Friday, Novvember 2, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Page 4 f*ro|Muied expenditures for the 1 development and produces better substantiate his very misleading [ not wreck the workmen's compen- standardized basis alongside of re- year include $.1470 for expenae of “ — ligious freedom. Arise. Voters! Your ultimate lib­ municipal government and >7307 erties. your health, and your very for bond retirement and payment Ilves are ut stake in this issue of of Interest Of thia total, »7037 i idly were it not for the restraint ing arts amendment are bilge doctor and hospital of your choice. medical freedom. Vote 3UI.X' Yes will be raised by general taxation. —■S i »■ ■ (Continued from page one) ' of the medical doctors. Of course water, turned liaise as a flood over Some object to tills measure be­ for the healing arts amendment If it's really pure fiction it may examine is the power to destroy." j they do not desire their economic our fai rotate, to frighten the vot­ and thereby guarantee the security One school of medical practice j rivals to advance. If you Mr. Voter ers. The opposition seeks to have ing an amendment to our state oi YOUR rights, with injury to remain on the book-store shelves. Weston Louder. cannot properly and justly exam­ j wish advancement in the healing you vote against your own inter­ constitution. It is needed tilery to none and justice for all. Whether or not you like higher ine, even in the basic sciences, | arts, vote YES on this measure. ests. A R HEDGES. M D. D c round out that basic organic struc­ prices for foodstuffs depends a members of another school of prac­ Grant each school of the healing Medford. October 30, 1034 ture which serve« as a protection Be not alarmed. This measure good