>e You A Real THRILL! PLAN TO BE HERE . . . Ig * * Wait * * Take A Day Off... COME! S Boys7 Clothing and Shoes LADIES!! Let Your Housework Go! MEN!! Lay Off and Get Here! ND BOYS’ SUITS, LADIES’ LINGERIE AND^SILK HOSE T WILL BRING REMEMBER: PRICES AS LOW AS FIFTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR NOW! That A Dollar Saved by Wise Buying Has As Many Pennies As A Dollar Earned Through Hard Work Ki Suedette Jackets Choice.♦. 89c Plan to Spend It Now! Everything Displayed Cafeteria Style!! THURSDAY, August 23rd at 9:00 a.m I P.M. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, AUGUST 23RDAND 24TH - SATURDAYS OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. fori zed PANTS 89e MEN’S FELT DRESS HATS BOYS’ LONG DRESS PANTS Men’s Sanforized Values to $3.50 Suspender Strap SUMMER PANTS Now Only ..... Oft Your Choice ... PEPPERELL MADE JQ Now Only MEN’S BELTS 1 Lot Men’s Sport MEN’S BELTS ........ BOYS’ BELTS ........ DRESS CAPS 69e $1.95 n ■ ■ ■■■ Men’s WOOL SLACKS $2.69 100% All Leather jular Stock "No “Specials” or “Bait Leaders” Offered By This Store r 4*5 «rade R?s Ladies’ Silk Rayon Famous “Cat” PAJAMAS now ONLY ............ JQ Extra Eine Quality Rayon 79e Vamp Toe, All Silk, Now.............. / VW RON DRESS SHIRTS, WILSON BROS. UNDERWEAR, WALTER HUNDREDS OF NATIONALLY KNOWN BRANDS—YOU COULD CMANDISE CAN BE FOUND ANY PLACE! Every Pair of Men’s Oxfords Must Go Now! Boys’ All-Wool SWEATERS I 69e Three Pig Design Sweaters for the Little Ones..... 59c Where You Live, Men’s Dress PANTS LARM CLOCKS’! to and Be on Hand Morning, 9 a.m SHOES Larkwood Hosiery Sheer Chiffon and Service Weight Ladies’ Dance Sets Shorts and Brassier One lot Men’s Black and Tan Ox­ fords—plain and two tones. now |$2.98 Make an effort to match your coat now —nave on that extra pair of piuita— $2.95 $3.95 ALL SWIMMING SUITS TRUNKS and SWIM SHIRTS Men’s A11-leather GLOVES AT COST and Per Pair AND LESS THAN COST! 55C ...... WW J N? Men’s Clothier ZA . . . ASHLAND, OREGON