Friday, July 27, 1934 '' The JACKSONVILLE MINER i.'.»»— ................... Personal News Notes «L Both from JACKSONVILLE and OVER the HILL - 1 L I • Mr. and Mrs. William Coppie of Murphy were guests of M r. Coppie's sister, Mrs. Dave L. Jones, on Little Applegate Hun- day. • A large crew of men In em- ployed in resurfacing and oiling the Applegate highway between Ruch and Provolt this week Bry­ ant Hamilton Is umong local r. >-n employed. • A group visiting Oregon Caves Hunday Included the following peo­ ple: Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Culy and ■on Omar of Applegate, Mr. and Mrs Ernest McIntyre of Jackson­ ville. Ml iui Ix-ora Culy of Medford, and Loren Sewell and slater of Ashland. • Floyd Steel, Seattle mining man formerly associated with mines on the Applegate, has been hero in the interest of mining during the last few days • Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bostwick of Bellview motored to Applegute Hunday. where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs Ray Offcnbachrr. • Joe Morcom of Corvallis is ■pending a few days visiting his sister-in-law, Mrs. Jess Taylor, and also f.lends at Medford. • Earl Bigelow of Ruch was with­ out the use of his car for a short time lust week when two Medford men, mistaking the vehicle for their own, removed It from a park- ing space in Medford. The car was recovered the following day. • The Nugget for cold drinks. • Stories of picnicing on the Hud­ son river have been received by friends here from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knutzen, who are spending tin- HUinnu i with the latter's mother and other relatives in New York Mr. and Mrs. William Lud­ wig. who accompanied thhe Knut­ zens as far as Illinois, are attend­ ing summer school there, and will visit the fair al Chicago before re-1 turning home Although all are having a glorious time, part of the group have conf eased a feeling of homesickness. • Mr and Mrs. Raymond Phillips ■ I the following guests, at dinner at their home Sunday: Mr and Mrs Wallace Haskins and Newton Haskins, who are visiting here from Pekin, III.; Mrs. Jean- j ette Finley and brother, William Haskins, of Alsea, Oregon; Mr and Mrs. I-eonard McKee and daughters. Mrs. Amos McKee, and Mr» John Byrne and family, all of Applegate. • Miss Frieda Young of Willow Springs is spending this week as a guest of Mias Ix>la Straubc. • Joe McDaniel of San Diego ar­ rived Saturday to spend several days here with his brother, W. H. McDaniel, while enroute to his home from Salem and Seattle. • Mrs. A S Klelnhammer visited recently at the home of her sister- in-law. Miss Ida Klelnhammer. at Yreka Miss Klelnhammer left a few days ago for a few weeks stay in San Francisco. • James Watson, Roseburg at­ torney, visited for a short time last week at the home of Mrs Maud Kubll. I)r. H. P. Coleman Chiropractic - Physlotheraphy Oregon License 264 California License 3029 14 Years In Medford, Oregon - - - - • Mr. and Mrs. Harley Mansfield, residents of Phoenix, Arizona, for the last sven years, have returned to the Applegate for a two months visit with friends anti relatives, umong whom are Mrs Mansfield's brother, Fred Bcnbdict, and Mr. Mansfield's brother, Robert, at Missouri Flat. Mrs. Ed Welsen- born, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield, and her husband, will arrive here early In Heptcmber for a short visit, completing their trip to the world's fair and Canada. O Mrs. William Davis of Hterling section is having as guests this week her nephews, Lloyd and Ray­ mond Valiquett of Spokane. O Hherman Baker and son Clar­ ence, having spent some time in Klamath county, have returned to Ruch, where they are mining. • Westcrh Union at the Nugget, i) Miss Alice Walton of Jackson- \ill<-, has been spending the past week visiting her friend, Miss Va- leru Winningham, on upper Apple­ gate. The young ladles spent Wed- icsday evening visiting with Jack­ sonville friends. () Mrs. John Matney expected to ivtum to her home at Ruch Wed­ nesday. having spent several days in Medford with her daughter, . its Onie Wimer, who had been ill. J Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Holbrook if Han Francisco are spending the final two weeks of their month's vacation here with the latter's [Mircnts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cam- ron. They enjoyed an overnight ‘rip to Diamond lake Monday. Previous to their journey here, Mr. r.nd Mrs. Holbrook enjoyed a motor trip through southern Call­ tomia. • Mrs. F J. Rippey planned to icave early this week for San Francisco, having received word of the death of her mother there .Monday evening. • Mr and Mrs. Owen Wommack ml family of Medford spent Sun­ day with Mr and Mrs Art Palmer near Ruch. • Among local people employed in .Medford packing houses are Omar Culy and Mrs. Leonard McKee. • The Nugget for magazines. • Robert Hughes of Ruch, ac­ companied by his mother, Mrs. Mary Hughes, attended the wed­ ding of his niece, Miss Mary Sel­ lers, which occurred at the First Christian church in Medford Thursday evening of last week. Miss Sellers was united tn mar­ riage to Harold Sargent, recently i mm the south. Rev. W. R. Baird performing the ceremony, The bride is well known on the Apple- gate, where she resided with her ■ nts, Mr and Mrs. H. P. Sel­ lers, for a number of years. Miss Sellers has resided in Medford »Ince graduation from the normal ichool at Ashland two years ago, and the young couple will continue their residence there for the sum­ mer. • Lloyd Hanscom of Little Ap­ plegate is recovering from an ■■inergency appendicitis operation performed at the Community hos­ pital in Medford Friday evening. • Bobbie, young son of Mr. and Mrs. C. .Johnston of Ruch, sus­ tained a broken ami late last week while playing at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Charles Ham­ ilton. • Mr. and Mrs Fred R. York and ■laughters Ethel and Carol and son Lyman of Los Angeles are guests V CINDERELLA SHOP’S ^¡SSCMlUt On All Spring and Summer Ready* to* Wear Page 3 I at the home of Mr. York's sister, • Miss Fiances Port spent the Mrs. James Arnold of upper Ap­ \ week-end in Ashland as a guest of plegate. The family is accompan­ her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A ied by Mrs. IJHian York, also of i H. Peachey. Los Angeles, mother of Mr. York • Something of the tang of the and Mrs. Arnold. The young people salt sea was expressed in conver­ of the group sponsored commun­ sation Hunday when Glenn Smith ity singing at the Watkins school spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. house Hunday, which was enjoyed Aris Throckmorton. Mr. Smith, by a large number of residents. who returned four years ago after Miss Ethel York acted as pianist. a four-year period of enlistment • Mr and Mrs. Herschel .Smith with the U. S. navy, enjoyed com­ and family of Compton, Calif., who paring sailor’s tales with his gray- ■pend the summer at their cabin | haired neighbor, who sailed the at Squaw lake, arc entertaining seas in his younger days. Mr and Mrs. Russel Hovey of Cali- • Edwin Taylor, member of the foraia. non-high school board, attended a • Mrs. A. D. Hall is spending a meeting of the board at the county few days with her son, Florence school superintendent's office at Hall, at his cabin above Hquaw Medford a few evenings ago. lake. • N. C. White of the Medford for­ • Mr anil Mrs. Hester Knutzen estry office spent Tuesday and and Bill Knutzen returned recently Wednesday on an inspection trip from a trip to Nevada. to Applegate lookouts and guard • Mr. and Mrs. Vem Morgue of stations. Portland are spending three days • Mr. and Mrs. Charley Mee left visiting Mrs. Morgus' sister, Mrs. this week for Dead Indian, where Ora Phillips. they will spend a few weeks camp­ • Courteous service at the Nugget i ing while Mr. Mee is engaged in • A group of more than 30 building a lookout house in that friends gathered Sunday evening section. at the home of Miss I»is Math- • Stop at the Nugget. eney, who was celebrating her • Dan Wagner and Mr. and Mrs birthday anniversary on that date. I John Croison of Salem are spend­ • Bill Fruit, equipped with a pack ing some time camping at Squaw donkey and a cyclometer, is em­ lake. They also will visit Mr. Wag­ ployed by the forest service in ner’s son. James, at Dividend Bar. logging (measuring) the govern­ • Jake Knutzen, who sustained a ment trails through the Applegate broken leg while employed at mountains. Mr. Fruit traverses the Camp Applegate two months ago, trails by day, placing marking at has returned here from a Rose­ one-mlle Intervals, and makes burg hospital. Mr. Knutzen con­ • amp whenever nightfall ap­ tinues to walk with crutches. proaches. • Dan'l (Boone) Sbuss, who has • Attorney and Mrs. Gus New­ been logging on Dead Indian this bury of Medford and Terry, the summer, has taken the week off to l'’rench poodle, motored to Beaver rest at his home here. ranch Sunday over the new Silver • George Merritt of this city, who l ork road. Terry, exultant over recently recovered from a pro­ the outing, is a ball player and has longed illness, started employment i>een officially photographed in one at the Pinnacle Packing house in of the new airflow cars, the at­ Medford early this week. torney said. • Leaving Jacksonville early • Receiving word of probable set­ Tuesday morning, H. H. Lusk and tlement of the San Francisco family made a one-aay round trip strike, Mr. and Mrs. Merriam to Redding. Calif. Worthington and daughter Dianne • Motoring here from Brewerton, returned to the Bay City late last N. Y., Adelbert R Merritt 'and week, having spent two days here party visited George Merritt and with Mrs. Worthington's parents, Miss Issie McCully of this city Mr and Mrs. A. S. Klelnhammer. during the week. The New Yorker Mr. Worthington is a member of a is an uncle of George Merritt, and broadcasting orchestra. . formerly resided in southern Ore­ • Miss Ruth Ziebarth and mother gon, at Central Point and Gold and Robert Hughes, ail of Ruch, Hill, where he operated a hard­ planned to motor to Crescent City ware store years ago. Wednesday. • Albert McCready, formerly of and Less This clearance includes Dresses, Coats, Suits, Hats and Sportswear . . . Thursday, Friday and Saturday July 26, 27, and 28 Wakefield, Miss Jessie Clark, Mrs. Virgil Swanson and Le Von Dun­ ford, all of Jacksonville, hiked to the Dunford ranch on Little Ap­ plegate Sunday afternoon. • Mr. and M rs. O. C. I-ewis and son Ray were dinner guests of Mrs. Mary Norvell and daughter Margaret Monday evening. • Mr and Mrs J. L. Taylor and daughter Harriet made a business trip to Eagle Point Sunday. • Miss Eleanor Clark of Jackson- sonville returned home Monday from Oak Grove, where she has been visiting Miss Betty West. • Florence Hall of the Squaw lake region and his brother, Har­ ley of Little Applegate, were vis­ itors in Jacksonville Monday eve­ ning DANCE Saturday till 2 Jacksonville Don’t Be Sorry When Winter Comes! ... SA LA D DRE SSI!Ni attend PENNEY’S MID-SUMMER BLANKET EVENT Select as many blankets as you desire— SPECIALS July 28th to August 3rd 2>/t Size Can IGA PINEAPPLE and IGA SALAD DRESSING, quart jar— 3% Size Can IGA PEARS and IGA SALAD DRESSING, quart jar— /iOr* Both for ___________ ____ _______________________ < W SALAD DRESSING, IGA, MAYONNAISE, IGA, Plat Jar ITALIAN OLIVE OIL, imported, USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN THESE PRICES REMAIN IN FORCE ONLY WHILE PRESENT STOCKS LAST B & M RED KIDNEY BEANS, < TILLAMOOK CHEESE, < A * Per pound_______ _____________ __ „___________ vV SARDINES, in pure olive oil, At* OLIVES, Golden Feather, 9-ounce can __ ______________ ___ ___________ J. C. PENNEY CO. - Medford DILL PICKLES, IGA, Pint jar---------- ---------------------------------- ------------------- w JELLO WE KNOW HOW! JL9 W S packages .... _......................................... FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ONLY It's GOOD judgment to use this finer laundry service, because the cost is no more than you pay for ordinary washing. LETTUCE, solid heads, 9C 39e 23c lie 2 heads .... ................................. . .......... ORANGES, 288 size fancy, Your most delicately colored garments or heaviest white lin­ ens can be safely entrusted to our tested washing methods. 2 dozen ............ _................ LEMONS, Sunkist, 360 size, Per dozen .......... ....... .................... WATERMELON, Per pound............................................... OUR FOUR DISTINCT LAUNDRY SERVICES Godward Mercantile Co Rough Dry, pound................... 9c Thrifty Wash, pound............... 7c Dry Wash, pound.................. He Wet Wash, pound. ...................4c “Where the Miners Bring Their Golld and Where the Gold Brings the Bargains” PHONE 74—WE DELIVER MEDFORD DOMESTIC LAUNDRY All Sälen Final—No Approvals, No Charge», No Exchangen 7W FRUITS FOR SALAD, No. 1 tall Royal Club, and IGA SALAD DRESSING, quart size, Both for ................................ . ........_..... * HAVE YOUR DOLLARS AT * •corei of tu AT HALF PRICE Portland and now visiting Arthur Van Galder and family of Jack- sonville. received a conspicuous black eye Saturday when a foul ball from Elliott Rhoten's bat found its way to expanse between his eyes. • Mr. and Mrs. William Winning­ ham of Klamath Falla were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Ed Pence of Jacksonville Monday. • Special news flash : Will the borrower of Charlie Dorothy's stepladder please bring It home? • Donald Dorothy, who has been employed in a CCC camp east of Lakview, returned to his home here Tuesday evening for a few days visit. • Mrs. Larry Howe of Seattle has b« _-n visiting with her husband in I Jacksonville this week. • Le Von Dunford, Doris Clark, Frances Wakefield, Jessie Clark, Mrs. O. W. Dunford, Marian Smith and Ray Ix-wis of Jackson­ ville and vicinity motored to Cres­ cent City over the week-end. • Les Weiss, well-known referee and electric welder of Medford, passed through Jacksonville Wed­ nesday evening while enroute to Applegate for a few days outing. • Miss Alice Walton of Jackson­ ville was a house guest of Miss Maxine Vaughn and Miss Lois Hill of Medford for a few days last week. • Mr. and Mrs. John R. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Lewis and son Ray, Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Beach and sons Joe and Robert, Miss Alice Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coleman, all of Jacksonville, and Mrs. Ethel Jones and Mrs. Edgar Price of Medford motored to Dead Indian last Sunday. • Miss Doris Clark, Miss Frances SO North Riverside Phone 166 JACKSONVILLE T