Friday, September 7, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Page 4 I of the French should also be fa­ American people Although we have seen the Rus­ miliar to all. Our own battle for independence sians. Germans and Italians re- is just another repetition of the duced to mere government chat- eternal struggle. From the tyrrani- tela, "slogomania" has eaught our cal whims of a despotic king to fancy again and we rush blindly American liberty was a long mid on, sacrificing the results of our I weary period of privation and 150-year struggle to Scripture­ I bloodshed freedom bought at a quoting Tammany politicians while the nation's wealth is being squan­ high price. dered through a necessary relief Today we in America are re- Miner Opens Forum to program administered so ineffi­ | peating the old cycle of lilierty ciently not more than 50 cents Readers for Opinions of ; won and lost. Although bought at of each that dollar spent gets past the 1 a high price, our liberty long en ­ •Rooseveltian Policies As vast army of |>olitical |>arasitea to joyed has fostered a feeling of the needy History Philosophized self-security that makes us sus­ So again "slogomania" has us ceptible to the glowing promises Stripped of its clever sophistry, With sentiment concerning of the ruling class in their subtle the so-called "New Deal" is the President Roosevelt's New Deal campaign to have liberty of action oldest deal known to mankind. changing rapidly. The Miner this 1 transferrod to them. Never before have those immortal week launches a new nonpartisan Usually the downfall of liberty words of Daniel Webster meant so service to its readers in the open­ is brought about by the necessity much: ing of its columns to opinions of for temporary self-sacrifice. Free "Eternal vigilance is the price others. people, from long enjoyment of of liberty.** __________ _ Such revolutionary changes as I liberty, gradually lose that forti­ codes, regimentation, new deals tude and courage necessary to the and newer lines of thought justify LEGAL NOTICES ' perpetuation ot democracy. This, comment and criticism and, par­ coupled with the desire for greater ticularly. analysis by thinking peo­ ease and luxury so recently mani­ NOTICE OF .SHERIFF'S SAI.E ple, and are too grave to be treated By virtue of an execution in fested by the American people has from one viewpoint alone. With made them susceptible to the stud­ foreclosure duly issued out of and this in mind, we herewith present under the seal of the circuit court George "Wildcat” Wilson, shown ied sycophony of clever rulers of the state of Oregon. In ami for a contributed article which was who in the lust for the power of above, who will throw "kisses" at handed to us some time before Mr. the European dictator are grad­ the county of Jackson, to me di­ Hoover's recent criUcism of the wily old Al Karasick next Monday ually assuming more lilierty of rected and dated on the 20th day New Deal was published in the night. September 10, in Mack Lil­ action. of August, 1931. in a certain ac­ Saturday Evening Post but which lard’s special armory show which tion therein, wherein Jackson During the late war we, al­ County Building and Loan Asso­ contains a line of thought closely will bring none other than Jump- though sincere in our belief that ciation. an Oregon building and paralleling that of the former ir Joe Savoldi to Medford. Karasick. who a week ago all we were fighting to "make the loan corporation as plaintiff, re­ president at surprising intervals. Columns of The Miner will be open but broke Billy Newman of Den­ world safe for democracy," now covered judgment against C. A for a free, unrestricted discussion ver in two. recently stayed with know that we were victims of Bennett and Maude B Bennett, of this important subject, and all Sad Sam Lethers Savoldi's Mon­ "slogomania" in a quarrel between husband and wife, the defendants, views are welcomed. Names of day night opponent for a full selfish rulers. Today our patriot­ for the sum • ■! und 9c 7c Xc le MEDFORD DOMESTIC LAUNDRY Phone 180 30 North Riverside Across from Roxy Theater Office Phone 446 We Have a Good Floor Sanding Machine Which We Will Rent At a Very Reasonable Rate — Ask Us Prevue Siin-Mon-Tur ‘Fighting to Live’ “LOVE BIRDS” Is CEDAR SHINGLES and PABCO ROOFING 1- ply, per roll - - $1.15 2- ply, per roll - - $1.45 3- ply, per roil - - $1.95 Mineral surfaced $2.35 PRICES FOB. PORTLAND C ompany oncooN End North Central Phone 7 A Good Firm to Trade With