J Friday, July 20, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Ernest Wallace and Bud Peebler Edwin Rosa and Donald Sullivan, enjoyed a welner roast and «wim all of whom promptly joined the on Applegate Sunday evening. black-hand society. The wonder • Prentice Petty, from Central comes to pass when youngsters, Point, wua a visitor in Jacksonville elbowing their way around the «hop, are baited with the declara­ <■• Both from JACKSONVILLE and OVER the HILL Saturday. ---- _------------------------------- L -- — • Mr. and Mrs. Jules Taylor were tion that printer’s ink becomes • Mr and Mr« Fred Thornp«on the Grub Stake mine built for the hosts to a family reunion last week warm when stirred. The ensuing and daughter Ix>la of Marysville, purpoM- of transporting ore from when relatives from neveral west­ disclosure leaves a handful of very spradable ink adorning appendages ern state« were in attendance. Calif., «pent Wednesday and the mine. Thur«duy with Mr and Mr«. Her­ • Dr. Harry J Knapp and son O I ji Von Dunford, employed at of victims. man i.uak of Jacksonville. Lake during summer • Mr. and Mrs J. A Littell and and father from North Dukota an­ Crater • Applegate Orange 1« planning on a few day« inspection trip to month«, «pent lust week-end with son Shelley left Wednesday for a to be hoal at a meeting of the the Hlottlck mine on Ward's fork his parent« near this city, Mr. and brief tour of the Oregon and Cali­ fornia coast. Pomona Grange to be hold here Mrs. Ike Dunford. Saturday, July 38. Member« will • Rollin Crump, three-year-old • I^eonard Osborne of this city • Donald Sullivan, young Medford son of Mr. and Mrs Harold Crump, enjoy a picnic at noon, and the wa« among Tuesday bu«ine«« call­ friend of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar lecturer'« hour 1« open to the pub­ received lacerations about the nose ers in Medford. Lewis, has been visiting In Jack­ ind face Saturday when he wa« lic. The meeting waa «choduled for sonville this week. bitten by u dog with which he had • Mr. and Mr« J. A Littell and Burna Valley but, owing to the been in the habit of playing Rollin son Shelley returned Saturday • Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Godward coolne«« of the Applegate, for waa taken to Dr. James C. Hayes from an extended visit with friend« spent Sunday with their son and which the river and community are uid relative« in Iowa and Minne­ daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs well known, the two Grange« de­ or treatment. sota The family drove through Paul God ward. 9 Mrs John Cantrall, accompan- ' cided to make the trade. The Jan ed by her daughters, Mis. John ind report a pleasant and inter­ • John Hackert, who has been uary meeting, «cheduled for Apple -ungnton, and Mina Norma Can-1 esting trip, going by way of Yel­ employed in Klamath Falls, re­ gate, will be held at Sam« Valley rail, and nephew, Earl Saltmarsh, 1 lowstone national park. Mr. Lit­ turned to J’vllle Wednesday. • C. U. Thotnaa, who left aotm II of Medford, visited relatives on | ton, city marahul, will resume hi« • C. V. Maple of Gold Hill was a time ago on a bualnc«« trip to duties August 1. His position has business visitor in Jacksonville tpplegate Bunday. Bunlcerhlll. Kanaaa, plana to re been filled by Albert Hackert dur­ Wednesday. main away another two month«, h< ) The remaining portion of the ing hi« absence. • Mr and Mrs C. O. Turner and write« relative« here, exjtectlng to >!d Ruch hall, where basketball • Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dunnington family and Mi«« Wilma Precktl of times and dances once livened the of this city «pent Sunday with Denver. Colorado, arrived in Jack­ apend a month with relative« Ir. Lua Angele« Mr Thomas write« of ■Ity. Is undergoing Improvement, Mr«. Dunnington’« brother, I^eon- sonville Wednesday afternoon for ind cun flnunt to the world some ird McKee, and family, of Big Ap­ a 10-day visit with Mr. and Mrs the rejoicing of the Kanaaa farm era over u downpour there a few >f Its old pride Mrs. Anna Ruch plegate. Tommy Dunnington, Jr., A. C. Van Galder and E. L. Adams week« ago, which brought five ta« employed I-arkln Reynolds, io- 1 returned home following a week's families and W. G. Turner, rela­ Inch<-« of water in two day*, which al carpenter, to build a new porch 1 visit with his uncle and aunt. tives of the Coloradans «aved burning puaturea and cropr >n the old structure, which is used • The Jacksonville Missionary so­ • Mr. and Mrs George Backes now only to hold elections. for a time, at leaat. ciety will hold an ice cream social and family returned Tuesday from • W. B. Crause is spending this in the basement of the Presbyter­ Lakeview. where Mr. Backes has • The Nugget for cold drinks • Andrew Jeldncaa, well known vsek at Union Creek on business ian church Saturday evening, been attending to business matters resident of upper Applegate, jour • Mr and Mrs. James Kent and' «tarting at 5:00 p.m. Home-made concerning his logging fleet. The 'amily of Tulent visited Mrs Ice cream and cake will be for sale family plans to return to eastern neyed to the Ruch vicinity Tue« day in the intereat of taking hom< Kent's cousin, Mra. Paul Demmer. at five cents per portion. Oregon again late this week. a burn». Mr Jeldncaa, owner of a Sunday. • The Rev 8 H. Jone«, pastor of • Stanley Shafer, «on of Mr. and valuable copper claim near hi« • Courteous service at the Nugget the Jacksonville Presbyterian Mrs Jake Shafer, partly severed home, remained overnight with • Bob Archer and Don Krous, j church, left for Albany, Oregon, to his foot recently with an ax. Stan­ friend« enroute and recalled dayn both of Medford, made a bicycle attend synod of his church. Ladles ley 1s able to go about on crutches of the Alaakan gold ruah In which i trip to the Applegate to enjoy the Aid of the local church recently • Alec Norris has been quite ill he was a participant When In swimming Sunday. held a meeting to observe birth­ at his home in this city for some Medford. Mr Jeidncaa «aya friend« • J B Holman, formerly of Jack­ days of members falling on Fourth time, and has shown little im­ inquire about the make of car he sonville, is now living in the of July. provement. drivea, and he replica in all ae- Steamboat section where he 1« • Ernest McIntyre and family • Mra. Frank Shaw and children mining. riouane««, "Burro," which often and W E Finney and family spent of Medford visited her parents, puzzle« the Inquirer. Thia seasoned • Miss Mabel Meek came home Sunday at Crater Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wakefield of miner came to America from Nor­ Wednesday* from The Dalles, where • Miss Alice Morgan, sister of this city, the first of the week. she spent the winter and spring way when he waa 17, and learned Mrs. O. C. Lewis of this city, re­ • Ernest and Albert Olsen and to drink sweetened coffee in Eng­ with relatives while «he attended turned home Monday evening from Roger Card were callers at Butte high school. She expects to finish a short business trip to Portland. Falls Sunday. land. he says. • Mr. and Mrs Elmer Lewis and her high school course in Jackson­ • Eugene Thompson of Medford • Forrest Ravenor, who Is mining four children of Crescent Mills. ville this winter, after which she has been spending a few days vis­ on Big Applegate, spent several Calif . spent last week visiting Mr plana to take a business course in iting hi« aunt in this city, Mrs days visiting his home here. He re­ lewis' parents. Mr and Mrs New­ preparation for a position in gov- Chris Keegan. turned to Applegate Monday. ton Lewis, of Applegate. Friday emmept work. • Victims of tiie hot-ink phenom­ • Miss Geneva Coffman was a • Miss Mary Johnston of Ruch the Newton Lewis family met in ena at The Miner office during the Medford caller Tuesday. reunion at the Truman Lewi« home visited with her aunt, Mrs Al past week include, to date, Elmer • Charles (Chuck) Ward, former­ here with all of the children pres­ l*iche, a few days in Medford. Zumwalt, Gail (Big Shot) Lusk, ly of Jacksonville, left for Port- ent except Ervin Lewis, on forest • Mrs. Eva Bostwick of Medford guard duty at Perk's pasture spent Bunday with her brother and ' Twelve of the 14 grandchildren mater-in-law, Mr and Mrs A. ' FOR PICNICS and Throckmorton, at Ruch. also were present. camping, 2-bumer gas­ • Mrs E J. Cameron. Applegate • The Ruch union 8unday school oline camp stove. Cast is being held each week from 10 pioneer residing in Medford, was a iron grate. Folds to a guest at the home of Mlsaea Row to 11 a.m. at the Ruch school convenient carrying house. and Kate Buckley Tuesday. size. Special at • Mr and Mra. Skinner and Mrs. • A serious minded young Apple­ gate fanner waa known to order Grace McDaniel called at the A two pairs of overalls during the Throckmorton home recently. week-end. which he «aid was in • Mrs M. M. Willits of Santa preparation for possible results of Maria. Calif., has been visiting friends and relatives of the Ruch the longshoremen'« strike. • Western Union at the Nugget. vicinity, including Mrs. Inez Mc­ • Mr. and Mrs. I-ester Throck­ Donough, a sister. morton and son and daughter vis­ • Mr and Mrs. Owen Ogden, Mrs ited relatives at Ruch a few day« Dora Cameron and Mrs. Eva Bost- I wick visited Mr. and Mrs. Throck-1 ago. • John A. Riley, formerly asso­ morton Tuesday afternoon. ciated with Dividend Bar. has re­ • Mr and Mrs L. Reynolds called turned to upper Applegate to lo­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. cate, after spending several year« Throckmorton this week. farming at Haines, South Dakota • Victor Holzgang 1« spending Mr. Riley tells of the deplorable two week* with his sister, Mrs farming conditions in central R A. Glides • Mr and Mrs. Curly Johnston states due to drouth. • Mis« Ardith Renard of Oakland. of Ruch spent the week-end with Calif . is spending the summer at her mother, Mrs. Charles Hamil­ the home of her mother. Mrs Har­ ton. • Stop at the Nugget. ry Helms, on upper Applegate • Mr. and Mrs Albert Hartley • John Patrick, Lloyd Newton. Forward to new pleasures, richer living! We're ready planned to entertain a large num­ with all the things a modern hardware store offers. ber of friends with a dance at their Camping needs . . . radios . . . garden tools and saws, home on Little Applegate Satur­ hammers, nails for turning new leisure into useful day evening. hobbies. • Mr. and Mrs Henry Budd of Salina«, Calif, have purchased the 82-plece Breakfast Set....................................... $8.75 D. O. Garrison home on upper Ap­ (SPECIAL THIS WEEK) plegate. • The thrill that comes to boy­ 14-Mesh Wire Screen, galvanized, sq. foot..... 3%c hood with pssession of a horse and Brace and Bit Set, heavy steel, 2 bits.............. $1.50 «addle for a few days vacation in the cattle range was experienced Good Steel Miner’s Shovel................................ $1.50 by Arthur Dunford and Lee (Son­ ny) Boyd of Little Applegate Sat­ 10-inch Lawn Mower, special............................ $8.75 urday, when they accompanied (Roller Bearing, Crucible Steel Blade«—16-inch Cut!) Claus Kleinhammer to the Siskl- yous with Freezeout as headquart­ ers. One of the boys thought the trip better than 40 shows. • The Nugget for magazines. • Walt Garrison and Mr Denzcr We Sell for Cash and Sell for Leas of Phoenix have completed a road PHONE 13 * JACKSONVILLE extending three quarters of a mile from the Squaw creek divide to Personal News Notes k I » In the SPIRIT of'34 DANCE Saturday till 2 COLEMAN’S HARDWARE Jacksonville For Fast, Efficient Service MOORE’S CENTRAL SERVICE SOUTH CENTRAL AT NINTH Phone 837 When you want Service in a Hurry, you should know that Moore’s is the place to drive to. We are equipped to render every possible type of gasoline and lubrication service. HARRY MOORE, Proprietor Gasoline GILMORE TIRES • BATTERIES • and Oils TIRE REPAIRS Page 5 land Monday noon, where he will undergo final examination prepar­ atory to departing for San Diego, Calif., naval training atatlon Cal­ vin Luak of Jacksonville has ■igned as gob for Uncle Sam and expect« to leave in about a month, while Forrest Hall, younger broth­ er of Leonard Hall of this city, joined the navy from Long Beach about three weeks ago. The three probably will be meeting in San Diego before long, where they will grow accustomed to wearing port­ holes for collars. • Miss Freda Butcher la visiting with her aunt, Mra. Etta Tranta, above Butte Falla. • Walter Whitney was a Sunday caller at Central Point. • Ed Coffman has been seriously ill at the home of his mother in Medford. Sam Coffman returned home Monday, after spending a i week at his bedside. • Mra Pluma Finney spent some time in Medford Tuesday on busi­ ness. • Mis« Dorothy Hilton is visiting with friends in Medford. • Mr and Mrs. Arthur Backes are the parents of a baby girl, bom Sunday, July 15. Mr. and Mrs. Backes recently moved into the house owned by Mr«. Fred Lewia. • Bud Mitchell departed Sunday for Lake o' the Woods, where he will spend a week at the Boy Scout camp th re. In TOWN ... In the COUNTRY AT HOME OR ON YOUR PICNIC WITH Snider’s Ice Cream and Cold Bottled Drinks On Bale at Your Favorite Dealers and Grocers SNIDER DAIRY AND PRODUCE COMPANY • MEDFORD ____ _ I PLENTY OF ’EM ! JULY 21 THRU 27 GRAPE NUTS 2 packages ______ ____________ BISQUICK 20-ounce package . ....................... PORK AND BEANS Van Camp'«, 27-ounce can......... LUX TOILET SOAP 2 bars ______ ___________ ___ CRISCO 3-pound can _______ __________ IGA BISCUIT FLOUR Package __ ___ ____ _________ WHEATIES, 2 packages IGA CORN FLAKES, 8-ounce package.............. 7c RED “A” COFFEE, IGA, pound......................... 22c FRUIT PECTIN, IGA, 2 packages....................19c MUSTARD, IGA, 9-ounce jar.............................. 11c PICKLES, IGA, sweet, pint jar........................... 21c MASON JARS, Kerr or Presto, quarts, doz.......85c JAR RINGS, 6 packages of 12............................. 23c FRUIT SUGAR, 10-pound cloth bags................ 56c Cliquot Club GINGER ALE, 2 16-oz. bottles.. .25c IGA VIENNA SAUSAGE, 4-ounce tin.......... 8c SWAN MATCHES, 2 boxes................................... 8c ROYAL CLUB OLIVES, extra large, 9-oz. can 18c ROYAL CLUB PEANUT BUTTER, lb. jar 17c KNOX’S GELATINE, package.................. 19c CAMPBELL’S TOMATO SOUP, 2 cans............ 15c FLY TOX, 8-ounce glass........................................ 29c Floral Bouquet TOILET SOAP, 3-bar package 5c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ONLY LETTUCE, California Dry, 2 heads..................... 9c TOMATOES, fancy field, 2 pounds.....................9c WATERMELONS, pound ................................. ls/4C CANTALOUPES, 6 for..........................................25c CELERY, Oregon field, 2 stalks......................... 25c Godward Mercantile Co. "Where the Miners Bring Their Gold and Where the Gold Brings the Bargain«” PHONE 74—WE DELIVER JACKSONVUJLE »