Friday, August 31, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Page 5 Here’s a Real Penney Value! Printed or Plain FLAT CREPE It’s Silk—and look! only Here’» your opportunity to save on your Fall sew­ ing! Many beautiful shades for street wear—many really lovely prints, too! Light and dark tones, as well as black and white I 38 inches wide get lots of it NOW—while this low price saves you money! Ready for Quilling Time! Women’s and Girls* For Style! Bor Warmth! Girls9 BATTS LEATHER JACKETS COATS «3-98 Pw» IPMt« Cotto«*/ Forney priced 49* Brown, Black or Colors Sizes 12 to 20 w«gh • poond and a fifth — of uniformly soft whit« cotton! J «st what you want for those quilt* yoo’rs going to make! Full size, 81 x M! Get these now for only 49c! $4.98 Yea! These new coata have exactly the com­ bination you want—good style, sturdy fab­ rics, nice trimmings, low price I Assorted tweeds, crepes, checks, snowflakes, suedes, Polaire' Astrakhan, Laakin I^amb, pile fab­ ric trim! Sizes 3 to 6 yr». I Well tailored! z/ good-looking ribbed GIRLS* HOSE 27-inch Rayou-pUited over mercerised OUTING FLANNEL ZS® for wear . . . and ravon plaited for that silky appearance girls like in their stockings! A fine value at 25c I In assorted light and dark tana. SH to 9%! Buy today! Fr icy Patterns Imagine getting real kid SLIP-ONS «1-98 3 yards............ 25 C Hurry! ICt a big 49c value! of only Dress Materials or tor Sults Plain. Plaids or Flecks 54 Inches Wide 81x106 Assorted Striped Colors 98e $1.49 98c This buy in itself make* our 49c Days an event! Chiffons with silk 9e CORDUROY pleot 3 tor.----------- 12C 69c SEWING THREAD Chalk Felt! Mossy Felt! New J. and P. Coats 300-yard Spools Millinery «1-69 79 98c Children’s Wool and Rayon reenforced foot! rl^i) O" bodice topi for Com fori! .O' Girls* SKIRTS! The school girl’s classic — of a sturdy wool in navy black or bright plaid*' Well made to give plenty of wear—a good school out-fit worn with a blouse or a middy! Extra Big! Extra Thick! Thirsty! TOWELS Man-Site Double T erry »*- 8e FANCY SUITINGS New "Betty Co-ed” styles featuring two entirely new felts unusually pliable and luxurious in feeling! “Blimp” berets, “Coolie” brims, turned-back and raised brims, stitched-all-over felts—and satins, velvets, wool crepes! Many colorsl For Small Children and Pleated for freedom! And only YARD SWEATERS top Servioo-weighta with mercerised top and sole! New-season colors. 1’4 lOtfc. Good Quality Terrycloth Fine Quality Narrow Wale Assorted Plain Colors Boys’ and Girls’ 49« Splendid Quality, Yard WASH CLOTH CRINKLED BEDSPREADS /iUf fathioued tervice, chiffon! Bleached or Unbleached Smart—the hands that ar« gloved in these •oft, smooth kids! Choose either a plain ■lip-on, or one of the delightful novelty styles! They're in black, brown and other popular fall colors, sizes 6 to 8M>? Buy a pair to match each of your costumes! FALL WOOLENS Pure Silk Hose MUSLIN For Children’s Dresses 40-inch Width YARD 59c Children’s Rayon and Lisle 36-inch Fast Color STOCKINGS Ideal for Children's Dresses Serviceable YARD 25c 19C Women’s All-Linen Children’s “RONDO” STOCKINGS Handkerchiefs COTTON STOCKINGS for Colder Weather A Real Value Fine Ribbed 39C 5c 19c A man wants a towel that is a towel—not a postage stamp! That’s why men like these! 24 by 48 in. wonder­ ful values—they come with white centers, striped cen­ ters or plain colors! Lay in a supply of these—your household will be happier! wonderful for the money!