Page 4 Friday, October 19, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER 24000 date of the first publication of this for In her complaint, to-wit: for kicks, first one coming in 10 sec- Recorder’s salary 160 00 summons; and If you fail to appear an absolute decree of divorce, cus- onds, when they met last Thura- Treasurer’s salary Marshal expense 120 00 and answer within the time re­ to«ly of th«* minor children, John day night before a packed house ” 200.00 quired. for want thereof, the J McNeill Jr. and Carol Leon Mc­ Timekeeper Viv Beach reassert- Roads and bridge s 300 00 plaintiff will apply to the court for Neill, and for it permanent re­ ed his Intention yesterday of bang­ Water department 200 00 the relief prayed for in her com­ attaining order, restraining you ing starting bell at the good old Water meters Printing 100 00 plaint. from in any manner molesting or 8:30 o ’ clock, and advised fans who A new diversion has made its like to sit while they watch to Library fund e Kiddles I Oc Interfering with plaintiff or said Muto 25c • Exe« 50.00 By order o^the Honorable H. D. way into the Applegate commun­ start their armory trek early. Lights and fuel 950 00 Norton, judge of the said court, children, and tor such other, fur­ ity and local people are stepping b'nicrgency tun.I 250 00 made and dated this 4th day of ther umi different relief as to the lively these days after the fashion Enda Saturday OctotM'r. 1934, this summons is court may xeeiu equitable, Includ­ We have no patience with any of the tap dance. Wm. Ludwig, new calendar scheme that fails to Total estimateti expense $. served upon you by publication for ing her coata. disbursement« ami upper grade teacher at the Apple­ Estimated Receipts four successive weeks in The Jack­ attorney’« fees This summons Is | the first of the month gate school, opened a class in gym­ abolish The fact that China is “all for Refund market road levy $125.00 sonville Miner, a newsaper of published In Th«* Jacksonville Mln- nastic tapping last week, students peace 75 00 general circulation, printed mgl < t i>v order oi the Hau h D Nor­ d«H*s not, apparently, safe­ Impounded stock A fines meeting two evenings in the week guard ’ her ■* BANDOLPF SCOTT Water collections : 2 !MH> OO published at Jacksonville, Jackson ton. duly made and entered on the from losing an occasion ­ at the community hall. Genetai fund to be raised county. Oregon, the date of the 13tli day of OctotM'r. 1934, and th«* al piece to Japan Weston Leader — Illi WIICI- The class consists of 18 adults by taxation 332 00 first publication being October 5. first publication hereof is October • and is proving popular among the Miscellaneous receipts 38 00 1934. and the time for answer ex­ 19th. 1934 RESOLUTION NUMBER 14« grown _ people. Most of the children piring November 3. 1934. T J ENRIGHT. Be it resolved by the city council in the school there receive the Total estimated receipts $3,47000 Attorney for Plaintiff BRIGGS A BRIGGS same type of lessons during the j of the city of Jacksonville, Oregon, IMvis Bldg. Medi ord, Oregon FRANK J VAN DYKE school period. The evening classes , that pursuant to Chapter 111 of The city recorder is hereby in­ (Oct 19 2« Nov 2 9) Stin-Mon-Tii< By WM M BRIGGS. are open to all who wish to learn I the charter of the city of Jackson­ structed to publish a statement of Attorneys for Plaintiff the steps and everybody is wel-1 ville. Oregon, the city council of this proposed budget in three pub­ * come Mr. Ludwig, who spent the : said city hereby calls and orders lic places within the corporate lim­ Post office address: Pioneer Block, Ashland. Oregon summer in the east, took a course I a general city election to be held its of the city of Jacksonville. Ore­ in tap dancing at the University at the city hall within the city of gon. not later than 20 days prior (Oct 5 12 19 26) Jacksonville. Oregon. Tuesday, the to the time set for further consid­ of Illinois. a 6th day of November. 1934. for the eration of this budget showing the purpose of electing the following time and place said city council In the Circuit Court of flic State Adults 25c - Kiddies 10c of Oregon for Jackson County municipal officers herein specified, and the budget committer* will Burns-Krause W ed MARGARET 1. MeNFll.L. Plaint­ meet to discuss said budget. to Surprise Friends to-wit: iff. vs JOHN J McNEILL, De­ Saturday Only The 7th day of November, 1934, fendant One mayor to hold office for is hereby set as the date, and the Mr. and Mrs. Francis Krause of SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION the period of two years. hour is hereby set at 8 o’clock p.m TO JOHN J. McNEILL. THE lower Applegate are expected to One city recorder to hold of­ at the city hall in said city of ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT return soon from their honeymoon fice for the period of one year Jacksonville. Oregon, at which In the name of the state of Orr- trip to Lakeview, for which place One city treasurer to hold time any persons interested may gon, you are hereby summoned they left immediately following office for the period of one meet with the city council and said and required to appear in the their wedding in Medford Wednes­ year. budget committee. above entitled court and cause on day. October 10. Surprising their Two councilmen to hold of- Surpassing his Joe Wetterer, John R Norris or before four weeks from the many friends. Mr. Krause and Miss fice for the period of two (heat Triumphs and E A Langley are hereby ap­ date of the first publication of Myrtle Bums were united in mar­ years. of the oast’ pointed to act as a budget commit­ this summons, and there answer or Pendleton Roundup Films! riage at the parsonage of the First Christian church. Rev. W. R. Baird The regular election board for tee to meet with the city council 1 otherwise plead to plaintiff’s com­ plaint. on file therein against you; performing the ceremony The the south precinct of the city of to perfect said budget. couple were accompanied by Mrs. Jacksonville, as appointed by the Ray Coleman is hereby appoint­ and if you fail to so appear and answer or otherwise plead to said A. N. Krause and Miss Enid Funk county clerk of Jackson county. ed to act as a budget officer. within the time above of Medford, mother and aunt of Oregon, are hereby appointed to October 15th is hereby set as the complaint the groom. act as the regular election board date of said first meeting of the limited, for want thereof, the Plaintiff w’ill apply to the above Mrs. Krause attended the Jack­ for said city election. budget committee. entitled court for the relief prayed sonville school last year. The Said election to commence at the The foregoing resolution, Num­ young couple will make their home hour of 8 o'clock a m on the 6th 147, was regularly introduced on Applegate. day of November. 1934. and con­ ber and adopted at the regular meet- I tinue until the hour of 8 o’clock ing of the city council held at the on said date. city hall October 2nd, 1934. by the Kruse, King Kong to p.m. The city recorder is hereby or­ following ■ Children 10<* vote: dered to give notice of said elec ­ Tangle at Armory on tion by posting copies of this reso­ Ayes Cantrail. Severance. Fick. Saturday Only in three public places within Godward. Thursday Night Card lution Nayea None. the corporate limits of the said Approved by the mayor October ZANE GREY King Kong Cox. seen here be­ city of Jacksonville for a period of 2nd. 1934 Starts Wednesday at least 10 days prior to the date fore. and Broccoli Bob Kruse were HIMSELF In WESLEY HARTMAN. Mayor scheduled to meet this Thursday of said election. The foregoing resolution Num­ Attest: RAY COLEMAN. night on Mack Lillard’s Medford Recorder. me “SOUTH SEA armory weekly program, which ber 146 was regularly introduced stony starts at 8:30. King Kong, of Lodi. and adopted at the regular meet­ (Oct 19) ---------- •---------- ADVENTURES” nut MAS Calif., is a beefy man-mountain ing of the city council of the city TMMU» who slugs ’em and makes ’em like of Jacksonville. Oregon, held at In the Circuit Court of the State MKUOMS of Oregon in and for It. while Kruse's capers are well the city hall October 2nd. 1934. by Sunday and Monday Jackson County known to southern Oregon fans, the following vote: Ayes — Cantrail. Severance. Fick and furnish an able complement BESSIE VIOLA ASHLEY. and Godward. to any man's unorthodox efforts. Plaintiff. Nayea None. In the first half of a double main vs. Approved by the mayor this 2nd event program Fireman Ray Fris- WALTER ASHLEY. Defendant. with RICHARD ARLEN day of October. 1934. bie will open his robe to Pat Mc­ IDA LUPINA WESLEY HARTMAN, SUIT IN EQUITY FOR DIVORCE Gee of Los Angeles for an hour of WESLEY HARTMAN. Mayor ALIAS SI MMONS what is anticipated as actual wrestling sans teeth-marks and Attest: RAY COLEMAN. To: WALTER ASHLEY, the above Turada) and Wednesday Recorder. named defendant: bruised knuckles. Frisbie has spent (Oct 19) In the name of the state of Ore­ some time as third man in the j CHESTER MORRIS In ----------- •------------ gon. you are hereby notified and ring lately and has been observing RESOLUTION NUMBER 147 required to appear in the above some clever performers, whose BE IT RESOLVED by the city entitled court and cause and an­ wares he may have added to his council of the city of Jacksonville swer the complaint of plaintiff now present stock of fast "holts.” on file therein against you. within Last week Bonny Muir of Aus­ state of Oregon. That the following proposed bud­ ten days from the date of the serv­ tralia succumbed to two falls at Thursday and Friday the hands of Pete Belcastru. Sac­ get is, in the judgment of the said ice of this summons upon you. If ramento bad boy who beats ’em city council, a full and fair show­ served upon you in Jackson coun­ bad Muir has been angling for a ing of the proposed expenditures ty, Oregon, but if served upon you Murder in Trinidad return match with the intemperate and receipts of the said city of in any other county of the state of Italian, claiming he can throw Bel- Jacksonville for the year 1935, and Oregon, then within twenty days with NIGEL BRUCE castro nine times out of 10. Pete the required levy to raise the from the date of the service ofI HEATHER ANGEL this summons upon you, and if waylaid his adversary with drop- necessary amounts. viz: VICTOR JOKY served upon you by publication, I Water bond interest fund then within four weeks from the I -J Medford Cycle and $300 00 $6.000 00 issue .... Water bond interest fund Repair Shop 850 00 $10,000.00 issue ........... GUNSMITH— LOCKSMITH Water bond interest fund 825 00 $15,000.00 issue ........... lawn Mower Service Water bond refunding Phone Ml 23 North Fir Al costs money io uiva. a uu ow u w < It to be sick. You see it di- bond interest fund, ••• 4191/i EAST MAIN $13.000 00 issue ........... 750 00 rectly if your pay envelope in short. You.'.\ ; PHONE 84 Water bond sinking fund lose out on some important work if you BEAUTY SERVICES $6,000 00 issue ........... 1,000 00 AT A SAVING Water bond sinking fund live on a farm or if you are one of the few 600 00 $10,000 00 issue .......... Permanent Wave ............... $2.00 who are not docked for lost time. You bond sinking fund Finger Wave .................. 25c Water Fl'NEKAL I’AKI.ORS $15.000 00 issue ........... 2,000 00 can’t afford to show up jp on the th job unless Comb Wave _____________ 25c Water bond sinking fund Medford, Oregon you are feeling fit. The boss wants re- , for refunding bond, Shampoo ................................. 25c 650 00 $13.000 00 issue ........... Haircut ....................... 25c suits—not excuses. General fund to be raised Marcel ..................................... 25c How many time« do Gas on Stomach, Head­ 332 00 by general taxation..... Manicure ....................... 25c ache, Sour Stomach, “That Tired Feeling," S. C. PETERS I Eyebrow Arch ................ 25c Total amount to be That “Morning After" Feeling, Neuralgic, $7,307 00 raised by taxation Scalp Treatment ________ 50c Rheumatic, Sciatic, Muscular or Periodic (D.M.D.) Estimated Expenditures Paine keep you at home or interfere with Hot Oil..................................... 50c Facails _________________ 50c Marshal and water sup­ your doing a full day’e work? erintendent’s salary $900.00 ---- — All these troubles are caused or made worn by too much add Dentist TRY THE NEW in your body. To correct this condition take MODEL IJNDIKWOOD TV PE WRIT ERM Dance, Not Water, Taps Busy ’Gate’s Amateur Hoofers CRATSüllAN N WHEELS lUL/a^ A »Ul a LAST. GENTLEMAN ROXY20c Come On Marines ‘King for A Night’ DANCE of Beauty Culture Time Lost is Money Lost Saturday till * 2 CONGER Jacksonville SERVICE Make Your Reservation NOW For the Historically Correct Opening of the Famous MARBLE CORNER ALKA-SELTZER The New Pain Relieving, Alkalizing, Efferveecent Tablet. It is called Alka-Seltzer because It makes a sparkling alkaline drink, and as it contains an analgesic (Acetyl-Salicylate) it first relieves the pain of everyday ailments and then by restoring the alkaline balance corrects the cause when due to excess add. Alka-Seltzer is pleasant to take, harmless, non-laxative. Why don’t you try it? Get a drink at your drug store soda fountain for a nickel. Buy a package for home use. IN JACKSONVILLE HALLOWE’EN NIGHT Featuring the same swinging doors, the same old bar that Grandpap used to cherish in the same old location . . . with a host of new entertainment fea­ tures including Italian dinners, music, dancing, wines and beers served in true spirit of the season. You’ll Find the Renown Marble Corner A Bonanza of Fun ... But You Must Make Advance Reservation Opposite Post Office Taylor and Bierma JACKSONVILLE 34 N. Central—Telephone 112 Medford Our Service Includes ASSISTANCE in SECURING LOANS UNDER THE TERMS OF Large Package 60 cents Small Package 30 centi ALL DR. MILES’ PREPARATIONS ARE SOLD AT Jarmin’s for Drugs THE NATIONAL HOUSING ACT HOME OWNERS IX)AN CORP. FEDERAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATIONS AVAIL YOURSELF OF THIS OPPORTUNITY TO BUILD, REMODEL OR REPAIR Jrs C ompany Next to Mann’» on North Central—Phone 78 60c Size Alka Seltzer— At Jarmins you pay only CALL 14«, MEDFORD, FOR TOUR RESERVATIONS NOW! ALL MAIL ORDERS SENT POSTPAID TO YOU End North Central Phone 7 A Good Firm to Trade With