Friday, October 12, 1034 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Personal News Notes pp of thia city, who have been visiting In Portland Mrs Kil- ham will visit friends and relatives in thia section, while her son will be a guest of Edward and Cheater Kubll on a hunting trip to the Sis­ kiyou« • The Nugget for cold drinks. • J. W Wakefield ami lx.uls Thompson of Medford are among recent hunter« at Dona mo re Mr. Wakefield returned to Medford with a deer. BBOWMAN'N FAMOUS CROQUIONOLE und SPIRAL PERMANENTS All Work G ua run teed BOWMAN’S Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor Phone 57—1H 8. Central • Mi and Mrs Elmo Throckmort­ on of Applegute were Medford vis­ itor« Tuesday. • The public is cordially Invited to attend the dunce at Applegate hull tomorrow night, which Is s|H>nsored by the School Improve­ ment club of the Applegate school l-adlea of the district will furnish the supper and Hansen's orchestra has bren engaged for the evening. Proceed« will be used to obtain equipment for a manual training class, which will be in charge of William Ludwig, upper grade teacher. <> MI hs Francis Weisner and Mrs Elwood Htrader of Medford were ¡(U ch I s of Mr. and Mr«. A. 8. Klein ham mor Sunday. • Or. ami Mrs. Charles T. Sween­ ey of Medford motored to their ranch near Murphy Sunday, also allln gut the home of lx-w Carson while in this section. • Mr. and Mrs Charles Teague ■xpected to return Wednesday to their home ut Eugene, having ipent several days at Copper aa juesta of Mr. and Mrs A W. Mer­ er. parents of Mr Teague. • Ixiuia Straube, accompanying Cleo Young of Willow Springs, left oy motor Sunday for Portland to ittend the livestock exposition. • The two expected to remain In the >orth for two week«, during which time they will continue to Yakima to visit relatives of Mr Young. • Mr ami Mrs J. L>. West ami family of Willow Springs and Mel­ vin West and daughter and son-in- law were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A West here Sunday. • Mr anti Mrs Earl Glgalow of • Stop at the Nugget. Medford spent the week-end at the home of Mrs Anna Ruch. • Mrs Lilia McDonough of Ruch is convalescing in the Sacred Heart hospital, following a major opera­ tion performed laat week. • The Jacksonville County Health workers met at the home of Mrs H K Hanna Tuesday for a covered dish luncheon and round-table dis­ cussion of child welfare work Eight ladies were present. • Mr and Mrs C. A Smith had as dinner guests Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. E II Wise and daughter Helen of Granta Pass • Dinner guest of Mr and Mrs. Paul Godward and daughter Dor­ land Wednesday evening was I Leon­ ard Hall of Jacksonville. • A crew of men under Jack Thrasher as foreman are working at the summit of Jacksonville hill constructing a short piece of new road that will connect the old road east of the hill with the surfaced highway in use at present and will make a most convenient cut-off road for those who live In the Sterling «action. It has been sug­ gested that the place where the road« join be designated aa Sterl­ ing Junction The right-of-way for the new road was donated by T. S. Cady of the Summit service sta­ tion and the Jackson County Build­ ing and Ixar. company. • Mr and Mrs. Curtis Altimus of Tracy. Calif , are spending this week visiting Clyde May in the Steamboat section. Thia is their first visit to southern Oregon and they are very much pleased with It as a vacation land. • Clayton Gaddy and Albert and George Heuners, all of this city, left Tuesday for Klamath county, where they will hunt deer. • Mrs Anna Dorn of this city is visiting her son Ernest at Port­ land. • Western Union at the Nugget Page 3 • Mr and Mrs. J. D Gaddy, form­ and Mr« Carl Neidermeyer and. ident, John Nunn secretary-treas­ quints are of slight concern erly of this city now living iri San family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul God­ urer The songs that they are to The typo, who uses quads to fill Bernardino, Calif , are the proud ward and family and Mr. and Mr«. working on are "Mah Lindy Lou" out the the line. Weston Leader. imrenta of a baby girl bom Oc­ Henry Neidermeyer. and “On the Road to Mandalay.” tober 4 weighing nine and one- • Mr. and Mrs John De Haas of The „ girls elected Madeliene half pounds. Central Point and daughter, Mrs I Metzgar pi «resident, Eleanor Clark preaid and Alice Walton ---- president • Mr and Mr« Howard Lewi« of Allen Ha«t week the turnout for prac­ r • Mrs Bill Ijtrson war a caller the advantage of thinking for him­ tice comprised a large number, but at the B A Gaddy home Monday. self. Of course you may get a little since the "tough” play of Friday Dr. H. P. Coleman • Roger Dunnlngton. «on of Mr. better grade, but do you have a evening it has somewhat de­ and Mr« C. B Dunnlngton. spent better knowledge afterwards? "Let creased Coach Hunsaker is hoping Chiropractic - Physiotheraphy Oregon License 264 the week-end at the home of rela­ George do it" isn't the game it for a better turnout than was wit­ used to be. Therefore, the person nessed Monday. tives on Wolf gulch California License 3029 • Hal Miller, who is attending who tends to his own business is 14 Years in Medford, Oregon normal at Ashland, spent the the most respected. FOUND IN THE DIGGIN’S week-end with hl» parents, Mr. Tattle tale, tattle tale, who's a r and Mrs J. C. Green of this city. WORK STARTED ON REMODELING OF GYM tattle tale? . . . One of the senior • Mr. and Mrs George Tranta of girls with a "beau catcher” on her Butte Fall« visited relatives here With a bang! bang! bang! work «iress . . . We certainly do wish started Monday on the remodeling that students wouldn't run up and Monday. • Mr and Mrs G. O. Sanden an«i of the Jacksonville high school down the stairs ... It certainly family were visitor« at Holcomb gymnasium. There is to be a new would help if some of the students inner ceiling and a basement is would practice using a few man­ aprings Sunday. • Miss Hensley of Medford was a being excavated. The government ners now and then . . . The stud­ dinner guest of Miss Golda Boone provided *1265 to be used as wages ent who has no time for study was at the home of Mrs. Chester Pur­ and the school district is providing probably bom tired and has never the material. This will be'quite an recovered . . . "You can tell a cel Wednesday evening • Mrs Hedgepath and Mr« Yo­ improvement and a much needed senior, but you can’t tell them cum of Medford were recent visit­ one. The work will probably run very much” ... A junior trying ors at the home of Martha Mitch­ six weeks or more. to master the art of concealing ell. his ignorance ... A big little ENROLLMENT RECORD • The Nugget for magazines freshman seen mistaking notoriety SMASHED • Mr H L Noblit of Medford and for fame . . . Mr Nee: We breathe How many students are enrolled oxygen every day, what do we Chester Purcel of Jacksonville left Tuesday morning for upper Evans in the high school? breathe at night ? Health Stud­ There have been many wild ent: Nitrogen . . . It’s funny how creek where they planned to spend guesses and a few good estima­ some freshmen get “stuck up” so several days hunting. • Mrs G O. Sanden was among tions in answer to that question. soon . . . Have you heard the boys those Jacksonville ladles attending To be exact 99 students are now glee club lately? You ought to a Medford cooking school Wednes­ enrolled; 47 boys and 52 girls. tune in . . . Boys, returning from More students have enrolled this scrimmage, minus some of their day. • Mrs. Clyde Fields and children year than last year. There are 33 epidermis. freshmen, 32 sophomores, 20 jun­ moved to Medford Wednesday. • Miss Margaret Howe of Seattle. ior« and, last and least. 14 seniors. Wash , is visiting her brother. Lar­ -MUSICAL PROGRAM GIVRN ry Howe Of'this city HEADQUARTERS FOR A musical program for the P- • Raymond McKnight of Lozier lane visited his grandparents, Mr. T. A. was held Friday in the high and Mrs. R. E Wilson of this city. school assembly. The grade school • Mrs. Rob Reames of Medford students sang’songs. Three songs from the primary ■pent last Wednesday at the home room were "The Apple Man." "The of Mrs T. A. Burnfiel. • T. A. Burnfiel and family, and Airplane," and "The Broom." Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heckert spent Other songs coming from the Sunday afternoon at the Roy John­ grades were "Winds," "Septem­ ber," and "The Magic Boat" by the ston home on Forest creek. • Mr. R. A. Johnson and Larry third and fourth grades; "Juanita” Howe of this city were business and "Pop Goes the Weasel" by visitors in Medford Saturday eve­ the fifth and sixth grades; "An Old Legend” and "A Farewell ning. • Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kass- Song” by the seventh and eighth hafer and Shelley Littell of this grades. city left for a week-end hunting GLEE CLUBS ORGANIZED trip in Sams valley a few days ago. The high school glee clubs, which Mr and Mrs. Kasshafer have made their home at that place for the were organized last week, elected officers in their respective groups. winter. Miners and prospectors of this district • Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Godward The boys elected Russel Ayers will find the MF&H stocks complete and entertained at dinner Sunday Mr. prsident, Wayne Martin, vice pres- GO EAST SUNSHINE High Prospector Southern Pacific DEL ROGUE M ining SUPPLIES convenient . . . below are listed a few of our timely offers which will save you time and money: INSTALL A QUAKER BURNOIL Circulator AND FORGET COLD WEATHER! Mercury- Per pound.. Bulk Carbine— In leas than 5-pound lots, per peund... Bulk Carbide— In 5-pound lots, or more, per pound.......... ............. (We Also Carry Carbide in Cans) Miner’s Caps— Carbide Cans— Each ...................................................................... Cat’s Head Hammer— Best grade ............... Miner’s Hand Picks— Stanley's best grade . Carbide Lamps— With pocket carbide container, complete....... IT omen’s Warm Outing Flannel GOWNS 45c Just when you need them! Peach, pink, white; striped or plain. Button-front or slip­ over. Regular and extra sizes Bargains! They’ll sell fast! YOU be the judge! J. C. PENNEY CO. We Have Quakers to Fit Any Home Gold Pans— Small size............... 4*9 <* SM Large size. Mortar and Pestle— For the quartz miner and prospector............... Quaker Burnoil Circulating Heaters may be installed in your home for a small down payment and easy monthly pay­ ments. Phone 659 for further informa­ tion or drop in to see $1.30 15c 12e 38c ISC $2.45 $1.75 $1.25 75c $1.90 Headquarters for Du Pont Explosives Call at the Store for Your Free Copy of the Du I’ont Illustrated Explosives Manual WM. HAMMETT 31 North Bartlett Street Phone 659 Medford “From the Cheapest That’s Good to the Best That’s Made"