Friday, October 26, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER • Among those to attend the fun- J oral of Mrs Kate Hoffman Sun- I day afternoon were Mrs Charles Hardy of Eugene, B. B. Beekman of Portland, Mrs Earl Vining und sister, Mr* Kate Granger, of Med­ <1 Both from JACKSONVILLE and OVER the HILL ford, Evan Reames of Medford and Ann Kaier of Medford Funeral . - - - ■ • service* were held ut the Presby­ • Miss Betty Lawrence of Port­ that day, observing the 79th anni­ terian church direction of land Is making an extended visit versary of her birth. I^ast May the Rev 8. H. under Jone*, with inter­ ut the home of Mr und Mrs. (thus Mrs Throckmorton and her hus­ ment in Jacksonville cemetery. Knutzen band celebrated their (kith wed­ • Mrs Dora Sultmursh of Apple- • Marcus Smith of Hubbard, Ore , ding anniversary. gute Is visiting Mrs. Alice Ulrich I* spending several days here with • Herbert iHlim) Penning*, mem- of this city Abe Kromling, where the two are Irer of the CCC force at the Star • Fred Fick and daughter Vir­ enjoying hunting. Ranger stullon, spent the week­ ginia of Medford called on friends • Jack ('rump wax elected direc­ end in Medford at the home of here Sunday. tor In the Forest creek school ut u Mr. und Mrs. ilurrj' Pyle, where recent board meeting, succeeding I k - visited his sister, Miss Eliza­ • Wixirden Ennis of Portland, Mr. Ayres, who moved to Jack­ beth Penning!, of Portland. Mr youngest son of the Reverend En­ Penning* expected to return to nis. culled on friends here Wed­ sonville a short time ago. • Mrs E A Kruse und son Clif­ Portland with his sister this week nesday while on u deer hunting expedition. He returned to Port­ ton of Roseburg are guests of Mr to remain for a short vacation, land with a fine specimen. und Mr* Ben Dawson, having ar­ • The Nugget for cold drinks. rived lute lust week Mr. und Mrs • The Applegate Grange will cele­ • Dr. and Mrs. Harold B. Gillis F B. Hchnieiding of Eugene also brate its fourth birthday anniver­ of Union Creek CCC camp called were recent guest* at the Duwson sary tonight An interesting lec­ on Jacksonville friends Tuesday. Western Union at the Nugget. home, having come to that section turer's program lias been prepared to spend the week-end with their for the event, which will include • An Invltution to attend services son, William Heli melding, who brief reviews of the four years’ In the M E. church building in owns a mining claim there accomplishments by Past Musters Jacksonville was extended this • Otis Buck is ut hi* home on .‘lid Hansen, Aubrey Edwards anti week in the following: "’Dear Little Applegate for u three weeks Frank Knutzen. Third and fourth Friends We have much pleasure vacation from duties ns foreman degree work will lx- conferred to­ in inviting you to some evangelist­ ut a CCC camp ut Hackamore. night, and a pot-luck supper Is ic services to be held in the above Calif. included in the program. The building, la-ginning Wednesday, • Miss Helen Dunn eti Aahland Grange has been invited to take October 24, at 7:40 o'clock, each *|x-nt the week end on Applegate the Jacksonville chairs November evening except Monday and Sat­ us a guest of her cousin, Miss 1», conferring the first and second urday. There is nothing sensational Frances Port. or extreme in these meetings We degrees. • Stop at the Nugget. I Mrs John Matney entertained teach no new doctrine. 'Jesus, the • Mr. ami Mrs I-ester Throck­ everal guests with a dinner ut her same yesterday, today and for­ morton of Eagle Point were “ nome Thursday, honoring her bus ever.' Theze services are given free no collections will be taken. tertained ut dinner Hunday at tne luind's birthday anniversary. home of Mr. und Mrs Fred Of i* Fred idiw and Jesse Wilson of We are giving our lives gladly and fenbacher. Miss Eleanor Throck- Jacramento came to the Applegate freely in preaching the Gospel and morton and brother, Dale, »jx-nt recently, where they expect to win welcome your interest. Your servants for Jesus' sake. Miss K. the day with their grandparents, Mr and Mrs A Throckmorton at ■fiend the winter mining The men Hutchins, Miss R. Roach.” are residing at the Cliff Smith • Mrs. Lois McKee and daugh­ Ruch. | ters Marclne and Enid of Big Ap- • Mrs Ethel Ludwig, primary home. Harry Helms, French gulch plegute spent the week-end at the teacher at Applegate, went to resident, went on a hunting trip W. A. Childers home here. Ashland Tuesday, where she at- • Dell Hildreth of Oakland, Calif., tended the funeral of her grand­ to eastern Oregon recently. • Frank Webber and mother and visited in Jacksonville Saturday, mother, Mrs Casebeer • Mr. und Mrs Jack Thorpe mid Mr. and Mrs. Curtis have moved enroute to Butte Falls, where he daughter Vivian and Ralph Rosen into the place known a* the old will visit his brother, Al Hildreth. of Tolo «pent the week-end hunt­ Wright home on Jacksonville hill. • Miss Elmira Hulse of Sterling ing in Steamboat vicinity, Ising It is said the property is being is visiting at the Archie Bowman home. overnight guests of Mr und Mrs purchased as a home. • Walter Anderson of the South Ben Dawson. Walter Dickey and • The Nugget for magazines. Floyd Hendrickson of Phoenix also • Mr. and Mrs. J. B Tribble, who Fork CCC camp spent the week­ ate completing the hunting seuson have been living in one of T. S. end at his home here. at Steamboat, and are guests at Cady's cabins lately, left for Salem • Mr. and Mrs Fred Yocum. Mr. Tuesday. Mrs. Tribble, who is in and Mrs. Ray Shepherd of Med­ the Dawson home • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Offenbacher very pearn back when she fell on the newly varnished steps in the achcxil build­ ing • Mr. and Mrs E. 8. Noe have re­ turned to their mine on Brush creek in the Steamboat district for the winter, having been ab­ sent since June. Mrs. Noe spent Clauses In Designing and Remodel­ the summer in Medford with her ing are now being formed. Com­ daughter, Mrs. William Raybould, plete instruction on this interesting while Mr. Noe spent most of the and most practical art by an ac­ time in Utah. complished millinery expert now • With the return of Mr and Mrs liais Like These available. For complete informa­ Frances Krause Thursday from Made With Ease- tion call or write— their honeymoon trip to I-akevicw, If You Know How! a group of 2ft friends gathered Sat­ urday evening to charivari the young couple. Mrs. A. N. Krause was hostess to the group. • Remembering that Monday was a favorite friend’s birthday, a M. M. Department Store, Medford number of people presented Mrs A. Throckmorton with gifts on | V Personal News Notes Millinery Adel Lee Millinery Plan as You Will, You’ll Never Know What Tomorrow May Bring... Protect your property and your family by making a Will naming us as your executor and trustee . . . leave nothing to chance when providing for your family’s future! The First National Bank “A Departmentized Institution” MEDFORD Page 3 I Falls were visitors at the Fred ! Butcher home Wednesday. • James Heldon Smith of Jack­ sonville and Mary Enders of Med­ ford were married Monday, Oc­ tober 22. They left immediately for New York, where they will make their home. • Mi** Valera Winningham of Hutton Guard station is visiting friend* and relative* here. • Miss Edna Lontz of Seattle, granddaughter of Mrs Zetta Lontz and niece of Homer I-ontz of this , city, has been visiting here for the past week enroute home from an extended tour of the United States which included Yellowstone na­ tional park, the Chicago fair, Ni­ agara Falls, New York city, Wash­ ington, D. C., Mt. Vernon, southern California points and Tia Juana. • WILL I*AY CASH For good used piano; must be priced right, j See Sally Cole at the Marble Corner immediately. • FOR HALF: Model T pickup truck, lift. Phone 112. • FOR RENT Floor sanding ma­ chine. See Economy Lumber com­ pany, North Riverside at Court, or phone 594, Medford. Calif., mother of John Byrne, well-I A sigh is what us country edit­ Known fire guard here, placed a cannot suppress when reading renewal subscription with The ors that the mints are "coining mon­ Miner this week ey" as never before Weston Mrs. Byrne left the Applegate Leader. 18 year* ago to return to her nat­ ive state. She was the first white j Medford Cycle and git 1 bom at Downieville, her maid­ en name also being "Byrne.” A Repair Shop peculiar coincidence occurs in the GUNSMITH— LOCKSMITH fact that Mrs. Byrne and Mis. Anna Dorn of this city are the i Lswn Mower Service same age lacking one day, both I Phone 261 23 North Fir having been 80 last March. -------------------- -_______________ I RETAIN Earl B. Day FIRST WHITE CHILD OF . DOWNIEVILLE TREASI KI.s FORMER UX A1. CONTACTS Wishing to learn again of the doings of southern Oregon folks, Mrs. Katherine Byrne of Pinole, GO EAST If you go East this winter, why not go through California and Southern Arizona? Ride our famous Sunu-t Limited or Golden State Limited through America's sunniest winter region. Stopover anywhere. For details, see your local agent or write J. A. Ormandy, General Panenger Agent, 705 Pacific Building, Portland, Ore. for County Judge REPUBLICAN NOMINEE Nominated for Representative in the State Legislature in 1931 by BOTH the Republi­ can and Democratic parties , . . served two sessions in that capacity and established a record of efficiency in representing this county which, with his record for an eco­ nomic and business-like administration of county affairs as county judge, entitles him to reelection. Southern Pacific (Paid Advertisement) Are You Ready for Stormy Weather? When cold rains fall and the wind starts to blow, it’s time to quit dodging the weather and begin to think of your new winter overcoats. That’s why we are announcing our— ROUGH WEATHER OVERCOAT EVENT Overcoats '.Overcoats A tailored dark blue coat suitable for every occasion—in a true man’s model—dressy, neat, practical—Here’s the price, believe it or not.......................... $16.50 No matter what style coat you’re looking for, you will find it in our stock —single breasted, Balmaacan's, Balmo’s, with half-belts or no belts—in solid colors or in pat­ terns—you will have no trouble in finding one which will fit in your fall ensemble. Priced from $22.50 $30.00 This'fovercoat situation is not as serious as you may think , . . you can buy a fine, well-tailored overcoat within any price range you may choose. You will be con­ vinced when you see those new mixtures and patterns selling at $19.75 A $ft deposit will hold any coat for I ft day*. Make your selection now—don’t wait till they are gone! WHERE EVERY DOLLAR DOES ITS DUTY