Friday, August 17, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Personal News Notes < Both from JACKSONVILLE and OVER the HILL ---------------- —------------- *• 4 4 1 • Among would-be fishermen on the Itoguc Tuesday afternoon were Jeff Ciogaton. Jim Uttell Jr , Da- car la-'Wla, Vlv Beach and Ray Coleman, all of J’villc. tt Mr ami Mia Roy Jones of Central Point were dinner guests of Mr ami Mra O C Jaiwia here Sunday. • Among Sunday visitors In Jack­ aonville were Geraldine Jones, Viv­ ian Jonva ami Tooley Williams of Medford, Aaron Ayres of Central Point and Janet Reed of Portland • Regime Lytle and mother, Mia Josephine Lytle, both of Jackson- vllle, arc spending a few weeka at Cinnibar springs • The Nugget for mugaz.lnes • Eugene Thompson has returned to hia home in Medford lifter spending a few daya with hia aunt. Mra. Chris Keegan, of thia city • H. C Meehcin ami R C Chap­ pell, both of Jackaonville, ar«' cm ployed thia week by Chria Keegan in remodeling work ut the Kee­ gan home. • Mr. and Mra Joe McIntyre arc the proud purenla of a baby girl bom Monday morning, at 11;1B o'clock. • Miaa Eiiith Fenwick, who taught in Jacksonville high school last year and who was rehlred to teach again thia year, has re­ signed her jsMiltlon She will teach in McMinnville. • Among business visitors in Jacksonville Saturday was Her­ man Offcnbacher of Applegate. • Mra Mary Norvell and daugh­ ters Margaret and Barbara, of thia city, will motor to Coos county the latter part of the week • Mrs Ethel lone«, Mr ami Mrs John Price and hia mother, Mr and Mra O C Ix-wis and Miaa Alice Morgan, all of Jacksonville, were umong swimmers In Big Ap­ plegate Monday evening A picnic dinner was enjoyed Mr ami Mra Joe Hulse and Mr and Mra Simon Hartbauer also were among local folk to spend the evening at Big Applegate Monday • Stop at the Nugget • Guests of Mra O C Ix-wis of thia city Monday afternoon Includ­ ed Mra Clinton Smith and Mra Mary Norvell • The Misses Doria and Jessie Clark of this city am vlaiting Mias Josephine Clute of Applegate for a few daya. • Mr and Mra Ed Russell of Cop­ per were week-end callers at tne Harry Whitney home here • Mra Ixila Hildreth was a Med- ford caller Tuesday evening • Mrs Lester Coke of Alpaugh. Calif., Is visiting nt the Ciogaton home here • Lester Wendt is recovering from an abcessc35,000 Men’s Wear Sale is the signal that starts a powerful drive for greater volume and faster selling. To insure this we are offering our entire stock of nationally known Men's Clothing, Hats, Furnishings and Shoes LADIES’ at 'reductions that should at least triple our sales for the next HAIR month. CUTTING Buying enthusiasm will be at high pitch, so make it a point to BY attend while stocks are complete. APPOINT- Signed; WM F. ISAACS MKNT “Toggery Bill” PHONE S7 The TOGGERY ANNOUNCES SENSATIONAL $35,000.00 SALE OF MEN’S WEAR Toggery Bill Says: Permanent Waving A Specialty BOWMAN’S Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor IK South Central, Medford Chiropractic - I’hyslotheraphy Oregon IJcense 264 California License 3029 14 Yearn In Medford, Oregon Early Bird Specials Go on Sale Friday Morning! When our doors open at 8:30 a.m. Friday morning, hundreds of bargains in Men’s Wear will be piled high on tables, racks and counters with big red sale tags on them for your convenience. Many extra specials go on sale for those who are here at the opening hour. While they last only! Entire Stock Goes at Sale Prices! Kaaplny hot waathar appetita« happy It «Impla — with «corei of cooliny, refrethlny menu« luy- yeited by our complete variety of Umptiny Summt« food« (Jit thii «hoppiny lot Io mtkt hot wttlhtt mttl planning Milt« - •nd moo tconomlctl. AUGUST 18TH TO AUGUST 24TH Salad Dressing, IGA Old FuahlomMl, quart jur Dessert Powder, IGA «■rlitluie, FOLK package* WHY NO PRICES ARE QUOTED HERE For the simple reason that this is not a sale of odds and ends or undesirable groups but includes our ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN’S WEAR at new low prices for quick disposal. There isn’t room enough on a dozen papers this size to list all the items that go at sale prices, so we invite you to attend this unusual event and prove what we claim about this. Mayonnaise, IGA Pint jur MEN, HERE IS NEWS OF VITAL INTEREST TO YOU! (linger Ale, Cliquot Club IWO lii <1111)1 <• bottle«, Root Beer, Hires Apricots, IGA 7'j size tin Sale of MEN’S CLOTHING Salmon, Royal Club No. 1 full cun Shrimp, Royal Club No. I cun String Beans, IGA .' Bananas, Fancy Fruit TO1 4 A ? Choice of the House Per bottle Extra lurge. No. 1 tall can Dr. H. P. Coleman Page 3 9 ALTERATIONS FREE AT SALE PRICES » THE TOGGERY 129 East Main Street, Medford, Ore 10-DAY SALE NOW GOING STRONG! Entire Hardware Stock Going At Clearance Prices That You Must See to Appreciate! Never Before Such Deep-Cut Prices As These! COLEMAN’S HARDWARE, Jacksonville*-We Sell for Cash and Sell for Less