Friday, November 2, 1034 — ■ — - - • — The JACKSONVILLE MINER - — •x former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ill McDaniel. • Mr and Mrs Torn Clark of I Medford were week-end guests of Mr Clark’s sister, Mrs Fred Straube. Services are garet and Mrs. R. A. Johnson were ath Fallx, where she had vlaited given freely, no collections will be business visitors in Medford Mon­ friend» since Munday. taken, said Miss K Hutchings and day afternoon. • Stop at the Nugget Miss R Roach, who are conducting • Clayton Gaddy has been mining • lx*e Port Jr., sophomore at Ore the meetings. for the past week at the Larry gon State college. H|aorothy attended a sur­ ~ prise birthday party at the Fred Yocum home in Medford Saturday evening honoring Mr. Yocum’s birthday anniversary. • Mr. and Mrs. Jim Winningham, who spent the summer at Hutton Guard station, have rented the Clyde Fields home. • Clarence Berber and Freddie Butcher, who recently underwent operations in a Medford hospital, returned to school Monday. • Mrs Peter Fick and Mrs. Ora Wyant were Medford shoppers Haturday. • Miss Eunice Händen Sanden was a week-end guest of Miss Phoebe Ferguson at Medford. • A meeting of the Jacksonville Grange was held at the Grange hall FYiday evening. Hix new mem­ bers attended, when a program was given followed by refresh­ ments. • Mrs. Vivian Pathman of River­ side, Calif., sister of Mrs. O. O. Sanden, visited at the Sanden home Wednesday and Thursday of last week. She left for San Fran­ cisco, where she will visit Vivian and Preston Card before returning home. • Mrs C. S. Dunnington and Mrs. Theron Applegater enjoyed • motor trip to Crescent City Sun­ day. • Mrs. John Norris Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dock Davis, at Klam­ ath Falls. Mrs. John Smith of that city is at the Norris home here during the former’s absence. • Senior Endeavor meeting start­ ed Sunday, October 28, and will continue every evening at 7:30 at Jacksonville Prsbyterian BOYDELL ELECTRIC MANICURING SETS Drop in and see mechanical Manicuring—the very latest! BOWMAN’S Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor Phone 57—18 S. Central DEL ROGUE Ito! ASSOCIATION TO PRESERVE OREGON’S CREDIT Harry Dorman, Sacratary Weatherly Dulldlns, Portland (Paid adv.) R. VV. Sleeter, M. I). 202 Medford Bldg. Phone I Medford I S. SYD I. BROWN Democratic Candidate for I SHERIFF —Paid Advertisement ■■ A House Without A GOOD ROOF Home—the cornerstone of America—can only be as good as the roof over it . . . President Roosevelt, through the Federal Housing Act, seeks to encourage and make lighter the responsibilities of home owning through long-term loans at unusually low rates of interest, which enable the person in need of improvement, especially to a roof at this time of year, a live-saving aid at low cost. Phone, write or call in person and we will be glad to explain benefits of the Federal Housing Act, and aid you in filling your needs. PORTER LUMBER COMPANY “Builder»’ Bureau of Information” 204 SOUTH FIR REPUBLICAN NOMINEE PHONE 124 VOTE FOR —Paid Advertisement H. D. REED VOTE FOR DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR COUNTY JUDGE IGJUNST l/öfe 301 X r~------------------------------------ Can Never Be A Good Home R. E. Nealon ★ Uncle Sam is doing the power job in Ore­ gon. Why set up a new state commission to plunge us deeper into debt? • FOR RENT Floor sanding ma­ chine. See Economy Lumber com­ pany, North Riverside at Court, or phone 594, Medford. ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY HYGIENIC MANICURING NOW AVAILABLE WITH OLMSCHEID the Grange Power Bill church The Young People’s so­ ciety of Medford already has aided in presenting a program here. • Mr. and Mrs Bob Davis and family and Mr. and Mrs Lester White of Couer d’Alene, Idaho, recently purchased the Zumwalt home. The Zumwalt family has moved into the Worth home. • PAINTING AND DECORAT­ ING See Henry Andrews or call Godward’s store, Jackson­ ville. (Nov 16) Thirty Years in Jackson County All the Law for All the People Stewart-W'arner Service - Sales - Rentals 423 East Main Street, Medford TELEPHONE «68 Page 3 J- Favors YOUR PRESENT County Commissioner FOR EXPERIENCED, CONSERVATIVE SERVICE —Paid Advertisement I Payment of Reasonable Old Age Pensions Economy, But Not at the Expense of Efficiency Equal Distribution of Road Appropriations WILL PAY HIS OWN MILEAGE TO AND FROM COUNTY WORK VOTE 39 X H. D. (JOHNNY) REED