Friday, August 10, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER -------------------- ----—-------------- "" Personal News Notes ent a week visiting Medford friends. • Mr and Mrs Wallace Haskins, who are sjiendlng the summer in southern Oregon from Pekin, Illin­ ois. were guests of Mrs Ulla Has kina recently. Mrs. Haskins, hav­ ing completed her term of summer school at Southern Oregon Nor­ mal, had just re turned with her husband from a trip to Bend and Oregon Caves. • Robert Cunningham of Ruch district la in the Sacred Heart hospital at Medford recovering from n major operation performed Friday, Although Mr. Cunning­ ham's condition had been serious, he was said to lie Improving early thia week. • Mrs A Throckmorton has re­ ceived word of the death of her youngest sister, Mrs Huphia Cra­ mer, which occurred at Knight’s landing, Calif . July 30. Mrs Cra­ mer, who was 74, had been in poor health for some time, death result- i Ing at her California home from heart trouble. A private funeral was held at Knight's landing • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reece and daughters Althea and Maude of Los Angeles spent Sunday on th«' Applegate visiting Mrs Reece's uncles, M R Buck and Mlles Can­ trail. They were accomjianlcd by Mr and Mrs Vem Cantrall of Jacksonville Mr. and Mrs Reece are spending a month's vacation visiting southern Oregon relatives. among whom are Mrs Reece's father, James Central of this city. • Cecil Green Jr. of Malin is spending the week a>< a guest of Mr and Mrs Albert Hartley of Little Applegate. • The Nugget for magazines. • Mr. and Mis. "Doc" Stevenson and Eddie Daily of Medford and Mr. and Mrs Jack Green of Jack­ sonville were among those visiting Applegute friends Sunday. • Jimmy Hunt, famous "anywho" and crooner by inspiration of the Brush Marine contingent at Star Ranger station, was observed working after hours far into the dusky twilight recently, afterward indulging in chocolate cake Mr. Hunt, winner of fourth prize in fancy dancing in Portland, has adopted as his personal slogan, "I can kid all of the people some of the time, some of the people all lhe time, but not all the people all lhe time." • Mr and Mrs Hugh Brown mot­ ored to Mt Shasta Sunday, where they visited Mr. Brown’s uncle. > Mr. and Mrs Harold Crump en­ joyed motoring to Crater luike Sunday. • Palmer Creek Hillbillies con­ tinue to play baseball, and de­ feated the Medford Christian En­ deavor players Sunday by a*5 to 7 score. • Mr. and Mrs James Frances of Klamath, accompanied by their two little daughters, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs Jess Taylor. • O 8 Blackford and daughter Vidal of Willow Springs were guests of Mr. and Mrs * Fred Straubc Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. E J Brown re­ lumed Tuesday from a week-end trip to Diamond lake, where they visited their son and daughter-in- law. Mr and Mrs Roy Brown, who have camped at the resort for the last three weeks, while spending their summer vacation here from Glendale, Calif. SPONSOREO BY IGA STORE OWNERS FROM COAST TO COAST! • We you to «•< «cquslntsd sun y «dvantof«» of hsdln| st your I. 0. A. Store. Money ipent at home - owned, owner - operated 1.0.A. «torea, »toy» rljM In your community. We Invite your pe- trorufo not on that »core alone but because, we thousand» of I.O. A. oroesrt buy tofether In tremen­ dous qusntltl«» and can offer you foods unsurpassed In quality, at exceptional values. Get acquaint ed with your I. G A. Store August 11th to 17th! Orange Pekoe and Pekoe Tea IGA Dr Luxe, %-pound package Post Bran Flakes Per puckage .... ..................................... ..... IGA Corn Hakes H-oun«'e puckage .................... ..................... IGA Salad Dressing Full quart ........ IGA Biscuit Flour Per package ....................... _.... White King Granulated Soap lasrgr 40-ounce package . ........................ Lifebuoy Soap 3 bam for ...»................. _............................. Peas, Royal Club No. 2 else can............................................. Coffee, IGA Red "A”, |H»und ...................... ......... Cliquot Club Ginger Ale TWO IB-ounce bottles ............ Peanut Butter, Royal Club One-pound jar ................................... 18c 9C 7e 29e 29c 28c 20c 19e 22e 25c 17e FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ONLY Lettuce, Large, Solid Heads TWO heads for ................... .............. Bananas, Fancy Fruit 4 pounds for .......................... .............. Oranges, Fancy 252 Size Two dozen, sweet and Juicy... 13c 25c 43c Godward Mercantile Co. “Where the Miners Bring Their Gold and Where the Gold Brings the Bargains” PHONE 74—WE DELIVER JACKSONVILLE • Mr and Mrs. Hale Wheeler of I mlssloner at Kellogg, stated things Medford were recent guests of have been unusually quiet In his Mrs Wheeler's father, Fred Of- office since Lem left some years fenbeseher. ago • Mr. and Mis Everett Smith of • A miscellaneous shower, honor- Sun Bernardino are guests of the Ing Mrs Ted Cunningham, nee former's parents, Mr and Mis. Ed Marian Winningham, was given by Mrs Harold Reed at her home in Smith, at Ruch, Jacksonville Tuesday afternoon, • Stop at the Nugget. when many beautiful gifts were • Miss Mary Herbert of Ashland received py the bride, who was Is spending this week here as a united in marriage in Medford last guest of Miss Frances Port. Saturday Those attending the • Mr and Mrs J. R Hoffman and shower were Lucile Flitcroft, Dor­ son of Thompson creek motored to othy Hilton, Mrs. Oscar Pence, Talent Sunday, where they were Mrs Emma Pence, Mrs. Hardir umong 14 guests present at a fam­ and son of Hawthorne. Calif, ily reunion at the home of Mrs. (tiara Smith, Mrs Mildred Smith. Hoffman’s sister, Mrs. M L. Hurt- Cathrine Smith, Mrs. Helen Me- ley. Intyre and daughter Luella, Uri • Mrs Harold Howard and chil­ W E. Finley, Mrs. Claspell, Mrs. dren of Eugene are guests at the Applebaker, Geneva Davies, Mrs home of Mrs. Howard's parents, O. C. Ix>rotiiy and daughter Car- Mr. ami Mrs. A. N. Krouse, of men, Eleanor Clark, Mrs. John lower Applegate. Winningham and «laughter Grace, • in observance of their birthday Mrs. Lottie Howman and daughter anniversaries, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Ida. Miss Elizabeth White, Mrs. Hansen entertained a group of lo- Hamaker and daughter Betty, Mrs. cal friends with a picnic and bar­ Edwar«! Gamer and Burdette Dun- becue at their home on Big Apple­ nington. gate Sunday. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Jack O’Brien, Mr. and • Mr. an«l Mrs C. B Forbes of Mrs E. H. Taylor, Mr and Mrs. Kellogg. Idaho, and Mrs. Laura A 8 Edwards, and Mr. and Mrs. B«.»tz of Spokane, Wash . were vis­ itors of Mr. and Mrs. Lem T. Wil­ Tom Met«. • Floyd McKee has returned to son of this city over the week-end. his home here after spending sev­ They are old pioneer friends of Mr. eral months in the veterans’ hos­ Wilson. • The Nugget for cold drinks. pital at Roseburg. • Leslie Cass and Ansii Gunter, • WARNING If the borrower of Medford boys, are spending the Charlie Dorothy’s stepladder does week camping on Little Applegate. not return it within three days he • Steve West of Medford is will suffer the consequences spending several days here as a • Miss Myrtle Pitts of this city guest of his grandfather, J. A. visited her mother, Mrs Henry West. Pitts, also of this city, Monday • Among those who journeyed to and Tuesday Gold Hill to attend the ball game Sunday were Ernest and Albert • Doris Clark, Frances Wakefield, Olsen, George and Albert Hueners I^Von Dunford and Harland Clark enjoyed boat races at Savage Rap­ and Albert Johnson. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitney ids Sunday afternoon. • Miss Ella Evens of this city were Medford shoppers Monday. • EM Touja and C. J. Walker visited Miss Mary Wetterer Tues­ of Portland were callers in Jack­ day forenoon. sonville Monday, representing the • Among business visitors in Union Bonds and Trust company Medford Tuesday afternoon was Miss Genevieve Shafer of this city. of that city. • l-eila and Herman Oliver of • Mr and Mrs. A. C. Hardy of Trail were visiting friends in Jack­ Loa Angeles are visitors of the lat­ ter's brother, Harold Reed and sonville recently. • Courteous service at the Nugget wife of Jacksonville. • John Smith of Miller gulch, re­ • Mr and Mrs. C. E. Pyle of Spo­ cently left for Oakland, Calif., kane. Wash., were visitors of Mr. and Mrs L. T. Wilson here Mon­ where his sister resides. • Warren Coffman and Mr and day and Tuesday The two families Mrs. Bill Mohalan spent Sunday enjoyed a trip to Crater Lake and Klamath Falls Tuesday. at I-ake o’ the Woods. • Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Combs of • Mr and Mrs. V. T. Wilson and Medford called at the home of Mr. son Orville and Mr. and Mrs. L. T. and Mrs. W. A Childers Sunday. Wilson of this city will leave Fri­ • Mrs. Clyde Fields has returned day for Kellogg, Idaho. They will home from the Arthur West home visit friends and relatives in Kel­ at Oak Grove, where she has been logg. Moscow and Spokane, Ta­ coma and Aberdeen. A two weeks working for the past few days. • Mian Jessie Gaddy returned visit is planned. home from a two weeks visit at • Mrs Scott Nunn and son John of Poor Man’s creek were business the Ellilse Oliver home at Trail. • Miss Dorothy Gaddy and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Samuels of Klam­ ath Falls were visitors at the B A. Gaddy home here Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Knowlton were Medford shoppers Wednes­ day • James Forbes of Eagle Point was a visitor in Jacksonville Mon­ day. • Archie C. Bel) of Wood River mining district, Idaho, has been employed at Pacific States mine in Jacksonville for several weeks on night shift, and plans to make his home here, he stated yesterday while visiting Miner office. • One of Applegate’s most inde­ pendent figures has been seen lately trudging along forest trails of that section leading a burro and pushing a bicycle, but resolutely walking between the two modes of conveyance nevertheless. He is none other than Bill Fruit of Ruch, who is employed logging miles of government fire reads and trails, and is accompanied by his burro as supply train, preceded by the "bicycle." which has a dingbat mounted to measure distance. It is thought, however^ that Bill fears to trust his weight to either of the ornery conveyances. Mop Stick ............. • Printer’s Devil Bill Johnson, with the aid of Bud Reinking, took White Shelf Paper advantage of his boss’ absence to Kitchen Brush plunge into type cases and ink, to emerge with a printed card which Serving Fork . reads. "Bill Johnson, Assistant Ed­ Wooden Spoon itor. The Jacksonville Miner." With characteristic modesty, Devil Bill Kite Twine .... pasted windows of the office with Butter Spade . the placards • Western Union at the Nugget. Toaster ......... • Judge C. B Forbes of Kellogg, Potato Masher Idaho, enroute home from Califor­ Putty Knife ... nia points, stopped in Jacksonville late last week for a visit with his Rubber Sponge old friend and former townsman, Enamel Cup Lem Wilson, and Mrs. Wilson. Judge Forbes, United States com- Butter Mold Page 3 visitors in Jacksonville Wednes- day afternoon George Nunn, son of Mr and Mrs Scott Nunn, who ‘tJTrkln< ,n lhe Annle Springs CCC camp, spent the week-end at his home. • Three goats belonging to Jim Croft of Bishop creek disappeared Monday afternoon Present where- •bouts of the animals remains a deep mystery. • Mr. and Mrs. Edith Thompson in'! grandson Wailace of Horse Creek, Calif , were Monday and Tuesday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs Leonard Osborne of I this city. • Mr and Mrs. Lewis Cady and son Theodore of Madison. Wiscon- ein, motored to the Summit Serv- ice station, where they visited the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs T S. Cady • Among fisherman on the Rogu< Wednesday afternoon were Mr and Mrs. V. J Beach and son Rob­ ert, Mr. and Mrs Ray Coleman and John Norris of this city. New Fall Hats AT SPECIAL PRICES The latest in Browns, Blacks and Navies . . . Fail's leading colors and styles now at the ADEL LEE MILLINERY M. M. DEPARTMENT STORE J V SWAGGER SUITS New Tweeds and Plain Shades, loose and fitted styles . . . some of these have fur collars— $16.40 to $39.50 FALL COATS All the new materials, Tree Bark, Twisted Crepes, Needle Points, etc., with generous collars, in the new flat lapel styles of Fox, Skunk, Fitch and Wolf— $16.40 to $42.50 NEW FALL DRESSES These are very attractive in styles and colors. Satin Sults, Faille, Velvet and Crepe In afternoon, street and dinner dresses— $6.40 to $19.95 DEPT. STORE Medford MEDFORD FURNITURE & HDWE. CO PRESENTS Thursday, Friday, Saturday AUGUST 9,10,11—YOU WILL HAVE TO HURRY Dr. H. P. Coleman Chiropractic - Physlotheraphy Oregon License 264 California License 3029 14 Yearn in Medford, Oregon D el rogue Meat Tenderer Noodle Cutter Sink Strainer Screw Driver Egg Slicer.... Kitchen Scoop Toilet Brush .. Hot Pan Holder.... Kitchen Dipper .... Fly Swatter ......... Electric Cord Plug Waxed Paper Knife or Fork Wash Basin .. Doughnut Cutter Aluminum Cup Sand Paper . Rat Trap .... Coping Saw*. Cake Turner Mixing Spoon Small Sifter Grip Cap .... More Than USEFUL, NEEDED ITEMS TO GO AT t Cup and Saucer ..... Linoleum Mat........ Waste Basket........ Roller Ricer........... Onion Mincer ........ Flashlight Case .... Flashlight Bulb .... Batteries, 2 for...... 25x25 Dish Towel Decorated Tray ..... Juice Strainer ..... . Pudding Pan ........ 2 Dish Mops.......... Sugar or Creamer Dust Pan................ Stainless Parer..... Kitchen Fork ....... Chopping Knife ..... Measuring Cup..... Plate Scraper ....... Kitchen Knife ..... Layer Cake Pan .... 2 Curtain Rods..... 3 Crystal Tumblers Brooms ................. .9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c These Are But a Few of the Many 9c Items—Come Early W’hile There Is a Selection!