Friday, September 28, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER A also are riding in the Fir Glade I vicinity. • Mrs Ervin I^-wis entertained a . few guests at dinner nt her home ! Sunday in observance of her birth- anniversary,I n< lulling Mr and <1 Both from JACKSONVILLE and OVER the HILL duy Mrs Frank Ditsworth of Prospect and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harr and • Fred Klclnhamrner of Jackson­ • H. D. (Johnny) Reed of Gold son and «laughter. ville was a recent overnight guest llill, democratic nominee for coun­ • Mr and Mrs, Edward Scott and at the home of his brother. A. S ty Judge, was visiting friends on Norman Jensen of upper Apple­ gate were transacting business in Klcinhummer of Applegate. Applegate Tuesday. • John Griffin of Medford visited • Mr. and Mrs. Hale Wheeler of Medford early this week recently at the home of Mr. and Medford spent the week-end at the • Mr and Mrs. Frank Clark of Mrs. Miles Cantrail Mr Griffin home of Mrs. Wheeler's futher, this city, in observance of the lat­ ter's birthday anniversary, expect­ Is president of the Southern Ore­ Fred Offen bacher. gon Pioneer association, and dis­ • Andrew Bostwick, employed In ed to be hosts tonight to Mr. and cussed the approaching reunion, the Rogue River valley fruit harv­ Mrs Mercer, Mr, and Mrs. Yonce, which will be held In Jacksonville est for some lime, has returned to Mr. and Mrs. Erickson, Mr. and October 4. Applegute, ami has resumed oper­ Mrs Fayes, all of Medford, and • Mrs Carolyn Winetrout, accom­ ation of the Wheeler quartz mill Henry Wilkerson and Miss John- son of Jacksonville, at dinner. panied by Mrs. Clarence Wlnetrout below Ruch. and son Arthur, all of Grants Pass, • The HEC. club of the Applegate • I>>cal residents who have a lik- spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Grange wim scheduled to meet at Ing for sorghum can obtain the Mrs Fred Benedict. the home of Mrs. Frank Knutzen strictly home-made produce this • The Little Applegate Sewing Wednesday. Members are engaged season from Tom I»vel, who raised a few acres of cane at the A. 8 club will convene at the home of in quilt making at the present. Mrs M R Buck Wednesday after­ • Charles and Forrest Ravenor. Kleinhammcr ranch, where he is noon. October 3. for the first fall who bail been prospecting along employed. Mr. Lovel purchased a meeting, Mrs Buck announced this the Big Applegate near Ruch dur­ mill and ground i’>0 or 70 gallons week In May the club adjourned ing the summer, expected to move of sorghum from his crop. activities for the summer, and with to Jacksonville this week, where • Six Inches of snow were re­ the approach of chilly afternoons, they would continue their prospect ported at Dutchman's peak Sun­ day. Wagner Gap guard station re- members turn their thoughts to work. ported two Inches, while Fir Glade needle work. • Orval Rowden, employed in had four. • Mr. and Mrs Glenn Saltmarsh fruit packing at Medford, spent • While advancing skyward in and Mr. and Mrs Fred West mot­ .Sunday with his parents, Mr and pursuit of a flying squirrel. Miss ored over the Siskiyou road to Mrs. T M. Rowden. Mr. and Mrs Mary Stephenson of upper Apple­ Klamath river Sunday, returning Frank Bumhctaer and two daugh­ gate fell from a tree Saturday, over the Pacific highway They ters of Medford also were guests sustaining a sprained ankle. She encountered several inches of snow at the Rowden home Bunday. Is reported to have fallen 25 or 30 on the trip and rode several small • Stop at the Nugget. liit drifts. • Week-end guests at the home • Next regular meeting of RNA • Week-end guests at the home of of Mark Winningham were Attor­ will be held Tuesday, October 2. Mr and Mrs. K. H. Taylor were ney and Mrs Kenneth Denman of at the Jacksonville Royal Neigh­ Mr. and Mrs. Frances Corthay of Medford and the former's sister, bor hall. District Deputy Brocli of Scuttle, who were on their home­ Miss Helen Denman of Corvallis, Ashland Is to lx* present, at which ward Journey after a two months and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Norris, time members must lie present to trip to Tennessee, where they vis­ Gil Nebs of Medford and John Nor­ ited relatives. The couple traveled win a small prize. through 1H states during their trip ris of Jacksonville. Mr. Denman • Western Union at the Nugget and also visited A Century of killed a four-point buck while on • Mr. and Mrs Edward Scott of Progress Additional guests at the the trip upper Applegate had as week-end Taylor home late last week were • The Nugget for magazines guests Mrs. Scott's mother, Mrs Mr and Mrs Charles Stacey of • A meeting of the Jacksonville N. J. Jensen, and son Charles and Medford and daughter, Mrs. Opal Parent-Teachers association was daughter Esther of Oakland, Calif iJouglaa of San Francisco, and held in the local high school audi­ • Mr and Mrs Lester Throck­ Mrs May Green, also of Medford torium Friday evening. After a morton of Eagle Point spent Sun­ • Mrs A. W. Mercer and daugh­ short business meeting and an in­ day with Applegate relatives. ter Merle of Copper have taken up troduction of the faculty, an inter­ • Ed Saltmarsh has returned to temporary residence in Medford esting program was given as fol­ his home at Ruch, having sjxmt while Miss Mercer attends high lows Jamei Stephens of Medford the summer at Tallowbox lookout school there. Billy Dickey of Big sang three numbers, accompanied I>ean Saltmarsh will continue in Applegate also is among the stud­ at the piano by Sebastian Appollo, charge at the station until the end ents attending high school from also of Medford. Mr. Appollo of the season. played three piano solos and the here. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Phinney of Rev. Joseph Knotts of the Medford lJttle Applegate have moved to Methodist church was speaker for Medford, where their children are the evening. Miss Elinor Curry, ac­ companied at the piano by Mrs. attending school. • Albert Hartley has returned to Joe Nee, san gtwo numbers. Miss his home on Little Applegate, fol­ Curry is music teacher at the lowing several weeks employment Roosevelt school in Medford. in the grain harvest in Klamath Award for having most parents county. Mrs. Ellis Hartley, who present at the meeting went to has remained on Applegate for Mrs. Florence Hunsaker's fifth some time, has returned to Malin, and sixth grade room. The meet­ ing was concluded with refresh­ where she will Join her husband. • Captain H. J. lHeinie) Snyder ments. served by Mrs Paul God­ of Big Applegate is recovering ward, Mrs. Clinton Smith, Mrs. from a broken instep sustained George Wendt and Mrs Archie while working in the Dead Indian Bowman DBOWMAN'N FAMOUS section a short time ago Captain • Mr. and Mrs. Jake Shafer and CROQUIGNOLE and SPIRAL Snyder had been at work only a daughter Genevieve were Medford few hours when a log struck his visitors Wednesday of this week. PERMANENTS foot, forcing him to return to his • Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Babb of Napa, Calif., who have been visit­ home. All Work Guaranteed ing at the W. A. Childers home • The Nugget for cold drinks. • Willis Scott, Charley Dunford, for the past two weeks, left for the Glenn Saltmarsh and Claus Kleln- south Wednesday. BOWMAN’S • Courteous service at the Nugget Barlxr Shop and Beuuty Parlor hammer left Wednesday for Freez- out .where they are riding for • Mr. Kyle and Mr. and Mrs. Phone 57—IX S. Central beef. C. W. Culy and Ed Finley Chris Kenney were recent business callers at the Vogel ranch. • The Jacksonville seventh and eighth grade boys baseball team met, and defeated, the seventh and eighth grade team from Central Point Wednesday afternoon, re­ sulting in a 4-12 score. • Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Ravenor and the latter's mother, Mrs. Carp- mel, left for Medford Wednesday evening, where they will spend sev­ eral days visiting at the George Hollingsworth home. Mrs. Hol­ lingsworth is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ravenor. • Mrs. Evelyn Combs and Mrs. Thelma Jones of Medford recently visited relatives here. • Earl Bryant of this city is en­ gaged in logging on French gulch on Applegate. • Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Norris and children, Mattle, Annes and Emily, of Tuie I-ake, Calif, spent the week end at the Alec Norris home here. Mr. Alec Norris, who has been visiting with his son Alfred for Personal News Notes Dr. H. P. Coleman Valuable Papers Should Be Kept in a Safety Deposit Box Chiropractic - Physiotheraphy Oregon License 264 California License 3029 14 Years in Medford, Oregon PER YEAR ASK US ABOUT THIS SERVICE The First National Bank “A Departmentized Institution” MEDFORD the past several weeks, returned home with the former local fam­ ily Mr. Norris, while here, sub­ scribed for The Miner, admitting Tuie l-akc country’s wind was not quite sufficient. • Mr Ora Wyant is spending a Couple of weeks visiting at the home of his sister at Klamath Falls. • Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown of i Griffin creek visited at the P. J, Fick home here Sunday. • B A Gaddy returned home Sunday from a trop on the Illinois river in California • Mrs I L Coffrnan was a busi­ ness visitor in Medford Monday. • Mrs Bill Lffloo and sons Fred and Charles of Medford were vis­ itors at the B. A. Gaddy home Monday. • Ernest and Albert Heuners and Clayton Gaddy, all of this city, left for a hunting trip to Klamath Falls early Monday morning. They expected to return Tuesday eve­ ning with their spoils. • Mrs B A. Gaddy and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gardner of Jackson­ ville were business visitors in Med­ ford Tuesday afternoon. • Mr. and Mrs Nick Kime of Medford visited friends here Wed­ nesday afternoon. • Mrs Cox of Medford visited with Ashland friends Wednesday afternoon. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shaw of Sacramento, Calif., are visiting Miss Mary Hurst of this city. Mrs. Shaw was the former owner of the F. L. TouVelle home here, and was a local school teacher of the third and fourth grades many years ago. • Mrs. Anna Gilbert Wolf and friend of Crescent City, Calif., were visitors at the home of Miss I Hide McCully of this city Tuesday. Mrs. Wolf attended school here when she was a girl. • Mrs. Howard of Medford and son Billie called on friend« here Tuesday. • Mr and Mrs. Jack Green and non Hal of this city went on a hunting trip to Klamath county Wednesday. They returned Sunday with two fine deer. • APPLES Delicious, Newtowns; 50c in your box. Roy G. Smith, Jacksonville. (oct5) west, south and Pacific northwest. The general public has been invited to enjoy the program over the week-end. There will be no admis­ sion charge. SELTZER TO PLAY BENEFIT HUNT < RATER1AN SUNDAY del rogue To aid in raining funds for wor­ thy and beneficial relief of his church, Preacher-Ptantat Lloyd M. Seltzer will play a benefit organ recital at Hunt's Craterian theater in' Medford Sunday. September 30, starting at 10:30 a m. Mr Seltzer, who came to southern Oregon from Chicago some months ago, has Ix en conducting a series of meet­ ings in this city, and has attracted many people from all parts of the county by his accomplished piano Playing. Mr Seltzer has been practicing for Sunday's benefit recital for some time, and has played organs in many large cities of the mlddle- - r Introducing Cinderella’s THRIFTY-THREE-FIFTYS CORRECT-TO-THE-MINUTE FOOTWEAR c -you con Are you one of these nervous people who lie awake half the night and get up feeling “all in”? Why don’t you do as other light sleepers have been doing for more than two generations— take Dr. Miles Nervine? One or two pleasant effervescent Nervine Tablets or two or three teaspoonfuls of liquid Nervine will generally assure a night of restful sleep Perhaps you will have to take Nervine two or three times a day just at first. Nervous people have been using Dr. Miles Nervine for Sleepless­ ness, Nervousness, Irritability, Restlessness, Nervous Indiges­ tion, Nervous Headache, Travel Sickness, for more than fifty years. ___ Dr Mile. PERFECT FITTING SERVICE Assured You’ll thrill when you see our just new Shoe Department—showing such beau­ tiful and smart fitting Footwear as Cinderella’s Thrifty-Three-Fifty’s . . . they excel in their true fit and welcome foot-comforting support of the arch . . . you’ll find them an excetional VALUE at this low price of $3.50! NERVINE Liquid and EffervescentTaideti 25c Dr Miles Nervine 21c $1 Dr. Miles Nervine 83c Either Liquid or Effervescent Tableta Next to Mann's on N. Central Phone 73 AI.I. MAIL ORDERS SENT POSTPAID TO YOU 44 South Central, Medford We Meet All Competition Always .. THE ORIGINAL HOME OF LOW - PRICED LUMBER CAN SAVE YOU MONEY— Roofing Pape Every family . . . and every business has many valuable papers, receipts, notes and documents wtych cannot be replaced . . . put them beyond the reach of fire, theft or damage in a safe deposit box, where absolute security and con­ venience can be had for as little as $2.00 Page 3 GUARANTEED CERTAIN-TEED AT STRICTLY COMPETITIVE PRICES! FREE BEER ^DANCE We also stock Mineral Surface Roofing . . . Composition and Cedar Shingles Cedar Shakes . . . Save money—we have a Floor Sanding Machine for rent—do your own work and refinish old floor at an extremely low cost! AS US ABOUT REMODELING AND REPAIRING UNDER TERMS OF THE FEDERAL HOUSING ACT TODAY! Four Bottles Golden Glow Free With Each Dance Ticket GOLD HILL DANCING TILL 2 ’s the Afterglow” Economy Lumber Company N. Pacific Highway at Court Phone 594