Friday, August 31,1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER THE BELL WITH C t « n \/ a t nee .• o____ > \4****STAR VALUES in Penneys BARGMM FOR. 36-Inch Girls’ PERCALE PRINTS BLOOMERS ANO VESTS WOMEN’S SILK HOSE PONGEE limited Quantity— To Close Out of Fine Gauge Rayon, Also Sateen Bloomers All Wanted Shade» A BARGAIN Natural Only 19c 25c 15C 4 3 yards 25 C All SUk 12 Momme Flannels, Novelties, 1 weeds! Rippled jabots and revers of Luxurious Fur: ! Smart Skirts! Sites for Moses and Women! COATS Have several with ■ > Penney’s newest hit in sport fashions! 17- inch point vest-effect front, 2 muff pockets, J panel back and long set-on cuffs. All wool I mackinaw in navy, green, maroon, brown! $1«98 19 25 Women’s RAYON HOSE HANDKERCHIEFS White Only A Remarkable Value First quality, popular shades 5 for.............. IOC 25c Women’s WOMEN’S BROGUES Genuine For the High School Girl Sizes 2V4 to 8—100% Leather FRENCH BERETS Increasing popularity of thia number makes it again the school girl's favorite................................................................. vV RAYON VESTS and BLOOMERS A Real ’Buy” * *14 75 These’are the ooats you’ve been waiting for —dress styles in rich crepes that are hard to And for so little ! Perfectly cut, carefully made, unusually well styled. Tweeds, too, monotones and novelty fabrics! Stitchings, Scannings! Misses’, Women’s! 14 to 20 yrs!1 i Boys’ and Girls’ BROTHER and SISTER SUITS Fine Quality Wool Jersey —For Children Ages 2 to 6 Year» Cunning Styles $1.19 $1.69 GIRLS’ BROGUE OXFORDS Brown Only Solid Leather shows you how to dress well on little money! Here are satin dresses with lovely new jackets! “Different-looking” sheers! Crepes with dramatic white collars and tricky cuffs! Novelty materials! All new and smart! For Misses and Woman I r COATS J net arrrvcdl Smart! Only hnpomdbH- to resist these smart new arrivals! With new smoother shoulders, sleeve with fullness below the elbow, fitted at the waist, trimly betted! Smart new woolens! Tweeds, nubbed tweeds, novelties, fleeces, snowflakes, mono- tones! Women’s! Misses! Monotones and Tweeds in Swagger SUITS Longer Coats prove them new ' Satins! New Crepes! Sheers! DRESSES 1 25c Expensive-looking crepes! Tweeds COATS Here are New Styles in Tailored «’/2 to 11’/2 $1.98 .90 See how little you pay a' Penney’s for a well-design ed, well made swagger suit! These are exceptional in style—co&U with converti­ ble collars that can be worn high, pockets for a swagger effect, and smoother shoul­ ders! Nice tailored match­ ing skirts! Misses! Women I •e »