I Page 6 Friday, June 29, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER 1 >>ase running and timely hitting, *\ and daughter Shirley of Berkeley, added two more runs, one in the I Mrs. Keter Dallas of San Fran- I cisco, and Mlaa Folrence Mechem fourth and another in the seventh. Miners added a tally in the fourth, f of Los Angeles are visitor« thia also, when singles by Johnson, I week at the home of Mr and Mrs. Coker and Hanimersley scored the We never expect to know how I H C. Mechem here. Mia Werner hard-hitting little catcher. it feels to receive the Pulitxer I and Mrs. Dallas are daughters of Gold Diggers remained blanked newspai'er award for disinter­ I Mr. and Mrs H. C. Mechem, while from then on Ull last half of the ested and meritorious public I Mlsa Florence Mechem la a grand- ninth, when score stood 7-3. Tur­ Medford “Git Downers” to ner. first up, smacked out a hard- service, but we feel an urge to I 1 daughter. • Miss Golda Boone and Mra comment on the awarding of Meet Miners Here 2:30 hit drive down third-base line for thia honor on the Medford I Martha Mitchell motored to I*ort- Sunday When Tie Stand a home run. followed by Fred (Ore.) Mail Tribune for its part I land Friday of Inst week, return- single, a hit on an error in the Jackson county political ( Ing home Sat unlay of Nines Will Be Settled Green's in center field by Hall, Coffman's rumpus last year To the casual I • Mr and Mra. Cheater Ix*onard single and a hit on an error by observer from the outside It I of Medford visited friends here Coming here to settle an old Van Galder, scoring Green. Hall would appear that recognition I Sunday. dispute — concerning which nine crossed home 'then Greening sac- should be given to a lowly , i • Mr and Mrs Raymond Rumley has the best team, and the best rificed to the infield. and Johnson weekly newspaper. The Jack­ J of Butte Falls called on relatives alibis Medford's Gilmore Lions walked, to again load the sacks. sonville Miner and its editor for i I in Jacksonville recently. will invade the Jacksonville dia­ with two away. Wilton White, the leading role played in rid­ I • The high school Sunday school mond to meet the local Miners for newly signed outfielder, struck ding Jackson county of crooked | class of the Presbyterian church the third time this season Each out to end the game, with tyeing politicians Observers at the I serenaded homes of some local in- nine, in two previous encounters and winning runs waiting to come ringside may have obtained a | valid* Sunday morning, accompan- together, has won a game. home for dear old J'ville. different view of the fracas, but I led by their teacher. Mrs G. O. Gilmore, boasting a snappy nine Hammersley allowed but eight our opinion is formed from I Sanden made up of late 'teeners, has been scattered hits and secured 12 • Miss Alice Hoefa was among newspaper accounts. talking of a "winner-take-all” ar­ strikeouts, while Tungate, for Medford shoppers Tuesday. For months and months the I rangement. and appears quite con­ Butte Falls, whiffed 14 and sur­ once-a-week editor of the Jack- | • Miss Ruth Severance left Sun­ fident of good luck and plenty of rendered 15 hits. The box score: sonville paper. Leonard Hall, 1 day evening for a summer’s trip runs when the dust clears away Jacksonville assailed the "gang” and never I to Honolulu. Sunday, said Manager Bob Ix?wis AB R H E ceased firing until the ring- I • Mr and Mrs Gene Fendall and yesterday. The game, which prom­ Turner, 3b ............. 5 1 1 0 leader was in the penitentiary 1 three daughters of Hayward. Cal., ises to be another close contest for Green, ss ...... . ..... 5 1 1 1 serving a life sentence, with six ] are visiting at the home of Mrs local fans, will start at 2:30 sharp Hall, cf ..... ............. 5 1 2 0 of bis followers. It was Hall. ( Lola Hildreth here The Miners, however, have been ! Coffman. If............. 5 1 2 0 and not the editor of the Mail I • Missionary society of the Jack­ welcoming back their regular first Yakel, 2b ............... 3 0 0 2 Tribune, who was horsewhipped 1 sonville Presbyterian church has baseman. Weldon McBee, who has I Van Galder, 2b 2 0 1 0 on the streets of Medford be- | postponed next meeting until Fri­ been away at national guard camp, Greening, lb ......... 4 0 2 1 cause he persisted in his fight | day, June 29 and plan to flash their best infield Johnson, c ............. 4 3 2 2 for a clean county; it was Hail I • Forest Ravenor, who is mining lineup of the entire season over Coker, rf..... . ......... 3 3 0 who, through the columns of 1 on Applegate, spent the week-end 0 the week-end. "Peewee” Van Gald­ White, rf................. 2 0 0 ( his paper, showed up every I at his home in Jacksonville 0 er, high school lad who held down Hammersley. p ...... 3 1 0 0 crooked trick of the conapira- I • Mrs. Mary Norvel and daugh- second for half a game last Sun­ tors; and it was Hall who was I tera Margaret and Barbara Jaan day to show real class, will be Totals _ 6 15 .»...41 7 given the leading role in the I viaited the Lindsey home at I>ead started on that position, while the Butte Falls Associated Press dispatches and I Indian Sunday. now famous "Screwball” Turner AB R H E other news service stories which I • Mrs. Beulah Berber and chll- will romp over shortstop’s area. Groothius, cf ......... 5 o 1 1 were published all over the I >lren have returned from a viait Fred Green will hold his regular DePasqual. 2b ....... 5 at the Ed Russell home on Apple­ 1 1 2 northwest. position at third, leaving Coffman. Poole, c ................... 5 2 0 1 It Is only once in a lifetime I gate. Greening, Yakel, Coker, Hall and Gardewine, »s 0 5 1 0 that the lowly weekly news- I • Roger Dunnlngton paid a short Roger Card to divide time in out­ J. Tungate, 3b ....... 4 1 Jacksonville Tuesday 0 0 paper publisher takes the cen- { visit in field. Moore, rf ..... ......... 4 1 0 1 ter of the stage with the wel- I morning. returning to Wolf gulch, 1 1 Bill "Screwball” Turner, uncle Gott, rf ........ ......... 4 2 fare of an entire county depend- ( where he has been visiting an un- 1 0 0 of Van Galder, played with Denver Pryzbyla, If ........... 3 Ing upon his leadership, and we ( cle, Cliff Dunnington. • Mr and Mrs Fred l^wia of 1 1 0 in the fast Western league for two R. Tungate, p......... 4 figure that Mr Hall should Butte Falls were recent Jackson- seasons, and is a close relative of have been awarded the honor, ville visitors. Totals 39 8 5 7 Dazzy Vance, world-famous pitch­ —Dan W. Bagshaw Jr. in Zll- • Mr and Mrs. Rue! Knowlton Umpires: Jake Shafer and A. C. er. The two have been practicing lah (Wash.) Mirror. this week with second base divid­ Van Galder. y were Medford shoppers Tuesday Mrs. Knowlton is rapidly improv­ ing their territory, and workouts ADVENTISTS TO HOLD GREAT ing from an illness suffered for show blood runs thicker than CAMP MEET AT GLADSTONE several weeks water, when speaking of the great • Mrs Lula Saulsbury was a re­ national sport. Gilmore Felines are July 26 through August 5 all cent guest of Mrs. Gan tn er nt expected to start Alva Merritt, Annual school election was held Adventistso f Oregon will hold Medford. young speedball flash, on the mound, with Chuck Ward catch­ in the Applegate schools Monday their annual camp meeting at • Dave Cronemiller, who suffered Gladstone park which, in some in­ numerous bums when his house ing. Bill Hammersley will throw with the following results: Watkins. Mrs. Ben Dawson and stances, draws as many as 5000 burned a week ago. is recovering to Si Johnson, for the bucket lift­ Mrs. Bert Harr reelected director and 6000 persons. ers. rapidly at the Jacksonville sani­ The Venden brothers, who are tarium. Last Sunday, backing up Pitch­ and clerk; Beaver Creek, Ed Walk­ er Hammersley with loose infield er, new director and Mrs. L. C. conducting an evangelistic cam­ • Harold Boat, grandson of W. C. support at crucial moments. Min­ Port reelected clerk; Uniontown, paign in Medford, and L. M Selt­ Fixley. suffered a severe ax cut ers dropped a thrilling 6-7 victory Fred Straube was reelected direc­ zer, who has been holding weekly on his left hand, which necessi­ to Shorty Miles' Butte Falls tim­ tor; Little Applegate, Fred West, meetings in Jacksonville, will be tated several stitches ber cruisers Both nines started new director, and Mrs. Glenn Salt­ in attendance at that time. It is • L. A. Wilson of Long Beach, scoring in the second frame, when marsh reelected clerk; Ruch, Mrs. hoped, stated Mr. Seltzer yester­ Calif., is paying his sister, Mrs. visitors stretched three hits, two 1 Ray Offenbacher and Ralph Gildea day, that many from the southern Laura Peckham, a 10 day visit. walks and two Miner errors into reelected clerk and director; Ap­ Oregon district will be able to at­ • Open season on rattlesnakes has five runs, and Miners came back | plegate. Jack O'Brien and Fred tend. reached Williams creek again and ------------- •------------- in their half with a home run by Benedict reelected clerk and di­ the 9-year-old Davidson boy dis­ Ben Coffman and another score rector; Thompson creek. George • Mr. and Mrs John E. Matney patched Mr. Rattler and all his 11 when Johnson and Coker bunched Kendal), new director, and Mrs. J. are spending a few days on Sar­ rattles to the unhappy hunting dine creek, where they are doing ground a few days ago. their hits. Butte Falls, by smart 1 R. Hoffman reelected clerk. assessment work on a claim. Chee, T’anks a Lot, MISTER Bagshaw!! Applegate Holds School Elections • Mr and Mrs Charles Howard of Grants Pass were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Offenbacher. • Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hartbauer and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hulse and nephew were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bowman Monday evening. THE WOMAN PAYS BETWEEN MODERN ELECTRIC COOKING AND THE OLD FASHIONED WAY . . LAUREL AND HARDY “Sons of the Desert” with ( HAKIJE CHASE Sunday-Monday Whet a difference electricity make« in the kitchen. Clean, cool and convenient, it ha» saved the American woman of today from the kitchen drudgery her mother could not avoid a generation ago. The electric range is the modem woman's key to health, happi­ ness and leisure hours. Electricity for cook­ ing, costs less than 3 cento a day more than fuel for old fashioned methods of cooking. Cook the modem, convenient electrical way. Electricity is the perfect servant THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY MAY ROBESON in “YOU CAN’T BUY EVERYTHING” with LEWISS TONE Jean Parker—Tad Alexander Tuenday-Wednesday-Thurnday “SOH OF KONG” With ROBERT ARMSTRONG Helen Mack—John Marston —————• «Ho Sunday and Monday Ml BELOVED” Tuesday and Wednesday Double Feature! I FAY WRAY Hat. Nite Is Prevue Nite Sunday Only ON THE STAGE IN PERSON Al Pearce Sun-Mon and His Gang DEBONAIR LOVERI Women's secret« w«r«mof« precious than his owAlifo! NBC STARS ------ ON THE SCREEN EIJMMA I-A Nili FRANK MORGAN “Sisters Under the Skin” I • "z.j 'X *. Mon-Tue-Wed Sensational New Child Star! • ■ L • b 4 Shirley Temple I k In “BABY, TAKE A BOW” I IWOMEN AM DANGEROUS with JAMES DUNN CLAIRE TREVOR lOSIMAftY AMES ROCHELLE HUDSON MONA IARRIE HERBERT MUNDIN HBMETTA CROSMAN Medford Cycle and Repair Shop GUNSMITH—LOCKSMITH I awii Mower Service Phone 261 23 North Fir Tue-Wed-Thur TYPEWRITER SERVICE S. C. PETERS • TRY THE NEW MODEL UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER« • (D.M.D.) Taylor and Bierma r t 34 N. Central—Telephone 112 Medford Dentist ZANE GREY'S “The Last Roundup” . LEETRACT “I’ll Tell the World” “She Learned About Sailors”i Thrill Hunter” JOHN BOLES GLORIA STUART in Friday-Saturday WILL PAY THE DIFFERENCE U' • Mr. Paul Demmer has been lay­ ing off from work this week be­ cause of a sore foot resulting from an accident. Primo Camera Official Fight Pictures Lew Ayres-Alice Faye BUCK JONES in also ‘Fighting With Kit Carson* XiCt Í il IWÆ VS. Fri-Sat I Saturday Only MAX BAER Adulta 25c * Kiddies 10c Children 10c • Mrs. G. O. Sanden attended the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the NALC in Medford recently. • Mrs. Arthur Newman of Tal­ ent spent several days this week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris. • Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Werner 3C A DAY ■ Mats '35c • K vm SA«- • Kiddle« 10<- Fri-Sat ROXY20c™ ■ town Wednesday enroute to Forest < reek to visit Mm. Iverson's moth­ er. Mrs Elisabeth Wulf, and •on Harry Wulf. • Mrs. M E Dunnlngton and •on Clint and Mrs. Tom lAughead and 'laughter Louise were guests of Mrs. Cliff Dunnlngton on the Ap­ plegate Wednesday • Fred Fick, D. A. Coffin and C. F I Arsen were fishing at Diamond lake Sunday, where a limit catch was reported I • Lester Sutton and wife of I Klamath Falls are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs W K Fixley, who •re the parent« of Mrs Sutton. • A quilting bee was held at the home of Mrs Ralph Smith Thura- day. • Mr. and Mrs. Rue Freeman and family of Ruch have recently moved to Beaver creek. • Mrs. Ruch spent Sunday with her slater. Mrs Earl Bigalow, in Medford. • Lester Throckmorton and fam­ ily of Ruch were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A Throck­ morton. • Mr. and Mi's L. I. Iverson of Klamath Junction passed through CONGER and OpixMilte Poet Office FUNERAL PARLORS “The Ninth Guest” JACKSONVILLE Medford, Oregon with DONALD COOK Thursday and Friday SLIM SUMMERVILLE ANDY DEVINE In M Horse Play” —------------------------------------------ Medford School of Beauty Culture 41®'/z EAST MAIN PHONE 84 ENROLL NOW LUMBER and BUILDING MATERIALS You Can’t Afford to Buy Before Inspecting Our Stock and Securing Our Prices BEAUTY SERVICES AT A SAVING Permanents ............ $2.50 Shampoo and Finger Wave 50c and 75c Marcels....... 25c and 50c SPECIAL 6 Scalp Treatment« Or Facials .............. $6.00 T imber C ompany Phone 7 End North Central A Good Firm to Trade With