Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935, September 14, 1934, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, September 14, 1934
Personal News Notes
<1. Both from JACKSONVILLE and OVER the HIL l |
• C. U Thoma« returned to the
home <if hi« daughter, Miq, Edwin
Taylor, Saturday after upending
three month« in K uiimun Mr.
Thomae vl«lted a daughter and
other relative« at Loe Angelee on
hia return trip.
• Mr and Mr«. Harold Crump and
aon lloilln were expected to re­
turn thia week from an eight-day
trip to Tacoma by motor. Mra.
Crump'« father, Samuel Hughey,
i etuineii with them to hia home In
Tacoma, after «pending the Hum­
mer here with hl* daughter.
• Mr and Mr«. Cameron McCloy
and children have returned to their
home at Hermel, Calif., after
«pending a month an gue«t« of Mr.
McCloy'« brother, Knox, in the
upper Applegate section.
• Mr and M in Dan Garrison, who
had camped on the Rig Applegate
«Ince July, when they «old their
ranch on French gulch to Henry
Rudd of Sullnas, Calif., moved
TuvHday to Medford. Mr Garrison
him employment In a dairy there
• Mra. Vai Ha«kiii« whh a lunch
con gtieHl Monday of Mr« Lucille
Haskin« at Ruch.
• Mr. and M ih . John Matney and
Mr. and Mra Lee Matney, accom­
panied by Mra. George Ellis, all
of Rucn, were among the many
viaitora spending Sunday a« gue«tN
of Annie Spring« CCC camp, at
which time a dinner and program
were enjoyed.
• The Nugget for cold drink«
• Mr. und Mra. George Beaman
of Roscoe, Calif., and Mra. Henry
Paul and daughter« of Colu«a arc
a|a-nding some time here im guests
of Mr. and M ih J. A. West. Ml
ent« of Mr«. Ream an and Mrs.
• The Miner la read by at leaat
one peraon on the Atlantic coast,
according to clipping« mailed to
friend« here in the county by Ed­
ward llowbrook, formerly of thia
aection. who ia now on the ahip
USS Noa with the United State«
fleet. Edward read« of the doings
of hia friends through Miner col­
umns, and enjoya mailing the clip­
pings back.
• Herman Kramer of Woodland,
Calif., accompanied by Mr. Lycer
of Knights Landing, Calif . was a
recent guest of hia aunt. Mrs. A
Throckmorton. The two men were
on a Rahing trip to southern Ore­
• Miss Luetta Weat entertained
with a dancing party at her home
Saturday evening in honor of her
cousin, Ja-Roy West, whose mar­
riage to Miss Mildred McIntyre of
Medford occurred in that city Sat­
• Stop at the Nugget.
• Out of the miles of charred, des­
olate wastes looming on the hllla
of Poor Man'a creek after the fire
a week ago comes one gruphic les­
son: People have learned that
there ia beauty in mere green
slopes, whether they be timbered
or only brush covered. The stretch
<>ef country between the Summit
service station and Ruch never
was considered particularly beau­
tiful. in fact the drive was rather
boresome, and with this thought
in mind one citizen listened to a
comment on how the fire had
ruined the country and replied.
"How could it?" A glance at the
black spectre of naked trees
againHt a background of ashy bar­
renness reveals "how it could."
• Guests Sunday afternoon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Taylor
were Mrs. Art Rose and daughter
and John Hockersmith of Medford
and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turpin of
Washington, who arc visiting in
• Mrs Will McDaniel and Mrs
Fred Offenbacher were shopping
in Medford Saturday, and also
were guests at the home of Mrs.
Hale Wheeler.
• Miss Eleanor Maule of Port­
land arrived late last week to re­
sume her duties as teacher at the
Uniontown school Monday. Miss
Maule is remaining at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Straube.
• Western Union at the Nugget.
• Telephone lines to the Apple­
gate, impaired by the Poor Man's
creek fire, were temporarily re­
stored to service Monday.
• Mrs. Mary Purcel, who had been
ill for several days, went to Med­
ford during the week-end, and is
remaining with her daughter-in-
law, Mrs. Edna Pursel.
• Cedar lumber is being trucked
from the sawmill on Yale creek
established recently by Bill Sproat
of Medford.
• H. E. (Hank) Wirth of Medford,
liberal candidate for governor, was
calling on friends on Applegate
Sunday. He was accompanied by
A. S. Edwards of this district who
is hia campaign manager for
southern Oregon.
• Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith of
Central Point, accompanied by the
former's mother, Mrs. Anna Smith,
of Medford, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Ansil Gilson Sunday. The
Smiths are former residents of
• Emil Straube of Waiterman,
Oregon, was a guest for a short
lime this week at the home of
Stmubu, of Applegate. Wednesday
the two men, accompanied by Rill
Straube, made a buMim-H« trip to
Dead Indian.
• The Nugget for magazine«.
• Home Economic« club of the
Applegate Grunge wuh scheduled
to meet iu«t WcdncHday at the
home of Mr». Churle« Mee.
• Mr und Mr« Marian Young
and family of Willow Spring«
spent Sunday visiting Applegate
• Several local stockmen went to
tne Silver Fork range Monday,
where they are s|a-nding the week
gathering beef. Those going were
Clarence Buck, Leonard McKee,
l^ouls Straube, Glenn Saltmar«h,
Renton Pool, Fred We»t, Clau«
Kleinhammer and Hollis Parks,
wtio 1» employed by Frunk Cam­
eron. Packin gof horsefeed and
|»art of tlie focal supply was elim­
inated this year, since the road
opened through the Si«kiyous en-
ii .' I tin- mi n to take their gup-
plies to camp with cars the day
• George Lewis, who has been ill
for a few day« at his home here,
has recovered and is able to be
• Among Jacksonville visitors
Monday afternoon wan Rill Lyman
of Medford.
• Ml«« Elizabeth Rebeck, instruc­
tor ut Jacksonville high school,
was u dinner guest of friends here
Tuesday evening.
• 1-cNlle Hod«on. who has been
working on u government job in
California, is viniting his parents,
Mr. und Mr». Bill Hodson of thl»
I Ry.
• Roger Dunnlngton returned
Saturday to his home here to con­
tinue school after spending the
summer with his uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Dunnlngton of
Utile Applegate.
• Courteous service ut the Nugget
• Among this week's visitors at
the O. C. Lewis home were Mrs.
Daisy Grunt and Mrs. Virginiu
Grant of Redlands. Calif., Mrs. Lil­
ly Hart of Yreka, und Mr. and
Mrs. Alva Morgan of Siskiyou
county, Calif.
• Mr« Marvin Morgan of Horse
Creek, Calif., brought her daugh­
ter, Miss Bertha Morgan, to Jack­
sonville to attend high school this
term. Miss Morgan will stay with
her sister, Mrs. Julia Osborne.
• Ray Lewis of this city spent
Tuesday with Bill Cottrell of Phoe­
nix The afternoon was spent in
visiting friends, as Mr. Cottrell
will leave Friday for University
of Oregon.
• Mr. and Mrs. Chris Keegan and
Miss Velma Charleton, local high
school teacher, spent Sunday af­
ternoon at the home of Mrs. Net­
tie Thompson of Medford.
• Donald Sullivan of Medford
spent Monday und Tuesday with
friends in Jacksonville.
• Herman Offenbacher of Apple­
gate was a business visitor in
Jacksonville and Medford Satur­
• Ray Hunsaker, local seventh
and eighth grade school teacher,
says the eighth graders this year
are the same as those of last year,
they’re all "rattlebrained,” except
one, and he hasn't any brains.
• The Reverend Shields preached I
Here you get an attractive
permanent that is made to
fit you personally. It’s a
tailor-made design for your
own head. Come tn today.
Permanents $1.95 - $2.50
Oil Permanents
Finger Waving ......... 50c
(NiicceHsors to /Maine's)
Acre«« from First Nat’l Bank
PHONE 1518
sermon at the local Presbyterian • Dr and Mis Harold Gillis were
housewife if she needed anything-
church last Sunday. Rev H. H. visitors in JackNonville Monday,
from town and offered to give
Jones 1« expected to return from coming down from their post at
back part of their purchase. The
hi« vacation some time this week. ; South Fork CCC camp, where Dr
local woman declined, and pro
• I .a t ry How«- of this city made i Gillis is medical officer,
nounced the deal satisfactory if
a hurried trip to Heattie Monday • Orie I'lnlllpM of the Squaw lake
■ -
the visitor« would pay tomorrow,
morning to see u Nister, who is I region wa« a visitor In Jackson- I Free chicken from
the generoua' but tomorrow hasn't arrived as
very ill in a hoNpital there.
ville Monday evening.
neighboring farm home« has been yet.
• Henry Demmer, who hun been • George (Peewee) Van Guider, the main dish on the table of a
working on the railroad in Eugene, well known son of Mr and Mrs young Beverley Hills couple who
Instead of emulating Edison,
returned to his home here for u Arthur Van Guider of this city, have been camped at the McKee
few tluys.
underwent a minor operation for bridge on Big Applegate for sev­ about all the average man is able
to invent 1« an excuse Weston
• M ih 1.44wrente of Medford, Mrs ' appendicitis at the Community, eral week».
Charlie Dorothy und daughter hospital Monday morning, and is . The couple visited three differ­ -------------------------------------------
Carmen of this city spent Monday reported to tie recovering satis-! ent home», purchasing a chicken
at the home of Mrs. Dorothy's factorily.
by the old "20-dollar bill” method
daughter, Mrs. Arthur Davies of • Mr and Mr« Paul Demmer, and a promise to pay later. Milk
Mrs Sophie Demmer and Mis« 1 wa« obtained from a fourth farmer 1
Forest creek.
• Mr und Mrs. Paul Godward Thelma Martin of Jacksonville hill j in the same manner.
anti daughter Dorland of this city drove to Crater I-ake Sunday, , Clad in their bathing suit«, the !
motored to Bandon und Crescent where a day's outing was enjoyed young man having his hat perched I
in hiking down to the water’s edge earward at a jaunty angle, the I
City over 1-abor day week-end.
11»'/, EAST MAIN
in a picnic luncheon.
• Jim Littell Jr, Ike Coffman and
couple approached one farm wife I
and George Brownlee, members of have been spending some time at a - and obtained a dollar's worth of |
iltt- Jacksonville Odd Fellow«
food, including a chicken, eggs, po- j
lodge, journeyed to Gold Hill Tues­ forestry camp at Union Creek, re-| tatoes, jam and lard in which to
day evening to take first degree their home hail been through the fry their chicken The housewife, ' Permanent Wave
work. They were accompanied by recent forest fire, although the doubting the possibility of chang- j Finger Wave ..............
Ray WilHon, Dan’l (Boone) Shu««. house and contents were safe ing a $20 bill, was relieved when I
her son shouted from the window
Axel Lundgren, John Norris
and George I>’Wis, all fellow lodge Nursery stock planted on the place that he could change it. At this Shampoo ................................. 25c
wa« damaged by flames, as were turn of the deal the couple re­
memb -r«.
buildings. Mr. Crause re­ turned to their sport model car and Haircut ............................... 25c
• APPLES Delicious. Newtown«: outer
Marcel ..................................... 25c
to his work Monday.
after searching for some time, de- j
50c io your box. Roy G. Smith,
■ e
dared they had forgot their money j Manicure ................................. 25c
-J B B Bell anti F A Wolf ol LOCAL < DUPLE PLAN TRIP
and had left it at carnp. They said I Eyebrow Arch ..................... 25c
Madison. Nebraska, are visiting
INTO MATRIMONIAL SEA they were going to town the next I Scalp Treatment ................... 50c
day, and would leave the money. I Hot Oil ..................................... 50c
Dr. und Mrs. J. B. Gillis at their
Applegate ranch for a few days.
Dan Cupid has been recovering Showing great consideration for I Facails ............
Mr Wolf, a newspaperman, and his from the depression and his latest their benefactor, they asked the —________ ___ ________________J
companion arrived Sunday and ex­ targets are, according to victims’
pected to leave within a short own admission, Mins Geneva Ionia
Coffman and Marion Sylvester
• Mr. and Mrs Fred Newman of Hulse, who plan to face Justice of
Medford called on Mrs. Clyde the Peace Ray Coleman about Sat­
Fields Monday.
urday, September 22.
Mr. Hulse is the son of Mr. and
• Miss Eunice Sanden returned
Mrs. P. A. Hulse of Sterling, his
from the Clute ranch Friday.
• Mis« Margaret Hart, who spent home, while Miss Coffman is the
the summer on the coast, returned daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ike L.
Saturday to the Roy Martin home. Coffman of Jacksonville. The
• Vyron Bostwick of Applegate young couple plan to make their
spent Saturday night and Sunday home in this city following Judge
morning as a guest of Roger Card. Coleman's
He left Sunday afternoon for i where Mr. Hulse has been engaged
; in mining.
Rogue River.
The marriage of the popular pair
• Mr. and Mr« Peter Fick and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Wyant will be Jacksonville’s first romance
and son Danny spent Sunday on 1 to burst into flower since quite an
epidemic of marriage about a year
Applegate picking blackberries.
• Mr and Mr« Charley Thurman ago, when several local swain and
of Grants Pass recently visited at lasses decided to cast a double lot.
the home of Mr. Thurman's moth­ The bride and groom-to-be will be
er, Mrs. E. F. Fairking and broth­ receiving congratulations and best
er Walter Whitney.
. wishes, and possibly a charivari (it
In styles right out of your
• Mr and Mrs. Fred Yocum, Mr. is feared) during next few days!
and Mrs. Ray Shepard and son from their many friends.
fashion magazines
Glen of Medford and Mr and Mrs
Department in
George HUtoo and family spent an
enjoyuble picnic on Applegate Sun­ pend on the government, but it
may not be well to depend too
• Mrs. Roy Hutchings visited much.—Weston Leader.
The chap who used to figure the
friends and relatives here Monday.
• Marion Hulse recently returned world owed him a living is now
from a visit to the northern part collecting it from Uncle Sam.—
Weston Leader.
of the state.
$20 Bill Racket Is
Ruse for Mooching
Off Applegaters
Medford School
of Beauty Culture
School Fountain Pens.............................................25c
Combination Pen and Pencil Set........................ 79c
Guaranteed Alarm Clocks.................................... 98c
School Lunch Kits, Vfe-pint bottle.................... $1.59
5c Pencils, two for................................................... 5c
Parker-Sheaffer Fountain Pens................ 25% Off
Quarts Milk of Magnesia.......................................39c
15c Scot-Tissue, 8c, 2 for.......................................15c
500 Sheet Kleenex................................................... 43c
Modess, Kotex, Veldown.......................................15c
$1.00 Junis Cream................................................. 79c
$1.00 Italian Balm................................................... 79c
14-ounce Listerine...................................................59c
32-ounce Z-L Antiseptic........................................ 49c
25c Dr. West’s Tooth Paste.................................. 13c
50c Ipana Tooth Paste...........................................39c
50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste.................................. 41c
50c Lysol................................................................... 43c
60c Bromo Seltzer................................................... 43c
$1.25 Absorbine Junior........................................... 94c
$1.50 Petrolagar..................................................... 87c
$1.35 Creomulsion................................................... 89c
40c Fletcher’s Castoria......................................... 28c
100 Genuine Aspirin............................................... 14c
75c Fitch’s Shampoo............................................... 59c
14-ounce Ovaltine................................................... 57c
60c Sal Hepatica.................................................... 49c
60c Alka-Seltzer..................................................... 49c
$1.00 Adlerika......................................................... 69c
Your Family'« Health Resort—Constantly Creating Confidence
L. M. SELTZER, Preacher-Pianist
FRIDAY at 7:30 P.M.!
Page 3
You’ve been reading about
berets . . . they’re here!
You’ve heard of derbies,
and tricornes, and fedoras
. . . they’re all here in all
their glory for a bright
Don’t Wait for the First Rain
. . . Repair Your Roof NOW!
Carload Cedar Shingles Has Arrived
Complete Stock
Composition Shingles
Pine Shingles
Mineral Surfaced Roofing
"Builder«' Bureau of Information"