Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935, July 06, 1934, Image 1

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c a Copy
But You Rosily
Should Subscribe
T he J acksonville M iner
“The Sheet That’s in the Pink”
Volume 3
And we used to think news re­
porting whk such a simple task,
too. Half the world wants a story
covered, while the other hull wants
it covered up.
There la a controversy raging
iietween churches whether Satur
day or Sunday should be held ai
the Sabbath, while too many of ur
observe neither.
You can't make a aide walk pe
destrtan who has ever picked hl
way past a theater believe bicycle
are Just coming back.
No matter where one wants t<
go. the truth will take them fast
A Deal in the Raw, as the fem
mes might put it. was this qulj
In The Oregonian: "Stenographers
telephone operators, clerks, work
Ing girls and gcxxl girls, too."
Ixtoks like mebbe heaven has beei
falling down on its job.
Generosity of Hitler overwhelm:
us Political enemies were favored
the other day with choice between
the firing squad and suicide.
If money Is the root of all evil,
there seems to be quite a lot of
mischief that flourishes with no
roots whatsoever.
"I certainly cracked u good one
that time.” laughed M(x»re Ham­
ilton of the News the other day as
he nursed a sore lip.
Pardon the brevity thia week
We've been too busy nursing pow­
der burns to peck the office inter­
Famous I<a«t Words: 1 think the
darned thing went out!
—----- e-----------
Norris Takes Over
Copper Mail Route
Completing the contract of the
late 8 Wilson last Saturday, June
30. Carl F Union surrendered the
Jacksonville rural mail route to
Cupper to John Norris, local man
who was awarded contract for the
haul for four years. Norris made
his first trip Monday morning,
July 2.
The rural route extends from
Jacksonville to near the California
line on upper Applegate, the round
trip being made every Monday.
Wednesday and Friday. It has
been hoped by Sterllngitcs and Ap-
plegaters for some time that the
day will come when daily service
cun be inaugurated.
----------- •------------
"Go to the ant, thou sluggard.
Consider her ways and be wise
Said Solomon, great in wisdom,
As the Good Book testifies.
But possibly Sol was hasty
In conferring all this fame
On the small and humble Antmire
When another deserves the name.
If Sol could have been familiar
With the jungles of Oregon,
And the habits of famished wood-
He'd never have "sprung" that one.
If he'd lived in Jackson county,
He'd never have spoken thus;
His thoughts would have dwelt
on wood-ticks
And appropriate ways to cuss.
If Sol could have itched from tick
All over his front and back,
For a couple of months without a
He’d never have made that crack
He'd have said to the hapless slug­
“This Is sure no place for you,
Where a man must scratch for his
very life
Jacksonville, Oregon, Friday, July 6, 1934
He'd have said to the wretched
"Consider the wood-tick '"ell;
Waste never a thought upon the
Let the ant go plumb to----- (Hali­
----------- •------------
J. W. "Peck” Peckham, for sev­
eral months connected with The
Miner as busines manager, has
withdrawn from his position and
plans to leave soon for Randalph,
Kansas, by way of Denver, Colo­
rado. Mrs. Peckham and daughter
Polly Anne will complete the
J’ville Takes Gilmore Lion
17-14 in Bush League
Classic Over Past Week-
End on Home Diamond
The Jacksonville Miners, trav­
eling again for the first time in a
month, will trek to Ashland Sun­
day to meet Shorty Gosnell's Ea-
gles on the airport diamond of that
city. It will lie the fourth meeting
of the two teams, previous cn-
counters resulting in two losses
and one win for the Miners.
With the game scheduled to
Sturt at 2:30, Miners will embark
for the Li th la city at 12:30, play­
ers and fans seeking transporta­
tion to meet ut The Miner office
before that time.
I-ust Sunday, in u game which
was fit for "the book,” Miners
took the measure of Medford's
Gilmore Lions for the second time
this year, when a total of 31 runs
wum divided 17-14, in favor of the
gold diggers It was a game filled
with grandstand playa, circus
niches, four home runs and sev­
eral arguments In fact, It was the
biggest money'sw orth for fans of
the season, anyway it is put.
"Screwball' Turner and Ben
Coffman threw to Johnson for the
Miners, while Merritt, Lewis and
Kenton threw for Gilmore; Ward.
John Smith and Stcxidard receiv­
ing. Yakei starred at bat, with
four hits in five chances, while
Turner gathered in three out of
four. Miners collected 19 safeties
to Gilmore’s eight, while the Lions
made 11 errors to Miners' eight
J'ville took an early lead, which
was maintained throughout the
gume, although score was close
and interesting at ull times. Gil­
more amassed five runs on four
walks, a hit and1 an error in the
first frame, while Miners came
back In their half to score seven
runs on one walk, four hits and
two errors. Game was spotted with
brilliant plays and sloppy support
and. just after Dick Sakraida
starred with a circus stop of a
hard-hit grounder off second,
Screwball Turner drew applause
of the day with a gallery-gasping
catch of a foul ball back of third,
while playing shortstop. Little Pee­
wee Van Gaider, nephew of Turner
holding down second, made an
"impossible” catch of a Texas
leaguer to surpiiae a base runner
with a double play.
Score by innings:
500 053 (Mil 14 8 11
702 341 (Mix 17 1* 8
Following next Sunday's trip to
Ashland Miners will meet Gold Hill
on the J'ville lot for the fourth
time Sunday. July 15, postponing
a game with Prospect for a week
To date gold diggers have won
eight of their 15 games.
A distinction one way or an­
other was accorded Jacksonville
a few days ago when the county
court ordered that every dance
hall, or dance operated in connec­
tion with the dispensing of beer,
be closed at 12 o’clock with the
lone exception of Jacksonville,
where the local chamber of com-
mercc operates a dance until 2
a m. each Saturday night.
Inasmuch as J'ville's dancing
hours are governed by local ordi­
nance which permits the practice,
county court control does not ex­
tend over the local situation, pro­
viding quite a business asset- for
the Jacksonville chamber, which
depends entirely on dance revenue
to carry on its work.
According to county and state
officials, beer parlor dances are
not proving popular with "the
law,” though they have been a
huge success so far as patronage
is concerned. Officials are inclined
to favor saving the dance business
for regular dance halls.
Number 27
Tim O’Farrel Sees Self in
Better Light as Local Lass NOT WHAT USED
Offers Comforting Solace TO BE, SAYS JCR
Novelette, Centered in Jacksonville’s Eternal Search Prospector - Poet Recalls
Days of Open Vestibule
for Elusive Gold, Carries Readers Deeper Into the
and Tricks of
Thoughts and Complexes of Tim O'Farrel, Hard-
Now Useless
Rock Miner-Hero, As Story Continues Second Week
----------------------------------- *
Beating one’s way over the rail­
(Continued from last week)
roads was a stunt much indulged
On the third Sunday Tim and in by the majority of westerners
Axel set out for Jacksonville in in the old days. And a fellow who
the rattling roadster, Axel drap­ couldn't relate a few adventures
ing a bony leg over the side of the he had been through in that line
car, Tim sitting erect and ludi­ of endeavor was regarded as a
crously grim at the tiny wheel, nobody who hadn’t traveled around
moving the hand throttle with a much in the new country and con­
stiff middle finger until the hard sequently hadn’t seen enough of
little tires beat a bone-breaking the great west to make hii" con­
Mott and Steiwer Send cadence
over the trail down Pacific versation interesting.
Word Development PWA Gold mountain.
Railroads were building in sev­
lifted his leg gingerly in­ eral directions and furnished an
Loans to Be Watched side Axel
------- •-------
easy method of locomotion for long
and set his teeth.
With Eye to Local Help On the edge of town they car­ distance hops. Horses were plenti­
Indications Point to
eened into Goul’s Service station, ful and easy to be gotten, but oft­
Jacksonville's application their horn buzzing weakly as the entimes we didn't want to bother
Abandonment Gold for That
with horses and would sell them
$14,000 PWA loan to install motor died.
ride the railroads, which was
Rush Jubilee Here new pipe line connecting large and Tim was getting out to take up and
quicker, if we were in a hurry to
service reservoirs, and for develop­
go some place. We knew the rail­
Judging from Indications, there ment of water source still is pend­ house dress materialized around roads were charging as high as
will be no gold rush jubilee held
eight and 10 dollars a division
in Jacksonville this August, said ing was the word sent by Senator single room which served as an (about 100 miles) but we never
members of the local chamber of Frederic Steiwer and Representa­ office for the larger building be­ bothered our heads about what
commerce yesterday. There had tive James W. Mott. The two con­ hind, where Hank Goul did general they were charging as we didn't
been some talk of staging the an­ gressmen advised they were leav­ repair work.
| intend to pay them anything. Of
"Sorry if you've been kept wait­ I course practically all the conduc­
nual affair, but public Interest, to
ing,” she smiled, skipping over to tors and brakemen were "knocking
date, has not been aroused to the
point where any definite action would instruct their offices to the rea pump and glancing over down” any extra money that came
her left shoulder at the tall, hand­ their way, and we didn't object to
could be taken.
some youth who was unscrewing slipping one of them 50 cents or
Regular date of the affairs had opments.
Frederic Steiwer wired City the cap on the front-seat gas tank. even a dollar for letting us ride
been set at or near August 30
colncident with the boom in fruit Councilman E. S. Severance and
" 'bout five gallons, please,” Tim over a division, as we regarded
work and thia year probably Chamber of Commerce Secretary growled.
them as working men like our­
would have occurred Saturday, Joe B. Wetterer as follows: "Be­
selves. But mostly we had schemes
August 18. But six weeks remain
remember little Molly? I sold you of our own for riding free of any
till then and, If the jubilee were tacted PWA officials on early ap­ gas
and oil for a whole year, and expense whatever. Personally, I
staged, work would have to started
just because I've been away had not much love for the freight
at once,! t was explained by Joe ville water works. Have arranged you scowl
like an old bear and trains and never bothered with
for my office to advise you of de­
Wetterer, chamber secretary.
them except when forced to. They
were too slow and made too many
“Oh sure, you're Molly Goul!” stops to suit me Passenger trains
A letter addressed to Wetterer
Local School Board
by Representative Mott, which is Tim's face lighted up as he re­ ; appealed to my taste and I had a
membered his merry companion of 1 private little method of my own
Not Sanctioning self-explanatory,
"This will acknowledge receipt picnics and mountain hikes who for beating them. Please remem­
your letter of June 17, relative had befriended him on the very ber this was before the days of
Music Lesson Sales of
to the Jacksonville application for | day of his arrival in Jacksonville. vestibule coaches, or air brakes.
Axel, his foot on the opposite run­
a PWA loan.
I always chose nighttime to put
Contrary to an impression left
"The Jacksonville application ning board, spat brown tobacco over my act. Getting into the
In minds of some Jacksonville par­ for a water supply system has juice out into the cindered road
smoker. I would select a seat at
ents, the Jacksonville school board been examined and found eligible and speculated on the weather.
the back end and, as I was always
is nut sauctioiuna, or cooperating fur a loan and grant This means
Molly, at twenty, was one of well dressed, I attracted no undue
with, sale of music lessons by an that it will be considered among those
whom elderly men are attention. After the train had got­
outside concern, said School Board the other approved projects for prone girls
remark: “Now there’s a ten under motion, the conductor
Member Paul Godward yesterday. allotment out of funds made avail­ bonny to
woman for you.”
always entered the car from the
"Salesmen for the lessons left the able under the PWA appropria­
Yes. she was beautiful Not with front end and started taking up
impression with some parents that tions bill recently passed. This bill
his course would lead to credit in carried something over $200.000.- the finely chiselled perfection of the tickets. I then would leisurely
school work in the fall, and that 000 for public works and in addi­ feature that fills the rotogravures, leave my seat and slowly stroll
the board was encouraging chil­ tion to this PWA expects to re- but with a mature, rounded to the door, open it and pass out.
dren to take the lessons given in | ceive some money from the RFC, strength of healthy color and giving every appearance of a man
Medford -so that a school orches­ so that altogether there will be vigor; deep blue eyes and auburn who had decided to go back to the
tra might be formed,” explained available about $300,000.000. To hair. Tim was vaguely aware of next coach. But instead of doing
this as she raised one dimpled arm that, I would slip down to the low­
finance all projects found eligible
"The school board has not made to date would, according to PWA to the handle of the automatic est step and grasp the hand-bold
any agreement, either definite or officials, require about $800,000,- pump, thus pulling the fabric of with one hand. When I heard the
implied, with the music lesson con­ 000, so that a little more than her simple dress over the womanly door open, I would swing around
cern and has no plans for special one-third of the projects now ap­ curves of hip and breast. One out of sight. The conductor would
cooperation with them or the stud­ proved will actually receive money thought aroused him: here was a come out with a lantern on his
girl of whom even Narcissus might arm, give a quick look right and
ents in Jacksonville schools. Those from the PWA.
left and. seeing nothing, would go
be jealous!
who were led to believe differently
"The amount to be allocated to
on into the next car. Then I would
(Continued on page four)
were misled," the board member the state of Oregon from PWA
swing back again, stand on the
Science note says that all blonds concluded.
funds now available is expected to
steps for a couple of minutes, then
----------- •------------
will have disappeared in a hundred
be made some time next week The alloted to Oregon and no one go boldly back into the smoker
Why not settle it by making number of approved Oregon pro- knows what that will be.
years Or so, but we’d regard this
and ride first class to the next
prediction as chemically unsound. Iron dollars inscribed "Ingot We jects which will be financed will
"I am leaving for Oregon to­ stop. Hat checks had not been in­
—Weston Leader.
Trust"?—Weston Leader.
depend on the amount of money morrow, but have secured a com­ vented then and the fast night
plete list of all Oregon projects trains only made two or three
and will keep in close touch with stops at the most principal towns
them during the summer.”
along a division, so I never had
Grant of the application, which any trouble. Of course, if daylight
would dispose of $10,000 water came before I had reached my
bonds voted for the purpose more destination, I would slip the con­
than two years ago, would relieve ductor a four-bit piece, which nat­
a tense situation here during dry urally the railroad company never
months. Recently, when old wood­ saw.
en mains were clogged with willow
I rode through the Black canyon
MeET5 VA,4 e .
roots, the city was without water of the Gunnison this way one night
for two days.
and never ■'—.ized the danger, un­
til coming back over the same
Nw H at
route in daylight I could read the
Gus Sonnenberg Will warning
signs to passengers to not
put their heads out of the windows
I m « ij > e - OF
under any circumstances as the
steep rock walls were so close in
Monday Night, July 9 places that there was barely room
for the cars to pass. And it is a
Due to a lack of available talent, fact that more than one man has
Promoter Mack Lillard will not had his brains dashed out in that
present his weekly armory wrest­ canyon by disregarding the warn­
ling card this week, but will open ing. However, I didn't happen to
his next show in Medford Monday get killed, so I guess everything is
night, July 9. with a star known all right.
After a few years of this sort of
all over this continent, Gus Son­
nenberg. The flying tackle king thing, during which I suffered
will be matched with Don Wag­ quite a lot of hardships at differ­
ner, UofO football star who re­ ent times. I began to realize that
cently pinned Chief Little Wolf if I really wished to go somewhere
in peace and comfort it would pay
two straight.
As a balance for his headlining me to cut out the dodging around,
(Continued on page three)
main event, Lillard has signed
Louie Andrews of Greece and Ad
Let s Be Safe
Herman of Germany for a 45-min-
ute semi-final, and Prof. Edward
Newton of Salem and Rollin War­
ren, Klamath Falls, in a 30-minute The U.S. Will plant trees
curtain-raiser. Insofar as wrestling
Is concerned, next Monday night To lay the dust.
will be one of the most important We have the trees—
occasions of the year, and there
will be no increase in general ad­ Let’s apply the oil
mission prices, stated Lillard, al­ To make good roads
though ringside seats will come at
And keep infantile pa­
a slight premium. The heavy card
will start promptly at 8:30, with
a sell-out predicted.
----- •-----
By C. M. Payne
At a safe distance.
"Here's hoping NRA doesn't do
anything about the reported 24-
hour-a-day operation of the federal
mint in Philadelphia.”—Jackson­
ville Miner. It may be Editor Hall
is concerned over the mint julep
supply,—Weston Leader.
and Fruitgrowers
(Deposits Insured)