Page 4 The JACKSONVILLE MINER _——------ > — —.— ----------- Friday, AugUBt 24, 1934 I ville hill, are leaving Thursday | shirt, a wood tick is disclosed on everything The Angel Gabriel | a bucket of water three times and morning for Crescent City. They I which has bored deep into the flesh just make» a black mark In hla take it out twice J c. Iteynolds will visit the Oregon Caves and until it is almost buried from book and turn« away with a scowl Crescent City, then travel north sight The friend attempts to re­ prosp< ctor baa barely closed Lillies' red bathing suit; on the coast highway to Seattle, move it but only succeeds in pull­ hla eyes In steep when a noisy rat­ HIST finder return to Miner office and then by way of Spokane, Wash . ing away the tick's body, leaving tling aioiises him. Juat acme mice receive reward. spending his vacation with an un- of fresh meat that he intended to There la nothing can be done about Oregon, is spending the week with > cie. Will Matney of Applegate. He have for dinner has been ruined by It only cover up head and all and his aunt. Mrs. Fred Straube. Mr. will not return until beginning of blow flies He picks up a tomato let him have hla fun and Mrs. Gus Newbury of Med­ • SChlKll. Finally, having explored every to slice it but finds the whole in­ ford also were guests of Mr. and 1 • Doris Clark of Jacksonville, Mr terior has been homesteaded by a l>art of the camp, the akunk geta I Mrs. Straube Sunday. By REILLY HIMSELF and Mrs. Ike Dunford and son Le big. white, musty looking worm. on the bed and prowla around for • James Watson. Roseburg attor­ Von of Griffin creek and Mrs. A prospector's life can hardly be Noticing a mud-daubing wasp a while but. finding nothing there, ney. has returned to his home after Pearl Dunford and children of Ap­ described as short and merry. But coming out of his best hat. which goea away and the prospector la spending two weeks on the Apple­ plegate will journey to Crescent it is at least busy, with very few is hanging on a nail, he takes a not moleated further, except by a ~ T gate. which included a camping City Sunday. dull moments in it, especially in look-see and is amazed to see the spider that crawla under the blan- i trip to Donamore. whole interior of his hat is a mass kvta and hands the sleeper a bite • Ed Coffman, formerly of Jack- the summertime. Take the average prospector, for of sticky clay, glued tightly to that ralaca a welt aa large na a ! • Col. Robert A. Miller, former sonville now residing in Medford. resident of Jacksonville and uncle was a Jacksonville visitor Wednes­ example. the lining. It will take two hours pigeon egg However, a little thing He needs no alarm clock Short­ of hard work to clean up that like that doesn't count, so the 1 of Vivian Beach, appeared on the day afternoon. prospector alumliera deeply until convention program of the League • Julia Osborne of this city is ly after daylight each morning he mess. of Western Writers held in Port­ being employed by Lewis Ulrich of is rudely awakened by some early I | After a bite of dinner he sits cornea the old familiar daylight rising, hunger-ridden mosquito, | down to rest a few minutes and. and the old familiar moaqulto land last week. Colonel Miller Medford. talked Wednesday evening on “A • Miss Doris Clark called on Med­ who shoves about half an Inch of 1 becoming drowsy, drops off to slams the old case-hardened pro­ case-hardened proboscis into some sleep But his nap is cut short by boscis into the old aforesaid anat­ Century of Education and Prog­ lord friends Wednesday. ress in Oregon." Colonel Miller, al­ • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crump of place in his anatomy. No more a few thousand houseflies who omy. aa per achedule, and It la though somewhat deaf, still finds Applegate were Medford and Jack­ sleep after that, so he rises and start a game of golf on his bald time to get up and do it all over ■Hi Illllfai pleasure in meeting and talking sonville business visitors Wednes­ starts dressing but discovers he head. Oh well, he ought to be at aguln as on yesterday. has had a visit from a porcupine work anyhow so out he goes and with new friends, and many at day afternoon. It sure la a great life If one convention were given a copy of • Mrs. Ethyl Jones and Ernest during the night, that has eaten encounters a hornet, that makes a doesn't weaker. J. C. Reynolds. his poem, "Rainier.” Price of Medford were guests at the entire side out of one of his swipe at his face. He succeeds In • The Nugget for magazines. ’.he O. C. Lewis home Wednesday shoes. Nothing can be done about dodging this, but the hornet, not Medford (’yule and • Mrs. Earl Bostwick of Ashland •vening. The party was entertain­ it. so he swallows his wrath and to be cheated out of its fun. makes Not questioning the Ixird's wis­ goes to the spring for a bucket of Repair Shop a swift revolution and. coming vicinity visited Applegate friends 'd at pinochle. dom in any way, but we would a few days ago. and was a dinner > Mrs. Alfred S. V. Carpenter of water, but backs up when he sees back, hits him a foul rabbit-punch GUNSMITH — LIM'KSMITH guest of Mrs. Ray Offenbacher. Old Stage road, who recently suf­ an immense, obscene, filthy toad on the back of his neck which still like to know what is the big laiwn Mower Service idea o! dumping all that rain out Mr. Bostwick recently accepted fered a fractured leg. is improving. calmly soaking his warts in the makes him say "OUCH!” Phone Ml 2» North Fir j employment with the Medford • Marian Smith, wfipse profes­ cool drinking water So he drags During his afternoon's work he In the Pacific ocean, when the creamery, driving a truck cover­ sion keeps him ’ busy traveling, the toad out. kills him and gets has to clear away some roots from farmers of the middle states have r made a business trip to Butte his water from another source far­ his diggings and they turn out to ing the Applegate district. ther away. Breakfast over, dishes be poison oak and he gets well been praying their heads off for • Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Vinton Falls Wednesday. washed, he hikes out to find some of Billings, Montana, are guests at • The Rev. S. H. Jones, pastor firewood. Returning with a large salivated Ruminating quietly in water to relieve the drought ? R. W. Sleeter, M. D Jacksonville Presbyterian his camp after supper, he catches the homes of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. »f armful, he steps on a fat. sluggish a glimpse of a rattlesnake slipping The annoying habit of forgetful ­ church. accompanied by' Mrs. Helenbrook of Log Town mine, and N2 Medford Bldg. bull snake too lazy to get out of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schumaker of Jones, left recently for a short va­ the path. This causes him to lose under a piece of board not far ness may now be permanently cation trip. away, with the Intention evidently Talent. This party, consisting of cured by using the following sim­ his balance as well as the firewood I*honr I Medford six people, motored to Crescent • Mrs. T. J. Kenney of Medford and roll down a bank into a clus­ of bumming a night's lodging on ple recipe: Just stick the head in and daughter, Mrs. Ken ter of San ­ the premises. This calls for im ­ City Saturday and returned to ta Barbara. Calif., were calling on ter of blackberry bushes, whose mediate action He puts off mak­ Jacksonville Monday evening. many thorn-loaded stems receive ing a light as long as possible to relatives here recently. • Tom Ruddy of this city is in • him gratefully and enfold him avoid the swarms of moths who Mrs. Alice Ulrich is visiting at the hospital at Roseburg, being the home of Mrs. H. Luy in Med- with such fervor that by the time will be attracted and which are a treated for a rupture which has ford. he gets loose his clothes are in great nuisance, Some flutter bothered the war veteran for some • T. A. Burnfiel and family and rags, his face and hands scratched around the light as a camouflage time. Frank Hammond and family are and his body resembles a pincush­ for the rest, who search diligently ion. The snake meanwhile has es ­ • Harland Clark, who Is employed spending the week at Diamond for woolen clothes in which they caped. in Applegate CCC camp, spent the iake. lay their eggs, which in time de­ It is now time to resume his un­ velop week-end at the home of his moth­ • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis of into young moths, which in er, Mrs. Jules Taylor, of this city. near Butte Falls called on relatives finished work of yesterday in the turn eat holes in said woolen I.G. A. Store« put r«t«>«Uon into thoppmy. placer claim. Presently, reaching clothes, which when discovered by • Mrs. Laura Taylor and daugh­ and friends here Saturday. Cool,«pick «nd ip«n ito<««— compl«t« ttocki, ter Lucille of Applegate visited • Albert Olsen. Pete Norman and his hand under a boulder to turn it the prospector cause him to conveniently «ti«n,«d, Mve you Ike time Mrs. Ethyl Green of this city Sat­ a friend made a trip to Oregon over, he receives a painful sting up a lot of profanity. •nd enerfy of tkoppin, «round And th««« from the tail of a black scorpion urday. Lucille took a music les­ Caves Sunday. I.G. A. value« r«i«> the food budj«t too. Bedtime comes at last son during the afternoon. • Elizabeth Anthrem of Pennsyl­ that has been waiting there pa­ prospector drops upon H«ve more time—«nd money—lor Summer tiently all its life for such a fav ­ vania. an aunt of Chester Purcell, rocreetioa. SHOP «t you« I. G A. »tor«. • Stop at the Nugget. loused knees as all pious prosper - orable opportunity. This is all in • Among swimmers in the Apple­ was a recent visitor at the Pur­ the day’s work, so he goes ahead tors do. to thank the Ixird for gate Sunday afternoon were Mrs. cell home here. She enjoyed a trip digging and uncovers a deep pot­ having preserved him through the Mary Norvell and daughters Mar­ to Crater Lake and Oregon Caves hole that by all the rules of placer daylight hours and to request that garet and Barbara. Mrs. O. C. during her stay. mining should contain a nice de­ half a dozen of the most expe- I Lewis and Miss Alice Morgan of • Mrs. Evelyn Combs of Medford posit of the precious metal. Clean­ rienced angels be appointed to I IGA Flour, Every Saek Guaranteed £*< Qig Jacksonville. Roy Jones and Jun­ visited at the home of her parents, ing this out carefully, he pans it guard him while he slumbers. But «ark j F ior Ayers of Central Point and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Childers, here and is rewarded by the sight of before he has finished, a sharp Wednesday. IGA Apricots Geraldine Jones of Medford twinge of rheumatism gets in its • Mrs. Clyde Fields and sons Ken­ one lonely little color the size of dirty work and Involuntarily he No. 2*-j tin», |M*r can J* • Miss Josephine Clute of Apple­ neth and Clayton planned to move a gnat's toe-nail. This is rather exclaims. "Damn that rheumatism gate left Saturday for Berkeley. poor remuneration for the labor CUB Tomato Juice to Medford Saturday. Calif., where she will attend col­ • Mrs. I. A. Dews, who has been and sweat expended during a hard I anyway,” which puts the kibosh THREE 13-ounre can» lege. morning's digging but a prospector ' • Roy Jones and Aaron Ayres of ill at her home here, is reported never allows himself to become Jell-O TAr Central Point were Sunday visitors improving nicely. discouraged. If he did he wouldn't Dr. H. P. Coleman IIIKF.E package» • Mr. and Mrs. Ike Coffman and at the O. C. Lewis home in this children left Monday for Star be a prospector. Chiropractic - Physlotheraphy city. IGA Salad Dressing An uneasy sensation on bis back Oregon License 264 • Coke Brite of this city spent gulch, where they planned to spend between his shoulders, in a spot Old fashioned, quart Jar W the week. several weeks pocket hunting up California License 3029 he can neither see nor reach, • Courteous service at the Nugget IGA Oval Sardines Q x* Sterling mountain. He intends to him to request the assist­ 14 Years in Medford, Oregon • Judge Frank Tou Velle, Ernest causes return when he strikes it rich. Mustard or Tomato Hauer, can W ance of a friend. Removing his and Albert Olsen of Jacksonville • Among Tuesday business call­ Royal Club Peanut Butter ers in Medford were Mrs. Roy and Elmer Ross and Ray Potter l-|H>und Jar X. < X Bowman and daughter, Mary of the Tou Velle ranch left Friday You’re The Loser morning for Midville, Idaho, where Brannam. of this city. Mayonnaise, IGA • Marion Smith and Doris and they will be gone on a five-day HEN you allow Headache, Neuralgia, Pint Jar Jessie Clark made a business trip business trip. Muscular. Rheumatic, Sciatic or Periodic • Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Smith to Ashland Saturday. Doris plans IGA Relish Spread Pains to keep you from work or pleasure. were among those attending the to attend SONS there this fall. Pint Jar picnic at Helman baths in Ash ­ You can’t go places and do things when you • Mr. and Mrs Fred Lewis of are suffering—and the work or good times Butte Falls called on relatives land Saturday. Campfire Marshmallows q • Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Niedermeyer here Monday afternoon. won ’ t wait for you. 8-ounce package Ste • Mrs Nettie Thompson and son attended a Sunday school class Why allow Pain to rob you of Health. Friends. CHB Whole Sweet Pickles f fi/t Eugene of Medford spent a few party of the Christian church in I have been Happiness, Money? days with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Medford at Jackson hot springs Tuesday evening. Keegan here. using Dr. Miles DR MILES ANTI-PAIN PILLS have been • Mr and Mrs. Joe McIntyre are IGA Peaches X Ö x* • The Nugget for cold drinks. Anti-Pain Pills used for the relief of pain for more than forty Halve» or Sliced, 2*/| size, can 'X^p^P the parents of a baby girl bom • Them guys sure are fish fiends. August years. They taste good, act quickly, do not for thirty years. Viv Beach, Ray Coleman, John • Mrs. 13. No matter what upset the stomach, nor cause constipation, Classic Laundry Soap L. C. Cady spent several Norris, Duke Lewis and Jim Lit- \ days visiting kind of pain I leave no dull, depressed feeling. her grandmother, tell Jr. are at it again on the Mrs. J. R. Hill, and other relatives have, they stop Thousands have used them for twenty, thirty, Rogue river. Bait, hook and land in Eugene. She returned Peaberry’s Best Grade Coffee Monday it almost in­ forty years, and still find that nothing else ’em is their motto. (Bill Johnson, Per pound ....................... evening. stantly. Never relieves pain so promptly and effectively. reporter.) • Dr. L. C. Cady and wife and without them Why don’t you try them? Once you know • Bill (Screwball) Turner, who FRESH FRUITS ANI) VEGETABLE has been mining with Arthur Van son Theodore, who have been vis­ in the house. how pleasant they are to take, how quickly iting the home of his parents, Mr. Galder on the Jack Green place and Mrs. T. S. Cady of Jackson- Mr 3. and effectivi ly they relieve, you won't want SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ONLY In this city, returned Monday eve­ Chas. W. Webb, to go back to disagreeable, slow acting medi­ ning from a trip to Denver, Colo. Sweet Potatoes, Fancy No. l’s 1 fix Indio, Calif. cines. He was accompanied on the trip by his sister, Mrs. A. O. Van Gal­ You too may find quick relief. Why wait forty minutes for Fancy Lettuce, Solid Heads X X. x* der. relief when Dr. Miles Auti-Pain Pills will relieve you in ten to • As told by Lee Kauffman, stock 2 large head» JL*C twenty minutes? in the Bull Frog mine, owned and As a household remedy 1 have never found anything that equalled Dr. Oranges, Sunkist 220’s operated by Fred Combest and Miles Anti-Pain Fill.; Mrs. Silas D Keller, Penfield, Pa. Charley Shannon, has went up $10 2 dozen .................................................................. 4 / W I never found anything that was so good to stop pain as Dr Miles Anti­ a share. The shares are being sold Pain Pills. I have told many about them and I find they are all using by Harold Reed, local merchant in SEE OUR WORK SHOE BARGAINS them. Mrs. Martlia Lacy, Davenport, Iowa this city. FOR MEN AND BOYS I have been using Dr Miles Anti-Pain Pills for years. I keep them on • The Jacksonville Chamber of hand all the time. I can certainly recommend them for pain Commerce had the town pump re­ Miss Audra Seybold, 2417 W 2nd St.. Dayton, Ohio modeled Tuesday afternoon, du< to Your Anti-Pain Pills have been a wonderful help to me. I have used the fact that the pump handle las them for three years and always keep them on been removed from the much used hand. Mrs E. Pierce, Lapwai. Idaho Kenney well. I have used quite a lot of Dr Miles Anti Pain "Where the Miners Bring Their Gold and Where • R. C. Chappell is employed at Pills. They are fine pills to stop pain. the Chris Keegan home this week. the Gold Brings the Bargains” Mrs. J. L. Kester, Shickshinny, Pa. • Ralph Dustin, chief quartermas­ J PHONE 74—WE DELIVER JACKSONVILLE ter of U. S. navy and friend of DR. EVI I LES’ Shanghai, China, called on Ray Lewis of this city Wednesday fore­ noon. Mr. Dustin is a relative of Whether or not you realize it, Joe Busby, formerly of this city, there's something about the "feel” and fresh smell of clean now living in Burlington, Calif. clothes that instantly makes a favorable Impression for the wearer. By keeping your ward­ ALL DR. MILES' PREPARATIONS AKE SOLD AT LADIES' robe in fine fettle all the time HAIR­ you will bring out one more CUTTING likeable quality in yourself. BY Pantorium cleaning is not APPOINT­ Cool Drinks—Good Eats—Fountain Service only free of "cleaner’s odor” MENT but eliminates the body odors Home Drug Remedies and marks that are inevitable PHONE 57 in the sultry summer months. Next to Mann's on North Central—Phone 78 Personal News Notes • & The Life of Reilly D el rogue B ^DPACKTOM^- ___ SHOP QUICKLY EASILY AND CONVENIENTLY AT I. G. A. STORES X • 3 3 X XOV X W X Z X Godward Mercantile Co Don’t Offend ANTI-FAIN FILLS 1Ê Jarmin’s for Drugs Permanent Waving A Specialty BOWMAN’S Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor 18 South Central, Medford 25c Size ANTI-PAIN PILLS $1.00 Size Only 83c at Jarmins! 21e PANTORIUM I)ye Works AL EMAIL ORDERS SENT PREPAID TO YOU PHONE 244 J THE NUGGET CONFECTIONERY MAGAZIN ES—N EWSPA PE RS Barber Shop and Pool Room All Combined With Courteous Service PHONE 162 J