Page 4 Friday, October 5, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER The esteemed linker News says will sell at public auction for cash his complaint herein, namely a "there's a place for silver," and we to th«> highest bidder, to satisfy decree of divorce. Ttils summons 1s published In concur. It's In our punts. Weston •said judgment, together with the coats of this sale, subject to re­ Th«> Jacksonville Miner by order I Leader. demption as provided by law, all of of the Hoti H D Norton, judge the right, title and interest that of the above entitled court, duly ELECTED CLASS PKEXY general circulation, printed and the suid defendants. Emmeline A made and entered herein th«' 12th Having sustained injuries Sat- published at Jacksonville, Jackaon K Bevan, also known as Hetty li. tlav of September, 1934 Elected September 25, Marcella Mitchell is now wieldcr of the i unlay while fighting fire on Elliott county, Oregon, the date of the Bevan, administratrix of the es­ The date of th«« first publication creek. Ervin Lewis, on guard duty first publication being (k-tober 5, tat«' of Arthur Cyril Bevan, also of this summons is the 14th day hammer in the freshman class. at Perk's pasture, was obliged to Tenaciously holding the other 1 1934. ami the time for answer ex­ known as A C. Bevan, deceased; of September, 193-1. offices are Bud Pe^bler, vice presi­ remain at ins home this week, al­ piring November 3. 1934 Emnirline A K Bevan, also known Milla 2ftc • Eve« 35c • Kiddle«« |(ki ALLISON MOULTON, though he will return to his post dent; Frieda Caulkins, secretary; BRIGGS A BRIGGS as Betty K. llevan. guardian of th«' Attorney for Plaintiff in a tew days. Alone at the time treasurer, Herbert Miers. and ser­ FRANK J VAN DYKE person and estate of Barbara Nor- 301 IJbcrty Building of the accident, Mr. Lewis is un­ geant-at-arms. Gail Lusk. By WM. M BRIGGS. Bevan, a minor; Emmeline Medforil, Oregon. wood End* Saturdiiy able to tell what happened, al­ Attorneys for Plaintiff A K. Bevan, also known as Betty (Sept, 14 21 23 Oct 5) GIRLS LEAGUE ORGANIZES though it is believed that a gash I\»st office address: Pioneer Block. K Bevan, widow of Arthur Cyril on his forehead resulted either GROUPS Ashland. Oregon. Bevan, also known as A. C. Bevan, A inass meeting of the Jackson­ from falling and striking his head (Oct 5 12 19 26) deceased; and Barbara Norwood on a rock, or stepping over a short ---------- « ---------- ville Girls' league was held last Bevan, a minor child of Arthur Friday. The purpose of the meet­ precipice. Following several hours NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALK Cyril Bevan, also known as A. C. of unconsciousness, Mr. Ix'wis ing was to organise the different By virtue of an execution in Bevan, deceased sole and only groups and to elect a chairman for walked to the Pennsylvania mine foreclosure duly Issued out of and heirs at law and next of kin of and the next day was taken to Adults - Kiddies 10c each. The following were elected: under the seal of the circuit court J Arthur Cyril Bevan, ulso known Dixie Churchill, athletics; Alice Gamp Applegate, where Dr. J. B. of the state of Oregon, in and for as A. C Bevan, deceased; George Madsen, dramatics; Vonetta Ru­ Gillis took several stitches in the the county of Jackson, to me di­ R Carter, county clerk and ex- Frl-Sat precht, charm school, and Elisa­ wound. officio registrar of titles of Jack- A crew of over 200 fire fighters rected and dated on the 20th day son beth White, literary. county, Oregon; Jackson coun ­ of September, 1934, in a certain The first activities of the groups has been reduced to 50 or 60 work- action therein, wherein Jackson ty. Oregon, a political subdivision are as follows: The athletically- era who are remaining on the El­ County Building and Ixtan Asso- I of the state of Oregon, hud on the creek burn, which started Sat­ mlnded are planning to play vol­ liott day of March. 1925. or now MMSWEENE1 urday afternoon from burning elation, an Oregon building and 4th . SIGHT IS TIIKVI'B NITE’ ley ball starting Wednesday. Try­ grass, loan corporation, as plaintiff, re-1 have in and to th«' following de­ and covered over 400 acres. outs for a play sponsored by the Some timber was damaged, al­ covered judgment against Emme-1 scribed property, situated in the CHARtES'RUCCIES county of Jackson, state of Ore­ X» DIOIU 0340IIT IHCÍH dramatic group will begin Tues­ only a small amount was line A K. Bevan, also known as gon. to-wit: Sun-Mon-Tue day. Those interested in literary though Betty K. Bevan, administratrix of, killed by the fire, which was lo ­ Lot IK block 1. of Tuttles First pursuits are choosing a new name cated about seven miles from the the estate of Arthur Cyril Bevan, and are planning to study drama mouth of Elliott creek. A horse be­ also known as A. C. Bevan, de­ Addition to th«* city of Medford, Sun-Mon The charm school also is choosing longing to a resident there burned ceased; Emmeline A. K. Bevan, Oregon Dated at Medford. Oregon, this a new name and is going to build also known as Betty K. Bevan, a constitution on personality. guardian of the person and estate 2nd day of October. 1934. WALTER J OLMSCHEID, Of course, restrictively speaking, of Barbara Norwiaui Bevan, a STOHYCFONE COUNTY NURSE LOOKS OVER there are a few who realty have minor; Emmeline A. K Bevan, also Sheriff of Ju« kson County On rAMILY...FOR. By HOWARD GAULT. GRADE SCHOOL STUDENTS their eyes open. They are having known as Betty K. Bevan, widow EVERY Deputy. Miss Runnels came last week i a festival ox their own—a much of Arthur Cyril Bevan, also known to inspect the pupils of the grade more profitable festival. Admit­ as A. C. Bevan, deceased: and (Oct 5 12 19 26) e school. Their weight and measure- : tance to this festival is free, al­ Barbara Norwood Bevan, a minor ments were charted, eyes and ears though the excess of $25 has been child of Arthur Cyril Bevan, also III the Circuit Court of th«' State of Oregon In tuitl for the examined and teeth checked. Fifth invested in it. known as A C. Bevan, deceased, Countv of Jiu-knon By reading the magazines and sole and only heirs at law and next and sixth grade pupils made post­ newspapers furnished by the of kin of Arthur Cyril Bevan, als«> J. H. ROGERS, PLANTIFF. ers for the week. vs. New Hbrary library books have been in-i in- school, one may be quite economi- known us A. C. Bevan, deceased; 3 tai led for the first four grades, cal. For nine months $25 dollars George R. Carter, county clerk ELSIE ROGERS. DEFENDANT .Marian Marsh some of which deal with music, i worth of energy may be saved and ex-officio registrar of titles of SI MMONN It involves only the directing of Jackson county, Oregon; JACK- TO' THE ABOVE NAMED DE­ New songs that have already been Dresser learned by the third and fourth excess energy from the extreme­ SON COUNTY. OREGON, a po­ FENDANT ELSIE ROGERS: grades are: "A Farewell Song,” ties of hands and feet to the eyes. litical subdivision of the state of In the name of the state of Ore­ Ralph Morgan "German Folk Song. " "An Old The mouth counted in with the Oregon; also all other persons or gon you are hereby summoned and , MORGAN Legend." and "The Wayside feet and hands would make a more parties unknown claiming any required to appear and answer the even balance. Spring.” right, title, estate. Hen or interest complaint of the plaintiff herein THEREÏALWAYT, Starts Wednesday Mrs. Hunsaker has organized a in or to the real estate described on file against you. or otherwise glee club for the girls of the sev­ FOUND IN THE DIGGIN’S plead thereto within four (4) in the complaint herein, the de­ enth and eighth grades. Meetings A poor little piece of candy that fendants. for the sum of $1400 00. weeks from the date of the first TOMORROW V WHATTA will be held from 11:30 to 12:00. was found on the floor by a senior plus interest from the 30th day publication of this summons, and 8INNIE'BARNES and Francis Height will act as ac­ and passed around the assembly of September, 1932, to the 25th you arc hereby notified that If you LOIS WILSON companist for the group. Mrs. was finally eaten by a freshman day of May. 1934. at the rate of fail so to appear and answer with Hunsaker also plans to conduct a boy . . . Xt certainly is too bad 10% per annum being the sum of in the time specified, for want ELIZABETH ÌOUNC. high school glee club. that some of our freshmen haven’t $239.55, plus interest on $1154.02 thereof plaintiff will apply to the A league comprising Central learned that throwing spit-wads from the 25th day of May, 1934, to court for the relief prayed for in Point, Red Top, Phoenix, Belle­ isn't permissible in high school . . . the date hereof at the rate of 10% I vue, Howard and Jacksonville The civics class being entertained per annum, being the sum of! schools has been organized for by a handsome juggler . . . What's $25.64, less the sum of $197.66 paid baseball. In the past week Jack­ this we hear about putting the on stock, less the sum of $48.32 ■ ■VfB I Children 10c sonville carried honors, winning boy-friend to sleep? . . . Why all accrued dividends on said stock, the two games from Central Point the tape on your face—— ? Did plus $11.20 for insurance premium and Red Top to the tune of 12-3 someone bite you? . . . We find paid by plaintiff, plus $5.00 for, .Saturday Only that we get to stay in this year if continuation of abstract of title. 1 and 12-4. we don't get our lessons . . . The plus interest on said judgment at 419'/. EAST MAIN HOB STEE1X In SAYING ON THE TIME BUDGET Little Red Hen reading to the civ­ the rate of 10' ; per annum from I PHONE 81 Away zing the paper wads from ics class . . . Frankie trying to the date of the decree herein, with J BEAUTY SERVICES students specializing in that wide­ imitate the Big Bad Wolf . . . costs and disbursements taxed at AT A SAVING spread art. Thumbs are dexterous­ Well, use a hankie. Geòrgie, it isn't eighteen and 13 100 I $18.13) dol­ ly twiddled and feet shuffled in polite to use your finger. lars. and the further sum of one Permanent W’ave . 32.00 RUTH ETTIhC the study hall at any convenient hundred ten and 00,100 ($110.00) 25c Finger Wave ........ time. Things are still much the dollars as attorney’s fees, which I Sunday and Monday LEGAL NOTICES judgment ... 25c same this year when it comes to was enrolled and dock- ! Comb Wave .......... GJCORGE RAFT ... 25c disposing of spare time. eted in the clerk’s office of said Shampoo _...... ....... In the Circuit Court of the State court in said county on the 20th | CAMOLE LOMBARD Haircut ........ - ........ .... 25c ftp th Annual of Oregon in and for Medford Cycle and ----------- day of September, 1934, ...25c Marcel ____ __ __ SAULI BAND Jackson County NOTICE is hereby given that, Repair Shop 25c BESSIE VIOLA ASHLEY, pursuant to the terms of the said Manicure . ...........„.. GUNSMITH —IAN KSMITH 25c Plaintiff, execution, I will on the 3rd day of Eyebrow Arch .... V vs. laswn Mower Service November, 1934. at 10:00 a.m., at, Scalp Treatment ... 50« WALTER ASHLEY. Defendant. Phone 261 23 North Fir the front door of the courthouse j Hot Oil ............ ........ 5Oc SUIT IN EQUITY FOR DIVORCE in the city of Medford, in Jackson j Facails ........ ............ 50c Tur-Mía y und V» i-diimduy county, Oregon, offer for sale and I ALIAS SUMMONS ____ » r To: WALTER ASHLEY, the above • l A FIRST RUN PICTURE! named defendant: ; ./ R. W. Sleeter, M. D. In the name of the state of Ore­ -, * ‘ ,W gon, you are hereby notified and 71', 202 Medford Bldg. tequired to appear in the above ri i _ ki* entitled court and cause and an­ with NOAH BEERY Pilone 4 swer the complaint of plaintiff now Medford ASTRID ALLYN on file therein against you, within ten days from the date of the serv­ r and ice of this summons upon you, if Thursday mid Friday F YOU are nervous today, you probably served upon you in Jackson coun­ will not sleep well tonight. If you don't ty, Oregon, but if served upon you sleep well tonight, you will probably be in any other county of the state of PORTIAND.OREGON nervous tomorrow. Oregon, then within twenty days from the date of the service of October 6 to 13 with (.LOKIA STUART Don’t allow yourself to become nervous. this summons upon you, and if Take Dr. Miles Nervine. It will relax your ROGER « K7OK IS Shows I m One—11 ocrea under one e served upon you by publication, tense nerves and let you get a good night’s roof. Exhibit« of pur bred LivoaloA. then within four weeks from the TRY THE NEW Dog«, foullry, ftt Stock. Wild life, lend sleep. date of the first publication of this MODEI. UNDERWOOD froducti, Monvtoctvr.d Product« 4-N Irritability, Restlessness, Sleeplessness, often summons; and if you fail to appear TYPEWRITERS Club and Smith-Hughe«Vocational Ed«» lead to Nervous Headache, Nervous Indi- and answer within the time re­ S. C. PETERS • coHon Work; Combination Horse Show quired, for want thereof, the Sestion, Hysteria—sometimes to a nervous and Indoor Rodeo plaintiff will apply to the court for reakdown and organic trouble. Taylor and Bierma (II.M.II.) the relief prayed for in her com­ LARGE PREMIUM LISTS 34 N. Central—Trli-phone 112 Some of the people, whose letters are printed plaint. Medford below, were as nervous as you are—possibly «EDUCED FARES-ALL LINF< By order of the Honorable H. D. more so—yet they have found relief. Dentist judge of the said court, Krvin Lewis, Injured I Norton, made and dated this 4th day of October, 1934. this summons Is ---- Jacksonville ----------- --------- While Fighting Elliott - ' I ' served High School upon you by publication for , four successive weeks in The Jack­ (. reek Fire, Recovers MARCELLA .MITCHELL sonville Miner, a newaapor of High Prospector OISEEO f MENDS Of Limberlosf ROXY 20c ¿M0WE ^STUART i —o— I of Beauty Culture “YOUNG BLOOD” PACIFIC T INTERNATIONA! I I I k'UYriXWi “BOLERO Hectic Days Mystery Liner HORSE SHOW I ff9 RODEO Three year» ago I wax so nervoue I eoald net bear to go out in company and eoald not sleep nights. A friend ro- commended Dr Mil« Nervine. I now enloy mya.lf thor­ oughly and .leep every night. Mias Juliette Carrier, New Market. N H Italian Dinners Are Coming to the 323 EAST MAIN STREET, MEDFORD Starting Saturday evening, at 6 o’clock, Medford popular Gnome Inn will feature piping hot, full-course Italian Dinners at 50 cents! Prepared for you by none other than Mother Bianchi herself . . . they’re incomparable! DINNERS WILL BE SERVED, BEGINNING SATURDAY EVENING, DAILY AND SUNDAY BOTH NOON AND NIGHT —WITH GNOME INN ORCHESTRAL MUSIC, OF COURSE! Dine, Dance and Enjoy Your Beer at the Sign of the Gnomes! Miss Sally Cole in Charge—Phone 235 Opposite Post Office I hive used Dr. Mile« Nervine in liquid form and find It the beat medicin« for th« nerve« I have ever used. Christen« Lan ter. Middleton, Ten □«■•«• Whenever I Iiave over-Indulged and f«el reatless I take on« or two Nervin« Tablet« iust before I retire. In the morning when awake I feel like a new person and can go about my work as usual. Dr Mllaa Nervine Tablets quiet your nerve«, brace you up and are the simplest. most con­ venient tablets to take I nave ever found. Miss Grace Red ma on, St. James, Minn. (HOORAY, HOORAY!!) GNOME K INN TYPEWRITER SERVICE I Like It That Way Ml«« Re dm a a takes Dr. Mlles Nervine when« •▼er sb« feel« restless ■JACKSONVILLE *■ Before using your Nervin« I was very nervous and irritable. Sine« I hav« started to take It I feel so much better that my family notice the difference. I atill take It from time to time and the good result la wonderful. J. H. Redding. 1027 lbth Av«., Rock Island, IU. Dr. Miles Nervine Liquid and Tablets ALL DR. MILES’ PREPARATIONS ARE SOLD AT Jarmin’s for Drugs "Next to Mann’s on North Central—Phone 73 25c Dr. Miles’ Nervine.......... 21c $1.00 Dr. Miles’ Nervine...... 83c Our Service Includes ASSISTANCE in SECURING LOANS (JNI)ER THE TERMS OF THE NATIONAL HOUSING ACT HOME OWNERS LOAN CORP. FEDERAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATIONS AVAIL YOURSELF OF THIS OPPORTUNITY TO BUILD, REMOIIEI, OR REPAIR T im Bi-R «toroso Either Liquid Or Effervescent Tablets ALL MAIL ORDERS SENT POSTPAID TO YOU WK “■ "c~// C ompany ootoos Phone 7 End North (Central A Good Firin to Trude With I