Page 2 Friday, AugUBt 17, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER The Jacksonville Miner Published Every Friday at JACKSONVILLE, OREGON OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF JACKSONVILLE Entered aa second-class matter February 19, 1932. at the postoffice at Jacksonville. Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879. LEONARD N. HALL. Editor and Publisher MAUDE POOL. ............. ........... Applegate Editor PHONE JACKSONVILLE 111 Address All Communications to Box 138 Subscription Rates, in Advance: One Year.............. $100 Six Months............... 50c Tax Limitation Must Come By A W. PIPES One of the most important issues that has been before the voters of Oregon in the history of its statehood is coming before them in November this year, when we shall vote on the 20-mill property tax limitation as a constitutional amendment. At the present time nearly one-half of the state of the na­ tion have either already adopted such a measure or are now wrestling with the issue. They have found that the only way to force economy upon pubhc of­ ficials and budget committees is by law. Some states are seeking a limitation as low as 10 mills and some are proposing complete abolition of real estate taxes. Complete abolition of real estate taxes can be termed nothing short of radical and should not be considered by any commonwealth. Real es­ tate should bear its due proportion of taxes but that proportion should not be 80 per cent of the total, as now exists in many states. Oregon is asking for a 20-mill limitation which I believe is fair, and which if adopted will do more to reestablish a fair value to real estate than any­ thing done or proposed in the 75 years of Oregon statehood. Owning real estate has been traditional with the American people for 150 years, and owning real estate (a home) is one of our very best guar­ antees to American patriotism and American so­ ciety. This tradition under our political regime is rapidly perishing from the hearts of the American people because of burdensome and confiscatory tax­ ation Prosperity to this nation will not return until real estate is restored to an active market—when people have a desire to own and improve and build homes. employes, are already organising to fight this amendment. The chairman of the opposition in Jack- son county has been on the public payroll through­ out the span of his business life. They are warning the public not to limit the taxes on real estate until another tax is provided for to make up the de­ creased revenue which real estate would yield under the limitation provision. They have visions of forced economy of the dawn of a new day, when tax levying bodias, always dominated by the public payroll employes, can no longer assess an unlimited amount against your home and your farm, knowing that they can issue warrants in lieu of delinquent taxes The only way to limit moat public officials in their spending is by law. and the only way to protect the public official against a clamoring public is by law. One of the best arguments against providing for another tax if this amendment is adopted is the fact that in Jackson county we have approximately TWO MILLION DOLLARS upon our books of de­ linquent taxes which have accumulated since 1930 Against this delinquency we have outstanding war­ rants in the various subdivisions in the county of less than FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND dollars as follows: I Blue Ribbon Winner at the State Fairs WARRANTS OUTSTANDING (Approximate) County warrants $252,000 School warrants ......................................... 90.000 Medford city warrants ......................... 26.000 Ashland city warrants none Jacksonville city warrants ............... none Medford irrigation district ...................... none Talent irrigation district ............ none Gold Hill irrigation district 7.000 Eagle Point irrigation district 12.000 Rogue River irrigation district 5,000 Total .........................................................$382,000 The towns of Gold Hill, Eagle Point. Central tenths (113.7) feet; thence south Point, Phoenix and Talent are not listed in this re­ thirty-two < 32) degrees thirty-five capitulation, but if any warrant indebtedness exists (35) minutes west two hundred eighty-nine and five-tenths (289 5) in these subdivisions the amount would be small. It will therefore be seen that if the two million feet; thence south fifty-three (53) degrees thirty-five (35) minutes of delinquent ¿axes should be paid into our treasury east fifty-five and four-tenths and the delinquent warrants of the various sub­ (55.4) feet; thence north seventy- divisions of the county retired, we would then have three (73) degrees thirty-seven in excess of ONE MII-LION SIX HUNDRED (37) minutes east one hundred fifty-seven and five-tenths (157 5) THOUSAND dollars in surplus cash In other words, feet; thence north eighty-nine (891 our budget committees In Jackson county have degrees two (02) minutes east one budgeted and caused to be assessed against your hundred forty-five and three- property and mine, one million six hundred thous­ tenths (145.3) feet’; thence south no (0) degrees fifty-four (54) mln- and dollars in excess of what has actually been utes east five hundred ten (510) ' needed to pay current expenses of the county and feet to the place of beginning; its various subdivisions. Yet the opponents of this containing seventeen and eight­ 20-mill limitation proposal are telling the public tenths (17.8) acres, more or less, and being situated in section six Opposition to this constitutional amendment is that we must make provision for another tax be­ (6). township thirty-nine (39) 1 south of range one (1) east of the already taking form. The tax eaters, public payroll fore we adopt this limitation amendment. Willamette Meridian in Oregon, and also in section thirty-one (31) sum of $1311.89, together with in­ township thirty-eight (38) south terest thereon at 4% per annum of range one (1) east of the Wil- ; from December 24, 1932, with costs lamette Meridian, Jackson county, ! and disbursements taxed at $50.80, Oregon. and the further sum of one hun­ Dated this 23rd day of July, dred fifty and no/100 ($150 00) 1934 dollars, as attorney's fees, which WALTER J. OLMSCHEID. For the first time in his 31 years judgment was enrolled and dock­ Sheriff of Jackson county. Oregon of operation of The Toggery, Wil­ eted in the clerk's office of said By OLGA E ANDERSON By OUR KEYHOLE EXPERT court in said county on the 23rd liam F. Isaacs, well-known south­ Deputy ern Oregon merchant sportsman, ♦---------------------- --------------------- ♦ day of July, 1934. (July 27. Aug 3. 10. 17) Thursday night opened a gigantic Notice is hereby given that, --------- «--------- Duke Lewis upsetting the $35,000 merchandising sale, after pursuant to the terms of the said two days of preparation, during dope by catching a ball in Mer­ execution. I will on the 24th day of In the County Court for Jackson County, State of Oregon which time doors of the famous chant practice, and Jim Littell August. 1934, at 10:00 o’clock a m., Jr. swinging his bat like he was store were closed. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES­ at the front door of the courthouse felling a monarch of the forest. As a unique feature of the sale, TATE OF GLADYS TREFREN. in the city of Medford, in Jackson doors first opened last night at 7 DECEASED Lee Bishop, over KMED. an­ county, Oregon, offer for sale and pm., the sale continuing on Notice is given that the under­ will sell at public auction for cash nouncing “ I ’ ve Got A Warm through today, Saturday and next to the highest bidder, to satisfy signed administrator de bonis non Spart in My Hot for You. ’ ’ week. Entire stock has been re­ said Judgment, together with the of the above entitled estate has arranged and a special sales force "Van” Van Galder petting his costs of this sale, subject to re­ filed in the above entitled court has been added for the event. The demption as provided by law, all and matter his final account of the Toggery’s well-known policy of fawn, now tame as the penny­ of the right, title and interest that administration of said estate and quality merchandise will be con­ seeking monkey in town first of the said defendants, Philip J. by order of the above entitled tinued as, as Mr. Isaacs puts it, the week. (The latter reference Amer, a single person, Ralph Al­ court September 8, 1934, at the this sale will dispose of regular, has nothing to do with Bill lingham, sometimes known as R. high grade stock, no odds and ends Johnson.) Allingham, and Mrs. Ralph Alling­ or special lcw-p.-ice merchandise Henry Demmer claiming Jim ham, husband and wife, and being imported for the event. Young went skipping down the George Shaw, a single person, had ------------- •------------- on the 23rd day of February, 1927, street when he saw him (Henry) back in town for the Merchant- or now have in and to the follow­ ing described property, situated in Miner game Sunday. the county of Jackson, state of Bets being laid on the table as Oregon, to-wit: WE GIVE YOU A - to who will be the first under it Beginning at a point twenty in the forthcoming battle of wil­ (20) feet west and five hundred Coleman’s Hardware, operated lows and words. thirty-one and five-tenths (531.5) by Ray Coleman, opened Thurs­ feet north of the northeast corner day morning of this week to in­ Hizzoner. Judge Coleman, of the southeast quarter (14) of THROUGH ■ augurate a special 10-day sale raking in the $4.90 “costs,” and the northeast quarter (>4) of sec­ which promises to be the biggest not giving a whoop how fast the tion six (6), township thirty-nine event in recent history of the younger generation speeds on its I (39) south, range one (a) east of store. Practically every item in the way to the dogs. the Willamette meridian, Oregon; entire stock has been marked to a ■ thence north seventy-two (72) de­ special low clearance price, said There’» no catch in it! ■ Manager Viv Beach of Mer­ west one thousand three Coleman yesterday, and a large chants rubbing his hands with grees; Southern Pacific take« you to a hundred thirty-four and four- volume of sales is expected during glee as other members of the tenths (1334.4) feet; thence north Chicago, New York and mon ■ the event, which will continue all team rub theirs with rabbits’ sixteen (16) degrees four (04) other eaitern citie* through " next week as well. feet. minutes west two hundred forty­ California for the tame rail ■ Special broadsides, listing a few ------------- •------------- seven and two-tenths (247.2) feet; fare a* a trip »traighi Ea*t and ■ of the many bargains being of­ The chap with the fewest ene­ thence north fifty-nine (59) de­ back. See your local agent or ■ fered, were printed and distributed grees forty-eight (48) minutes write J. A. ORMANDY, 705 £ by The Miner early this week, and mies is usually the one who is Pacific Bldg., Portland, Ore, ■ much interest has been created by most imposed upon. — Weston east fifty (50) feet thence south sixteen (16) degrees four (04) the event. Coleman’s store, former­ Leader. ------------- •------------- minutes east one hundred (100) ly operated by Fred Fick, is one of Quoting Olin Miller: “Clark feet; thence north fifty-three (53) Jacksonville's busiest establish­ degrees east seven hundred twen­ ments, and retails more powder, Wood is the only worm I ever caps and fuse than any other sin­ heard of that can't make ends ty-two (722) feet; thence north gle other outlet in southern Ore­ meet.” Unlike that Georgia inver­ sixty-four (64) degrees twenty- tebrate, however, we’ve a heed at four (24) minutes east eighty-two gon. -------------•------------- one of the ends.—Weston Leader. (82) feet; thence south seventy­ eight (78) degrees forty-two (42) Wise government spending is minutes east seventy-four and the kind done within one's own three-tenths (74.3) feet; thence commonwealth.—Weston Leader. south sixty (60) degrees fifty (50) ------------- •------------- This country’s governmental NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE minutes east four hundred seven (407) feet; thence south five (5) faults are but a reflection of our By virtue of an execution in degrees thirty (30) minutes west own.—Weston (Ore.) Leader. foreclosure duly issued out of and one hundred thirteen and seven- ------------- •------------- under the seal of the circuit court Wonder if the administration >f the state of Oregon, In and for doesn’t wish it had plowed under the county of Jackson, to me di­ a few plows.—Weston Leader. rected and dated on the 23rd day of July, 1934, In a certain action Strikes us that the Seattle cou­ therein, wherein the state of Ore­ ple married in a morgue were a gon, represenented and acting by bit embalmy.—Weston Leader. the World War Veterans’ State Aid Commission as plaintiff and It must pique Mussolini to find Philip J. Amer, a single person, that with all his power he can’t Ralph Allingham and Mrs. Ralph fly his airplane without starting A Hingham, husband and wife, and the engine —Weston Leader. George Shaw, a single person, - ----------- •------------- were defendants, in which action At this distance from the Chi­ the state of Oregon, represented cago stockyards strike, we are un­ ind acting by the World War Vet­ able to say which side had been erans’ State Aid Commission, re­ geting the wrong steer.—Weston covered Judgment against Philip Toggery Launches First Sale 31 Years Business, Medford hour of 10:00 o’clock am at the > for the hearing and settlement of court room of the above entitled any objections to said account court at the Jackson county court MARK BURKHART, house at Medford. Oregon, has Administrator de bonis non. been fixed as the time and place I (Aug 10 17 24 31) nifl«Tin_ GOvennoR A athrtlc cooperation with the national administration. A new “Rooaeveltlan” deal for Oregon and It» people. SEEN In A Daze Pd turn with Adv by Martin Cam­ paign Comm. mannn 0s * Coleman’s Hardware Sale Opens Thursday to Throngs Shoppers FREE TICKET i CALIFORNIA!! Southern Pacific LEGAL NOTICES : OOM An electric woter heater means thot you will always have hot water for the bathroom os well os the rest of your home, at exactly the right temperature, night or day, in sickness or in health, at the turn of a top. An electric sun­ lamp makes your bathroom o private bathing beoch with its invigorating sun rays of health. An electric heater takes the chill out of the oir ond saves firing up more expensive heating equipment. An inexpensive electric clock will be found very convenient here also. Then of course there is the electric vibrator, electric curling iron ond electric exerciser to complete the "All Electric Bathroom." DANCE Saturday till Leader. Jacksonville J. Amer, the defendant, for the SSr THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY