c a Copy But You Raally Should Subscribe Today T he J acksonville M iner “The Sheet That’s in the Pink” Jacksonville, Oregon, Friday, July 27, 1934 GILMORE LIONS AND MINERS TO TANGLE SUNDAY Miners Take Prospect 17- ► It would b« fitting If more gang­ 15 in Bush League Game sters allowed up with their toes at Mountain Resort Last turned up. * Sunday; Sked Soon Up • Thu postoffice department ap- Brain versus brawn will be the ¡mrently stamped out extrava­ gance when it ended the fiscal order of the day Sunday on the year with $5,000,000 to the good Jacksonville diamond when Med­ • ford's Gilmore Lions meet Miners In Europe, it seems, each new of this city. Gilmore's nine, com­ rein brings a rain of lead. posed chiefly of high school and • players, has been stepping Big Jim Furley wax fined three college out lately, taking wins over Cres­ poatmaaterahlpa In Eugene the cent City, Grunts Pass' Stars and other day for failing to grow other strong aggreatlons. Miners whiskers Characteristic of the ad and Lions have divided honors in ministration, though, that its two previous meetihgs. members let no gross grow under The game will be called for 2:30 their feet <>i over their ideas. sharp, with Gilmore battery com- • posed of Ray Tungate and Cap And the way to get ahead in the Stoddard, with Miner lineup start­ world ia to have a head. ing Bill Hammersley on the mound • and SI Johnson behind the plate You never hear of a nudist col- Ijixt Sunday afternoon, on the onlv on a rooftop, probably I m - Prospect diamond, Miners defeated cause they all want to live down nine of that locality 17-15 after atarea. Prospect! tea came from behind • with 11 runs in last three frames Truth may I m * stranger than fic­ ! to give the game a whirlwind fin­ tion, but fewer people will believe ish that marked their nearest ap­ proach to victory for several it. weeks. Miners gathered tn 21 hits • We note by the Weston leader off L. Rawlings while Turner, for that horaeahoe pitching championa the gold diggers, surrendered were there for an exhibition a few seven hits and four runs in three daya ago, but what Clark should innings Bill Hammersley, who arrange for this time of year Is took mound duties for next three a demonstration on how to pitch j stanzas, surrendered no hits or runs and Manager Hall, to give a tent. the game competiUon, took over • Now that the nation's banks are twirling for last three frames to all sound, there's less being made surrender 11 runs off seven hits about them. People forget to give and seven Miner errors. Heavy credit where most of their credit hilUng for Prospect was handled by Dewey Hill, who marked up Is due. three out of six chances, one a • Then there's the time Eino Hem- home run in the ninth with the mlla went to a mind reader, and sacks soggy. Peewee Van Galder, tiny Miner second-sacker, , also was his face read! took a roundtrip clout with the • According to a story in the bases full for his share of heavy Cottage Grove Sentinel, a grass­ bat work, while Tooley Williams, hopper killed a black widow spider Art Ferra and Manager Hail each on exhibition there. Probably, ax gathered in four hits in six any chewer’s wife will attest, the chances Score by innings: RHE hopper spit tobacco juice in its J'ville 342 304 100 17 21 13 eye. Prospect .. 004 000 236 15 14 11 • One week from Sunday Miners About the best way to plug fi­ nancial leaks through crime is will travel to Gold Hill, where southern Oregon's Twirled Series with lead. will be played between the two • With a drouth striking the mid­ nines, who have taken a pair of dlewest, it is only consistent /or wins from each other. Following Kansas to be a little driar than the Gold Hill game Sunday, Aug­ ust 5. Cement Makers of that city the rest. will return to the J'ville lot Aug­ -------------- •-------------- ust 12. One more game probably FRED EDENS RECEIVES will be scheduled for the season, CHERISHED NAW TASK between Miners and Merchants of Jacksonville, to be played Sunday, Word has ben received by Mr. August 18. to settle a 1-1 game tie. and Mrs Will Edens of Jackson­ -------------- •-------------- ville that their son. Fred, has re­ What we need now Is a perma­ ceived the signal honor of being nent hair cut.- Weston Leader. appointed to personnel of the sen­ ------------- •-------------- ior radio station of the United Sometimes, too, politics makes States navy, NA A, located in bedfellows strangers. — Weston Washington, D. C. Leader. This ia one of the most power­ ------------- •-------------- ful stations in the world and in­ It is some job to keep in the cludes some of the most expert scientists of that profession. Fred pink while you are in the red.— joined the navy some five years Weston Leader. ago and immediately after his six months course in the naval radio school was appointed radio oper­ ator of the USS. Lexington. Since that time his unusual tal­ ent and ability and earnest en­ deavor have advanced him over many of his senior officers. This last advancement came as a complete surprise and shows that our navy still holds oppor­ tunities for those who excel). As Fred modestly expressed it in a letter to his friend, Marion Smith, "This is the place where they make radio men and I hope to know something in a few years." His many friends of Jackson­ ville will wish him bon voyage and congratulate him for his deserved good fortune. ----------- •------------ • STRIKE EASE IN FRISCO WOULD MEAN OPERATION OF DOUBLE SHIFT AT OPP Dog Poisoners Busy As Six Canines Die * Number 30 MANY A TWIST Rogue River As Is FIRE DESTROYS TO HUNTING OF FORBES HOME IN MINERAL,TOLD WEEKEND BLAZE By AN ILLUKION-BLSTER (J. C. Reynolds) A wave of dog-poisoning, which has aroused dog owners, broke out While of late it appears in Jacksonville during past few To be quite trfe vogue, days, and animals belonging to Gail Lusk. Edwin Rosa, Chris To pen miles of poem« Kenney, John Winningham, Jim Rock-Knocking in Early Extolling the Rogue— IJttell and M-oriard Osborne have Structure, Unoccupied, Is Let us closely examine fallen victims to poisoned meat. Day No ‘Pushover’ Task The matter throughout, Mass of Flames When Dog owners have been confining Points Out Applegate’s And find what the deuce Volunteers Arrive on their animals as a result of ths All the fuss is about. crimes, and a wave of indignation Famous Prospector-Poet Scene; Partially Insured has swept over young and old lov­ The Rogue as we see it, ers of pets. Four of the dead ani­ By J. C. REYNOLDS Fire, of unknown origin, com­ mals apparently were poisoned Consists at this date, I had been in the west about 10 pletely destroyed the house owned near the center of town Sunday years before I tackled the mining Of a substance called water and formerly occupied by Dr. night, and resulted in private in­ game During most of this time I In its natural state. Forbes at a late hour Saturday vestigations being made. And following Nature ’ s had been in a mining country and night. Volunteer firemen, including ----------- •------------ had learned a lot of things about Unchangeable will, Mayor Wesley Hartman, Chief minerals, but had decided I didn't Ray Wilson, Hubert De Haas and It wabbles and straggles New Forest Road want any prospecting in mine, as George Wendt answered the call And rambles down-hill. from what I had seen I was con­ and arrived at the scene as flames Thru Siskiyous to vinced that a prospector's life was were engulfing the entire struc­ Sometimes it is high hard one, a steady rambling ture. Silver Fork Opened a from And sometimes it is low, place to place with a burro The house, unoccupied since But its water down-grade start of school vacation, was cov­ A large number of local people or two, ragged clothes to wear and Never ceases to flow. ered by $750 insurance, according took the opportunity Sunday of an unchangeable diet of pancakes, We find it no different, to report. Flames apparently broke motoring through the heart of the sow bosom and beans And I also As its course we explore, out on back porch or woodshed, Siskiyou mountains, traveling the got hep to the fact that not more said Fire Chief Wilson, and spread To a thousand such rivers new forest service road completed than one man out of two or three rapidly through the entire house, from Beaver creek through Silver thousand ever found anything We’ve visioned before. aided by open doors and cloth lin­ Fork to Oak Knoll ranger station worth while. ing on all walls. The building was After having tried my hand at a on the Klamath river. One party To be sure, certain facts located east of the George Wendt making the trip included Mr. and number of occupations and mak­ To its credit redound; dairy bam near the highway. Mrs. John Herriott, Mrs. Maud ing fairly good at most of them, I There are many fine fish The blaze, which was reported Kubll, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward had learned a trade which suited In this stream to be found; at 11:45 Saturday night, is the Kubli and son Norman. The group me fine and paid from $3.50 to $5 And truth-speaking anglers, second to destroy houses in this picniced at Donamour, where they per day, which was pretty good city in past few weeks, the old Both here and elsewhere, enjoyed a chat with "Shorty’1 money in those days, and I worked Cronemiller home being the other Farnsworth, employed there by at that eight or nine months every Will nay of the Rogue total loss last month. Walter Freshour, cattle owner of year, which waa about as long as That, "The fishing is fair.” ----------- •------------ the jobs lasted. the Klamath. Others enjoying the trip Sunday Came a time when a friend If the Rogue would reverse Smoking Banned in were Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Klein- named Fred Thomas and myself And flow backward up-hill, hammer and son Claus, Mrs. Dora went hunting for elk in the Sangre Oregon’s Forests We would doubtless sustain Saltmarsh and Mr. and Mrs. Leon de Christo mountains in Colorado. A quite sizeable' thrill. < >tf. nbacher of Applegate, and We got a nice big elk and also we Regulations governing the use But as long as it follows Martin Stevens and son Russel of tumbled onto a six-foot ledge of of all national forest land and Medford. Cattle owners wishing to mineralized ore that looked to us Its natural bent. some adjoining areas which carry make an inspection trip by horse­ like silver. We took samples of It will never enthuse us unusual fire hazard have been an­ back included Mr. and Mrs. Fred thia with us and had it assayed To any extent. nounced by proclamation of the West, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Salt­ and. sure enough, it ran 33, ounces governor for the duration of the marsh. Mr. and Mrs. Lance Offen- of silver per ton and silver was fire season, or till September 1. bacher, and Cliff Smith. worth a dollar an ounce at that not sell but if he wanted to buy The proclamation provides that Points of Interest on this route time So we went back there, my half interest for $500 cash, I entering these areas shall reached by branch roads include staked it out and dug a 10-foot would do business with him. So everyone from smoking while travel­ Cinnibar springs. Dutchman's peak hole and found it good all the way he bought me out. Incidentally, he refrain on paved or surfaced lookout, Perk’s guard station, and down. It laid over behind a spur put in $2000 and my partner put ing, except shall secure permits be­ Cinnibar trail lookout. Those pre­ of the mountains, 14 miles from a in two years hard work before highways; fore building a camp fire other they gave it up. The claim pro ­ ferring a short trip may travel railroad, so we quit our jobs and at certain designated camp through the Beaver country to the I put in the next three months, or duced an average amount of silver than and shall carry certain Little Applegate road. Next year nearly that, making a trail over to right along, but the transportation grounds, if a camp fire is to be built. sightseers may drive to the sum­ it, so we could get the ore packed charges ate up all the profits that tools in the Applegate section mit of Mt. Ashland from Silver out with burros or mules. Person­ the smelter didn't get, so it turned Campers advised to contact Ranger Lee Fork and continue to the Llthia ally, I got rather tired of working 1 out to be a fizzle. After that ex­ are Port at Star ranger station for City. on that trail. Of course we were perience I did quite a lot of heavy fire permits and Instruction. ----------- •------------ thinking and decided there might not out anything but what we ate WEEKLY ARMORY WRESTIJCS and our labor, but I had been be something in the prospecting RESUMED AS I.II.l.ARD PITS used to having a payday once a business for a fellow who was Millers Seek Work; LETHERS AND KRUSE IN GO month and on this job there was reasonably lucky and had a little Fire Destroys Home nothing coming in. though of education along that line. Here was $500 cash all in a Resuming his weekly wrestling course we had hopes for the fu­ To have their home and all their shows at the Medford armory, ture. One day a wealthy cattleman lump for less than three months Promoter Mack Lillard pitted we knew found our trail and fol­ work, whereas at my job It would possessions destroyed while away Broccoli Bob Kruse of Oswego and lowed it up to where we were at take me a year to save that much. seeking work was the experience "Sad" Sam Lethers of Texas in a work. When we had told him all So I began to buy books on geol­ of Mr. and Mrs. Burl Miller last double main event for this Thurs­ about our claim, he went and ogy. mineralogy, petrology and week, whose home is located on day night. looked it over and took samples crystallography. And talk about Nine Mile creek in the Thompson study. Never in my life had I put creek area. The origin of the fire First half of the double bill, from it which he had assayed. scheduled to open at 8:30, was to In a few days he came back and theh close attention on any studies is not known, but it is believed to bring together Harry Kent, 236- offered us $1000 cash for the claim that I did on these. Night after have occurred during the night, pounder from Oregon State, and and for what work we had done on night I poured over these books, owing to the fact that neighbors Al Karaslck, Russian Lion who has the trail. I was in favor of selling, often till 12 and 1 o'clock, trying did not know of the fire until been one of the pillars of the but my partner, being one of those to master (to me) this most in­ some time afterward The barn on wrestling business in southern guys who can’t let go of anything teresting subject. And when I fin­ the place did not burn. Mr. and Mrs. Miller, who did not Oregon for many moons. they once get their fingers on, ally got it down so pat that I The twin headline program was would not agree He was convinced could spout the lingo like a pro­ have the property insured, have looked upon by fans as one of the we had millions in our claim and fessor, I was still a blooming ig­ since obtained employment at more colorful meetings which Lil­ ridiculed the idea of selling for a noramus as far as actual expe­ Crater Lake lodge. ----------- •------------ rience went. I was like the guy lard has been in the habit of ar­ paltry thousand dollars. ranging for fanciers of the bone Finally I hunted the cattleman that Gassy Thompson played the FORMER HUMBUG RESIDENTS up and told him my partner would joke on. I had to get out and get RETURN, SEEKING GOLD AND bending business. the experience. And believe me, RENEWED HEALTH AT MIME that said experience was hard to get. After an absence of a long per­ The old-timers who knew every iod of years, during which he had trick and turn in the game would­ lost contact with Applegate peo­ n't tell me or, for that matter, ple, Rev. Paul James of Seattle, would anyone else, a single thing accompanied by his two sons and that would help. They were the two daughters, has returned here closest-mouthed bunch in that re­ for the summer. Believing that spect I ever met with. Every there still might be gold In the mouth buttoned up tight whenever James mine on Humbug, where his I tried to pry any information out father, Paul James Sr., was killed of them. But I am not the kind of in a tunnel more than 25 years bimbo who puts his hand to the ago. Rev. James expects to reopen plow and then turns back. I had the mine while here. determined to be a prospector and The primary factor, however, in I would not take "no” for an an­ bringing the family back was the swer. Little by little, a grain at a hope that the eldest son, John, time, I pried, picked, pumped and might regain his health. He is an probed during the ensuing years, explorer of the south sea islands till I had dug out not only all the and Is suffering from malaria. Rev. Information they could give, but a James, who became a minister whole lot more and then I began after leaving Applegate, has es­ to make it pay. tablished camp on Humbug. I never was fortunate enough to ----------- •------------ find one of the big bonanzas, but JACKSONVILLE MERCHANTS in 12 consecutive seasons I made ACCEPT MINER CHALLENGE $28,000, from two to three thous­ TO MEET SUNDAY, AUG. 19 and every season, which is not at Agreing to meet Jacksonville’s all bad. Between times and in Miners again only after a stipula­ other years first and last I worked tion that Manager Hall of the in the mines, 14 years underground Miners do the twirling, Manager altogether, work that I naturally V. J. Beach of the local Merchants like as long as the ground is reas­ definitely promised to have his onably dry. outfit groomed for the third and Where the ground was too wet deciding game of the summer be­ and a man had to be all bundled up tween the youngbloods and the old In rubber hat, coat, pants and timers of the town. boots, I didn't stay long. Quite Miners and Merchants are on a often while prospecting for com­ par with one victory each won panies I would find something that by a lone run in both instances— showed up well on the surface, sell and the controversial topic of out my interest to them in the fall whether the once-wuzzers or the and then take contracts driving now-ares are superior, from a tunnels on the properties during baseball standpoint, will be set­ the winter months. tled Sunday. August 19. when the That gave me the opportunity two nines will make a day of it. to not only make money for my­ Manager Beach of Merchants self, but also to personally develop was instrumental in gaining do­ the claims I had discovered, about nation title to school ball park which I naturally had considerable from Ben B. Beekman recently, curiosity. Two' or three thousand and would like to close the season dollars per year is nothing to brag with a victory for his men, he has about. Still it must be considered intimated, on the field. The Miner- that practically everything I found Merchant game, so far, is final en­ was in country that had been counter of the year scheduled for pawed over for years by hundreds Miners, who will mothball bats and (Continued on page four) mitts till spring at that time. S’MATTER POP ................................ By C. M. Payne Peaceful settlement of the long­ shoremen's strike in San Francisco wil be felt almost immediately on consummation in Jacksonville, ac­ cording to Robert A. Clarke, sup­ erintendent of Pacific States mine near this city. Pine oil, a substance which has an affinity for gold, is used in sizeable quantities at the Opp property mill in oil flotation re­ covery units and is one of the key elements in recovery of values here. With shipping and all trans­ portation tied up in the bay dis­ trict through the strike, there was but one avenue of movement left open to pine oil through the Unit­ ed States malls. This, of course, Is an expensive and limited way of shipping the fluid and, as a result, mill operation at Pacific States was reduced from two shifts daily to one, pending outcome of the strike. Sackers at the mill are busy pre­ paring third carload of concen­ trates for smeltef, and completion of the lot is expected within a short time, mine employes said yesterday. ★