Friday, October 10, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Personal News Notes <1 Both from JACKSONVILLE and OVER the HILL the P J. Fick home Mrs. Fick is I treatment. Torn is one of the best- safety; Jack Provolt, center; By­ When road hogs meet they us­ convalescing from a recent major known local pensioners whose fav­ ron Backea, left end; Vyron Boat­ ually scrape an acquaintance.-— operation. orite ¡>axtime, at pension time, was wick. xafety; Tom Plttock water­ Weston Leader. • Mr and Mrs. Ruel Knowlton ' to watch kids scramble for pen­ boy. and Mrx. Bonin were recent vis­ nies Torn had other habits, too, itors in Medford. which made him a local burst of FOUND IN THE DIGGIN’S • Mrx Rivers and daughter Clar­ color. Girls coming to school with their! ice of Medford were visitors at th«! • FOR SALE Model T pickup fingernails in the red Well, I guess I TRY THE TRAIN Forest Ravenor home here Sunday. truck $15 Phone 112 that's the way it’s supposed to be. • Mr and Mrs. Harold Beach of • WANTED Will pay five cents English HI class turning into a California have br-en visiting at a pound for clean, soft rags and courtroom try to prove who Is the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank shade the fractions your way. 'Hie the biggest to liar. Miner. Woods. Oh! Hello ther.e first six weeks, • ^Mrs. W A. Childers visited her • FOR RENT Floor sanding ma­ expect to see you so soon. daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Combs of chine. See Economy Lumber com­ I didn't Freshman: Why, the nerve of pany, North Riverside at Court, or Medford Tuesday. some people’s children; moving my • Mr and Mrs. G. O. Sanden re­ phone 594, Medford. seat! cently visited the latter’s parents, That pleasant aroma circulating Mr and Mis. J. G. Vial at Phoenix through the rooms Tuesday . . . • Th«- Missionary sgan of for crutches, the little lad Jacksonville motored to Yreka dislike doing much tricycling at the Tuesday Miss Kleinhammer will is remain at her home in Yreka for a present. short time before returning to Ix>s > Mrs Art Hooper uf Granta Paas Angelos, where she had spent the upent the week-end as a guest of Mrs. Tom Mee last two months • Miss Jeanette Gore of Medford • Mrs Daniels of Medford wax a and Miss Mary Herbert of Axh- guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ray land were guests at a blrthday Offenbacher, Sunday. party Saturday evening at th<- • Stop at the Nugget. home of Mr and Mrs. L C. Port. • Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hartley and which wux given In honor of Miss Walter Hartley of Klamath county Frances Port, Mrs. I-ance Offen upent the week-end with local rela­ hachcr and Mrs Charles Buck. Th<- tives, including Mr and Mrs Al- evening was devoted to games and Mrt Haitlvy of Little Applegate md Mr. and Mrs Walter Dale ot music. • Western Union at the Nugget Abdloid. Walter Hartley will x • A large attendance of women nain here with his parents during Is expected next Tuesday, October the winter, while Mr and Mrs 23, when the Applegate Home Ex­ Ellis Hartley returned to Klamath tension unit will meet, with Miss • Mr and Mrs. R. A. Breceda and Alice Malin, acting demonstration the latter's grandson, Howard agent, for the first demonstration Kubll, of Marshfield, visited rela- of the fall season, which will be on lives on Applegate recently. The the "guide pattern." Members arc three ure spending a short time requested to tiling their sewing with Mrs Breceda’« mother, Mrs equipment and a covered dish for Rock, of Phoenix, who will return the noon lunch The meeting will to Marshfield With them to make open jiromptly at 10 urn. I-a«t her home. Tuesday the club held an after- • Mr. and Mrs Clarence Fry and nuon business meeting, with Mrs Mrs. Martin Stevens of Medford A N Krouse, newly-elected chair were guests of Mr and Mrs. A. S. miui, presiding Provision was Kleinhammer Sunday. made for the purchase of small • Mr. and Mrs. Primlo Card! of fixtures for the clubroom at the Medford were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Throck­ Applegate school house. • Lee Port Jr, sophomore at Ore­ morton Sunday. gon .State college, reports the loss • Mrs. Lilia McDonough, who un­ of |5 during the series of frater­ derwent a major operation at the nity house robberies by two men Sacred Heart hospital a short time arrested In Medford recently and ago, is convalescing at the home now serving five years in the state of her daughter. Mrs. Horace Tur­ prison for the thefts Mr. Port is a pin, at Medford. member of Sigma Phi Epsilon fra­ • Mr and Mrs. Cecil Demmer and young son Edward Wayne of San ternity. • Mr and Mrs. Hugh Brown, resi­ Francisco are visiting at the home dents of Murphy, where Mrs of Mr Demmer’s father, Mr. and Brown, residents of Murphy, where Mrs. Paul Demmer. Baby Edward Mrs Brown teaches in the upper Wayne is the great-grandson of grades, were week-end guestx of Mrs Sophie Demmer. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown of • Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hodges of Beaver creek were r<*cent visitors lower Applegate. They were ac- companied by Mrs. Brown's sis­ at the James Anderson home here. | ter, Miss Ixittie May Sautter, who • Mias Helen Mercer of Medford ■ resides with them and attends wax a week-end guest of Mins Frances Clark. high school in Grants Pass. • Mr. and Mrs Ray Crumley of • The Nugget for magazines. • Mrs. Car) Ayres, employed ax Butte Falls and small daughter Mae recently visited rela­ a stenographer by a Portland firm, Donna spent the week-end at the home tives here. of Mr. and Mrs Nelson l’urcel, • Ear) Bryant, who is employed where she visited her husband, who at Beaver creek, spent the week­ teaches at the Little Applegate end with his family hi re • The Nugget for cold drinks. school. • Mrs Frank Knutzen and daugh­ • Mr. and Mrs. R R. Child« and ters Margaret and Ileen spent tlx family ot Griffin creek were vixit- week-end at the home of Mrs. W. ora at the Ed Vogel home Sunday. • Mr. and Mr«. G. N. Coon of A. Crane at Central Point. Ana, Calif., are visiting at • Mrs. Roas Dickey and children, residents of Applegate for the last the home of Mrs. Coon’s sisters. year, moved recently to Lozier Miss Hurst and Mrs. Roy Smith. lane near Medford. Mr. Dickey • Mr. and Mrs Bill Merritt of continues in the employment of Medford, formerly of Seattle, the forest service ax construction called on Mr. and Mrs. James An­ derson Monday evening. foreman on the Applegate. • Orvai Rowden of Ruch recently • Mr. and Mrs Dick Gaskin of accepted employment in the Pros­ Klamath Falls visited friends here BOWMANS FAMOUS Sunday. pect vicinity in falling timber. and SPIRAL < -ROqUIGNOLE • Ray Lewis, Hal Green and Doris • M ihh Luetta West went to Med ford recently, where she Is em­ Clark returned to Ashland Nor­ PERMANENTS ployed at the home of Dr. and Mrs mal Sunday after spending the week-end at their homes here. All Work Guaranteed W. G. Bishop • Week-end guests at the home of • l’aul Hess, recently-returned Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Brown included youth of the village, entered high BOWMAN’S Mrs. Brown's niece and husband. school Wednesday and lx Misted the Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor Mr. and Mrs. Roy l^anagan of San upper class enrollment to an even Phone 57—13 S. Central Francisco, who were enroute to hundred. their home following a trip to • Mrs. Alva Tice is assisting at Portland. They were accompanied by Mrs. Lanagan's mother, Mrs Mary Stone of Portland, who will Fall and Winter Weather Present the spend the winter in the Bay City. Additional guests at the Brown Home-Owner With Tw o Most home during the week were Mis home during the week were Mr Important Problems— and Mrs. J. W. Stone of Portland • Mr. and Mrs. Paul F Anderson of Medford, accompanied by a' party of friends, motored over the , Siskiyou road to the Klamath river Sunday. Thoy reported seeing 32 deer on the trip, all with the ex­ AND THE NECESSARY FUNDS ception of one in the game re­ serve in the Siskiyou«. TO PROVIDE IT! • Mrs. Dora Saltmarsh is a guest this week at the home of her We are in a position to furnish materials includ­ daughter, Mrs. John Cantrall on ing Cedar Shingles, Composition Shingles, Miner­ Beatty street, Medford. Mrs. Salt­ marsh also expects to visit Mrs. al-Surfaced and plain types of Roofing Paper, Alice Ulrich at Jacksonville before and then—of equal importance to you—we are her return home. • Courteous service at the Nugget ready to assist your financing of this (or any • Mr. and Mrs. Ixroy West, Med­ other) improvement through terms of the ford newlyweds, arc moving to Lit- AGOOD ROOF NATIONAL HOUSING ACT DEL ROGUE Our government is bending every effort to assist the home-owner in improving, preserving and re­ modeling his property on most reasonable terms. It will pay you to investigate this latest boon to property-owning. Drop in and learn more of the terms of the National Housing Act now ... no obligation, of course, for our assistance in draw­ ing of plans, furnishing of estimates or for NHA loan application blanks and full information . . . WHETHER YOU ARE THINKING OF LUMBER, LABOR OR LOANS, REMEMBER WE ARE “THE BUILDERS' BUREAU OF INFORMATION” PORTER LUMBER COMPANY 204 SOUTH FIR Page 3 PHONE 124 TO CALIFORNIA High Prospector Southern Pacific Harold W. Sargent is Wasting E ye S ight With lamps oostiag ao HMto, it is poor eoonomy to be sparing with light. Whether at wort about your home or at play with your children, both you and they need the eyesight proteotioi which proper and ample lighting give«. During the month of Mo ▼ember lamp dealers in the ter ritory served by this oompany are co-operating to make it easy for you to fill your lighting needs. Your light dealer will be glad to recommend the proper lamp for each fixture in your home. Test all your lamps now and plan to buy an inside frosted Mazda lamp to fill every empty socket. Don’t forget to buy a few spares to place on a oon- - ▼enient shelf. • • ' • THOSE EMPTY SOCKETS THF Cr\LlFOWoA OREGON POWER COMPANY MU Buy Lamps from Your Nearest Mazda Dealer J