Page 4 Friday, August 3, 1034 The JACKSONVILLE MINER So the buffaloes, as heretofore i out front the comers of his mouth, ply had to swim and bravely tackled the Job. And I suppose it stated, or at least some of them, much to the disgust of Cheyenne, must have taken them about 73 arrived safely in America, and by who bawled him out several times days to make the crossing of 3000 the time I first hit the west, had for it. but didn't succeed in break­ miles as no buffalo can swim over done such a good Job of replenish­ ing him of the habit. Finally, one 40 miles a day and keep it up. ing that the prairies were black night at supper, the lord started Anyway, some of them made it all with their herds. Everybody had wolfing down a big Juicy steak, light and soon had their old buffalo robes, buffalo shoes and bhxxl squirting from his mouth as stamping grounds replenished as all the buffalo meat they wanted usual, and Chyenne. being in a to eat Then cante Buffalo Bill and rather bad humor, pulled out one before. is probable the polar bears a horde of hunters who slaugh­ of his fifties and killed Mr. Lord Noah Didn’t Noah Much and It arctic hares found the north tered the fine animals wantonly right there. From what I have Geography When Thot Atlantic frozen over and had no and wastefully, giving no thought heard about that episode, 1 would in getting back to Green­ to the time when the supply would imagine that it took all the tact Entire World Flooded, trouble land. It is harder to figure out how be exhausted, the same as people and finesse of the shrewdest dip­ Says Prospector - Poet the kangaroos were enable to re­ are now doing with the country's lomats of both nations to avert turn home across the long stretch young evergreens each December, war. Nothing was done to Chey­ By J. C. REYNOLDS of ocean that divides Australia in their greed for Christmas trees, enne, though, beyond a reprimand, The most stupendous feat ever from the mainland, so we are com­ totally regardless of the day when as far as 1 know achieved by four-footed animals pelled to suppose that a large our forests will be so thoroughly One night I was in a saloon and since the beginning of time, was school of whales happened to be depleted that we will have to pur­ Cheyenne, pretty drunk, was tell­ chase our lumber from foreign na ­ the successful negotiation of the taking their ease at that time be­ ing some of his experiences to the Atlantic ocean by the 14 buffaloes, tween the two continents, and that tions, or go without. In the west in early days was an crowd. "One time," he said, "when (see Genesis 7:2) who had been when Ham and Eggs and Hotcakes Buffalo Bill and me was takln* a cooped up in old George Noah's drove the beasts down to the beach old buffalo hunter and Indian little trip in a kivered wagon and set the dogs on 'em, they just scout called “ Cheyenne," famous ark during the flood for 12 months across the kentry, we saw a big leaped from one whale's back to because of his exploits on the fron ­ and 10 days. (Gen. 7:11, and 8:14). When Noah's three sons. Ham. another till they gained the other tier. This Cheyenne always carried dust risin' and Bill sex. sex he, Shem and Japeth, whose names side. Anyway it makes a fine little two .50 caliber six-shooters that 'Here comes them damned buffa- lers hittin' fer their "northern translated from the Semetic into bedtime story with which to put he had had made in the Colts stompin' grounds, and we better be Arms factory, expressly for his English mean Ham. Eggs and Hot­ the kiddies to sleep of nights. outa their way.' So we If we accept Moses' version of own use. No one else cared to pack gettin' cakes. were dispatched to the high prairies of America to round up this wet spell, commonly called the two such cannons around except drove our rig up on a handy knoll and bring to the ark these care­ deluge, we will have to acknowl­ him. One night in Cheyenne, Wy­ and camped. Pretty soon here they a string of 'em half a mile fully selected animals, the Atlantic edge that the mountains in those oming, while on a drunk, this old come, wide and gallopin' as hard as they scout took a notion to visit the days were just in their infancy and was scarcely more than a mud­ go. And I'll be damned," he puddle and could be waded almost have grown enormously since then, vaudeville theater. They were hav- could "if Bill and me didn't anywhere. This was a long, hard especially Mount Ararat on which ing a play on the stage where one concluded, have ter camp there seven days trip for - these youngsters, mere the ark landed, as he states in actor shot at another actor and and nights before that herd all boys of not more than a hundred Genesis 7:20, "Fifteen cubits up­ missed him. by and the dust they made iuiu i This act was being _ pulled off got years old (Gen. 5:32), but they | ward did the waters prevail; and Fif-1 just as old Cheyenne stepped I ln- buried us up so deep that we had proved trustworthy and surprised j | the mountains were covered." Fif- iow ‘ • side the door. "What kind or shoot shi ­ ter take shovels and dig out before ___ their dad by arriving a week ahead teen cubits, as you probably know, is that?" he growled. “Drunk we could get away from there." I of time. is 22 feet and six Inches, so that ing ..................... leave it to the reader whether After a few days rest. Ham was is as high as the mountains were as I am, I can beat that all to will to call that a true lie or a damn hell," and drawing one of his fif ­ at that time, evidently. We are sent to Greenland to pick up a lie. ties, he plugged the actor right be ­ couple of polar bears, while Hot­ told this great rainstorm lasted One night while drunk and cakes started to Australia to bring only about six WEEKS and the tween the eyes from where he prowling in Chinatown, old back a pair of kangaroos, only two water covered the mountains. I stood by the door. The town of Cheyenne around acroa a bona-fide of each kind being needed as they have been up along the coast in Cheyenne was a pretty wild burg priest from ran some famo ts temple were not rated “clean” animals British Columbia where it rained those days and shootings were in China, who sold him ticket to like the buffaloes. Eggs had to for six MONTHS steady, what we every-day occurrences, so nothing heaven. Of course a everybody stay at home and help old George call "wet” rain (not Oregon mist), was done about it, but shortly af­ knows there are temples in China nail the tar-paper on the roof and raindrops as large as one's thumb terward this old frontiersman where the priests make a practice see to it that the skunks, rattle­ and six or seven feet long, and all nearly started a war between Eng­ of selling these tickets. Cheyenne snakes. bobcats and monkeys did­ it did was to make more mud. land and America. Some dukes and lords, connected thought the world and all of thaX n't get out of the corral. Also the Didn't raise the ocean an inch, as in some way with the royal family ticket and kept it right with him cold-storage plant had to be kept far as I could see. All joshing aside, this deuge was of England, visited this country going so none of the bananas would spoil before everything was probably nothing more than a tre­ for the purpose of having a buffa­ ready for the start. Of course all mendous flood in the valley of the lo hunt. And old Cheyenne was this is mainly supposition, but as Euphartes and surrounding coun­ appointed as their guide, by reason Children 10c no one really knows anything try, the same as happens every of his wide experience. Every cour­ ■ •Vfl B about it, and as all the data ob­ now and then in some of the river tesy was extended by our govern­ Saturday Only tainable is derived from the va­ valleys of China in which millions ment to these distinguished visit­ rious suppositions of several mil­ are drowned and vast sections of ors and soon they were in the lion many-minded people concern­ the country turned into an inland midst of the buffalo country in­ BUCK JONES in ing what happened at that time, sea. It was something like that dulging their ambition. Now. the hump of a buffalo is a I presume that any supposition of which originated the story of a mine has as good a face value in deluge in China thousands of years most delicious morsel for any meat the market as any of the others. ago, in which Chinese history lover, and one of these royal lords “PIRATE TREASURE So I suppose that on the return states only one man, a Chinaman, was extremely fond of it. He liked journey of the buffaloes, they was saved. At no time was the to broil thick cuts of it slightly on Sunday and .Monday found the Atlantic so swollen by entire world all under water, no each side and gobble it down while the heavy rains that to get back matter what anybody may tell hot, in such large mouthfuls that often the warm blood would gush to their beloved prairies, they sim- you. DELUGE WAS BIG MYTH-STAKE, IS REYNOLDS’ IDEA and it was probably buried with him when he died So I presume he went from here straight to Chi­ nese heaven. And us there is not a living human being who actually knows where he did go to, my guess is fully ns good as that of any other person. But 1s not the pleasing Oriental custom of selling one-way tickets tl