Page 4 Friday, September 14, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER B times when my forbearance cleared me. The lesson, bitter as it stuff they claim to la» morally San Frimcisco editors wrote a stniimxi to the limit by his was. proved of benefit to me in compelled to cover everything just black page In the history of mod- j iilatory tactics and we had vio- mere wavs than one. It taught me like the old style Mother Hub- ern journalism In its attitude to- ent quarrels. Amt though we something of human nature, and hard dresses did. You are a young i ward the striking workers, one lever came t«> blows, , there were also to never under any circum­ editor We consider you to lie a | that will long be remembered by xvaslons wt George, quite stances to threaten any one, even little different fro tilth«' average I th«1 rank and file of the people of | -e of others, if I did not mean it. ften ui the prosene«' I bull-run of editors, as editors run California’s bay region " Milt* gfa • Kviw SA o • Khldlrn 10c hat some day I was likely to lose Could you tell us how they come ny temper entirely and hammer to be that wav or Just what la the “So live that th«’ preacher who I mine sense into his wudden head I matter? Are they poor taster* offlclati's nt your funeral will not | e E b «• unduly embnrraase«i," I 'mpty words and soon forgotten. news is? Are they willfully par­ Olin Miller And this from n chap | Jut loggers are a rough lot. lead tial'’ Or do they think it all right will some «lay embarrass the :l i rough life and talk rough. Ami I to be dishonest in some cases, such wlio n hnngmnn! Weston Leuder. vas : o exception. So when roast- as making a striker ALWAYS ng GtHirge i mad«' it plenty ¿Ti HIV. :rg«' w..s n«'i very popular bug driver of this city, was ar­ selves are primarily responsible for it a diabolical thing cl NAT. NIGHT IN FREVUE NITE! n account of his obstinacy and rested Saturday for operating u I much of the bloodshed that occurs tl evidence is. What ti t»»SL hilV»» »VtH«!.« tin clf-ass.rtedness, vehicle for hire without possessing In our labor disputes. Adults 25c - Kiddies !()<• 1 Eventually e clean«xt up all th«' | • public utilities commission per­ Many people do not hold the Sun-Mon Tue ery s ,’lero w ha>l been working, mit. He plead not guilty when news agencies in too high regard, togs where times, excef ing one large loud. So we '.ailed before Justice of the Peace as is proven by the enclosed clip­ people Frl-Sut left ri.v horses in the barn that W. II. Coleman ami demanded a ping from the Oregon Grange Hui The men today ■■»ft noon and I was sent with jury trial, which was held Tues­ ietin which I am sure your patrons t in ir peuiten- Georj as it was thought he might day. The justice court jury found would appreciate if you would tiaries who are c y guiltless have tioubl«' if he went alone. Bartley guilty as charged, and publish in connection with this ( of the crimes w hieh they Everything moved «along sniooth- recommended leniency by the letter. Yours truly, were charged. O BERT HARR rtaily true lv. f. wonder I managed to , court. .-IARIANN'K u M rMfl facts < e to light and unfortun- in- ce him to set his wagon where Justice Coleman continued pass­ JackMonvillc. iitc su ers who have been pay- th logs could be loaded downhill ing of sentence until September Th«* Passing Show ing th. malty for the real crim­ instead of uphill and w«f put on all 24, at 2.30. to allow Bartley an ■ * Inals « (From th«« Orange Bulletin) released, with apologies. th«' ’TA :s but one without a bit of , opportunity to la1 examined for In ott cases many Have been trouble George's lead-team of | drivers license. Bartley was or- Th* i«i*«n'i r«lgn- K "Sometimes we wonder if the Sun-Mon Z ex«'cute«l before the re truth was mules were a swell loading team ’ I dered by the court to refrain from American people will ever get a Ing h*auty In a W learned. wild pngaont pf jw and knew more about loading logs i 1 hauling any passengers other than square deal out of th*» New Deal P .«tuile tpland«» fJ Any person convicted on circum­ h«.!/ of the loggers them- I his immediate family pending when the newspiqs'is of the coun­ passing of sentence. stantial evidence alone has my try are arrayed against them in adj*?». and were also quiet and most sincere s; mpathy. There was I-nst February Bartley, who op­ the fight for better economic con­ ustworthy and good to mind, so a time in my own life when, if yU'ir.g went fine. By this time erates a jitney between this city ditions amongst the masses The events had not broken right, I be ad was getting high and the I and Medford, was arrested on curront issue of 'Editor and Pub­ could have been arrested, tried for stee] per so. placing the load- three counts for operating a com­ lisher.' a trade pa|>er circulating murder and coi ivicted. And the hain around the last log, mon carrier without a permit, for among newspaper owners and ed­ penalty for mur in that state George »ve the word to the mules improper license plates, and for itors. gloats over th«' fact that at that time was hanging. to pull while he stood at on«' end driving for hire without a chauf- San Francisco newspaper publish- When 1 was about 24 I • I / of the log and I a the othew to fevr's license. He was tried on the •rs whipped th«' public sympathy I wandered back into C. lorado steady it as it went up. Just as it improper license charge and found (gainst the strikers and finally guilty, fined $25 and $4 50 coats divided their ranks.* The article had taken a job loggin was about ready to -ttle into its ber mill. I was at tl place on top of the sd the chain and given six months in which to even claims that th,' newspaper husky lad, a good tear broke and down cam«' the log. pay. According to Justice W. R. combine, composed of every daily top hand at logging. N gaining momentum with every Coleman, Bartley has tailed to pay newspaper in California's chief on myself. I must sav revolution. Both of us were too any part of the fine or costs, al­ seaport, forced General Johnson to it cat experienced in the game to be though the six months have retreat from his original position ■favoring the striking longshore­ natur L In fact • r. . .«’ri* * ■ ■ » Mr, caught napping so each stepped elapsed. Should Barth- • tag driver’s ex­ men.’ These newspapers controlled th: I was paic back out of the way at his r 'spec- amination, he will be required to all channels of information con­ be er than top tive station. On th«' ground, clos«' ws pen x> Starti» WrdiK'Mluy to where George stixxi. lav the obtain PUC permit, '! ibility insur­ cerning the strike of marine work­ ii L mi throb- seven-foot binding p«>le w’th 10 or ance and a chauffeur's license be­ ers, not only for th«» citizens of A rasaw The dozen or mi 12 feet of rope attached where it fore legally operating his jitney, San Francisco, but for the entire 3j 'utg ing at this mill usually worked in had been tossed w! en we were said the court. Bartley’s arrest country, and they used that power pairs for mutual assistance, and I preparing to load the wagon. I was leaves Jacksonville with no Med­ not for the purpose of giving the * I real news of the controversy, hut was paired off with fellow named horrified to see a knot on the ford bus connection. to tiecloud the situation and make George ~ Dodson. George drove four swiftly racing log catch this rope, it appear that thhe strikers were of the company mules and I four wind it up with a snap and hurl entirely in th«' wrong when they horses, both fine teams, and our no'e with terrific force against Tue Wed Thur were fighting for rights guaran­ job w; is to haul the logs from George's head. There was a dull, tee«! under NRA. William Ran­ where they were decked in huge sickening thud and he fell like a r dolph Hearst telephoned from piles in the woods to the mill. The steer in a slaughter pen. su±A2UüiW 111 11 England congratulating the news­ logs were mostly pine, from one to My senses were so paralyzed by paper cabal on its power to change four feet in thickness, and ranged this disaster that I have never public opinion, and William is the from 12 to 20 feet in length. They been able to remember how I Why Always Pick On the Striker? man who is always prattling about | VARNER PLANO COTMg were not hard to handle and, ex­ • 1 lot d 'ifte FEW KIT».Il'» Now the public has long received hill. pull. pry. lift and strain un­ When I came to myself I was this kind of treatment from firms, IlVfl ■ Children 10c necessarily all day. get stuck with driving into the mill yard and the corporations and persons too high his load on the road and have to boys running up to help in political circles to be mentioned (D.M.D.) be helped out and come in late George were Saturday Only down and into a bed. I ex­ here. This ha.; been going on SI N. <'entrai—Telephone IIS every night, he was happy regard­ what had happened but longer than the oldest male child Medford less of the showing he made at the plained see my story was not be­ of Jackson county can recollect, JOHN WAYNE In mill And all this deliberate bung­ could ling was simply the result of pure lieved. Too improbable. Nothing still, in connection with the afore­ contrariness, as I was always like that had ever happened be­ mentioned strike this was heralded in logging operations any­ as great news. ready and willing to show him how fore where. They were convinced to a In only one paper that came to to take advantage of adverse con­ man that there had been a scrap our attention did we read the il­ ditions. By doing all my own work and that “PIRATE TREASURE” Opposite Post Office I had laid George out luminating information that the Fl NERAL PARLORS and a large share of his. I man­ cold as they had often hear«l me JACKSON VU.I.E aged to get along with him fairly threaten to do. The doctor came longshoremen had given their con­ Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Medford, Oregon well for five months, but there but looked grave and held out no sent for gasoline to be moved for the harvesting of the farm crops hope. I went ahead logging from of Oregon. If one side of a story CLARK GABLE another place and endeavored to is news why isn't the other side preserve a calm exterior, but was also? Claudette Colbert sick at heart. I soon became aware In regard to the present strike, from black looks cast at men and arc they giving us the truth, the in i chance remarks overheard that my WHOLE truth and nothing but the former “fair-weather” friends had truth ? If so, how shall we recon­ It’s GOOD judgment to use this turned and now considered it their cile radio reports that the homes duty if George died to swear that of • private citizens are open to finer laundry service, because in their opinion I was guilty of a shelter destitute textile strikers the cost is no more than you brutal murder. Such is human na- with press reports that the wages pay for ordinary washing. I ture. they already receive are more than For 72 hours George laid un- is necessary to supply their needs 1 conscious. Then he roused for 10 and that in their action to better Your most delicately colored Wednesday, Thursday, Friday minutes and the first question their condition the public is garments or heaviest white lin­ | asked him was’ "Did Jack hit against them? I you ?” He said “No” and relaps«!d When the press is criticized for WILL ROGERS ens can be safely entrusted to into coma for 24 hours more. Fin- giving us some of their greusome our tested washing methods. I ally his tremendous vitality began JANET GAYNOR i to assert itself and gradually he : regained his strength after a blow OUR FOUR DISTINCT ' that would have killed an ordinary LAUNDRY SERVICES ; man. Questions were showered at him: “Are you sure Jack didn't Rough Dry, pound hit you ? What did hit you ? Jack Four Bottles Golden Glow- Ale Thrifty Wash, pound said it was the binding pole,” etc. Free With Each Dance Ticket Dry Wash, pound George told them it happened ' so quick he couldn't see what hit Wet Wash, pound , him. If I said it was the binder it must have been, though he had never heard of such a thing in his life. But it was impossible for me to have hit him as I was too far away. And there had been no quar­ “it’s the Afterglow" 30 North Riverside Phone 16« rel. So that settled that and — ■ — ■ . ■■■ , -J Across from Roxy Theater REYNOLDS ONCE NEARLY HANGED BY FALLING LOG :■ CRATSRIAN Local Bus Driver Hailed Into Court Facing1 Ith Charge SKf,*; l 5\ TRICH SCARLET EMPRESS LETTERS to the Editor TYPEWRITER SERVICE ROXY 20c Ä S. C. PETERS Taylor and Bierma Dentist Man from Utah CONGER WE KNOW HOW! “IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT” FREE BEER DANCE STATE FAIR” GOLD HILL DON’S RADIO SERVICE DANCING TILL 2 MEDFORD DOMESTIC LAUNDRY Ai HEN you are suffering, you want relief—not tomorrow— W not next week—but right away. PLAN NOW TO ATT AD THE GREATEST CELEBI \TION EVER HELD IN NORTHERN’ CALIFORNIA DR. MILES ANTI-PAIN PILLS relieve in just a few minutes— less than half the time required for many other pain-relieving medicines to act. Next time you have a Headache, or Neuralgia, or Muscular, Sci­ atic, Rheumatic, or Periodic Pains, just take an Anti-Pain Pill. Learn for yourself how prompt and effective these little pain relievers are. You will never again want to use slower, less effective, less palatable medicines, after you have used Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills. I am much pleased with your Anti-Pain Pills. They sure are wonderful for a headache and for functional pains. I have tried every kind of pills for head­ ache, but none satisfied me as your Anti-Pain Pills have. Ann Mikitko, St. Benedict, Pa. YREKA MINERS’ GOLD RUSH September ¡4, 15 and 16 Old fashioned dance, old-time gambling hall, athletic field meet. '49 parade, Indian at :tck on pioneer settle­ ment, horse racing and bucking contests, grand modern ball, trap shoot, ba «ball game California All-Stars vs. Southern Oregon All-Stars various street stunts, golf course open to all visitors! COME AND HELP US CELEBRATE! » DR.MILES* Anti-Pain Pills Expert Radio Repair W ITH COMPLETE MODERN EQUIPMENT EAKLY OK LATE PHONE ««H Medford Cycle and Repair Shop GUNSMITH—LOCKSMITH I .awn Mower Service Phone 261 23 North Fir Office Phone 446 MEDFORD GLASS CO. MIRRORS, RE-SILVERING BEVELING, POLISHING EDGES, WINDOW, PLATE AND AUTOMOBILE GLASS 3« S. Bartlett St. Medford CEDAR SHINGLES and PABCO ROOFING 1- ply, per roll - - $1.15 2- ply, per roll - - $1.45 3- ply, per roil - - $1.95 Mineral surfaced $2.35 PRICES FOB. PORTLAND End North Central Phone 7 A Good Firm to Trade With