Friday, September 7, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Page 3 eui then missiles. Ray and his scat­ I return to visit friends here Mm. • Edward Rathman of Riverside, • Joe Nee and family have moved ter gun are natives of Jacksonville. Shaw was formerly Miss Pearl Calif . who has been visiting at the house on North Third into the hotme • The Nugget for magazines. Jillite Mr Jillite formerly owned George Sanden home, left for Los street formerly occupied by Dr. • Mr and Mrs Charles Blltcb and the Judge F. L. TouVelie place. son Charley of this city motored • Mr and Mrs. Forrest Ravenor Angeles to enter training school. Harold Gillis. to Diamond and Crater lakes Sun- ' and mother. Mm Carpmel, spent s Angeles, having traded Butte Falls were Tuesday callers in Medford in the barber in Offenbucher over the Labor day their Thompson creek home for employed Jacksonville. by Mr. Stroud, who owns • Mrs Etta Tranta and Mrs. We analyze your skin and have spe< ial creams week end were Mrs Offenbacher's California property. Mr. Johnson a t.Usini'HH shop across from the Roxy Jones made for your individual needs by Albert of the nephew, Walter Wendt of Canby, hus served as Grange lecturer dur­ theater. of Butte Falls were over­ Palace In San Francisco! Only Medford agents. now employed ut Eugene, und Mr ing the lust year. night guests at the Fred Butcher • Noel Pence, formerly of Jack- home Tuesday evening. and Mrs Hale Wheeler of Medford • Stop at the Nugget. • Ton l.ovil employed at tb< • Recent guests ut the home of sonvile now residing in Ruch, • Ray Hunsaker left Monday for BARBER SHOP and Klcinhamincr ranch, motored to Mr. und Mrs E H. Taylor were m ade a short visit to this city Crater I-ake, to return M. E. Coe, principal of the Jacksonville Williams creek Monday, where he Mr und Mrs. lamgley Shoemuker Wednesday. beauty parlor • l-arry Howe, formerly of Seat­ school, following a summer's work Visile«! his fatliei .) ')' Lovcl of Pulo Alto und Mr und Mrs Ike tle now mining in this city, left there. They spent several days at | • Jacksonville (>oonaful sons, Tom, Dick and Ted Fish of and Mrs G. F Hamilton, Mr. and of the oily liquid, and was taken Phoenix. Mrs. W B. Hotchkiss and Mr. anil to a doctor early Wednesday morn­ • Th«* Nugget for cold drinks. Mrs Harry Hamilton of Talent, ing Nothing serloUH resulted from • George Crippen, resident of und Mr. und Mrs. l^oys Hamilton the accident. Ruch 40 year* ugo, where he wus and Mr and Mm. Robert Smith of • No gold has been taken out of The Big Strike in the East is over wages and hours of a miner, has returned to this Mo­ Medford. Part of the group called the Bull Frog mine and the bull tion, and la camping near the Ap­ at the home of Mr. and Mm. Glenn frogs must be hibernating for the winter us Fred Combest and Char­ labor—the Biff Strike at the Golden Rule is for more custo­ plegate store Mr Crippen Is a Saltmarsh while here. member of the GAR und even • The Huntington quartz mill for­ ley Shannon, prietors of the hole mers and we are winning the battle with Low Prices on though he is Mi ycHts old. friends merly located on the Reed and in the ground, can be seen hanging huve commented upon the lively Fletcher mine near Ruch hue been around the Marble Corner chewing Quality Merchandise. manner in which he gets around. sold to Mr. King of Phoenix. Mr the rag with the ri ft of the towns­ Mr. Crippen, who hopes to mine King, who is allowing some mighty men. on the Applegute again. Is from nice specimen ruck, plans to in­ • Mr and Mrs. Chris Keegan of and Mrs. Nellie Tacoma and is accompanied by his stall the mill on a mine in the Jacksonville Thompson and son Eugene of Med­ daughter, grandson und grand- Siskiyou mountains • Mrs Ella Milligan and daugh­ ford motored to Ashland Sunday. ter Alberta of Tucson, Arizona, • Miss Alice Morgan of this city spend the week-end at the spent u few days visiting the will William Aitken home in Ashland. former's brother, T. 8. Cady and • Mrs. Zola Girls’ School Dresses 59c to 97c S. C. PETERS Boys* Caps..... ................ 25c to 79c Fick and Mrs Flor­ family, of Jacksonville hill, de­ ence Severance of this city mot ­ parting for their home Sunday. ored to Gold Hill Saturday to visit Anklets ............. 15c, 19c and 23c (I).M.I).) Boys’ Shirts.......... 49c, 57c and 79c Mrs Milligan and daughter in­ the district chairman of the Re ­ cluded the Jacksonville district in Girls* School Shoes $1.47 to $1.97 lodge. Boys’ Cord Pants..... $1.49 to $2.47 their tour of several northwestern bekah Dentist • Mis Mamie Walton, who was Ladies’ Sizes Shoes $1.97 to $3.37 states. confined to a Medford hospital for ! • Justice of the Peace Ray Cole­ a short time early this week, has I Boys’ Overalls................ 57c to 87c Silk Dresses, closeout............ $2.97 man Sunday splattered 1*1* out of a returned home here, but is still ! possible hundred clay birds at confined to her bed, suffering from Boys’ Sweaters 97c, $1.49 to $1.97 Sweaters....... 69c, 87c, $2.17, $3.00 range of the Medford gun club in a chin infection. Op|H>*itc Puat Office competition with trapshooters • David Moore and Bob Christner i Bovs’ Keds 87c to 97c Ladies’ Dress Shoes $2.48, $2.97 from Salem. Coleman also was of this city were out of town vis­ JACKSONVILLE high man in the 50 hundicap from itors to $4.45 Boys’ Shoes.............. $1.79 to $3.49 Tuesday evening. 21 yards by dividing 49 of the • Courteous service at the Nugget Silk Hose.............. 49c, 79c and 89c Boys’ Oxfords $1.75 to $3.77 • Leon Hanna of San Francisco is visiting at the home of his brother. H. K. Hanna, of this city. i • Ted Iuirson of the Larson mine ] in this city is spending the week in Portland on business. • John Renault of Jacksonville, | who has been ill for some time, Is I recovering rapidly. Fast Color Prints, yard, 15c, 17c Work Shirts......... 47c, 69c and 97c • Miss Doris Clark of this city has accepted employment for a and 23c few days in Medford. Men’s Waist Overalls................ 97c • Miss Grace Christenson, chair­ Hope Muslin, yard................... 15c man of the Rebekah lodge of Port­ Men’s Bib Overalls....97c and $1.73 land, was present at a meeting J. & P. Coats Thread, spool 4c held at the home of Mrs. Florine Men’s Cords............$2.79 and $3.95 Severance here this week. New Fall Silks 69c to 97c • Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Lewis and Calumet Baking Powder New Wool Goods........67c to $1.63 Men’s Sweaters 97c, $2.19 and up son Ray, Miss Alice Morgan and I-pound <-an Mrs. Julia M. Osborne, all of this Campfire Marshmallows city, motored to the Oregon caves Sunday. «-ounce package ............ ........................... . • Harry Whitney received word Royal Club Cream Style Corn Tuesday of the death of his grand­ No. 2 can, 2 can* for father, Mr. John Deboy. who is well known here. Mr. De boy was Royal Club Wet Pack Shrimp born at Nashville, Tenn., April 22, 5-oiince can 1846. and was a Civil war veteran. In 1871 he was united in marriage IGA Brand Tea to Miss Mattie Williams of Nash­ Orange Pekoe, one-fourth |*oinid puckage ville. They came to Marshfield, Oregon, in 1872 and settled there. Crystal White Soup Mr. Deboy died at the home of his 10 «-ounce bars Medford and Jacksonville son, Jack Deboy, at Flush, Ore­ Lux Toilet Soap gon. Another son, Austin Deboy SOUTHERN OREGON’S FASTEST GROWING DEPARTMENT STORE of Summerlake, also survives him. 1 Imrs for Eight grandchildren and two Old Dutch Cleanser great-granchildren. Ruth and Vio­ Per ciui __ ........................................ ............. let Whitney of Jacksonville. • H. F. Spilver conducted serv­ Sugar ices at the Jacksonville Presbyter­ lO-pound cloth bugs ian church last Sunday in the ab­ sence of the Rev. S. H. Jones. Mr. Mayonnaise, IGA Shiles will preach this coming Sun­ Pint jar day at the local institution. Pineapple, IGA • Eunice and Lois Sanden, Mrs. FergUBon and daughter Phoebe are No. 2*, can picking hops on the Clute ranch Post Toasties Corn Flakes at Applegate. The O. O. Sanden «-ounce package ............ ............... family spent Sunday on the Apple­ When fire threatens your home and your val­ gate and enjoyed a picnic dinner. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shaw of uables, you will derive a lot of comfort in knowing FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLE Sacramento, Calif., spent Monday that all your vital papers, insurance policies, evening with Mrs. Hurst, while en­ SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ONLY route north to visit Mr. Shaw's treasured articles and priceless records are parents. They will stop on their Bananas, Fancy *■" 1 “ ■————————----------- ------——-------- . ■ — --------- Personal News Notes BOWMAN’S FAMOUS CROQUIGNOLE and SPIRAL PERMANENTS DAU/MAN’Q DUvVIYIHIi 0 The Big Strike Is On IGA OFFERS Girls’ School Clothes Boys’ School Clothes DRY GOODS Men’s Furnishings FROM SEPTEMBER 8 THRU 14TH GET OUR PRICES ON YOUR WINTER BLANKETS! Whitlock’s Golden Rule Play Safe With Fire! 4 pounds for Lettuce, Solid Heads 2 heads for............................. Sweet Potatoes Fancy, 4 pound*« for .................... 25c 15c 1 Q i* 9 Nw A FULL LINE OF ALL NEEDED SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR THE STUDENT Men’s and Boys' Work Shoes at Thrifty Prices Godward Mercantile Co “Where the Miners Bring Their Goli! and Where the Gold Brings the Bargains” PHONE 74—WE DELIVER JACKSONVILLE tucked safely away in a safe deposit box where the elements, or man, cannot molest them. Every family has papers and documents that are inval­ uable and which rightly belong in a trusted place of safekeeping . . . the safe deposit vault is the most inexpensive, the most secure answer to this problem ... we have boxes to suit your needs from as little as $2 per year up. Drop in next time you are downtown and look into this service that is far from a luxury . . . of Beauty Culture 419* 2 EAST MAIN I'lIONE 81 BEAUTY SERVICES AT A SAVING Permanent Wave ................f’,00 Finger Wave ......................... 25c Comb Wave ........................... 25c Shampoo ..................................25c Haircut ....................................25c Marcel ..................................... 25c Manicure ..................................25c Eyebrow Arch ..................... 25c Scalp Treatment ................. 50e Hot Oil ..................................... 50c Facaila ................................... 50c - - - The First National Bank “A Departmentized Institution” MEDFORD '