Friday, August 31, 1934 Page 3 The JACKSONVILLE MINER ' ^R/HCS THE BELL WITH SHOP With 4 STAB VALUES in Penneys SAFETY At BacA toSeWW PENNEY’S in Medford GIRLS’ OXFORDS It’s Nothing Short of Sensational! Stock Up for School! B oys ’ S hirts Percales! broadcloths! Chambray si Situ to t •1.98 Taa — or black •ik leathers! Sport styles! Com position rubber soles! Girl«’ 1-STRAP* •1.49 PATENT leath­ er. Double soles! Sturdy oak out­ sole! Flexible! Ample toe room! • Mothers! Here is just the event you’ve been waiting for! Don’t miss this chance to save! Buy enough for a whole year at this remarkably low price! You centainly wil’ never regret it! Every shirt cut full and roomy . . . built right up to Penney’s exacting standards for boys’ shirts. Fancy percales, white and plain color broadcloths, blue and gray chambrays. , , Nutone Tubfast Printed Don’t Mus Thu Bargain Percale BOYS’ CAPS * - lO^yard Just in time for your Fall tewing—a new assortment of novelty patterns, small medium, and large For women's and chil­ dren's dresses, pajamas, aprons — for drapes and pillow tops bed-spreads! 36 inches—a grand Fall sewing value! Mothers! Here’s a BARGAIN! Boys’ Oxfords Akvwrf 49* . Fall Fabrics! A borgata Nke tkia needs no »Cory! One look at these cape and your boy witl surely want one! Eight-quarter styles with masde leather front. Well lined! Indeetrurtihte >ioni I A bargain! IFM Kiul-bi EUtlic C*t>' 25« Hero are golf hose that will stand plenty of hard school wear! At this price . . . stock up for the season ’ All-over fancy patterns with knit-ii elastic cuff a Several colon. 7 to 10 U Boys* School Shoes Tub Fast Colors! Sizes to 14 years! 39c Hand picked styles—hand-picked fabrics-*—careful workmanship—what more could you ask in girls’ new wash dresses! Pleated, gathered, beltless mot els for little Miss 1 to 3 — bright stripes, plaids, checks, and flower prints for girls up to 14 years! Hundreds of Back-to-School Items Not Listed Here Are Arriving Daily t X lOft Sift! 4* Fits standard binder. 50 sheets, banded ready for use. Good qual­ ity paper! Boys* Gott Hose A good bargain! Shoes that prove Penney quality is good quality I Backed by 32 years experience in fitting hardy, fun-loving boys! They’ve sturdy, black leather uppers; popular wing tips; thick leather soles; rub­ ber heels! Situ 9 to $2.29 Tub FROCKS Loose Leaf Fillers Another Big School Bargain! •T. «Z-49 Back to School! First Stop at Penney's! Girls' We Carry’ A Complete Line of Tablets, Pens, Pencils, Fillers, Spelling Paper Etc. At Prices That Save You Money •X49 bwoMs s^eal BUckeBt uppers Heeaay toes. that UY, » K SHOP WITH SAFETY AT PENNEY’S Growing Girls’ Shoes Situ 2¥i to 8 •2.49 Foot - flattering . . . . comfort­ table ! Browns. Blacks. Perfora- tions.Stitchings. All Wool Sweaters For Boys! •1.49 Pure worsteds in long sleeve, UV neck style. Plain colors orcontrast swipes. 8-16.