Friday, August 3, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER bert Johnson, all of J’ville, motored to Crater Uike Sunday. From the lake they Journeyed to Union peak, which, after many hair-raising es­ capes, they managed to climb William Meads of Forest creek < Both from JACKSONVILLE and OVER the HILL • was a business caller in Jackson­ - - - - - -, - • ville and Medford Saturday. • Miss Ethel Houston of Medford • Mr and Mrs. ’ll. J. Rlnabargcr • John Renault of this city ha« sjient a few days last week as of Medford spent Sunday n*gucsts been ill and confined to his bed guest of Mr. and Mrs. A H Kleln- of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Offenbacher for the past few days. huinnivr Miss Houston, win. • Mrs Issie Taylor of Medford • George (Peewee) Van Calder taught the LtttlO Applegate tobOOl ■pent last week as a guest of her of this city left for luikevicw early two years ago. planned to leave son, Jess Taylor at Rueb. “ Mrs. Sunday morning, where he was to Sunday for McCloud. Calif., for a Tuylor planned to leave Thursday accept employment with George brief visit. for Portland, where she would Backes, also of Jacksonville. Pee­ • Mr and Mrs Howard Waite of «(tend a month visiting friends and wee, however, has pressed into fire Ixm Angeles are spending some relatives, among whom arc her fighting service on arrival, work­ time vacationing at Squaw lake niece, Mrs. Ada Robertson, and ing on telephone switchboard. • Eugene Thompson of Medford Mr. Waite, former resident of the sister-in-law, Mrs. Ella Ashoff. community who attended the Wat­ • Mr and Mrs. Harley Mansfield, is spending a few days with his kins school 17 years ago, also is who me visiting here from Phoe­ aunt, Mrs Hertha Keegan, of this enjoying his visit with old friends nix, Arizona, accompanied by Mr. city. • Mrs Robert Fletcher, iiccoin and Mrs Robert Mansfield of IMs- • Clint (Punk) Dunnington and panted by her daughters, Kather­ sourl Flat, spent Sunday picnicing daughter Burdette, Norma Flit­ croft and Frances Clark spent ine and Audrey, and sons. Jimmy in the Steamboat section and Bobbie, are «»ending this week • Dr Warren Cameron, who has Sunday evening swimming on Big at Iend- Mrs Demmer's ilaughter, Thelma relatives Saturday. Ing the day at the Peckhatn camp Martin and Mrs. Sophia Demmer, • Dan'l (Boone) Shuas of this city grounds on Yale creek. left Thursday for a trip to San was host to a stag party of friends • Stop at the Nugget. Francisco They also will visit at his home here Sunday evening. • Albert Hartley of Little Apple­ friends and relatives In other parts • Mr. and Mrs William Aitken of Ashland were dinner guests at gate recently traded his band of of California before their return sheep, consisting of approximately • For the thin! time in less than the O. C. Lewis home in Jackson­ 150 head, to Harry Harr, local ii year, Jacksonville hill him a ville Sunday. rancher Mr. Hartley received cat­ wedding to report. Miss Isohel • Donald Sullivan of Medford and Crause, daughter of Mr. W. B. Edwin Rosa of Jacksonville made tle in return. • A H. Peachey of Ashland, ac­ Crause, and Charles Penfield were a swimming trip to Big Applegate companied by six granchlldren, married in Medford Saturday, Monday afternoon. Helen, Betty and Bobbie Dunn of July 29. Mr. Penfield is employed • Junior Ayres of Medford, Jerry Ashland, and Robert Junior and at the airport The young couple Jones of Central Point and Mar­ garet Norveli and Ray Ix-wls of Bruce, and Louise Peachey of Han will reside In Medford. Francisco, spent Sunday with his • Mr and Mrs Chris Keegan of Jacksonville spent Sunday on up- Jacksonville visited Mrs. Keegan's per Applegate daughter. Mrs. L. C. Port • Frank Cameron, who had been sister, Mrs. Nettie Thompson, of • Donald Dorothy of Jacksonville returned home from Dog lake, III at his home during the last Medford Sunday. week, is feeling much improved • Mrs Leonard Osborne of Jack­ where he has been employed in sonville and Eugene Thompson of a CCC camp. at the present. • Mrs Eva Dewey of Medford 1« Medford made a business trip to • Mias Alice Morgan, Mrs. Nell Finney and daughter Frances, spending the week as a guest of Medford Monday forenoon. her daughter. Mrs Jack Crump, a! • Western Union at the Nugget. Dorna McIntyre of Jacksonville • Albert McCready, who has been and Eugene Thompson of Medford the Star ranger station. • Gus Peterson, on a two weeks visiting with Arthur Van Galder were among swimming parties at vacation from county road work and family of this city, returned Applegate Tuesday afternoon. in Dead Indian country, la camping to his home in Portland Tuesday • Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Beach and sons Joe and Robert were dinner on Big Applegate. Mr. Peterson, a morning. resident of Ashland, spent last • Lyal Hartman, Lewis Apple­ guests at the O. C. Lewis home in baker, Elliott Rhoten, Chester I Jacksonville Tuesday evening. winter trapping here. • Mrs Elton Hodges of Applegate Flitcroft, Walter Anderson and Ai- • Mias Frances Wakefield of this was removed to the Sacred Heart hospital at Medford a few days ago for a short period of observa­ tion. • Mrs Mary Moses and son Les­ lie, accompanied by Mrs Frank Mathis and daughter and grand« daughter of Tinole, Calif., are guests of Mrs Moses' mother, Mrs. ; Sophia Collings, of upper Apple-1 gate. Saturday Leslie returned to i California, accompanied by his un- ' cle, John Collings of Sonora, who had spent three months on Apple- < gate. Mr. Collings underwent med- , leal treatment while in southern For those motorists who travel the Oregon, and felt much Improved at his departure. Jacksonville Highway ... we are • Mrs Anna Ruch spent Saturday night in Medford preparatory to pleased to announce our opening at having dental work done the fol­ the former Baker Corner at the in­ lowing day. • Courteous service at the Nugget tersection of Ross Lane . . . • The little Misses Frances and Barbara Jean Dawson returned to their home at Steamboat Satur­ day, having spent two weeks visit­ ing their grandmother and other relatives at Roseburg They were accompanied here by their cousin. Howard Hatfield, of Roseburg. • Mr. and Mrs Archie West of Little Applegate are the parents of a 614-pound son born at the Jacksonville sanitarium July 28 The young man has been named Robert Frederick. • Twenty-five members of the Ashland YMCA are spending two weeks at Squaw lake. The young men are in charge of Irving Elie • Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark of Portland arrived Tuesday, and arc spending the week with Mr. Clark's sister, Mrs. Fred Straube • Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carlock of Medford were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Tay­ lor. • Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Smith of Medford were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan CAntrall Tuesday eve­ ning. Personal News Notes city Is visiting with her sister, Mrs Cora Shaw, of Medford. • Mrs. Nell Dunford of Griffin creek was a business visitor in Jacksonville Monday. • Miss Doris Clark of thia city was an overnight gueat at the home of Mias Maxine Vaughn of Medford Wednesday. • Donald Kenney of Ashland was a Jacksonville visitor Tuesday. • Mr and Mrs. Jess Taylor and daughter of Applegate were among business visitors in Jacksonville Monday. • Mrs V. E. Brownlee of Apple­ gate called upon Miss Lula Metz­ ger of this city Wednesday. • Among business callers In thi« city Wednesday was Bill Anderson of the Little Applegate section. • Roger Dunnington of this city, who has been spending some time with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs Cliff Dunnington of Little Applegate, returned home for a very short visit. He will stay on Applegate until the beginning of | school. • Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Childers and daughter Maxine, accompan­ ied Mr and Mrs. C Combs of Medford on a fishing trip on Rogue river Bunday. • Ray Hunsaker, who is spending the summer in Portland, spent Friday and Saturday of last week at his home here. He left again for Portland Sunday accompanied by Mrs. Hunsaker as far as Eu­ gene, where she will visit for an indefinite period. • Mrs Rose Hensen. Mrs. Julia Pankey and Mrs. Etta Tranta, all of Butte Falls were visitors at the Fred Butcher home Monday Freda Butcher, who spent the past three weeks visiting at the home of her aunt. Mrs. Tranta, returned with them. • Mr and Mrs. Fred Yocum of Medford were visitors at the home of Mrs Yocum's parents. Mr. and Mrs George Hilton and family. • Mrs. Chester Purcel and Mrs Martha Mitchell motored to Crater I^ake Sunday, returning via Klam­ ath Falls • Mr and Mrs George Gasner and small daughter Donna Rae have been visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. Otis Flitcroft. • Mr and Mrs. Tom Dunnington and son Tommy, Gertrude Dun­ nington and Howard I Jin