Friday, September 21, 1934 »—• ............................................................................................... The JACKSONVILLE MINER . Page 3 ■— ••r motored to Thompson creek | • Dan'l (Boone) Shuss is em- Sunday and were visitors at the > ployed at the left-hand fork of Roy Johnston home • affixing -------- a . top - on | Jackson creek • G. (J Sanden, accompanied by the newly-constructed flume which ' several friends, attended a letter will be used in carrying water to meeting in Klamath Falla the reservoir. — i ■ ■ ■ m — • Mr and Mrs. W. H. Babb and Central Point, accompanied by Mr Moore's brother, Ward Albright • Having sold their Washington den, near Ruch Mr. Rowden is em­ Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Babb, all of ami non of San Jone, Calif., visited Napa, Calif., visited relatives here property, Mr ami Mrs Dun Dailey ployed in fire patrol work and re­ Molly and Emil Britt of this city recently. Mr. and Mrs W H. Babb camo to Ll|tle Applegate a few mains with his brother, Elmer, at have returned home while Mr. and Tuesday. Mr Albright is a former days ago to spend the winter. Mrs. Pelican guard station. resident of Jacksonville. Duiley Is a slater of Mrs. Fred • Mr. und Mrs Ernest McKee of Mrs. 8. L. Babb are visiting at • ix:w iiall and mother-in-law, the W. A. Childers home here for Vander hoof. Klamath Falls spent the week-end Mrs. Allen, former residents of • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foote of us guests of the former’s sister, several days before leaving. Jacksonville, moved to the Jim • Leon Hanna of San Francisco, Medford were recent guests of Mr Mrs. John Byrne. Cantrail home on Applegate re­ and Mrs. A. Throckmorton. • John Riley of upper Applegate, who had bean spending the past cently. • "Thirty miles of ruin" wum re­ who came here with his family two weeks visiting his brother, • Mrs. Ella Hanley Bush of near Herbert Hanna, returned south here and Mrs. Hefferson of Med­ ported by Lails Buckley on his re­ from North Dukotu a few months Sunday. turn north by motor twd weeks ago, is employed ut the Purcel • Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson ford visited friends in Jacksonville Monday. ago to enter Columbia university sawmill for the present. and family have moved into the • George Merritt of Medford and nt Portland Loris was accompan­ • Western Union at the Nugget. home on North Second street for ­ ied by Dec L>gan of Medford, who • Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Skinner, merly occupied by Mr. und Mrs. Miss Issie McCully of Jackson­ ville visited Mr. and Mrs. John also will enter the university. who hud s|s-nt the summer pros­ Kennon. 1'emoll of Applegate Monday af­ • Bertha Morgan, sophomore In pecting in the Ruch vicinity, re­ • Mrs. Tom Dunnington and son, the local high schcsil, became ill turned to their home in Seattle a Mrs. Emmit Phillips and children, ternoon. Monday und was removed to a few days ago. The couple also Roger Dunnington. Frances Clark • Mrs. J. B. Gillis of Thompson creek was a visitor In Jacksonville Medford hospital, undergoing an spent last summer here. Burdette Dunnington spent Saturday. operation for appendicitis the fol­ • Lt. Wallace 8. Douglas, district and Sunday evening at Applegate • Miss Ruth Severance, who re­ lowing day. surgeon for ths Medford CCC cently returned to her home here • Mrs. Fred Offen bacher, Mrs A headquarters, accompanied by Mrs swimming. • Mr and Mrs. Nicholas Mitchell N. Krouse und Mrs Lee Port of Douglas und Mr und Mrs «Furl and children of Dorris, Calif., were from a trip to Hawaii, has ac­ the Applegate extension unit at­ Janouch of Medford, visited at the visitors at the home of the form­ cepted a teaching position in Ash­ tended the officers' training school home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Port er’s mother, Mrs. Oscar Knox, re- land. • Mrs. Lula Saulsbury of Jack­ held at Medford Tuesday All prep, early this wack. turning home Sunday. anttlons are being made for the • Mrs. J. C McCowan and daugh­ • Mr and Mrs. A G. Harbaugh sonville was a Friday evening din­ opening of club projects late this ter und Guy McCowman, who have of 1’ortlund were overnight guests ner guest at the Medford home of resided on the Hedburg place on of Mrs. Dora Harbaugh of this her friends, Mrs. May Weeks. month • Mrs. Hester Pence, who had • Orle Phillips of Squaw lake, Big Applegate since April, re­ city recently. with his father-in-law, Jess Cald­ turned Wednesday to their home • A meeting of the P.-T. A. will spent several months with her well of Alturas, hus purchased the In Sun Francisco They were ac­ be held in the high school audi­ daughter, Mrs Amos McKee, went McKee ranch on Big Applegate companied by Mrs. McCowan's torium Friday evening, September to Elk Creek Friday, where she from his grandmother, Mrs I .el la sister, Mrs. 8. E. North, of Fresno, 21. Refreshments will be served, will visit another daughter, Mrs. McKee, of Jacksonville. Mr. and who hud visited here during the and all parents are invited to at­ Jane Geary. Mrs. Pence was ac­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. McKee, Mrs Phillips, who are on u trip last two weeks. tend. to Alturas at tjie present, will take • A group of local people picnick­ • Following a summer's vacation who spent the week-end at the possession of their new home in ing on Elliott creek recently in­ practice has been resumed by Geary home. eluded Mr. and Mrs A. W Men < choir members of the Jacksonville • Carl Ayres, teacher at the Lit­ another month tle Applegate school, accompanied • Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Conner und duughter and their guests, Presbyterian church. and family relumed Sunday to Mr. und Mrs. Edward Scott and • Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Sanden, ac­ by Wm. (Uncle Bill) Purcel, was Klamath Falls, having spent a few Normun Jensen; Mrs. L. A. Clark companied by friends .attended the a business visitor in Medford Sat­ days on Applegate as guests of und children, and a friend, Miss Gold Rush jubilee at Yreka Sun­ urday. Miss Merle Mercer also was Mrs Conner's niece. Mrs. Ben Miss Vivian Dawson. Mr and Mrs. day. ponakl Dorothy and sister a recent Medford shopper. Harry Brown, with a group of lo­ Carmen also drove to Yreka over • Miss Hazel Davies of Forest Moore. creek returned to Wimer on Evans • Hugh Mercer of Eugene visited cal friends, also spent Sunday pic­ the week-end. his ¡mrenta. Mr and Mrs. A W nicking in the lower Applegate • APPLES Delicious, Newtown«; creek this month to resume her duties as teacher in the school Mercer at Copper recently, prev­ section. 50c in your box. Roy G. Smith, there. ious to entering the state uni­ • Stop at the Nugget. Jacksonville. (octfi) versity. Otherg uests at the Mer­ • Nick Brophy of the Canal ranch • Mrs. Bridanc of Medford was • Mrs. Will Smith, who has been cer home have Included Mr. and north of Medford was on Apple­ a visitor at the home of Miss Issie ill at her home at Ruch during the Mrs, Luther Giles of Pullman, gate Wednesday interviewing McCully of this city Wednesday last week, is feeling improved. Wash , who were enroute to their stockmen In the interest of buying afternoon. home from a sojourn in California, beef just brought from the range • Mrs. J. S. Parsons and Mrs. and Mr. arid Mrs. Edward Scott • Mrs. Rita Kendall and mother, Charlie Koyle of Ashland visited In the Circuit Court of the State and the latter's brother. Norman Mrs. John Bingham, of Thompson friends in Jacksonville recently. Jensen, of Oakland. Calif. of Oregon in and for the creek, moved to Gold Hill recently. • Emil Britt and Miss Mollie Britt • Courteous service at the Nugget • Ed Roberts of lower Applegate were visitors in Medford Wednes­ County of Jackson J. H. ROGERS, PLANTIFF, • Henry H Hoefs, brother of Miss is ill in a Grants Pass hospital day. vs. Alice Hoefs of this city, and his with typhoid fever. • Mrs. Jack Green of this city wife visited Jacksonville late last • Completing their journey to the motored to Ashland Wednesday, ELSIE ROGERS, DEFENDANT. SUMMONS fair, andr etuming where she made arrangements for week, arriving Thursday. prepara­ Chicago TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE­ tory to a departure for Samoa, through Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Ed her son, Hal, to attend SONS. FENDANT ELSIE ROGERS: »here Mr Hoefs will take charge Wcisenbom arrived on the Apple­ • Jack Sanderson and Bill Lyman In the name of the state of Ore­ Tyovfmmcnt bunk there Mr gate recently and are guests of of Medford made arrangements J/jVwhosc official rank is chief the latter's uncle, Fred Benedict. this week to attend junior college gon you are hereby summoned and "ioet». .'*0» the United States Mrs. Weisenbom's arents, Mr. and in Ashland. J£,ny 'V"' i tu acting as warden Mrs Harley Mansfield, have been • The Jacksonville eighth graders nl _ •V , ' prison in N<-w Hnmp- visiting on the Applegate for the can't take a joke so I'll have to ot BY TRAIN TO ¿observed, while visiting last two months. The two couples apologize for the local about them ' Tris’s!liter, that he has been able to will continue here for u short time which was put in this paper last reveiy- the usual procedure of before returning to their home in week. (Signed) Bill Johnson. . -jfrnng from n bank to the peniten, Phoenix. Arizona. • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Latimer and tiary. Mr. Hoefs has served 23 • Mr. and Mrs. Don Divine and sons Clyde and Marvin of Marys­ years on the bounding main, and daughter Helen of Medford were ville. Calif., have been visiting at left Saturday for San Francisco, Sunday visitors at the home of the George Backes home for the where hr was to embark for Ra- Mi and Mrs. T. 8. Cady of the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Latimer moa within a few days with 13 Summit sen-ice station ure seeking a location here, as • Arthur Crause, son of W. B they are former residents of the months supplies. • E, L. Adams and family left Crause of Jacksonville hill, and Rogue river valley, and old friends Wednesday for Stevenson, Wash , Eustace Arthur of Medford left of the Backes family. While here where Mrs Adams wilt seek bene­ Wednesday morning on an extend they visited other friends in Med­ fits of mineral springs, Mr. Adama ed trip. They will accompany J. C. ford. If a suitable location is found was to return to his work here Rush of Jacksonville as fur as The they will return to Marysville to Dalles, where Mr. Rush has busi­ dispose of property and prepare to Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Green, Ar- ness interests to attend to. From move back to "a great country." thur Van Galder, George Backes thhere the two boys will proceed • Barney Cody, well-known resi­ Sr. left Wednesday for I^kevicw, to Wenatchee, Wash., for apple­ dent, pioneer and relative of the where they were to meet Mr. and picking season, later continuing to famous Buffalo Bill Cody, is very Mrs. George Backes in a foray Seattle to visit with relatives, re­ ill at his home here. Ride in big, comfortable turning to their homes if and when • Don (Fat) Dorothy and sister into mule «leer country. coaches on smooth steel rails. • L. T. Larsen, who has been they feel so inclined. Carmen motored to Yreka, Calif., Tourist berth for the night mining in Jacksonville for Borne • The Nugget for cold drinks. Sunday, where they attended the time, left for Salem Wednesday, • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corlin and Gold Rush jubilee. as little as $1 extra. See your where he will make his home. family of Little Applegate and • Arthur and John Davies of this local agent or write J. A. • Mr .and Mrs. Charles Furbush Mrs R. A. Johnson of Jacksonville city completed their log hauling Ormandv, 705 Pacific Bldg., of Sacramento, Calif., were Tues­ were business visitors in Medford work from Forest creek Monday. Portland, Ore. day evening guests of Mr. and Monday afternoon. • Among blackberry pickers on Mrs L-m T. Wilson of Jackson­ • George (Peewee) Van Galder, Little Applegate Sunday were Mr. ville. The Furbushes were enroute son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van and Mrs. Bob Finney and daugh­ Southern Pacific to Portland and drove to thia city Galder, who underwent a minor ter Frances and Dorna McIntyre, to visit their lifelong friends. operation for appendicitis at the all of this city. • The Nugget for magazines. Sacred Heart hospital a few days Lee Port Jr., who returned re­ ago, returned to his home here cently from a blister rust control Wednesday forenoon. camp in the Prospect district • Larry Howe of this city re­ where he had been employed dur­ turned Tuesday from a trip to ing the summer, is enjoying a few Seattle, where he was called by Presenta An weeks vacation before returning to the serious illness of a sister. Oregon State college. Monday Mr. • Mr. and Mrs. George Hollings­ Port and Miss Mary Herbert of worth and small son of Medford Ashland motored to Crater iAke called on relatives here Wednes- and Diamond Lake. This week he day. ___ _ Swanson and Mrs. Virgil plans a hunting expedition to • Mr. ____ Steamboat, accompanied by Lavon of Medford visited at the home of Dunford of Jacksonville and Ben the latter's paints, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wakefield, here Monday eve­ Dawson. • George Rowden of Pelican Bay ning. region spent the week-end with his • Edward Vogel and son Ray of parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Row- the Linn ranch and Freddie Butch- Personal News Notes LEGAL NOTICES CALIF IA required to appear and answer the ’ complaint of the plaintiff herein —■ ■ you. or otherwise on file against plead thereto within four (4) weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and you are hereby notified that if you fail so to appear and answer with- ! in the time specified, for want ’ thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in his complaint herein, namely a decree of divorce. This summons is published in The Jacksonville Miner by order of the Hon. H. D. Norton, judge of the above entitled court, duly I made and entered herein the 12th ' day of September, 1934. The date of the first publication of this summons is the 14th day of September, 1934. ALLISON MOULTON, Attorney for Plaintiff. 301 Liberty Building Medford, Oregon. (Sept 14 21 28 Oct 5) ' DEL ROGUE S herwin W illiams ^PAINT HEADQUARTERS JHL 4 Uncle Sam Says: “Go ahead with needed Home Painting” The National Housing Act makes it possible for you to secure the beauty, long life and unequaled protection of Sherwin - Williams Paints for painting the exterior of your home, the porch, inter­ ior, basement and garage. Taking care of this needed painting NOW will add to the value of your home and prevent further property deterioration. Ask us for complete infor­ mation FOR *B0U‘t 2 A Adel Lee Millinery r Autumn Millinery COOL NIGHTS CALL FOR STOVES . . . YOUR OWN HARDWARE STORE IS READY FOR YOU W ITH A FULL SELECTION— Nerves ► Do they torture you by day? Keep you awake at night? What is it that keeps hospitals open and doctors busy? NERVES. What is it that makes your face wrinkled and makes you feel old? NERVES Nine times out of ten it’s NERVES that make you restless, worried, haggard. Do they make you Cranky, Blue-give you Nervous Indi­ gestion, Nervous Headache? When nerves are over-taxed, you worry over trifles, find it hard to concentrate, can’t sit stilL Nerve Strain brings on Headache. Nervous people often suffer from Indigestion. There may be absolutely nothing wrong with the organs of digestion, but the Nerves are not on the job to make the organs do their work properly. Nerves Do they interefere with your ^F work; ruin your pleasure; drive Nerves ■way your friends? You’re cheating yourself and the man who pays you if you work when your NERVES are not normal. You can’t have a good time when you are nervous. You can’t make or keep friends when you are keyed up and irritable. You may excuse your- self, but to others you are just a plain crank. Quiet your nerves with HEATING STOVES $2.95|to¡$43.50 Friday, Saturday Fall’s Latest Creations Go on Sale COLEMAN’S KAIMANE PHONE IS •‘We Sell for Cash and Sell for Less” JACKSONVILLE Jarmin’s for Drugs SEPTEMBER 21 AND 22 (Ranging from Sheet Metal Stoves to Circulating Heaters) Full-Enameled Kitchen Range.... $49.75 ALL DR. MILES* PREPARATIONS ARE SOLD AT W ; ’ ”»t » Next to Mann's on North Central—Phone 73 ADEL LEE MILLINERY 25c Dr. Miles’ Nervine.......... 21c $1.00 Dr. Miles’ Nervine...... 83c Either Liquid Or Effervescent Tablets M. M. DEPARTMENT STORE ALL MAIL ORDERS SENT POSTPAID TO YOU 4