c a Copy But You Really Should Subscribe Today T he J acksonville M iner “The Sheet That’s in the Pink” V. lile, Oregon, Friday, August 17, 1934 Number 33 SCHOOL BELLS Applegate Editor, Away to Writers’ Confab, Jots Down TO RING AGAIN Thoughts While Convening SEPTEMBER 10 Applicants for I’WA loan* prob­ ably would like to see the AAA branch out and plow under about every other row of red tape. • An old rule that never fall« 1« that fire la moat effectively fought with fire The same should be true of gunfire. • Speaking of columnlata. Clark Wissi. we believe a sense of humoi la better than no sense at all. • The fellow who'« always waiting for ships that never come In keep« himself in deep water. • Bo far aa The Miner*« circulation department la concerned, we'd just aa soon all thia talk about free press would end. • One ahould never put another human on a pedestal, because all that goca up must come down. • A ham actor 1« a vegetarian who take« hl« aplom b on th<- chin • A man'« second childhood i* seldom an Improvement on his first. • Moore Hamilton of the Medford News wants to know why drink­ ing fountain« in hta town arc bo low that thirsty people must all but swallow the knoba. Hasn't Brother Hamilton heard of thia new curtailment era yet? • A New York ncwa|>aper, with little effort, moved Granta Paas Into Caidornia the other day Art Powell of the Central Point A iwi lean, who move* every month, should make a deal with the Goth­ am scribe. e According to Chief McCredie, it generally bums a man up to put him in the cooler. • There alwaya arc some plavcrs who will squawk when they don't get top cards In any deal, and the New Deal has proved to be no ex­ ception. a Trial and error may be a new innovation in national administra­ tion, but It la no newcomer In court procedure. • Another thing that bothers us about these radio crooners la that we can't think of any new sar­ castic remarks to make about 'em • Trouble with halitoaia Is. its vic­ tim« don't know their own strength. a Tax burden« are mountin', and by the first of the year will be a» hard to raise as one. • With beauty only akin deep, ■pending a lot on appearance is pore business. • And about the beat beauty aid for some of the face« we’ve seen would be the guillotine. • According to the dry«, a longing for liquor cause« rt shortening of life. • Too much of a good thing is bad, we know, but if the same rule ap­ plies to too much money, it's just heresay with us. • There are those who «till Insist it's taking too much of a gamble to place an alphabet on recovery • A gossip is a person with a ma­ chine-age tongue and an ox-cart mind. ------------ •------------ Thad Tham to Meet ‘Wildcat’ Wilson at Armory This Week Sad Sam Lethers, whose gloomy countenance is anything but con­ tagious during his work, will ap­ pear again this week at Promoter Mack Lillard's Armory show on Thursday night. He will be pitted against George "Wildcat” Wilson, rated as ultra-ultra in California wrestling arenas, in main event of the evening. "Thad Tham,” who hails from Dallas, Texas, has gained an enthusiastic following by virtue of his rubber legs and poker face, combined with a dead­ ly knowledge of the Ins, outs and "faw-paws" of the ring. The main event will be a continuation of Lillard's elimination series which seeks as its objective a grapplcr suitable to herd into the square ring with Jumping Joe Savoldi, scheduled to appear at the Armory soon. Other half of the double-main event was to produce Al Karaslck, Russian Lion, and Adolph “Hitler” Herman, German pretzel-bender. The two old-timers arc past mas­ ters at the business and are better mixera than ginger ale, say fans. ★ FORMER JACKSONVILLE WOMAN MAKES GOLD FIND GEN. C.H. MARTIN MEETS FRIENDS J’VILLE TUESDAY Mrs. J. H. Hewitt of Hyder, Al­ aska, formerly Miss Addie Win­ ningham of Jacksonville, sister to i Mrs. Harry Whitney, sent word ■ this week, by way of the Hyder By MAUDE POOL I lanta Parker Satcbwell, Mrs. A. R. Weekly Herald, of an immense vein discovered by her there PORTLAND, August 14 Down ' Hedges, Mrs. Anna Winterhalder, gold a short time ago. Mr. Hyder was and one other scribe. Mrs Batch ­ «outh on the Applegate now the School Bus Will Run to working in Saskatchewan at the Governor Candidate Lauds must be perched comfort­ well will preside at one assembly, time his wife located the vein, said Provolt This Year; Haul chickens Staunch Pioneers and and is on the program Thursday ably on their roosts, and the cows reading her pioneer poem, "Old to have been traced for 1200 feet Their Proclivity for Our Contract Awarded John munching their cuds for the night Oregon Trail.” Mrs. Winterhalder and assaying into the hundreds of Here In the Rose City at the close dollars per ton, being replete with Heckert of Jacksonville of Stable American Ideals the first day of the writers con­ is scheduled for a stunt at lunch­ free gold. The find was discovered vention the clang of street cars eon Friday. Schoo) bells, which cause quick­ sound« midst the frequent «hrieks General Charles H. Martin, dem­ Today’s luncheon was a jolly get near Texas creek, and vein mate­ ening of the pulse in older folk, of the fire siren and the twitter­ acquainted affair with W. B. rial is described as white crystal­ ocratic nominee for governor of quartz and quartz-porphyry, line and slowing down of spirits in ing efforts of a high soprano Meachem, author of “The Old Ore­ Oregon, was in Jacksonville Tues­ youngsters, will f>eal out Monday. across the way. Portland Is listed gon Trail,’’ acting as toastmaster from practically every inch of day forenoon meeting friends, which gold can be panned after September 10, in Jacksonville, de­ as a city, yet its people are as looking over local gold mines and The motor ride up Sunday cided the board of school district friendly and genuinely Interested through the verdant length of crushing. The vein averages three reviewing, for a crowd which feet in width for the entire length, awaited his arrival, accomplish­ No 1 last Saturday evening. in the stranger as grandmother in beautiful Oregon was thoroughly the Alaska newspaper said. Jacksonville's grade and high her big soft shawl. ments and aims of the New Deal enjoyed, the trip being made with school expects to see an increase which have benefitted this section Some of the clerks recognize a a vacationing couple from Med­ In attendance this fall, due In part customer of a year ago and ask if ford. including the fox terrier. The during past 18 months. He was ac­ to an extended run of school bus it's hot down at Medford as an latter member, who had just been companied by Democratic Central to Provoit, and also from an anti­ opening remark. "You're not from under the physician's care with a Committee Chairman R O Steph­ cipated Increase in attendance Medford If you don't like pears," temperature of 104, was allowed enson, Judge Ed Kelly, District At­ from Thompson and Forest creek one said. Portlanders appreciate a only a very small piece of gum, torney George A. Codding and Or­ sections Although lost spring all considerate act or remark and say with a promise of a huge meal in mand Lipscomb, who has been faculty members were rehired for so. traveling with General and Mrs. Portland. At lunch time at "Moth­ this year, marriage of Mias Ruth Martin during their present tour Today a fairly large group of er's Inn” seven miles south of Al­ of the state. Currin during summer months writers ranging from the little bany, “Mother” really was pres­ caused her to withdraw from scribbler at the foot of the ladder, ent in her comforts and checkered Standing under the shade of a teaching staff, and a Miss Charl­ for instance (you can guess), to blue apron and cordially invited picturesque old tree that once ton of I a Grande has been offered authors who "have arrived" min­ the wee canine in, which he great­ Miner-Merchant Tilt Will spread its canopy over President contract by the local board Mias gled and commented to their ly appreciated. Hayes and General Sherman in Close Season With ‘Hot’ years Fenwick, another high school heart's content. The League of gone by, General Martin met Any skeptic who disagrees with | teachgr, has requested release Western Game; Miners Take Gold a large group of interested towns­ Writers convention Portland’s weather should be here from her contract, being offered a brought people today from Wash­ this week to enjoy the continuous who came out to greet him, Hill 22-10 Here Sunday people school in McMinnville, Oregon, her ington. California and scattered sunshine and moderate tempera­ and touched on several subjects home town. No definite choice has sections of Oregon, with a wider ture. dear to the old town. “It is from Jacksonville's Merchants, recov­ been made to replace Miss Fen­ representation expected as the The Corona is down at the ering some of their confidence and just such pioneer towns as Jack­ wick. said members of the board week goes on. Writers are gen­ sonville,” said General Martin, ranch, hence the pencil Is getting yesterday. erally given up as freaks, and weary. We are leaving it to John boastful whangdoodle, have been "that hardy Americans still cling perking up this week preparatory Blds for transportation con­ someone has said authors have and Bill McDaniel to “keep to the third, and deciding, meeting to, and preserve, original princi­ tract« were opened at the sch2070 wa« anyway, all had a grand time to­ previous games resulted in a di­ citizens who have kept alive orig­ accepted. Two other bids were day listening to lectures by people Humorous turns at convention: vision of honors, and Manager Viv inal ideals for which people first turned in. young Carl of Applegate of note and chatting at intermis­ tendering a figure of *161*0. while sions. Those who have accomplish­ Minister at a funeral, speaking Beach has stipulated that Manager left their old homes and crossed C. B. Dunnlngton of this city, last ments to their credit were ready in all sincerity: "We have but the Hall of the Miners do their pitch­ the waters to America.” year's bus operator, bid *2605 to give of their knowledge in per­ ■hell of the man here. The nut is ing, although last time Beanball Candidate for Governor Martin Carl's bid was considered too low sonal conversation to those who gone----- .” Orra E. Mounette, Los Hall twirled, but four hits were pointed out the measures spon­ Angeles, president of League of taken, and the game lost by Mer­ sored by the New Deal which have by the board. I-ast year’s run. < ame to learn. chants 10-11. which extended only as far as Ap­ directly benefitted southern Ore­ Today's assembly at the Mult­ Western Writers With such once-wuzzers as gon. and intimated that price of plegate store, was awarded at nomah hotel was composed almost I understand the distinction you *1735. Heckert operated school bus wholly of middle-aged and elderly make between Oregonians and Verne Cantrail. Ernie and Joe Mc­ gold might even mount further in two years ago for district No. 1. people. June I rd way McMillan, Californians is that in Oregon the Intyre, Howard Lannerman, Ben time to come. “There have been Principal Milton E. Coe, who has poet writing in the Journal, who climate is balmy, and in California Coffman. Ray Coleman. Ray Wil­ claims that the Roosevelt adminis­ been employed during summer is a little gray-haired soul, feeble the people are.—Prof. Lawrence E. son, Arthur Van Galder, Jim Lit- tration has been unconsitutional in months as park ranger at Crater nearly to the point of needing as­ Nelson, University of Redlands. tell Jr., Henry Demmer and oth­ some of its acts, but that claim ers. Viv Beach's Merchants think late the ConstituUon in terms of lutke, will return for school open­ sistance, had a kindly smile and Calif., speaking at luncheon. can put the young upstart has been made by those who trans­ ing. while other members of the message for all who met her, de­ (Don’t any of you folks down they Miners back in their place and property rights alone. Mr. Roose- teaching staff will include Mrs. spite the fact that she has no rel­ there this seriously): Dem- make them thankful the season velt and congress have been apply­ Daisy Lewis, Mrs. Mary Norvell. atives and did not get to the con­ ocrat. take "If you don't keep «W1 Ill However. Miners ing our great document to human Mr and Mrs. Ray Hunsaker tention until afternoon. —- e*t you al ve." Republican, -IT you grades, and Prof. Coe and W. J. Of particular interest to Ore­ do, you’ll have more brain in your will burst forth with an airtight rights as well as to consideration infield and outfield behind Hall's of mere dollars. It has been the Nee In high school, besides two gonians were songs sung as the than in your head.”—Orra alleged pitching .and close observ­ aim. and accomplishment, of the new instructors now being deter­ opening number this morning stomach E. Monette. ers say the outcome probably will New Deal to help the average man mined Members of the school which were written by Mrs. Agnes Mark Twain was a twin; the depend on which team gets to pick board, which guides affairs of the E. Hines, well known tn southern rather than to make the rich Jacksonville institution, include Oregon, “My Rose Covered Cot­ other drowned in the bath tub in the umpire and keep score richer, thinking that thereby the infancy. After 60 years Mark dis ­ The game, a classic encounter Zola Fick, chairman, Roy Martin tage," which has international re­ entire country would benefit. We covered he was the one that had between “chips off the old block, have been, these last 18 months, and Paul Godward, with Mrs Stel­ lease. and "All Hail Our North­ drowned. la Beach, secretary. and the old blockheads," will com­ replacing psychology and ballyhoo west Grandeur." Mrs. Hines will ------------ •------------ A man was in love with a fat plete Miner season, and will start with accomplishments and tang­ preside during the noon hour an enormously fat one. One promptly at 2 o'clock, in order to ible acts, not optimistic publicity," REBEKAH PRESIDENT DIE Thursday. Mayor James Carson girl, in the moonlight he sat be­ allow Miners to depart at an continued Mr Martin, who made a IN JACKSONVILLE ON SINT welcomed all of the journalists in night whispering sweet noth­ earlier hour for 3tar gulch, where favorable impression on his an address thia morning, which side her After a while he heard a a stag picnic will treat their play­ very listeners. Mrs. Grace Christenson, presi­ was different because he did not ings, several Umes repeated He ers during the evening. voice, The General visited gold mine of dent of the Rebekah assembly of mention the key to the city. Gov­ found a rival courted from the Last Sunday Jacksonville's Min­ i A. C. Van Galder and Jack Green, Oregon, will make her official visit ernor Meier could not come, due to other ers defeated Gold Hill in second listening attentively to explanation side.—Orra E. Monette. to Jacksonville Rebekah lodge Fri­ a strike. half of their Twirled Series, mark­ of the workings, and scratched Convention program includes a day night, August 31. announced first defeat suffered by Gold around in muck box till he saw Mrs E S Severance this week All free trip to Bonneville dam Friday. LOST- Ladies' red bathing suit; ing finder return to Miner office and Hill on the J'ville lot in more than for himself some of the yellow members of the order are urgently The scribes will complete the in­ two years. Miners, by winning metal which the Roosevelt admin­ receive reward requested to be present at the spection started by Mr. Roosevelt their game 22-10, took four wins istration had given 50 per cent meeUng, while next day. Septem­ a fortnight ago. Saturday those six meetings with Gold Hill for more value. His interest and en­ ber 1, will see state convention who care to may attend a program WANTED — Fruit jars, pumps, in the summer. The game, which thusiasm for Jacksonville branded second-hand at Salem, going via Champoeg. pipe; all kinds gather in Gold Hill at 10 am , lasted more than three hours, him as human, likeable and sin­ Second-Hand The Medford league is repre­ goods. Patrick's when Mrs. Ethel Weed, president, threatened to be called on account cere, and he evinced much inter­ 8-24 of rheumatism, sented by its president, Mrs. At- Store. Jacksonville. will head the delegation. as shadows length­ est in the Museum of Southern ened. and was an afternoon of Oregon, under the guidance of Joe fierce hitting, argument and sore B. Wetterer. A long chat with Charles Blitch. veteran soldier, Clarence Kell, for Gold Hill, delved into military matters, and pounded out a home run, while the two recalled days, nearly 40 Tooley Williams, Don Greening and years ago. when they served in the Doc Yakel drove out circuit clouts same training camp together at for Miners, Yakel hitting two Vancouver, Washington. home runs for the day. Pitcher Judge F. L. TouVelle who, with Skinny Wilson held Gold Hill to 11 Joe Wetterer, comprise Jackson­ YOU WAT AT T-H fairly well scattered hits, while ville's representation in the Jack- PA