Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935, June 29, 1934, Page 5, Image 5

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    Friday, June 29,1934
■ ■■■■ - ■ -———---------- „------------ -------------------------- --------- --------------------------
Personal News Notes
—-- —
• Judge F. L. TouVelle, accom­
panied by Ernest and Albert Ol-
Mti, left for a short tour to Han
Francisco, where they planned to
"drive over the new bay bridge."
• Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Boyd of Loa
Angelea are visiting the latter's
sister. Mr» Ike Dunford, at the
Dunford home near Griffin creek.
Ike, well-known throughout south­
ern Oregon, haa been employed at
the Home grocery in Medford for
some time.
• Ml«» Hazel Davie« of Forest
creek section, accompanied by sev­
eral friends, waa a Medford viaitoi
Haturday, where a matinee waa
• Edmund O. Hawyer, advertising
representative of Western Adver
Using, of Ban Francisco, waa a
Miner visitor Monday afternoon
Sawyer at one time waa editor of
the Portland Newa, and later
worked on the editorial desk of th<
Beattie Star. He evinced much in­
terest In the pink sheet, and spent
some time looking over old land
marks Hawyer confessed a hobby
of collecting old stamps and en
velopes, and displayed one letter,
of early date, sent from Jackson
villa to Balcin. He auld he had an­
other letter In his possession which
was ¡Kistmarked "Beekman’s Ex
press" in the 50's, as well as bill;
of lading for freight sent by water
to Crescent City, and packed here
on burros.
Western Union at the Nugget
Mr and Mr». Ray Offenbacher
of Ruch had as a week-end gueat
the former's mother, Mrs. Mamie
Venable of Aahland vicinity.
• Mr and Mrs Walter Moran ar­
rived on Applegate from Ban
Francisco a few days ago, where
Mrs Moran and her children will
spend the summer. The Californ­
ians were complimented with a
housewarming Tuesday evening,
having just moved into their new
home on Thompson creek which
had been built by a brother-in-
law, "Shorty" Coffeen.
• Mra. Charles Hamilton ia re­
covering at her home near Ruch
from a brief Illness, although she
is not allowed company at present
Dr. A. E Dodson of Medford waa
called to see Mrs. Hamilton a few
days ago.
• Workmen at the Slottlck mine
on Wards fork in the heart of the
Siskiyou* suffered from pang« of
disappointment two weeks ago
when a slide covered the bedrock
which they had cleaned prepara­
tory to mining. Since that time
they have been engaged in remov­
ing the dirt, reports from that sec­
tion say.
• Mr and Mrs Roy Brown of
Glendale. Calif., arrived on Apple­
gate a few days ago to visit the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs E
J. Brown. The couple will spend
most of the summer vacationing
In southern Oregon with a possible
trip to British Columbia. Mr
Brown, an instructor In the Glen­
dale high school, also owns a 10-
acre date farm in the edge of the
Imperial valley, and has five acres
planted to grapefruit.
• Stop at the Nugget.
• "Slick" Sleeth, resident of the
Muddy country on Little Apple­
gate, sustained severe injuries to
his finger the first of the week
when he came in contact with a
cable while hauling hay at the
---------------------------------- -------------------
--------- —----------------------------------
F C. Preston ranch Mr. Sleeth
obtained the service« of a physi­
cian in Medford.
• Ml«« Connie Price of Seattle is
■¡»ending the summer here a« u
gueat of Mr and Mr«. John Her-
• Mr and Mrs Percy Gray and
two children of San Francisco
were guest« lust week at the home
of Ml»« Mollie Ray Mr». Gray is
a great granddaughter of Mrs
!>>ul«a Ray.
• Two piece« of platinum the size
of a match head were discovered
recently along the Big Applegate
river by Captain J. K (Heinie)
Snyder of Scuttle who, with Mrs
Snyder, has remained in the com-
nunity since last winter. While
¡»roapectlng for gold, Captain Sny­
der ha« found «mailer piece« in
he same locality and alno near the
Applegate store.
• Mrs Mury Purcel »pent a few
lays last week as a gueat of her
iaughter-ln-law, Mra Edna Pur-
el. at Medford.
• Ml«» Jeanette McKee, who re­
lumed Sunday to her home in
Klamath Falls, and Miss Leah Mc­
Kee. who returned to the Cole
Holmes residence at Medford on
the aame day, were honored with
i farewell party Thursday evening
of last week after spending two
weeks vacation with relatives on
Big Applegate. The party was
given at the home of Mrs Floyd
McKee, where dancing and games
proved a popular diversion. Sing­
ing with banjo accompaniment by
Mias Gladys Byme also waa a pop­
ular feature. After partners for
luncheon had been chosen by
matching advertising slogans with
their products, refreshments were
served to the following young peo­
ple at midnight: Misses Jeanette
Byrne. Frances Port, Vonnetta Ru­
precht and Lola Straube
Townsend. Bill Dorn, Bill Straube,
Maurice Byme, Clifton Childers
and Omar Culy.
• Mrs J. F Lawrence of Med-
ford motored here Sunday, where
she visited Mra. Loren Scott, who
waa returning that day to her
home at Maderia, Calif., after
spending two weeks visiting her
mother, Mra. Maud Kubli.
• Courteous service at the Nugget
• Mr and Mrs Wallace Haskins,
accompanied by the former's fath­
er, Newton Haskins, arrived from
Pekin, Illinois, a few days ago, and
will spend the summer in southern
Oregon. Mrs. Haskins will reside
In Ashland while attending the
summer session of the Normal
school, and her husband will vaca­
tion in the hills. The easterners
ire former residents of Applegate,
-ind called at the home of Mrs.
Ulla Haskins at Ruch shortly after
heir arrival here.
• Mrs. T. R Pittock and daugh­
ters Gloria and Regina and aona
Tom and Bill arrived recently from
San Diego to join Mr. Pittock at
their former home on lower Ap­
plegate. The family will remain
here this summer, Mr. Pittock
having been here for several
• F. J. Rippey is feeling some­
what improved, following a ser­
ious illncM at his upper Applegate
home last week resulting from as­
thma and heart trouble.
• Mrs. Dena Carl of Long Beach.
Cinderella Shop’s
Wash., formerly of Applegate, la a
gueat of Mra. Will Forreat and
ulao at the home of Mlaa Gertrude
Finley of l'rovolt region.
• The Nugget for magazines
• William (Uncle Bill) Purcel la
«uffering from a »¡»rained ankle
nuatained a few day« ago when he
fell at the Purcel aawmlli, which
la being remodeled. An x-ray pic­
ture ahowed no broken bonea.
• Mr». Victor Anderxon has re­
turned to her home on Big Apple­
gate after «pending a few week«
viMlting relative« at Medford and
• Mr«. Ivan McDonough of Ruch
la «¡tending «everal day« with her
mother, Mra W W. Willlta, who
1« ill at her home at Per«l«t.
• W E. Ward, well known cattle
man of the Klamath river country,
wan a bu«lne«H visitor on upper
Applegate late last week.
• Clayton Smith, employed in cul­
tivating at the hopyard» owned by
George Truax at Mlaaouri Flat,
viaited hia mother, Mra. My ria
Smith, at Ruch Sunday. Mr. Smith
report« that Mr. Truax haa 70
acrea planted to hopa.
• Mr. and Mr». A. S. Kleinharn-
mor had ,aa gueat» Sunday their
niece, Mr«. Royal Alkire of boa
Angelea, formerly Mi«a Caryle Van
Dyke, who Is »pending two weeks
viaitlng relative» in southern Ore­
gon Mr» Alkire waa accompanied
to Applegate by her sister and
hUMband, Mr. and Mr». Raymond
Ftah of Medford and Mr». Clyde
Young and daughter of Aahland.
• Cheater Kubli of Gold Hill vi­
cinity and W<x>d Geetera of Apple­
gate apent Saturday at Squaw
lake. Among other» apending the
week-end at the resort were 56
young people from the Seventh
Day Adventist church at Medford.
• Elvis Offenbacher, 5-year-old
«on of Mr. and Mr». Leon Offen­
bacher, auatalned injuries about
the none and mouth while at the
Applegate bridge dedication Sat­
urday. when he waa bitten by a
dog left in an automobile. Firat
aid treatment waa given by a
atate policeman.
• The Nugget for cold drink».
• Mra I. Taylor of Medford la
apending a few day» on Applegate
a« a gueat of her aona, Edwin and
Jeaa. Mra. Taylor celebrated her
72nd birthday anniveraary Mon­
• Ralph Smith, accompanied by
hi» nephew, Charlie Offenbacher,
and Harvey Rowden, all of Ruch,
ha» returned from the Oregon na­
tional guard encampment at Sea­
side. where Mr. Smith was firat
cook. Harvey served an second
cook during the encampment.
• O. H. Campbell and Lewis Stal-
der of Auburn, Wash , are visiUng
at the A. C. Van Galder home thia
week while looking over various
mining properties. They plan to
make their home here soon, and
with Van Galder, investigated the
Holland and Althouse mining dis­
• Mrs. Drue Adams of Portland
la apending a few days with Mr.
for ...............................
for ..............................
Phone 4
Per pound ......... ......
Three medium cans .........................
Assorted flavors, package
----- 8 c
FLOUK—IGA BRAND—Every Sack Guaranteed
24* i -pound »ack
.................. . ....... . ....................... .
4-ounce can ...... . ............. ....
Quart can .........
3-pound can
DOLE'S PINEAPPLE JUICE—15-ounce can.................._
PAPER CUPS—Lily brand, package of 12............ _....... „....... 8c
PAPER NAPKINS—Embossed, large, package ...................... 9c
WAX PAPER—40 foot roll», each............ „..................
PEANUT BUTTER—Pound size jar ...........
MAYONNAISE—IGA, pint jar........... . ........
SALAD DRESSING—IGA, pint jar ...........
CATSUP—CHB brand, 14-ounce bottle
............. .... 15c
KELLOGG'S WHOLE WHEAT BISCUIT, package ____ __ 10c
CORNED BEEF—IGA, 12-ounce can.......... _.........
DEVILED MEAT—IGA, %», can _.............
MEAT SPREAD—IGA, 3-ounce can______ ________ ___ ____ 7c
TUNA FISH—IGA, %s, can______ __________________ __ „.lie
SARDINES—Ovals, Mustard or Tomato, can ........
MARSHMALLOWS—Campfire, 8-ounce package.... ..........
ROYAL CLUB COFFEE—3-pound can........................
TEA—IGA Orange Pekoe, %-pound package_________ ___ 18c
MUSTARD—IGA Pad-L~Jar, pint size___ ................
MILK—IGA, 4 tall can»
___________ 23c
WATERMELONS—Sweet and ripe, pound.
CANTALOUPES—Good size, 2 for..._..........
HEAD LETTUCE—Solid Iceberg, 2 head»
LEMONS—Sunkist 360 size, dozen ............
Godward Mercantile Co
"Where the Miners Bring Their Gold and Where
the Gold Bring» the Bargains”
Costs No More Than
Bargain-built" Tires
Genuine GOODRICH Quality
June 29 and 30
for ................................
202 Medford Bldg.
JUNE 30 to JULY 6
FRIDAY and SATURDAY, June 29, 30
2 $6.95 DRESSES
2 $2.95 DRESSES
R. W. Sleeter, M. D.
Whatev«* you'*« planning to
do this Fourth — bar« •*•
tempting food tessts to swiis
ths day a glorloua aas.
5c Sale!
Buy Any Spring Dress or Sports Wear
at the Regular Price . . . Pay 5c More
and Get Another!
For Instance:
$19.95 DRESSES
and Mr». A C. Van Galder while
on buaine»« concerning mining
equipment. Carl C. Anderson, min­
ing engineer from Portland, has
been looking over mineral claims
of Jacksonville district, and also
will remain for several more days
at the Van Galder home here, for-
marly known as the Toft reai-
• H G. Bloomer of Hattie and
Auburn, W»h , was in Jacksonville
Tuesday and Thursday of this
week preparatory to investing in
mining property of this section
• Ml»« Margaret Orr from Grants
Paas 1« visiting through the week
with her cousin, Mias Mary John­
• Miss Elsie Howel), following
two busy weeks teaching Bible
school at the Ruch school house,
is moving on to Foots creek for
a two weeks of school there.
• A program of the Dally Vaca­
tion Bible school was held Friday
night. There were prizes given to
the students having the highest
number of points. In the junior
clasa Min« Anita Bell was first
with Miss Jessie Smith coming a
close second. The intermediate
class, Mary Johnaton was first and
Paul Matheny second. The stud­
ents with perfect attendance were
given Bibles. Program consisted of
songs and Scripture reading by
• Miss Ruth Feebler is returning
to her home at Ruch this week,
after graduating from Alhambra
high school in southern California.
• Mrs. Charles Hamilton has been
seriously ill the past few days.
• Evaro Beverly Bell was a pa­
tient at Community hospital in
Medford Monday, when she under­
went a minor operation for tonsils
and adenoids. Her many friends
will be pleased to know she is get­
ting along nicely. Dr. Edwin Duroo
waa the physician on the case.
• Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pechin of
Wichita, Kansas, were visiting at
the Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Peckham
home. Mr. Pechin was an old
schoolmate of Mr. Peckham. The
Wichitans left Kansas aome three
weeks ago and toured through the
drouth-stricken middlewest en­
route. The Pechins have an eye on
southern Oregon as a permanent
Clearance of All Spring Dresses
Page 5
Don’t buy on appearance. The quality
is inside where you can’t see it. If temp­
ted by “bargains”—just remember that
Goodrich certifies these sturdy Cavalier
Tires. They are built to exacting Good­
rich specifications, and we stand back
of them, too. Stick to known values.
You’ll save money in the end.
Goodrich Tires Are Now
Guaranteed for 12 Months
Service—The Guarantee
Covers All Road Hazards
Where Every Dollar
Does It« Duty”
E. S. SEVERANCE, Proprietor