Friday, July 13, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Page 3 I | been employed us manager of a Helen Kusel, Peggy Boyd, Agnes Man's creek section, visited friends • Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Dellaax chain »tore at Biggar, Baakatche-1 Dunford and Lydia and Inabell in Jacksonville Tuesday. E P. Ar- of this city were Sunday visitors j wan, for more than four year«. | West, and Howard Ku«el. pan and George Young, also of at the home of the former's par­ During hi« trip to Oregon Mr. • While enroute to Oregon Caves near that section, were in town ents in Central Point, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, who la accompanied by to sjx-rtd the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. the same day. J. D. DeHaas. Mi»« Alice Turnbull, vi«ited Crater TUnmons of Medford visited • Otto Heckert and family of t the Medford for­ Godward of this city. round of »hopping at Medford Fri ­ Applegate had as guests Sunday plegate has enlisted with the day, accompanied by a fair mem­ estry office and Mr Hherraid of • I^wls Applebaker, Lewis and Mr and Mrs Pine of Medford and South Fork of Rogue III ver CCC ber of the very young »et. the regional office at Portland Lloyd Norman journeyed to Crater Mr and Mrs. Stewart Hhort of camp us an experienced woodsman • A group devoting the Fourth visited the Applegate Monday in lake Monday in search of employ­ Ashland. The group spent the day and left for that place u few days to a picnic and swimming party the interest of emergency conser­ ment. plcnicing near the Birchard home ago. at one of Big Applegate'« numer- vation work. • Among callers in Jacksonville • Henry Bostwick of the Lewis • Mr. and Mrs Robert Fletcher oum plunge« was comprised of the • Only five of the original mem­ Saturday from the Applegate were Super Service station in Medford, and family of Illg Applegate mot­ following people: Mr. und Mr«. ber» at Camp Applegate remain on Herman Offenbacher and James accompanied by his family, pic- ored to Crescent City the Fourth, Wlllium Jone« and two daughters, duty, following evacuation of the O'Brien. spending the day with relatives. niccd on the Applegate Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Chester Jone» and camp Tuesday by the boy« who • Bill (Hildy) Johnson, new • Mias Erlene Taylor spent the • Mrs (' C Buck returned to non, and Mr. and Mr». Tut Comb» have served a year there. Prev­ Miner printer’s devil, reports that week-end at the home of Mr and her home here Friday after spend­ of Medford; Mr. and Mrs W. . A. ious to their departure for Port­ Albert Heckert, marshal of this Mrs Lester Throckmorton at ing a few days In Medford as a Childers and daughter Maxine i and land and other points, the boys here town, killed three drowned Eagle Point, enjoying a trip to guest of Mr and Mrs. Clyde Clark, »on Clifton of Jacksonville, i and were complimented with a fare­ squirrels near the little reservoir Crater and Diamond lakes Sunday the group having spent the Fourth Mr. and Mr», Leonard McKee I and well party at camp. The present Monday. Bill is anxiously awaiting enlistment consists of new recruits an invasion of type lice in The daughters of Applegate. • Mr. and Mrs Harry Luy of it Grants Pass Medford spent Wednesday as • Relative spending Sunday us • Mrs Frank Cameron «pent the who have been arriving at inter­ Miner office, said lice not having guests of Mr and Mrs. W. H. Mc­ guests of Mr and Mrs Jack early part of the week at Jackson­ vals for some time. shown up to date in new equip­ Crump at their new location at ville with her mother, Mr«. L. • Miss Erlene Taylor was award­ ment. Daniel ed second prize in the bathing I • Guests for several days last Star Hanger station Included Mr. Com lx1« t, who i« ill. • Mrs. L. Combest, who has been week at the home of Mr and Mrs and Mrs Orval Dewey, Mrs Eva • Ml«» Margaret Hines of Forest beauty contest at Twin Plunges at i ill at her home here, was attended Ashland July 4, which was fea- 1 Mlles Cantrall were Mr and Mrs Dewey of Medford and their guest, Grove arrived here late laat week by Dr. Steams of Medford over lx'wla M Jones and daughter Su Mrs. Helen Austin of San Fran­ and will spend a fortnight as a tured as a part of the celebration the week-end. Applegate guest of her aunt, Mr» Mile» Can­ sponsored by the »untie and Miss Jewell Gregory of cisco. Vallejo, Calif. Mr. Jones Is a for­ • Western Union at the Nugget. trail. and her uncle, J. H. Devlin. Grange. The day was entirely suc­ • Mrs. Glenn Haltmarsh motored Ml«» Hine» was accompanied to cessful, and brought a large crowd mer Applegate resident. • Kmeata Bell, daughter of Mr t<> Talent Sunday, where she vis­ Medford by a girl friend, who con­ to Ashland. • Mrs. W B. Krause and Arthur and Mrs. E B. Bell of this city, ited her brother, Earl Hamilton, tinued to Woodland. Calif returned home Saturday from a who is spending a few days vaca­ • Among Applegate picnlcer« on and Isabel Krause went to Grants visit with Jeane Adams in Med tion there with his parents and the Fourth were Ray Offenbacher Pass and enjoyed the Fourth of July celebration there. ford I other relatives. Mr Hamilton has and Ralph Smith and families • The Feebler family, accompan­ • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris and ied by Lloyd Newton, »pent the family are moving from the L* Fourth of July at Squaw lake. A Wright place, where they have j large crowd of vacations was made their home the last year, to there, they reported, with roads a new home near the town of Rogue River. They will be missed In nplendid condition. MEDFORD, OREGON • R A Gildea has been busy cut­ in thia community, but friends ting his second crop of alfalfa the have wished them all success in their newer location. paxt week CONDENSED STATEMENT • Burdette Dunnington and Fran­ • Mr. and Mrs Arthur Newman cis Clark, both of Jacksonville, of Talent were hosts to a picnic June 30, 1934 are «pending this week on Big Ap­ party consisting of Mrs. Newman's mother, Mrs Jack Morris and her plegate. sisters, Mrs Ted Dailey and Lu­ • Stop at the Nugget. Resources • Mr and Mrs. Edward Cantrail cille and Juanita Morris for a and small daughter, Leota May, Fourth of July celebration at Loans and discounts............ $499,193.53 of Medford were guest« of Grand­ Cratei *lake All members of the ma Cantrall of '.his city this week. party reported an unusually en­ Bonds, state, municipal, etc 434,492.93 • Mr and Mrs. Roland Hines, joyable trip. ■ • Courteous service at the Nugget Banking house .............. 73,750.00 Mr». George Lamspack of Med-’ ford. Mr. and Mrs Herbert Lams­ • The latest betrothal announced Furniture and fixtures 11,750.00 pack of Stockton, Calif., Mr. and in this community is that of Jack . Other real estate..... 9.00 Mrs. James Adamson of Sheridan, Morris, jr.. to Miss Eleanor Todd i Oregon were guests of Jackson­ of Medford. The present plans in­ United States bonds 720,050.00 clude a wedding in the near future, ville friends Monday. Cash and due from • Mrs. John F. Lawrence of Med­ following which the young couple ford, accompanied by her guest, will make their home in Medford. ' other banks ......... 792,033.97 1,512,083.97 Mrs. Mary Dudley and daughter, • Thompson creek folk were well represented at the Grange ptcnlc Miss Anna Dudley of Portland, were guest« of Amy C. Dow Mon- in Lithia park, Ashland, July 4. $2,531,279.43 • Mrs. Pat Graham and son Jim­ day. —and when the pantry in stocked with IGA Foods my are visiting for a few days • Henry Kubii left for Marshfield such as we suggest here, a quick supper is easily Liabilities a few days ago. accompanying his with Mrs. Annie Knutzen and Mrs grandmother, Mrs. R. A. Breceda. Bessie Carls. prepared—and money saved too at the low IGA Capital stock...... with whom he will visit for a short • Mr and Mrs. Tom Mee and $100,000.00 daughters spent Sunday at Squaw prices— time. Surplus ................. 50,000.00 • Mr and Mrs. Lance Offenbach­ lake, returning home by way of Undivided profits er and Mr. and Mrs Fred Offen­ Steamboat. 25,897.67 SUGAR—Berry or Fruit bacher enjoyed a drive to Dona- • Charles Mee, .who is working in National currency 98,347.50 25-pound cloth bug ............................. Medford, spent the week-end at mour In the Siskiyous Sunday. Deposits ............... • Ellis and Walter Hartley, em­ his home on Thompson creek. 2,257,034.26 GRAPE JUICE— ployed in Klamath county, spent • The HEC club of the Applegate Pint bottles the Fourth with their parents. Mr. Grange will meet with Mrs Bes­ and Mrs. Albert Hartley. Addi­ sie Elmore Wednesday afternoon. LIME RICKEY— $2,531,279.43 tional guests at the Hartley home • Mrs. Spooner of Medford has 20-otince bottles, 1 for .............................. at the road's end on Little Apple­ been visiting Mr and Mrs. Warren GINGER ALE—Cliquot Club MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE gate were Misses Alta and Forest Mee the past week. • Mrs Jordan and Mrs Tom Mee Dale of Medford. 16-ouncc bottles, 2 for SYSTEM • Surprising Applegate friends at spent Monday in Medford on busi­ SLICED BEEF—IGA the close of their honeymoon trip ness. 1* |-ounce jar ....................... .......................... to coast points. Mr. and Mrs. Leon • Shorty Coffen is employed in Commercial — Savings — Safe Deposit Vaults Wise of Winters. Calif., called at Medford during construction of the POTTED MEAT—IGA the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. addition to the SOS packing plant. Trust Department No. 1 can ............................ .............................. Klelnhammer recently and told of • Mrs Scotty Nunn and son and their marriage at Reno July 5 daughter, John and Irene, of Poor PEANUT BUTTER—Ri yal Club Mrs. Wise, formerly of Applegate, 16-ounce -......................... who will be remembered as Mrs S3? CHEESE—Swift's Brookfield Celia Combest, has spent the last eight months at Winters. The cou­ Half-pound package ............................. ..... ple plan to make their home at “PEAK” COFFEE—IGA Gold Hill, where Mrs. Wise will resume charge of a restaurant Pound tin ...................... which she owns, and which had PEACHES—IGA been operated by her daughter NEXT TO MANN’S ON NORTH CENTRAL—MEDFORD 2 V| size can .................. during her absence. • The Nugget for cold drinks. APRICOTS—IGA • Floyd McKee has returned to Is not a cut-rate 2 Vj »ixe ran .................. the veterans' hospital at Roseburg after spending the Fourth with his POST TOASTIES— store in NAME Bayer’s Aspirin, family here. Mr. McKee is much 50c Jergens Lotion 38c Per Package ................................................... -.............. improved in health, and expects a ONLY — but a drug 100 ’ s .................... 59c 23c ASPARAGUS, No. 2 can.............................. 60c Mum Deodor’t 49c permanent release from the hos­ 30c Sal Hepática 25c pital next month. store where you save 19c Seventeen Face Pow­ IGA SUGAR PEAS, No. 2 can...................... • Mrs. Hilma Randall of Little Zonite, $1 size....... 84c Applegate is spending a few days der, $1 size..........79c money — on every CORN FLAKES, IGA, 8-ounce package ... 7c 30c Bromo Seltzer..23c in Medford with her sister. Mrs. Trial size free Jess Coleman Mrs. Randall is un­ 14c purchase—every day WALDORF TOILET TISSUE, 3 for....... Dr. Pierce’s Rem. dergoing dental work. 75c Pond ’s Creams 59c 29c Liq.........................89c — where nationally FLY TOX, 8-ounce glass ............................ • Mr and Mrs Owen Ogden of Salem, accompanied by Mrs. Og­ Adlerika, $1 size ...79c known and national­ Palm Olive Shampoo, 19c RELISH SPREAD, pint jar........................ den's sister. Mrs. Wilber Cameron 50c size .............. 23c $1.50 Petroiagar ...84c of Jacksonville, and mother. Mrs. 12c STUFFED OLIVES, 3V2-ounce jar........... Eva Bostwick of Medford, were ly advertised mer ­ Fitch Shampoo, $1.50 Special Heavy Mineral guests of Mr. and Mrs. A Throck­ 19c GELATINE DESSERT, IGA, 4 packages size ..................... 98c Oil, pints .......... 29c chandise is sold at morton Monday. Mr and Mrs Og­ 9c PAPER NAPKINS, 3 colors, package...... den planned to return to Salem Agar-Agar, 1-pound the lowest possible Dr. Wests Tooth Paste Thursday, accompanied by Mrs. DERBY CORNED BEEF HASH, pound can .. 20c strip ...................79c 25c size ............. 13c Bostwick, who would remain there prices—always. for a visit. Squibb Chocolate LAUNDRY SOAP, 6 bars................................... 28c 50c Aqua Velva..... 43c • Mr and Mrs. Calvin Morgan Vitavose ........... 59c and two children left Wednesday Williams Shaving OXYDOL, large package.....................................19c Get it at Jarmin’s for their home at Redding after Liquid Cascara Arom., Cream, 35c size .29c 13c PALMOLIVE SOAP, 3 bars visiting at the M. F. Clark home 35c size .............19c on Elliott creek. The Californians Life Buoy Shaving FLORAL BOUQUET TOILET SOAP, 3 bars....5c were accompanied here by Mr. and Saraka, $1.25 size..98c Cannon Cream, 35c size ..27c Mrs. A. R Morgan and daughter of Garden Grove, Calif., who are FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLE guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tester Clark. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ONLY • Fred Corbin, employed in the Dominos, carton ... 89c 15c Scot Tissue, roll 8c Applegate CCC spike camp at Red WATERMELONS— A mild blend. Let your mountain, is at his home on lower Dr. Scholl’s Foot Per pound .................................................... Applegate for a few days as a re­ taste be the judge Comforts ............ 31c sult of an infected hand. TURLOCK CANTALOUPES— Rawleighs, lP/ic • Mrs Clyde Moore and children Kotex ....................... 10c (l for............................... .................. of Butte Falls spent the Fourth at pkg., carton ... $1.13 Veldown .................. 15c the home of Mrs. Moore’s parents, RHUBARB— Camels, Luckies and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Phillips at Modess .................... 15c I