Friday, July 6, 1034 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Page 2 ------------------------ ----- The Jacksonville Miner Published Every Friday at JACKSONVILLE. OREGON OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF JACKSONVILLE Entered as second-class matter February 19, 1932. at the poatofflce at Jacksonville, Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879. LEONARD N, HALL.......... Editor and Publisher MAUDE POOL.................... ........ Applegate Editor PHONE JACKSONVILLE 141 Address All Communications to Box 138 Subscription Rates, in Advance: One Year....... .......$1.00 Six Months........ ....... 50c That Oregonian It may be just a boyish notion, but somehow we always thought that the president of these United States and his immediate family were hardly fit sub­ jects for sarcastic quipping, particularly on a topic which might be regarded as strictly family business. We realize The Oregonian has no political love or re­ spect for democratic Roosevelt, but the notion creeps in that most certainly The Oregonian, or any other newspaper, should have enough self respect and suf­ ficient high regard for our historic White House and its symbolic import­ ance to us to do their personal punning in other fields. He Does a Thorough Job of It TV r ' WEN IT ¿ONES It? CUR TAILING PßOPüCTION ILtLtAVt infli TV iv I'Ll LEAVE. THAT CL'MAN PROUÖHT" Though any newspaper is entitled to take whatever stand it chooses concern­ ing policies and politics of any incum­ bent, it seems rather cheapening for an institution as important and dignified as The Oregonian to delve into family af­ fairs of the Roosevelt children f.or edi­ torial sarcasm. After all, there are some private affairs that are better left to the family for analysis, even if those in­ volved do happen to be children of our president and first lady. Pardon us for bringing up the sub­ ject—much too often discussed in other newspapers—of the staid old Oregonian and its frequent editorial policy. Know­ ingly we launch into a hackneyed topic. Once we termed that eminent Port­ land morning newspaper a “weather­ vane,” but we take it all back now. We’d rather change our one-word description to “gossip.” And even The Oregonian sensed the opening left for criticism Which just goes to show that people when it headed a disrespectful para­ graph concerning President Roosevelt’s who point in public draw attention to their finger as well as its target. family with an apology. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE 10% per annum, being the sum of $58.00 plus $5.00 for continua­ tion of abstract of title, plus in­ terest on said judgment at the rate of 10% per annum from the date of decree herein, with costs and disbursements taxed at forty- eight and 80 100 ($48.80) dollars, and the further sum of two hun­ dred and no|100 ($200.00) dollars as attorneys fees, which judgment was enrolled and docketed in the clerk's office of said court in said county on the 21st day of June. 1934. Notice is hereby given that, pur­ suant to the terms of the said exe­ cution, I will on the 28th day of July, 1934, at 10:00 am., at the front door of the courthouse in the city of Medford, in Jackson coun­ ty, Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy said judgment, together with the costs of this sale, subject to redemption as provided by law, all of the right, title and interest that the said defendant T. Orion Glass, had on the 19th day of August. 1929, or now has in and to the following described property, situated in the county of Jackson, state of Ore­ gon, to-wit: From a point which is north 0 degrees 05 minutes east 2990.6 feet from the southwest comer of Donation Land Claim No. 37, in township 38 south, range 1 and 2 west of the Willamette Meridian, run thence south 89 degrees 57 minutes east 510 feet; thence south 0 degrees 05 minutes west 224 feet; thence north 89 degrees 57 minutes west 510 feet; thence north 0 degrees 05 minutes east 224 feet to the point of beginning, all situated in Jackson county, Oregon. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 22nd day of June, 1934. WALTER J. OLMSCHEID, Sheriff of Jackson county, Oregon. ' By OLGA E. ANDERSON. Deputy. (June 29. July 6. 13, 20) ¡gd.W S’ íí W' Notice is hereby given that, pur­ suant to the terms of the said exe­ ’ minute« East one hundred (100) cution, I will on the 28th day of feet; thence North fifty-three (53) July, 1934, at the hour of 10:00 degree« East «even hundred twen­ o'clock a.m. at the front door of ty-two (722) feet; thence North the courthouse In the city of Med­ sixty-four (64) degree« twenty- ford. In Jackson county, Oregon. | 1 four (24) minute« Ea«t enghty- offer for sale and will sell at pub­ two (82) feet; thence South sev­ lic auction for cash to the highest enty-eight (78) degree« forty-two bidder, to satisfy said judgment, (42) minutes East seventy-four three-tenths (74.3) feet; together with the costs of this and sale, subject to redemption as pro­ thence South sixty (60) degrees vided by law, all the right, title fifty (50) minutes East four hun­ dred seven (407) feet; thence and interest that the said defend­ South five (5) degree« thirty (30) ants Ralph E. Welt, Austin Welt, minute« West one hundred thir­ Elmer E. Welt. Mrs C. M Berg­ teen and seven-tenths (113.7) strom. Grace Welt Luke, also feet; thence South thirty-two (32) known as Grace Welt, the sole degree« thirty-five < 35) minutes heirs at law of Charles D. Welt, West two hundred eighty-nine and bad on the 24th day of May, 1932, five-tenth« (289.5) feet; thence or now have in and to the follow­ South fifty-three (53) degree« ing described property, situated in thirty-five (35) minutes East fif. the county of Jackson, state of ty-five and four-tenths (55.4) feet; Oregon, to-wit: thence North aeventy-three (73) The southwesterly half of lota degrees thirty-seven (37) minutes 5, and 6 of block 3 of the town of East one hundred fifty-seven and Phoenix, Oregon, according to the five-tenths (157.5) feet; thence official plat, which tract is more North eighty-nine (89) degrees particularly described as follows: two (02) minutes East one hun­ dred forty-five and three-tenths Commence at the northwest cor­ (145.3) feet; thence South no (0) ner of lot 5 of said block 3, thence degrees fifty-four (54) minutes in a southeasterly direction 120 East five hundred ten (510) feet feet along the westerly line of to the place of beginning; contain­ block 3 to the southeast corner of ing seventeen and eight-tenths lot 6 of said block 3; thence in a (17.8) acres, more or less, and be­ northeasterly direction along the ing situated in Section six (6). southerly line of said lot 6, 60 Township thirty-nine (39) South feet; thence northwesterly parallel of Range one (1), East of the to the westerly line of said block Willamette Meridian in Oregon, 3. 120 feet to a point on the north­ and also in Section thirty-one (31) westerly line of said lot 5; thence Township thirty-eight (38) South southwesterly 60 feet more or less of Range one (1) East of the Wil­ to the point of beginning. It being lamette Meridian, Jackson county. the intention to convey to grantee Oregon. the southwesterly half of lots 5 be sold in satisfaction thereof, to­ and 6 in said block 3. gether with attorney’s fees, costs Dated at Medford, Oregon, this and disbursements. 22nd day of June, 1934. This summons is published by WALTER J. OLMSCHEID. order of Hon. H. D. Norton, judge Sheriff of Jackson county, Oregon. of the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Oregon, which order was By OLGA E. ANDERSON, Deputy. made on the 18th day of June. 1934, and requires publication of (June 29, July 6. 13. 20) this summons once a week for In the Circuit Court of the State four weeks. G. A CODDING. of Oregon for Jackson County Attorney for Plaintiff. THE STATE OF OREGON rep- resented and acting by the P. O. Address: Courthouse, Med­ ford. Oregon. World War Veterans' State Aid (June 22 29 July 6 13) Commission, Plaintiff, vs. PHILIP J. AMER, a single per­ In the County Court of the State son. RALPH ALLINGHAM, of Oregon, for Jackson County sometimes known as R. Ailing- ham. and MRS RALPH AL­ IN THE MATTER OF THE ES­ LINGHAM, husband and wife, TATE OF LOUI8 VIMONT, and GEORGE SHAW, a single DECEASED. person, Defendants. By virtue of an execution or foreclosure duly issued out of and under the seal of the circuit court of the state of Oregon, in and for the county of Jackson, to me di­ rected and dated on the 22nd day of June. 1934. in a certain action therein, wherein Jackson County Building and Loan Association, an Oregon building and loan corpora­ tion. was the plaintiff and Mary L. Soukup, a widow; Albert Soukup, the only heir at law of Albert H. Soukup (also known as A. H. Soukup) deceased: also all other persons or parties unknown claim­ ing any right title, estate, lien or interest in or to the real estate de­ scribed herein were the defendants in which action Jackson County Building and Loan Association, an Oregon building and loan corpora­ tion as plaintiff recovered judg­ ment against Mary L. Soukup, the defendant, for the sum of $1000.00. less the sum of $348.00 paid on stock, less the sum of $75.61 ac­ crued dividends on said stock, be­ ing the sum of $576.39. plus in- --------------- terest on $1000.00 from the day of February, 1933, to the 25th day of January, 1934, at the of 10% per annum, being bei the sum of $98.57, plus interest on $576.39, from the 25th day of January, 1934. to the date hereof, at the rate of 10% per annum, being the sum of $22.88, plus $19.00 for in­ surance premiums paid by Plaint- ! iff. plus $5.00 for continuation of abstract of “.tie, with costs and disbursements taxed at $33 80. and the further sum of seventy-five and no 100 ($75.00) dollars as at­ torney’s fees, plus interest on said judgment at the rate of 10% per annum from the date of the de­ cree herein, which judgment was enrolled and docketed in the clerk's office of said court in said county on the 21st day of June. 1934. Notice is hereby given that, pur­ ----------- «------------ suant to the terms of the said exe­ NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE cution, I will on the 28th day of By virtue of an execution in: July, 1234, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. at the front door of the courthouse foreclosure duly issued out of and in the city of Medford, in Jackson under the seal of the circuit court I county, Oregon, offer for sale and of the state of Oregon, in and for will sell at public auction for cash the county of Jackson, to me di­ to the highest bidder, to satisfy rected and dated on the 22nd day said judgment, together with the of June, 1934, in a certain action costs of this sale, subject to re­ therein, wherein Jackson County demption as provided by law, all Building and Loan Association, an of the right, title and interest that Oregon building and loan corpora­ the said defendants. Mary L. Souk­ tion, was the plaintiff and Ralph up and Albert Soukup had on the E. Welt, Austin Welt, Elmer E. SUMMONS 3rd day of June, 1927, or now have Welt, Mrs. C. M. Bergstrom, Grace To George Shaw, a single per­ in and to the following described Welt Luke, also known as Grace property, situated in the county of Welt, the sole heirs at law of son. defendant: In the name of the state of Ore­ Jackson, state of Oregon, to-wit: Charles D. Welt, deceased; also Lot eight (8) in block number all other persona or parties un­ gon, you, and each of you are here­ two (2) in Roanoke Addition to known claiming any right, title, by required to appear and answer the city of Medford, Oregon. All estate, lien or interest in or to the complaint of the plaintiff on situated in the county of Jackson, the real estate described in the file herein against you or other-i wise plead thereto within four state of Oregon. complaint herein in which action Dated this 22nd day of June. it is adjudged that the plaintiff weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, same 1934. Jackson County Building and Loan beinr the 22nd day of June, 1934. WALTER J. OLMSCHEID, Association, an Oregon building And you will please take notice Sheriff of Jackson county, Oregon. and loan corporation, have judg- that if you fail to so appear and By OLGA E. ANDERSON, nent against the property herein- answer or otherwise plead to said Deputy. ifter described, for the sum of complaint, the plaintiff will take (June 29, July 6, 13. 20) $250.00 less the sum of $9.08 paid decree against you for the relief -------------•------------- stock less the sum of 0.36 ac­ demanded in said complaint to- NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE on crued dividends on said stock, be- •vit: a decree foreclosing plaint­ By virtue of an execution In ng the sum of $240.56 plus inter­ iff’s mortgage and decreeing that foreclosure duly issued out of and est on $250.00 from the 15th day the property hereinafter described under the seal of the circuit court of November, 1932, to the 26th day as follows, to-wit: of the state of Oregon, In and for of April. 1934, at the rate of 10% the county of Jackson, to me di­ ter annum being the sum of $36.50, Beginning at a point twenty rected and dated on the 22nd day (20) feet West and five hundred olus interest on $240.56 from the of June, 1934, In a certain action thirty-one and five-tenths (531.5) therein, wherein Jackson County 26th day of April, 1934, to the feet North of the Northeast cor­ Building and Loan Association, an late hereof, at the rate of 10% ner of the Southeast quarter ( % ) Oregon building and loan corpora­ oer annum being the sum of $3.67, of the Northeast quarter ( % ) of tion, as plaintiff recovered judg­ nlus $12.00 for insurance prem- Section six (6), Township thirty- ment against T. Orion Glass, the ;ums. plus $5.00 for continuation nine (39) South, Range one (1) defendant, for the sum of $3000.00 of abstract of title, with costs and East of the Willamette Meridian, less the sum of $624 00 paid on disbursements taxed at thirty-six Oregon; thence North seventy-two stock, less the sum of $55.18 ac­ ind 80'100 ($36.80) dollars, and > (72) degrees; West one thousand crued dividends on said stock, be­ the further sum of fifty and no|100 three hundred thirty-four and four ing the sum of $2320.82, plus in­ ($50.00) dollars as attorney’s fees, tenths (1334.4) feet; thence North terest on $3000.00 from the 31st nlus interest on said judgment at sixteen (16) degrees four (04) day of December, 1933, to the 13th the rate of 10% per annum from minutes West two hundred forty­ day of March, 1934, at the rate of the date of the decree herein, seven and two-tenths (247.2) feet; 10% per annum, being the sum which judgment was enrolled and thence North fifty-nine (59) de­ of $56.67, plus interest on $2320.82 docketed in the clerk’s office of grees forty-eight (48) minutes from the 13th day of March, 1934, said court in said county on the East fifty (50) feet; thence South to the date hereof, at the rate of 21st day of Juns, 19S4. sixteen (16) degrees four (04) All persons having claims against said estate are required to present them to me with proper vouchers, within six months from Uds date, at the office of Porter J. Neff, room 202, Cooley theater building. Medford, Oregon Dated June 29. 1934 BEN VINCENT. Administrator (June 29. July 6. 13, 20) Nevertheless, we do not expect this recommendation to be unduly stressed bv the college prexlea.— Weston Lender. A dreks has been designed that can be worn either forward or backward Such an Innovation will make bewildered males long for the return of the bustle. Weston Leader. Making surplus fruit Into bran­ dies is advocated dy government scientists This would serve the double purpose of stimulating the market and the consumers Wes- ton Leader. Too bad the government can't plow under all the hell-raiaera.— Well give you prompt developing and Weston Ix-adcr College men make good prison­ printing service but we won't aorrlhco luality for »peed. Try ui on one roll— ers, says the warden of Sing Sing •lien gctl Medford Cycle and Repair Shop GUNSMITH—lAM'KMMITH lutwn Mower Nervier Phone 261 23 North Fir kc what bcauulu) pictures you SWEM’S On Main Street Medford MjudjOTto ----- •----- . ----- •----- to * NOTICE TO CREDITORS • Notice is hereby given that the county court of the state of Ore­ gon, for Jackson county has ap­ pointed me administrator of the estate of Louis Vimont, deceased. R. W. Sleeter, M. D, 202 Medford Bldg. /