Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935, August 31, 1934, Page 2, Image 2

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    Friday, August 31, 1934
Page 2
The Jacksonville Miner
Published .Every Friday at
Entere 1 as second-cUu-a matter February 19. 1932,
at the postoffice at Jackaonville, Oregon, under
the act of March 3, 1879.
Editor and Publisher
MAUDE POOL .......................... Applegate Editor
to improve the flavor and purity of
stamp glue to the point where those who
insist on licking their stamps will find
them only slightly distasteful, and fully
harmless. We should take the poison out
of Bybee turn, because drivers will con­
tinue to try to lick that corner as long
as there are drivers.
Labor Day Parades
Blue Eagle Stool Pigeons
In theory, at least, most of us would
a few years ago that prohibition
was a fine and noble thing.
Address All Communications to Box 138
But in practice, when it developed an
Subscription Rates, in Advance:
army of stool pigeons who tempted men
One Year............... $1 00 Six Months. ...........50c
— .,
and then hailed them into court when
they weakened, the law became less
J’ville Takes Another Foul
Because Jacksonville happens to be at
And when prohibition’s enforcement
one end of a highway, we suppose there cracked down on the small offender and
is a lot of blame being foisted onto the seemed to be busy looking the other way
old town in connection with last Satur­ when the large or moneyed violator
day night’s near-fatal accident, in which cut loose, the Volstead act was doomed
three youths were injured and a young to go out in a writhing, shameful death.
lady lost an arm. For some reason, Med­
Now, with the NRA—a prohibition for
ford press has insisted the accident oc­ business—the same typical American
curred “when occupants were returning traits seem to be cropping out that will
from the Jacksonville dance about 1 o’­ doom the noble and ethically sound New
Deal to a like fate, unless we are greatly
There will be many who will connect mistaken.
the incident with recent efforts of the
There are few thinking people who
county court to close the local affairs, will not agree that the NRA, in principle
and cite the mishap at Bybee turn as and theory, is one of the finest and most
justification for the county court’s necessary things we have today. Nearly
stand. Jacksonville, as usual, will be every businessman and worker is en­ denying, to us, that the New Deal is still the swinging doors and old-time saloons,
blamed for something for which she thusiastic about the laboi and working a fine theory and a bulky, ineffective figuratively speaking, but our tradition­
al business spirits are bound to come
could not possibly have had any respon­ provisions of the codes, and approve of practice.
back. Alcohol is not the only substance
the New Deal’s other features, althougn tition will continue till the end of time. that can be bootlegged and abused in
In the first place, either the Medford there is an increasing army of people
America, nor were the dry enforcement
press mistakenly or deliberately has col­ who are dissatisfied with some of the It is noble and right for us to attempt to
minimize its dangers, but well nigh crazy agencies the only ones who could make
ored its news stories concerning the ac­ codes’ administration.
for us to ever hope for anything near
cident to make it appear as though the
Take, for example, the prosecution of approaching a business Utopia. Particu­ a farce out of enforcement.
We democrats—in fact, all of us—
driver and occupants of the car had been the Pasiaac, N. J., pants presser who
returning from Jacksonville, where it was hailed into court because he pressed larly with our unweildy and preference­ have trying, troublesome times ahead,
will be presumed they consumed too a suit for a few nickels under the code doling government which so thoroughly although theh depression has surely and
much beer, or something, that rendered price. A large fine and six months in botched up Volstead’s great idea.
The NRA probably will do away with fortunately been placed behind.
their driving a menace. According to jail, with the jail sentence suspended be­
Medford police, one of which saw the cause he was a first offender. Yet at the
court September 8. 1934, at the I Rood
Patrick’« Second-Hand
car and its occupants speeding out West same time there were darn few of us who
LEGAL NOTICES court room of the above entitled
Main street a few minutes before the ac­ didn’t know of some big concern, some
court at the Jackson county court1
cident, the party was just leaving that nation-wide outfit, that was chiseling on NOTICE or SIIKKIKI-H SALE house at Medford. Oregon, has
By virtue of an execution in been fixed as the time and place
city with Jacksonville as their obvious NRA aqd making it mean plenty, taken foreclosure
duly issued out of and for the hearing and settlement of
destination, and were speeding beyond as a whole. But, like back in prohibition under the seal of the circuit court any objections to said account.
the state of Oregon, in and for
all reason while still in Medford’s city days, the little man was jumped first. In of
the county of Jackson, to me di­
Administrator de bonis non
limits. The fact that the car never had fact, we have yet to hear of any large rected and dated on the 20th day (Aug 10
17 24 31)
August. 1934. in a certain ac­
reached Jacksonville was just as avail­ chain outfit, or gigantic business group, of
tion therein. wherein Jackson
able to Medford newspapers as to The getting kicked in the shins. But heaven County Building and Loan Aaso- LOST Ladies’ red bathing suit;
ciatlon, an Oiivgon building and
finder return to Miner office and
loan corporati Jn as plaintiff, re­
help the small fry!
receive reward.
judgment against C. A.
Of course the driver shouldn’t have
For example, we will confine ourselves covered
been speeding. He shouldn’t have been to a case right here at home. A Jackson­ husband and wife, the defendants, WANTED Fruit jars, pumps,
drinking, either, if he had been. But why ville tire dealer, to meet competition of for the sum of >800 00 less the pipe; al) kinds second-hand
of $193.32 paid on stock, leas
in heaven’s name should Jacksonville be a Medford chain store, was forced to sell sum
the sum of $42.89 accrued earn­
blamed because the reckless driver the same quality product for exactly 13 ings on said stock, being the sum
of $563.79 plus interest on $800.00
steered his vehicle in this direction?
cents less than he paid for it wholesale. from the .'list day of October, 1932,
We have often wondered why the state Yet the chain store was “complying” to the 9t.h day of January, 1934, ■ •••
the rate of 10% per annum,
highway commission, or the county engi­ with the code and at the same time freez­ at
being the sum of $94 37. plus In­
neer, or someone with the real welfare ing out the independent merchant who terest on $563.79 from the 9th day
of January. 1934, to the date here­
of Jackson county’s citizens at heart has needs tire profits as badly as any one.
of at 10$; per annum, being the
af $34.42, plus $15 00 for in­
never taken action on death-dealing By­
As though this were not enough, this sum
premium paid by plaintiff,
bee turn. A year ago, following the loss week a code “spotter” visited the same plus $5.00
for continuation of ab­
of a life at that danger-spot, a “curve” Jacksonville man and, in a not too re­ stract of title, plus interest on said
judgment at 10% per annum from
sign was erected to warn strangers of spectful manner, attempted to get him date of decree with costs and dis­
the near right-angle turn flanked on to chisel on the price of gasoline, so he bursements taxed at forty-five and
80/100 ($45.80) dollars, and the
the outside by dangerous ditches and no could be turned in as a code violator and further
sum of seventy-five and
There'» no cauh in it!
guard rails. There have been many other be subject to prosecution for shaving a no/100 ($75.00) dollars, as attor­
Southern Pacific takes you to
Chicago, New York and most
accidents, most of them costly, at the paltry penny or two on a dollar sale.
enrolled and docketed in the
other eaitern cities through
’s office of said court in said
same intersection.
Typically American enforcement of clerk
California for the same rail
But always, in every case, the blame a prohibition, no doubt, but wait till this 1934.
fare as a trip straight Last and
back. See your local agent or
is placed on drunken driving, reckless­ same occurrence has happened several
Notice is hereby given that, pur­
suant to the terms of the said exe­
write J. A. ORMANDY, 704
ness or the fact that Jacksonvillians times to the tire and gas boys. They’ll cution,
I will on the 22nd day of
Pacific Bldg., Portland, Ore.
keep late hours on Saturday nights. No be out gunning for NRA, and how! They September, 1934, at 10:00 o'clock
at the front door of the
one officially ever frowns on the curve could hardly be expected to have much a.m.,
courthouse in the city of Medford,
itself, or takes the highway’s responsi­ respect for the personality or tactics of in Jackson county, Oregon, offer
sale and will sell at public ■
bility into the grand jury room. But it is the stool pigeon, and their sense of as­ for
auction f<or cash to the highest
significant that, with all the drunken sociation will leave a bad taste in their bidder, to satisfy said judgment,
together with the costs of this
driving alleged to be going on every Sat­ mouths for the codes.
sale, subject to redemption as pro­
urday night, and all the recklessness, it
This viewpoint, coming from a village vided by law, all of the right, title
interest that the said defend­
seems to have a very consistent way of editor who has taken pride in his bour- and
ant, C. A. Bennett and Maude B.
resolving itself into serious and fatal ac­ bonism, may be read as party treason by Bennett, husband and wife, had on
the 22nd day of November, 1927,
cidents only at Bybee corner.
some. But it is our belief that, as Mr. or now have in and to the follow­
County officials, who have been so Roosevelt said, there will be imperfec­ ing described property, situated in
the corunty of Jackson, state of
concerned over the safety and post-mid­ tions in the New Deal, and serious ones. Oregon,
night welfare of southern Oregon’s danc­ We believe it is the privilege and duty
Lot four (4) block three (3)
Walnut Park Addition to the city
ers should make a serious effort to re­ of democrats to seek out their own of
Medford, Oregon, as the same
model Bybee turn. If they really are sin­ shortcomings, rather than to stupidly is numbered, designated and de­
cere in their efforts to improve the coun­ deny or refuse to investigate every ac­ scribed on the official plat there­
of, now of record.
ty they will quit passing the buck to cusation the opposing party may hurl.
Dated this 20th day of August,
A nafe, wane and economical
admlnlMration of state af­
Jacksonville’s dances. Even if the af­
It is apparent to The Miner, and ob­ 1934. WALTER J. OLMSCHEID,
fair* In the intercut
of iron-
fairs were closed entirely Bybee corner viously, just what fate lies ahead for any Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon.
omy and reduced taxation.
Application of the New Deal
would still be just as crooked and fully American effort that is backed a .i en­
principles to Oregon by an
as dangerous as ever.
forced by a bevvy of stool pigeons, un­ (Aug 24, 31, Sept 7, 14)
administration friendly to
and cooperating with Presi­
- ---------- •----------- -
Although no one will hold any brief equal application and has as its ob­
dent ltoo
County Court for Jackson
for reckless and drunken driving, still it jective the partial prohibition of any In the
IncrcaHed Federal economic
County, State of Oregon
aid to Oregon through sym­
is poor logic to watch the drunks con­ man’s liberty. Of course, we are wholly IN THE MATTER OF THE ES­
pathetic cooperation with
tinue to pile up at one particular danger in accord with Mr. Roosevelt’s aims and
the national administration.
A now “ICooHcveltlan” deal
spot and do nothing but condemn liquor. objectives, and are confident that Mr.
Notice is given that the under­
for Oregon and Its people.
For example, most of us know that it Roosevelt will meet any new emergen­ signed
administrator de bonis non
I’d. Adv. by Martin Cam­
paign Comm.
is better to lick an envelope than the cies arising out of the NRA as capably of the above entitled estate has
filed in the above entitled court
glued side of a stamp, but nevertheless and wisely as he has met other problems and matter his final account of the
our government has been wise enough during past 18 months. But there is no admin1 jrt.ra.tlon of said estate and
by or 0er of the above entitled'
---- •----
Saturday till
ni a ati n_