Friday, October 12, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Page 4 Bums had a dog. a real dog. Sundays and overtime, I paid off thia obligation in full in less than a month. The engineer never showed up to collect the $00 due him. so it must have been hr who set the mill on fire Just took his wages out in revenge on Burns and calk'd it square I never heard from Burna and was glad I didn't Changing the subject a little. Since that time I have always B.v <1. C. REYNOLDS J some coal miners in Colorado, ered some chunks of fresh meat tried to avoid ¡tropic who poa- It is said there are only 12 men close to where I was working full of ground glass Then we knew sessed ungovernable letnpeiM My that without doubt that it was the in the entire world who can under­ about 45 year« ago, found the engineer ’s work. And we knew own temper was bail enough und stand Professor Albert Einstein's bones of a giant lizard in a gixul there was no hope for thp dog He It took me years to overcome it. theory of relativity I have done state of preservation. Scientists was doomed a most agonising but it is my private opinion that my darndest to be the thirteenth, were notified and at once came death When to that was made plain any person who has a temper they but after two years study, must and took charge of the excavation. Burns wept like a child. Many of can't control at all is as nutty as give it up and call myself licked. Gentlemen, that was some lizard. the men went around with tears the majority of the nitwits in the When his bones had been dug up For awhile I was getting along in their eyes unashamed It was crazy house and ought to b»> sent and arranged as they were in life, fine. I can realize the shortest dis­ decided he must be killed to put there tx'fore they injure somebody. tance between two points is a they showed him to have been 85 him out of his misery, but not a To science and to science alone I curve. I can understand that if I feet in length and a man six feet man wanted to be the executioner. give all the credit for gaining the started out and traveled for sev­ tall could walk right through near­ I am sure I didn't. I have seen eral million years through space, ly all the way. It was in this same men I had far rather kill than that I would land right back here in section where the giant lizard was dog. But someone must do it After Jackson county. Oregon And it is found I went through a rather a day and night, during which easily seen that a train speeding bitter experience. I have a hard everything that could be thought ■ ■VPR ■ Children 10»' 60 miles an hour is shorter than head, but when experience pounds of was done to ease his suffering, a lesson into it, I find I do not one that is standing still But when though to no avail, it fell to me to Saturduy Only Einstein says that a fall from any soon forget it. fire the mercy shot. I went up to This was in the early eighties him. petted him for a bit, then height is not the result of gravita­ KKN MAYNARD In tion, but is caused by the earth when times were booming in the showed him my gun. He smelled coming up and hitting the falling west. I went in with a fellow of it and his intelligent eyes object, I find it too complicated named Burns and we bought a showed he understood. I said. "Old for my feeble brain to assimilate. portable sawmill. For its size it Friend, I am going to do you a In fact, I don’t believe a word of it. was a first-class outfit. We could kindness and put you out of your | “PIRATE TREASURE" If the earth were flat, it might cut 15.000 feet of lumber a day pain." He reached out his tongue | possibly work out, but listen here: 1 and sell every bit of it for a good and licked my hand and I shot him Sundaj and Monday Suppose ar. airship several miles I price in cash, though we piled up square between the eyes. Then I up was fal'ing over Oregon, and a the clear stuff in the yard to sea­ went off in the woods and bawled balloon miles high in the air was son. after which it was worth a like a baby for an hour. 4 Marx Brothers fulling on the other side of the still higher figure. We had a dandy A week later a dozen of us were I location where the ground was just world, ai’d a million other object In sleeping soundly in the bunkhouse. were falling from different heights I right for logging and everything Bui ns of course was with his wife 1 else was just right except that we all over the world, as happens in the little_ shack they had to were short of water. To overcome themselves. Three of the loggers every second of time. Do I believe that our earth this we built an enormous tank in­ who had families were at their jumps up in different places a mil­ side the mill and by letting this separate camps nearby. A vivid, Tumday luid Wrdnr»