Page 6 ALLISON GANG’S HIDEOUT FOUND BY SOURDOUGHS Friday, July 20, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Eugenites Go Hairy-Scarum * JI Prospector-Poet and Pal Uncover Loot of Early- Day Bandits in Colorado Mountain Stronghold talli.'S, one nn an error, while Min­ • Mr and Mrs. Oscar C. Ix'wis ers started bridging a seven-run and Miss Alice Morgun were din- ! ncr guests at the V. J. Bench home handicap. A last inning rally, with gold Wednesday evening. diggers four runs behind, netted • Miss Violet Olsen, formerly of throe scores and left Tooley Wil­ i this city, has found employment liams on second base ready to ' at the C. C. Lemmon homo in Med­ come home for dear old J’vllle and ford, tie the gume. Miners gathered 18 • Charles Hamilton win employed hits off Wilmer Bailey, while Ham- I recently for several days nt the mersley surrendered 14 safeties, Sunny Side service station build- >ne a home run by Gardner. Wil­ I Illg new shelving and a cooling iam:!, formerly of Medford Rogue room. inriest nme, was signed lust week by O Hr and Mr* Walter Armpriesl 'diners, and will be seen cavorting uid son spent the Fourth at ‘ j the celebra­ 1'iuts enjoying wound third sack for balance of Grants tion and a n picnic lunch h on the the season, Ilojuo. Score by innings: • Mis Walter Bell entertained a R H E I group of friends and neighbors at lold Hill 410 410 100 11 14 8 her home Thursday. Dinner was Jacksonville 003 004 003 10 18 4 served guests and the afternoon Stick work for Miners was led was s|>cnt ouilting. by Williams, Runts, Ivan Harring­ • Ed Smith, Ivan McDonough, ton. Von Balder and Ferra, with Horace Turpin, Bill Fruit and three each, while Gold Hill slug­ Martin McDonough motored to gers included L. Foley, Seth Coy Graves creek Sunday, where they scanned mining prospects ind Gardner, with three clouts I • Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, who each. have been visiting with their son ------- ■ -............ • John Hueners and crew have *en busy the past week threshing wheat and barley. • Mr. and Mrs Ike Coffman spent Sunday at Star gulch visiting Mr Adults 25c - Kiddies 10c Horace Gunderson. • Mr and Mrs. George Hollings­ worth of Medford recently visited Fri-Sat relatives here. Mr. Hollingsworth is an Airways radio operator and was recently transferred here from Seattle. • J. H. Patrick of Jacksonville has started a second-hand store in the old John Renault place next ioor to the meat market He will be open for business Monday morning with all kinds of mining equipment. » tHQUlAHO OUM - tó LIVI >O» Hit IONI • Mrs. Debb McKee of Jackson- ville. mother of Mrs. Tom Dun- nington, Mrs. Albert Hackert of Jacksonville, and Leonard McKee of Big Applegate is ill with pneu­ monia at the Albert Hackert home. • Laura Pastorina, of Medford, Sun-Mon visited Margaret Norvell of thia city Wednesday, enjoying a swim in Big Applegate during the after- noon. • Mrs. Julia Osborne and Miss Alice Morgan, both of thia city. made a business trip to Medford Thursday • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bel) and family spent the Fourth of July at Fish lake with Medford friends iuek By J. C. REYNOLDS It was in Durango. Colorado, during the first year of its rapid growth, that I met the notorious Charlie Allison, who was for a few months the most feared bandit and stage-robber in that section of country. I had come to town just AU men of Eugene are letting their whiskers grow and many now for a visit and had found it over­ flowing with strangers, attracted have them trimmed in elaborate styles for the Oregon Trail, an event set for July 26, 27 and 28. Here is W. N, Wintier submitting to a by the marvelously rich gold dis­ “de-cootle" process for his brush. coveries in the San Juan moun- tains. Applying that night for a room watched feverishly. By hard riding in a hotel, I was told the best they this decoy met the three bandits could do for me was a bed in the over a mile from town, and riding “ram-pasture.” The ram-pasture is up to them, halted and spoke cor­ a large room in the attic of hotels dially. "Hello, boys," he said “Did and rooming houses with a num­ you come down the valley road?" ber of cot beds in it. and is used They replied in the affirmative. only as a last resort when the “Well," he continued,” did you see anything of a small bunch of rooms below are full. There is no privacy about it and horses almost like the one I am Gold Hill Defeats Home- one takes a chance on being rob- riding?” They said they had not. Towners 11-10 in Close bed by some sticky fingered gent The horse he was on was a thor­ Game, Leaving Teams while he is asleep. But it was oughbred. worth $1000, picked es­ either that or stay out in the pecially for the occasion. He went Tied 2 to 2 for Season streets all night, so I took it. on to explain that he owned about Sometime in the night Charlie 30 head of valuable horses which Jacksonville’s Miners will jour- Allison had come in and, not being he wished to drive to Texas, but ney to Prospect Sunday forenoon foolish enough to turn had been able to secure a room, had been given a cot in this same ram-pas­ them out the day before, and now for second game of the season with ture. His two forty-fives he had they had hid out on him. though Jack Balding’s nine of that city __ _ gone very _ far. _ ____ _ of _ __ First _______ meeting the two teams taken into bed with him. There probably had not were about a dozen of us in that Then he inquired if they were open resulted In an overwhelming vic room, but the first I knew about for a job to help him take his i tory for Miners, but Sunday's Charlie Allison being there was in horses south? They looked at each game may result in a close con­ the morning when I was dressing other and winked. What a snap test. with many fast players avail­ that would be. to start for Texas, able from teams which have com­ myself. All of a sudden I saw a man right where they were headed for. pleted their schedules for the year. raise up in a cot not far from with 30 fine thoroughbreds, shoot Dewey Hill, all-star catcher for the mine and the next I knew, he was the owner on the way and take Prospectites, will be the guiding pointing a six-gun at the bunch of possession of the bunch. What a hand of the outfit, and the game us and in a harsh voice barked. nice start for a cow ranch. So they will be played on his cow-lot dia- , mond, which has since been made "Not one of you sons-of-b------ will hired out to the gent at once. "We ll let the horses go then for famous when Dewey slid into what leave this room till I find the b------ who stole one of my guns last today,” he told them. “I am tired he thought was second base. night.” "By Gawd, fellers, it’s of riding anyway. We'll go back Miners to date have won eight Charlie Allison himself.” exclaimed to town and you boys can put your I and lost nine games, and Sunday's a roomer who knew him. And then horses up in the livery stable tilt will give them a chance to tie I realized that some one of us was where I hang out, and tomorrow their standing again. Medford's in a tight place, for most of us we can round up the bunch and be , Gilmore Lions will be played on knew his record as a gunman and on our way.” Talking sociably, but the J’vllle lot one week from Sun­ is king no impertinent questions as day, July 29. and may be final killer. His gun continued to sweep the to where they came from, he led game of the season unless Gold room as he rustled around in bed the way to the livery stable. None Hill players consent to play off the ■ •V» ■ Children 10c preparatiry to stepping out on the of the citizens they met on the 2-2 tie standing following week­ floor, but all at once his demeanor itreet appeared to pay any atten­ end. Saturday Only changed and he said, “It's all right tion to them and their suspicions, Last Sunday Bill Hammersley, now; guess I must have kicked the if any, had been overcome by his returning to the Miner mound af­ KEN MAYNARD in damn thing down to the foot of geniality. "Ride right in. boys, and ter an absence of two weeks, ex­ the bed while I was rolling around make yourselves at home,” he in­ perienced difficulty in handling last night.” And believe me, it was vited. So in they went and in a his fellow townsmen and former quite a relief to us to hear that. flash at least 50 rifles had them teammates and surrendered 10 hits Shortly after that episode Charley covered from each door, from and nine runs first four innings. also ’Fighting With Kit ( arson* and his gang, which consisted of stalls and from openings above. From then on, however, Hammers- three young Texas cowpunchers Charlie, old campaigner that he ley hit his stride and weaned the Sunday and Monday who had gone bad, started out to was. simply laughed and said. Cement Makers down to two more do things up on a grand scale. "Serves me right for being fool Stages and banks were robbed in ?nough to ride into a place like over them in many places. And as rapid succession. Even small stores this.” But the young Texas cow­ it was shortly after the date of with EDMUND LOWE where the “take” would be only a boys took it pretty hard, even to the last Gazette when the gang few hundred dollars, were held up. the extent of shedding tears, to had left the country, we knew we Tuesday und Wcdnenday And horses were stolen every- we their well-laid plans all had stumbled onto one of their knocked into a cocked hat in a where. hideouts, or perhaps their only The scant number of officers in jiffy. one, and that all this stuff was All three were sentenced to 33 the district at that time didn’t ours just for the taking. Dan and seem to be able to cope with them. years in the pen and there were I put in the rest of the day. pack­ Posses could never discover where two other indictments hanging ing the loot off and hiding it in they disappeared to between times over Charlie as soon as he had different places where no one and the whole country was served his term for banditry. Have would ever find it, outside of an and wrought up to an extremely ner­ never heard from him since. accident, reserving a big load vous pitch by reason of their con­ Some months later Cherokee apiece of the best of it to take tinual raids in every direction. Fin­ Dan and myself were returning along with us. All that fall we ally they got together so much from a hunt on a mountain eight made trips back up there, when­ Thursday and Friday money that they felt they had miles above Durango. I caught a ever we could get away from our enough to set each one of them up flash of something from the corner work, to bring back what we could in some lawful business and de­ of my eye and stopped. "What did carry. A great deal of it was near­ cided the slide out quietly, go back you see?” inquired Dan. I told him ly as good as new and a little with RALPH BELLAMY to Texas and establish a cow I thought I had seen the dirt roof patching on saddles and guns was ranch. Not a soul in the world of a cabin some distance away. all that was needed to put them in JUNE COLLYER knew of this plan except just these "You're crazy as hell,” said Dan. shape for trading or selling to four outlaws. And they were going "Who would have a cabin in a r ■X somebody. to strike due south across over place like this? However, I deter­ Quite a few articles like the fine 200 miles of desert and sparsely mined to have a look-see and wool blankets we kept for our­ settled country to Albuquerque, started over that way, followed by selves. On many occasions we vis­ New Mexico, and be gone a long Dan, who kept up a steady grum­ ited the cabin while on our way time before anybody knew a thing bling about going out of our way up or back, but no one had ever about it. And this plan would have so far when we ought to be on our been there except ourselves after worked out like a charm, but for road home. 419'/. EAST MAIN the Allison gang had left It. one little thing. One of the young PHONE 84 Then all at once we saw the outlaws had a girl in Kansas City cabin, quite a sizeable little shack, BEAUTY SERVICES whom he declared he must see be­ setting in the finest spot for a AT A HAVING fore going to Texas. So while the hideaway I ever saw. There was Permanent Wave ......... $2.00 other three made a clear getaway about an acre of level meadow full Finger Wave .............. 25c as per schedule, this young sport of lush grass, with a big spring at Comb 'Wave ................... 25c took the train for the east. the upper end and this pretty Shampoo ......................... 25c Unfortunately for him, a Bher- dace was considerably lower than Shampoo ......................... ........25c iff at Alamoosa boarded the train, the surrounding slopes, so that one recognized him in a flash, got the might actually pass within a quar­ Haircut ........................... ........ 25c X» G E -A N T