Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935, September 28, 1934, Image 1

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    Hut You Really
Should Subscribe
T he J acksonville M iner
“The Sheet That*a in the Pink”
Volume 3
JackHonville, Oregon, Friday, September 28, 1934
The NHA has been naked to sta­
bilize the two-for-five cent cigar
business So the government la
going into weed control, too.
Medford Woman to Repair,
Remodel Famoua Corner
—Work to Start Week-
End on TranBformation
Candidates' promising of old-ago
The Marble Comer, established
pensions might be termed buying many years ago by 8. C. Dun-
votes at government expense.
nlngton of Jacksonville, Wednes­
day was sold by him to Miss Sally
Cold weather may have Ita Cole of Medford, who plans to pe-
drawback«, but at leant it pi" model and renovate the building
vldca a man with more pockets.
Touring out of partitions and re­
pairing for extensive improve­
About the only protest which ments, to coat about *500, was to
han been raised against Candidate be sturted late this week, and the
for Governor Mai I In In that he In new owner expects to have the
too old, but seems to us as though Marble Comer ready for formal
people ought to speak of their opening at>out November 1, she
elders with more resfiect.
Haruki Reed, operator of the
A Kentucky baby has 12 perfect­
room und bar since death of
ly developed fingers anil tons. Boy, card
Reed, plans to open a card
what a thumbing he'll be able to Tom
give the tax collector In a few room In the building formerly oc­
cupied by the Wicked Waffle inn.
owned by James Littell, he said
this week Reed expects to trans­
Virtue may be ita own reward, fer
his business to the new location
and then there art? those people
sometime next month, but will re­
who get quoted in cigaret ads
main in the Marble Comer during
People who live in a shell aren't rem<sieling operations.
Miss Cole, who came to southern
always referred to as good eggs.
Oregon from San Francisco and
Why Veme Van Dyke, the lost Portland, where she had been in
hunter, pci nutted himself to la- charge of chain store lunch rooms,
found by the first of the month <>l>erates the Gnome Inn at Med­
ford, and plans to make over the
certainly is beyond moat people.
Murble Comer into a beer parlor
Art (Smudge) Perry refers to and inn. There will be a dance foor
the Columbia river an a strictly installed of pressed wcxxl, a kitch­
Oregon scenic attraction. Of en, plumbing and other improve­
course, the mere fact that Wash­ ments added to the place, but the
ington happens to he on the other historically correct bar, swinging
side of part of the river, and on d<x»rs and other famliar fixtures
both sides of the rest of it, has no which have served miners and
more to do with the argument residents of thia section for more
than the California line has to do than 50 years will remain intact,
with the sunshine state claiming according to the Medford business-
woman's plans.
Crater lake.
Though for some time Jackson-
Some politicians with good ville's downtown district had suf-
memories have been circulating a fered from the uutomobile ago.
petition tn Jackson county the past which transferred much local busi­
few days reminding voters that ness to the larger markets of Med­
there still is a republican party. ford, Miss Cole will utilize the
A few local GOP's are swearing modern urge to travel at the Mar­
allegiance, while others are just ble Comer by creating one of the
moat unique beer parlora in south­
ern Oregon, which will have a
A nimrod is a man who still wide appeal. It is understood her
gets his Jerkey from the comer chief bld for business will be from
soda fountain.
tourists and nearby cities, although
local folk will be welcomed.
Oregon's hills may be beautiful,
There was a time in Jackson­
but their poison oak is where the ville's history when the old town
rub comes.
was known from border to border
for a unique and vigorous hospi­
Friction Is something you have tality. and upon this tradition Miss
when the other guy is too big to Cole hopes to build her establish­
fight with.
The man who deals too much in
personality often has little else to
want to thank our friends
What this country needs is a and neighbors <>f Jacksonville and
candidate who will stand on his Medford and the friends of the
two feet instead of an all-promise Edgerton Lumber company at
I-akeview for their kindness and
help in the loss of our dear broth­
Art (Hie) Powell, rival editor er, nephew and cousin, George
of a nearby hamlet, bemoans the Musgrove.
fact that Mr. Roosevelt never
hinted anything about the CCC be­ MR AND MRS GEO. BACKES
fore his 1932 election. We recall,
however, that Mr Roosevelt had
quite a lot to say about his "re­
forestation army.” Oh well. Art, a
rose by any other name still prob­
ably would look like a bunch of
thorns to some people we know.
A good citizen la a man who
wants to see America back tn the
midst of prosperity- because he is
an American.
Pacific States Mines’ Secretary
A crack is the first indication of
weakness, and columnists' quips
are no exception, eh Clark Wood?
Speeches poked at rival candi­
dates are more effective if they
have a good point.
There should be a good market
for a reducing potion suitable for
fatheads, but it would have to be
----------- •------------
‘Bert’ Fergus, Known
On Applegate, Dies at
Ashland Home 14th
Applegate people have received
word of the death of Herbert A.
(Bert) Fergus of Ashland, which
occurred September 14. Mr, Fer­
gus, 64, who will be remembered
by many of the olders residents
here, having resided both in this
community and on Williams creek
about 30 years ago, died at the
Ashland community hospital from
injuries received four months ago
in a logging accident in which his
back was broken. Born in Jasper
county, Missouri. Mr. Fergus came
to Ashland about 50 years ago.
He is survived by his twin broth­
er, Francis A. Fergus of Bremer­
ton, Wash Mrs. Herbert Fergus
was killed in an automobile acci­
dent six months ago.
Mr. John C. Stanton is the ac-i week after another of his frequent
live secretary-treasurer of Pacific inspection visits including confer-
Statcs Mines, Inc., which has for ences with the Pacific States en-
three years vigorously developed | gineers.
and is now producing gold
from the old Opp property
west of town.
Jack Thrasher to Be in
Stanton is widely
Vicinity With County
known throughout western
business circles because of
Equipment; Seek
his service over more than a
for Gas, Oil
quarter century with the
Bradstreet company. Mr.
Stanton served for 12 years
as manager of the Brad­
which only rough talk can de­
street company's northwest
scribe, may be scarified and grad-
headquarters at Portland, be­
ed within a week loomed very
ing promoted and later serv­
likely last night, as special com-
ing for an even longer term
mltteemen appointed some time
as general manager for the
ago jolted into action this week
Pacific coast, with offices in
following information that Jack
San Francisco.
Thrasher, local resident and coun-
Mr. Stanton has been a
tv employe, would be working on
frequent visitor in Jackson­
the hill road late this week or
ville during th* time Pacific
early next with heavy county
States Mines, Inc., has been
i equipment, which had been offered
pre-paring the way for the
I to Jacksonville provided Balary of
present gold production Now
one employe and gas and oil were
Locai Repubs Meet Genial the company is producing at
Head-Man Timber As annually, and is reported to
Ray Coleman, Harry Whitney,
. Harold Reed and Ray Wilson were
Candidate and Party Ex­ be showing substantia) daily
i men chosen to canvass funds suf­
profits in spite of the
plore Gold Mines, Votes net
ficient to defray expenses for the
fact that a majority of its
' three-day job, and stated they ex­
efforts are still being concen­
Joseph E Dunne, republican trated on exploration and
pected little difficulty in securing
| pledges to cover an approximate
nominee for governor of Oregon, new ore development.
I expense of *45. “Residents who
The entire operation has
visited Jacksonville for a few
drive over the streets are so used
hours Wednesday meeting voters, been financed from the be-
I to being shaken down by the rough
republican leaders and poking into ers, Inc., of Boise, Idaho,
I thoroughfares they’ll never notice
the touch we'll put on ’em,” said
local gold mines and points of in­ headed by H. G. Myers. Mr.
one canvasser yesterday. "First
terest. He was accompanied by Myers returned to Boise last
thing we know, our streets will be
Capt. C. F Hogan of Portland, Joe
so smooth local celebrants will
C. Wood of Medford, and a secre­
think they’re lost on Medford's
paved streets when they get near
Precinct Committeemen H. C.
home,” he explained.
Mechem and Ray Coleman, and
There was quite a move afoot
Herbert Hanna, city attorney, Ray
early this spring to have city
Wilson, Viv Beach and other prom­
Varying kinds of luck are re­
streets graded and de-corduroyed,
inent republicans met the nominee
and showed him various highlights ported by local hunters who braved
Working 130 feet below level of but the fact that all sufficiently
of the old town. While here Mr. the woods during the last week. No. 18 tunnel, workmen are busy heavy road equipment was in far
Dunne underwent a shave at the Truman Lewis was privileged to this week drifting eastward in comers of the county blocked the
hands of Charlie Dorothy, entrust­ shoot a fine big buck in the Red quartz which is leading them into effort. Residents, who have become
ed his watch to the devices of Viv mountain section while driving an ore chute which, above No. 18, accustomed to having their eye­
Beach and went over The Miner along the Siskiyou road in his car. produced thousands of tons of good teeth and upper plates jarred loose,
office with a fine-tooth comb.
Tom Mee proved his statement milling ore. With a few more have crossed their fingers till ac­
Joe E. Dunne, who has long been that he “knew right where there rounds blasted into face of the tual work starts, which has been
a member of the state legislature, was a deer” when he killed one on drift operators of the mine should assured as very, very likely this
expressed himself concerning sev­ Humbug several days ago.
be able to determine whether val­
eral public issues, and spent some
R. S. Sleeth brought home a ues will remain constant at that
time discussing mining and devel­ buck from the Siskiyous, and Bill depth in the mine and, if so, it is
opment of Oregon's natural re­ Straube reported luck on a trip thought the Pacific States proper­ Fred ette Will Ship
sources with A. C. Van Galder and with a hunting party in the Cow ty will definitely be in the long-
other miners here.
Sample of Mystery
creek country in Douglas county. timep roducer column. At present
Dunne wns particularly compli­ Only small luck was reported by mill is being operated 1« hours a
Metal to Bureau
mentary to Jacksonville's past and E. J. Brown and sons, Harry, Hugh day on ore from chutes above No.
future and stated he hoped to see and George, who accompanied 18 which are expected to continue
Small particules of a very hard
the old town _
grow and . prosper
in John Miller and Jack Valair of to surface with milling ore.
The 130-foot winze, sunk as a substance, as yet a complete mys­
years to come as it never has be- Kerby on an expedition to Smith
downward continuation of No. 18-1 tery to all Medford and Grants
fore. The candidate seemed parti- river,
Port Jr. killed a buck in the ore chute, apparently is located at Pass chemists and assayors, will
cularly Interested in gold produc-1 ’ Lee ~
tion here and voiced the opinion Whiskey Peak vicinty. Harvey fringe of gold chute in quartz too be shipped to the government bu­
that state laws must be altered to Rowden and Bud Peebler returned low grade to be profitable. A sta­ reau of mines at Washington, D.
encourage the entertlng of outside from a week-end trip to Williams tion also was cut some time ago at C., for classification, said H. C.
capita) into Oregon to develop her creek with tales of “a good wetting the 50-foot level, below which mill­ Fredette, owner of the Forestx
ing ore apparently shifted to one creek property where the unnamed
natural resources and to recover and a great time," but no deer.
metal has been found by Wesley
mineral wealth stored under­
A group of California hunters side.
The mine, formerly known as Blacet, Californian.
who were packed in to Middle
Mr. Fredette spent four days
Dunne also visited with Amy Fork Monday include the follow­ Opp property, operated for years
Dow, a lifelong republican, and ing: Lester Dandy, appraiser for on orebodies between No. 18 and this week panning for the metal,
met Grandma Cantrail, a demo­ the Bank of America: H. C. Pratt, surface, several chutes having been which has been found in quartz.
crat of four score years and more. real estate man, and W. L. Wil­ mined out, leaving low-grade be- native rock and black sand on his
due to absence of Blacet,
It is not known whether Grandma, burn, all of Los Angeles, and Har­ tween. Superintendent Mitchell’s property,
now in her late 80’s, wavered in ry Church of Fresno, who is a exploration of lower depths will who returned to his home in south­
her ballot-marking habits or not. veteran hunter of the Cameron determine whether values will re­ ern California a few days ago fol­
The republican nominee for gover- Meadows country. The group ex­ main constant below previous lowing a heart attack.
The bits of metal, which are pan­
workings and, while this is being
nor created a favorable impres- pected to return Friday.
----------- •-----------
sion as a whole, and was well re-
determined, crew is being kept ned much like gold, are of such
ceived in the old town, which has
Some people have an excuse for busy stoping out good nulling ore intense hardness that no available
produced more than one governor living: others have a reason.— above No. 18 which is supplying steel or iron has been found hard
mill with its 50 to 60 tons daily enough to dent or mark the tiny
Weston Leader.
grind, returns from which are said samples. The shipment to Wash­
to more than offset operating ex­ ington this week will be Fredette's
pense of the mine, making it self- effort to determine just what the
metal is, and whether it has any
sustaining at this time.
Though reputation of southern commercial value. According to
Oregon as a quartz gold producing Blacet. bits of the metal have been
territory has suffered for many found driven into iron balls of a
years, exploration and develop­ local custom mill.
----------- •------------
ment of lower levels of Pacific
States, if fruitful, is expected to GODWARD, LOCAL FIXER­
stabilize and encourage hardrock
mining in the Jacksonville vicinity,
and discovery of extensive bodies
of milling ore at depth would ulti­
If you haven’t voted for two
mately result in a much larger op­
eration of the old Opp property, it years, or if you have moved from
your regular precinct, or are a
was said.
----------- •------------
newcomer to this county or to Ore­
gon. you have until Saturday eve­
Speak for Yourself,
ning, October 6, to register for fall
elections according to G. W. God­
John, Warn Friends ward, local registrar.
There probably will be much
When a fish catches a man, hysteria, fun and free music ere
that's news. But when John Norris election night closes, and qualifi­
cations are simple and free, but
catches a fish, well, just listen:
Thursday evening Norris, Ray must be attended to by a week
Coleman and Vivian Beach made from tomorrow night, pointed out
the usual tri-weekly trip to the the local gold buyer and fixer­
Rogue to see what could be done upper, in matters concerning reg­
about supper's menu. When they istration.
returned they had several fish and
—--------- ——
accompanying stories, which have
swelled and shrunk, depending on
Dam Up and Down!
enthusiasm of the teller.
Norris claims he caught a 28- While damning the
pound salmon on a No. 8 sncll
hook and a fly rod and produced a
sizeable looking fish to prove his
Why not dam
story, although the critter only
All we can
weighed, dressed, some 14 pounds.
Others claim, however, that Norris Every creek and canyon
forgot to put a leader or hook on
To a man;
his line at all. and that the salmon,
after looking over the party, was Dam them up and down
fit to be tied and was. Still an­
other version of the catch relates Till rain is falling down
that Norris was taking a short-cut
On the farm
from one riffle to another via a
And on the town.
field and saw the salmon chasing
bugs with a biologist’s net and ran
it down.
Anyway, the Norris family ate
fish last week.
and Fruitgrowers
----------- •------------
Strange how a person who is
“not so hot" can burn us up.—
(Deposits Insured)
Weston Leader.
Baloney Mahoney of Klamath
Falls may be trying to knife his
democratic rival in the back but,
to those in the know, he's slicing
it too thin.
Many a successful day has been
viewed with alarm.
Mrs Esther Owens, wife of Oli­
ver Owens, CCC worker living in
Central Point, who was reported
to police Monday as deserting her
husband and five children, former­
ly lived in Jacksonville with her
Owens, who was engaged In min­
ing here for some time, was Joined
here by his wife and children about
two years ago, following what was
reported as a previous desertion of
her offspring.
Htate police, who made an effort
to locate the mother and return
her to her flock, have been unable
to locate the woman.
----------- •-----------
Number 39
By C. M. Payne