Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935, June 22, 1934, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, June 22, 1934
merly of Applegute, la u graduate
of the Huothem Oregon Normal
school and taught two years at the
Wagner creek school,
• Misses Frances und Josephine
<L Both from JACKSONVILLE and OVER the HILL Glnet have returned to their home
on Uttle Applegate from their
• Bob Rice end Fritz Huss of und plan to remain in southern year’s study at St. Mary’s acad­
Medford spent aeveral daya laat Oregon providing Mr. Hchncider emy in Medford. Frances was
week on Applegate aa guests of can get employment. Mr. and Mrs giaduuted from the academy last
month. Frunces Port, also a grad­
Robert Fletcher Jr.
Schneider recently became grand­ uate of the Ashland Junior high
• Miss Loma Kubli of Medford parents, a son named Grunt Ed­ school, is spending her vacation at
visited recently at the home of her ward having been born to Mr. and her home here.
grandmother, Mrs. Maud Kubli, of Mrs Homer Cochran of Lakeside
on May 2ti Mrs. Cochran will be • Floyd McKee, who had been
Alice I undergoing treatment in the vet-
• Mrs. L. C. Fort had aa guests remembered
I clans' hospital at Roseburg for
recently her parents, Mr. and Mra. Hchncider.
I more than a month, visited his
A H. Peachey of Ashland and her • Mrs. Rita Tester of Portland ' family here a short time ago. Mr.
nephew and family. Mr. and Mra Is a guest at the home of Mr. and McKee, although very much im­
William Blah and daughters Ruth Mra. Cliff Hrnith, where she is proved In health, returned to the
and Alice of Portland. Mr. and visUJng her sons. Billy and Bobby hospital for further treatment.
Mra. Peachey had just returned Hyde
• Rolland Hmlth, one of Apple­
from a brief vialt with relutlvci • William Holla of Central Point gate's industrious young farmers,
In Portland, and expect to go to Is spending several days here as a ' Is engaged in binding grain these
Han Francisco soon to visit theli ;ueat of an old friend. J. A West | 'lays.
son. Dr. Robert Peachey,
• Mr and Mrs. Giles Stivfa und • Earl Saltmarsh, daily on the
• Art Idnbeck and Jack Lee ol children, Gertrude und Junior, of alert for digger squirrels, has add­
Central Point, Accompanied bj ian Francisco are guests of Mr ed the destruction of a rattlesnake
thru friends, are attending lh< and Mrs. Ed Wulkrr on Big Apple­ to his list of boyhood accomplish­
week camping on Big Applegate lute The Californians hope to lo­ ments. Earl, who is spending his
vacation with relatives on Apple­
• Yheron Applcbaker and Jlmm} cate here.
Gwin left Tueaday for Applegate • Miss Jeanette McKee of Klam- gate. was unable to convince his
where they will a pend u couplt ith Fulls is spending two weeks folks of his brave deed until he
weeks vacationing und prospecting here with her grandparents, Mr produced the evidence.
• Bud Mitchell accompanied Mike
near the Callfomlu line.
md Mrs Amos McKee.
• Western Union at the Nugget • Clayton Smith of Ruch went to Burdell to Buck lake Wednesday
• Alex Hchlchtl added hia name Missouri Flat section a few days und will spend a month with Mike
to the Hat of Miner subscriber? ago, where he la employed in a at the Buck Lake lookout station
previous to hia jaunt to Dutch­ hopyard owned by George Truax • The Nugget for magazines.
man’s peak Tuesday for the sum­ • Climbing a tree to catch a pine • H. J. Hodges, of San Bernar­
mer’s fire vigil Mr Hchlchtl said '«quirrel proved unprofitable for dino. Calif., is visiting his daugh­
he wanted to know the local newr Helmar I-ewis, who fell from the ter, Mrs J. Anderson of Jackscm-
while on the mountain, and even tree and broke hts arm Friday. ville, and his son, Elton Hodges
though his papers will not reach Selmar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walk- of Ruch.
him right off the press, he says h< •r Ix-wia, fractured both bones in • Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hannah
of thia city left this week for
will enjoy them just the same.
his right arm.
• Lee Port Jr., who has returned • Mr and Mrs Frank Feige and Portland, where Mr. Hannah was
to Applegate after completing hia daughter, Miss Mabel Swett, of to resume medical trgatment.
freshman year at Oregon State Grants Pass vicinity, were guests . • Walter and Ellis Hartley of Lit­
college, has accepted employment of Mrs. Feige'a aunt, Mrs Lilia tle Applegate, having spent a few
weeks with their parents there,
for the summer In blister rust con­ Haskins. Sunday
trol work In the Prospect area • Mr and Mrs Fred Foote of have returned to Klamath county,
Leo Hoffman has returned from Medford call«! at the home of Mr where they have employment.
the Sacramento Junior college, and Mrs. A Throckmorton Sun­ • Billy Phinney, 12-year-old son
of Mr and Mrs. Roy Phinney of
George Brown from college at day.
Glendale, Calif., and Louis Buck- • Courteous service at the Nugget Little Applegate, narrowly es­
ley from Oregon Htate college.
• Claus Klelnhammer was among caped drowning in Big Applegate
• Mra Harold Smith and very the 30 guests present at the wed­ a few evenings ago when he fell
young daughter. Beverly Ann. re­ ding of his cousin. Miss Venlta An- | tn the river as a young friend
turned to their boms at Ruch deraon of Medford, which occurred squirted water in his eyes with a
Wednesday following a brief stay Sunday at 1:30 p.m at the sum­ water gun. The boy, unable to
in Medford
mer home of Gus Samuels on swim, had gone down for the sec­
• Camp Applegate barn-ball nine Wagner creek Mlsa Anderson was ond time when a woman, whose
defeated Talent by a score of 9-7 united in marriage to Edward name was not learned, rescued
in a game on the Palmer creek Goodwin of Fort Jones. Calif., with him. Billy was with the 4-H club
grounds Sunday Next Sunday the Rev W. R. Baird of the First members of the Sterling school,
Brush Marines will play the Med­ Christian church in Medford per­ who were having a swimming
ford Christian Endeavor on the forming the ceremony. Following party.
.-tame diamond.
the wedding luncheon Mr. and Mrs • Mr. and Mrs. Don Devine of
• Mlsa Ixsah McKee and Bobbie Goodwin depart«) for a brief hon­ Medford spent Sunday at the home
Holmes of Medford are spending eymoon trip, after which they will of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Cady. They
two weeks al the former’s home be at their home in Fort Jones, brought with them a most deli­
on Rig Applegate. Miss McKee, where Mr. Goodwin operates a cious picnic lunch which they in­
who has completed her freshman garage. The bride, daughter of vited Mr. and Mrs. Cady and Wal­
year in the Medford high achool. Mr. and Mrs P. F. Anderson, for- ter Thurman to share with them.
will continue employment during
the summer at the home of Mr
and Mrs. Cote Holmes at Medford
Special Group of
• Mrs. Martha Mitchell and sla­
ter, Mrs. Virginia Purcel and son
Kenneth of Jacksonville viaited re­
cently at the home of Mr. and Mrs
James Buckley. Kenneth remained
at the Buckley home for a short
priced at only
• Mr and Mrs. E. B Gabriel of
Salem apcnt the week-end aa
guests of Mr and Mra. Dan Bon­
ney at Dividend Bar. Their two
sons. Charles and Tom. remained
while they last ... in straws
here and will spend the summer
fabrics turbans and brims . .
with Mr. and Mrs. Bonney.
• Mr and Mrs. Cecil Rose and
young aon of Hilt, accompanied by
Mrs Rose's mother, Mrs Fred
Wolfe, and two sons from Willow
Springs motored here a few daya
ago and were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Straube
• Stop at the Nugget.
• Mr. and Mis. H. O. Skinner of
Seattle, who mined and prospected
on the Applegate in the vicinity of
Ruch last year, have returned to
resume that work thia summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wessen, also
of Seattle, are prospecting on Lit- i
tie Applegate.
• Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schneider
of I-akeside, Ore., residents of Big
Applegate six years ago. were vis­
iting friends here Tuesday. They
are spending some time with rel­
atives in the Rogue river valley,
Personal News Notes
I It was served out in the grove and
thoroughly enjoyed by all, as was
a most pleasant afternoon.
• Mrs. Helen Anderson has been
spending the past week at the
home of her brother, Elton Hod­
ges, at Ruch.
• On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ar- |
thur Newman of Talent and Mr. |
and Mrs Ted Daily of the Hillcrest
orchards joined Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Morris and family, Jack Jr., Lu­
cille and Juanita in a picnic din­
ner on the Applegate. After din­
ner all who felt so Inclined went I
In swimming, the only casualty be­
ing one toe lacerated on a piece of
glass. The accident was not se- |
rious enough to detract much from ■
the enjoyment of the party.
• The Nugget for cold drinks.
• T. M Kurtz, foreman of the
Alaska of Oregon mine, combined
business and pleasure on a trip |
north two weeks ago when he at- [
tended the wedding of his son Wai- I
ter Kurtz at Bellingham. Washing- i
ton, and looked after business in- I
terests in Seattle, Portland and
Salem on the return.
• Mrs. R. W. Helenbrooij left for
San Francisco last Thursday for
an indefinite visit with relatives ■
and friends.
• J. L. Groves has become a reg­
ular commuter to Phoenix, where
he is engaged in preparation for i
the fruit harvest. J. L. says he I
expects to cut down his mileage
soon by moving to Phoenix for the
• Mrs Fred Pratt and daughter
Bessie of Chula Vista, Calif., and
Miss Evelyn Applegate of San
Francisco, who have established a
summer camp on Williams creek,
were shopping in Jacksonville
Wednesday of this week.
• Melva Anderson is spending the
• Miss Emma Reed of the Ruch
district visited friends here Mon-
• Mrs. Arthur Chase of Wen-
atchee, Wash., was a visitor at the
home of her brother, George
Wendt, and family Sunday. She
left Sunday evening by plane for
her home.
SATURDAY, June 23, to June 29
PER CAN ............................. „...... . ................
PACKAGE ................
RED "A" COFFEE Superior Santos
PER POUND _____ ______ _________
------ 80c
------ 14c
BLUE “G" COFFEE -Delicate Blend
PER POUND .........................................
PEAK COFFEE Irrisistibte Flavor
PER POUND .................... .....................
PINTS, DOZEN ...................
QUARTS, DOZEN ...............
THREE ROLLS ....................
IGA CAKE FLOUR—large package............ ........................ — 24c
MUSTARD—IGA. 9-ounce jar.............
CORN —Royal Club. No. 2 can
JAR RUBBERS—4 packages........... ......
PICKLES—IGA, sweet, fancy, pint jar........ ..............
PEAS—Royal Club, tender, sweet. No. 2 can.................. „..... 17c
BISCUIT FLOUR—IGA, package.............
PORK AND BEANS—-Van Camp’s, 3 No. 1 cans........ ....... 17c
CALUMET BAKING POWDER—pound can......................
SALAD DRESSING—IGA. pint jar____ ______ _____ ____ 19c
DEVILED MEATS—IGA, Ua....................................
BISQUICK—package ..........
SWAN’S DOWN CAKE FLOUR_________ ______________ 25c
Summer Afternoon
Dotted Swiss
Ruffles, tucks, round necks, v-
necks. ankle and street length.
Just new, dainty, crisp and
smart- white backgrounds with
pastel figured patterns . . .
Sizes 14 to 20
Cinderella Shop
Fresh. Fruits • Vegetables
TOMATOES—Merced fancy, pound.......................
BANANAS—Fancy, pound
„.............................. . ............_ 5c
ORANGES—Sunkist, 100 size, dozen... ................................... _...45c
LEMONS—360 size, dozen.....................................................
Godward Mercantile Co.
“Where the Miners Bring Their Gold and Where
the Gold Brings the Bargains”
When We Told You The Home
Grocery “Serves You Right—”
Serve a platter of these
R. W. Sleeter, M. I).
202 Medford Bldg.
Phone 4
Adel Lee Millinery
Page 3
delicious meats tonight!
Rather Than
The Berry Season Soon Will Have Passed—Do Your Canning Very Soon!
Ä“« The Home Grocery