Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor
Phone 57—18 8. Central
202 Medford Bldg.
Phone 4
The Toggery Offers You
Special Fall Savings’
Men’s Overcoats in new fall patterns and styles
. . . you will find them in all sizes . . . NOW is
the time to pick your winter Overcoat and to
prepare for that cold weather—
Here’s a Proposition for you to Look Into
A Bi-Swing Suit—well tailored, rich colors, truly a New
and Different Fall Suit—
Neat Grays . . . Rich Browns . . . Dressy Oxford Grays
A New “EASY” Washer
With All the Famous “Easy” Features
R. W. Sleeter, M. I).
No One Thought It Possible . . .
Cleaning Means
Dye Works
Real protection for your in­
vestment in clothes. That's
one of the advantages of
using quality service. Long­
er wear, better appearance
and the asset of self confi­
dence are other important
considerations when your
cleaning is done by the
Southern Phcitic
New Fall Shoes and real values at $2 95 now only $1.99
. . . Pumps, Ties ... in clever designs . . . good support­
ing arches. Better hurry for they won't last long at this
The New Model 50-F!
Why be without Easy's many big conveniences when you
can have them all for only $49.50? Latest type balloon
wringer, instant safety release, latest type oil-less G-E
motor, porcelain tub, permanently lubricated steel-cut gears,
free-rolling large rubber casters.
Leonard Electric
Eighth and Central Avenues, Medford
Holly Theater Building