The JACKSONVILLE MINER Page 2 —--------------------------------- --------------------------- The Jacksonville Miner Published Every Friday at JACKSON \ ILI -F-, OKEGON OFFICIAL NEW8PAPER OF JACKSONVILLE Entered as second-class matter February 19, 1932, at the poatoffice at Jacksonville, Oregon, undei the act of March 3, 1879. LEONARD N. HALL . Editor and Publisher MAUDE POOL............................ Applegate Editor J. W. PECKHAM Business Manager PHONE JACKSONVILLE 141 Address All Communications to Box 138 Subscription Rates, in Advance: One Year ............ 11 00 Six Months w ... —I officers and, for that matter, implant- ers of the "shiners” suffered were from Medford, as well. In fact, those who were watching the entire show declare there was practically no shred of truth in the yarn spun in a Medford paper Wednesday and that Jacksonville was being imposed upon by the undersher­ iffs, rather than imposing on them. Most Jacksonvillians can understand a man making 2 fool of hiinaelf while “under the influence," but somehow or other, they do expect him to be a gentle­ man about the incident when he sob­ ers up. Friday, June 22, 1934 Summer * arders Arrive LANP'5 I WG0TE1HEM U/E WERE (OMINÓ WUtE 5UCE )Uc> MAILEP THE LETTER. ARE (hEE, '¿’HAT IF HE PIPNÎ 6£T THE LETTER 6EEZ i wish HE W0ULD . C0ME I want tct 60 ' IHSWIMMINÛ — Why Pick on J’ville? Figuratively Speaking When a person commits a social blun­ By J. C. REYNOLDS der at a dinner it always aggravates an embarrassing situation to say anything more about it. And two Medford dep­ The time has come when I for 1 uties Saturday night most certainly Must praise the good that Roosevelt’s done. spilled the soup course onto Jackson­ ville’s tender and troubled head. The incident might have been smooth­ He surely knows a thing or 2, ed over somewhat and perhaps would I will admit and so must you. have caused little more than a slight, I amused ripple of interest if the blunder­ Since Nineteen hundred, thirty-3 ers had had the good judgment to look He’s helped us, to a marked degree. at it as a mistake on their part and either been honest or silent. But, like And now in Nineteen, thirty-4 the awkward guest, they started ex­ He’s boosting business more and more. plaining and elaborating on the situa­ tion and the more they said, the deeper With times improving, thirty-5 Will find us glad to be alive. in they got. Especially when the deputies—or at least one of them—attempted to hoist And by the dawn of thirty-6 all responsibility onto “Jacksonville We’ll reach the peak, if Roosevelt sticks hoodlums” did the natives of this good old town begin to smart under their Then, if we’re wise, in thirty-7 well-souped toupees. It was bad enough We’ll keep him on the job, by Heaven! for two officers, bent on enforcing the law, to become so drunk they couldn’t For should we lose him, thirty-8 handle themselves, their car or their Will see our good times terminate. “prisoners,” but it was far worse when they passed the incident off, in the Med­ And Nineteen hundred, thirty-9 ford press, as “just the antics of some Will bring another stiff decline. bad-acting Jacksonville hoodlums." According to more than a dozen eye­ In which, with prosperous times for- got-10, witnesses, worst “hoodlums” seen on the street during the brawl were the two All business will again be rotten. • Mr. and Mrs. Rector Gess and ' • A meeting of the Jacksonville Miss Dorothy Gaddy of Klamath school board was held in the high Falls rtumed home Monday after school auditorium Monday, June visiting several days at the B. A. 18, for the purpose of electing one Gaddy home here. clerk and one director. Mrs. Stella • Clifton Childers is visiting at W. Beach was reelected clerk and the home of his sister. Mrs. Leon­ Paul Godward reelected director. Reading of the minutes was given ard McKee, on Big Applegate. • Mrs. Virginia Purcel is confined and an item of interest to many to her home with a badly injured was brought out when it was ex­ plained this district, No. 1. is clear ankle. i of all indebtedness and has no out- • Miss Shirley Cantrall returned home recently from Applegate, , standing unpaid warrants. ' • Mr. and Mrs Ray Coleman mot­ where she visited relatives. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shaw and ored to Yreka. Calif., Sunday. family of Medford visited the Lee • Mr. Kradel, father-in-law of Wakefield home Sunday afternoon. Banks Newcomb, who suffered a • Mrs. B. A. Gaddy and family. collapse some four months ago, is Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bryant and recovering satisfactorily. family, Mr. and Mrs. Rector Gess • John Jacobs, who has been un­ and family motored to Crescent der the weather for some time, is City Sunday., considering a rest at some mineral • Mrs. W. A. Childers and daugh­ spring. ter Maxine spent the week-end at • Miss Bernice Varnwall returned the home of her daughter, Mrs. to her home on Rogue river, fol­ L. B. McKee, on Big Applegate. lowing a stay at the home of Mr. • Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Noblit of and Mrs. Charles Holland, while Medford visited friends here Mon­ J attending high school. day evening. • W. C. Flxley is making extens- • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith enter­ | ive imprvements on his upper tained with a dinner Tuesday, i ranch. June 19, in honor of their son’s • Between farming and logging. I 22nd birthday anniversary. Those O. _ ... ____ r. A. ______________ Edwards is on ___ the „ gallop. present were Mr. and Mrs. N. H. • With vacation time here again, | Smith and Mr. and Mrs Harlan ' Wiliams creek school board is con- Cantrall. I templaung improvements to the • Mr. and Mrs. Chester Purcel property. and son Kenneth and Mrs. Mar- • Mr and Mrs. William Tetherow tha Mitchell were visitors at the ' have established residence near the Jim Buckley home at Ruch Tues- Smith sawmill, where Mr. Tether- day. Kenneth Purcel remained ow is employed as chief ratchet there for a month’s visit with the ■ setter. Buckleys. e Mrs. Cobb and daughter of San Francisco are visiting her niece. Mrs. Frank Bryan, who motored them to Crater lake, returning by way of Klamath Falls. • The Past Matrons club of Adar- el chapter. No.-3. OES, Jackson­ ville. was entertained at the home of Mrs. E. A Langley Monday A dessert luncheon was served at 2 o'clock and bridge was enjoyed by those present for the balance of the afternoon. Mrs. Anna Cater received first prize for high score. • One bit of omission that caught up with The Miner was in missing the line, ’’while present stock lasts” in the sugar bargain offer of the Jacksonville Golden Rule store last week. LEGAL NOTICES In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County THE STATE OF OREGON rep­ resented and acting by the World War Veterans’ State Aid ’IT» UJ X 'x Commission, Plaintiff. enty-cight (78) degrees forty-two vs. (42) minute« East seventy-four PHILIP J AMER, a single per­ and three-tenth« (74.3) feet; son. RALPH ALLINGHAM, sometimes known as R. Ailing- thence South aixty (60) degree« hum. and MRS RALPH AL­ fifty (50) minute« Eaat four hun­ LINGHAM. husband and wife, dred «even (407) feet; thence and GEORGE SHAW, a single South five (5) degree« thirty (80) person. Defendants. minutes West one hundred thir­ teen and seven-tenth« (113.7) SUMMONS feet; thence South thirty-two (82) To George Shaw, a single per­ degree« thirty-five (35) minutes son, defendant; West two hundred eighty-iduc and In the name of the state of Ore­ five-tenth« (289 5) feet; thence gon. you. and each of you are here­ South fifty-three (53) degree« by required to appear and answer thirty-five (35) minutes East fif­ the complaint of the plaintiff on ty-five and four-tenths (55.4) feet; file herein against you or other­ thence North seventy-three (T3) wise plead thereto within four degrees thirty-seven (37) minutes weeks from the date of the first East one hundred fifty-seven and publication of this summons, same five-tenths (157.5) feet; thence being the 22nd day of June, 1934. North eighty-nine (89) degree« And you will please take notice two (02) minute« East one hun­ that if you fail to so appear and dred forty-five and three-tenth« answer or otherwise plead to said (145.3) feet; thence South no (0) complaint, the plaintiff will take > degree« fifty-four (54) minute« decree against you for the relief i East five hundred ten (510) feet demanded in said complajpt to- to the place of beginning, contain­ wit: a decree foreclosing plaint­ ing seventeen and eight-tenth« iff’s mortgage and decreeing that (17.8) acres, more or lee«, and be­ the property hereinafter described ing situated in Section six (6), as follows, to-wit: Township thirty-nine (39) South of Range one (1), East of the Beginning at a point twenty Willamette Meridian in Oregon, (20) feet West and five hundred ■ and also In Section thirty-one (81) thirty-one and five-tenth« (5315) Township thirty-eight (38) South feet North of the Northeast cor­ of Range one (1) East of the Wil­ ner of the SoutheMt quarter ( V» ) lamette Meridian, Jackson county, of the Northeast quarter ( 14 ) of Oregon. Section six <6). Township thirty- nine (30) South. Range one (1) be sold In satisfaction thereof, to­ East of the Willamette Meridian, gether with attorney'« fee«, coat« Oregon; thence North «eventy-two (72) degrees; West one thousand three hundred thirty-four and four tenths (1334.4) feet; thence North sixteen (16) degrees four (04) minutes West two hundred forty­ seven and two-tenths (247.2) feet; thence North fifty-nine (59) de­ grees forty-eight (48) minutes East fifty (50) feet; thence South sixteen (16) degrees four (04) minutes East one hundred (100) feet; thence North fifty-three (53) degrees East seven hundred twen­ ty-two (722) feet; thence North sixty-four (64) degrees twenty- four (24) minutes East enghty- two (82) feet; thence South sev- and disbursements. This summons is published by order of Hon. H D. Norton, Judge of the Circuit Court of Jackson County. Oregon, which order was made on the 18th day of June. 1934. and requires publication of this summons once a week for four weeks O A CODDING. Attorney for Plaintiff P O Address: Courthouse. Med­ ford. Oregon. (June 22 29 July 6 13) Dr. H. P. Coleman Chiropractic - Phynlotheraphy Oregon IJcense 264 California Lácense 3029 14 Years In .Medford, Oregon LADIES’ 1IA1K- CUTTING BY APPOINT­ MENT PHONE 57 Permanent Waving A Mjxxialty BOWMAN’S Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor 18 Mouth Central, Mtxlfurd I WHEN OUR MOTHERS WERE BRIDES new afcoaia/uj: • "Man's work was from sun to sun; but woman's work was never done. Electricity has changed all that. Today in the "ALL ELECTRIC" home, electricity We have a Bargain Table full of new Muffin Pans, Bread Pans, Pie Tins, Graters, Cake Pans and Measuring Cups— cooks, heats the water, operates a refrigerator, washer, iron, vacuum cleaner, radio, sun lamp, per» colator, toaster, waffle iron, food mixer and lights the house at an average cost per day equal to the hourly wage of a good servant. ANY ITEM for 10e For your summer canning activity we sug­ gest first aid in the shape of a Federal Cold Pack Canner at prices you can’t resist. WHEN IN JACKSONVILLE SEE THEM AT Coleman’s Hardware » • Electricity •» •» clean a« tumhine and by far the cheapest tervice you can buy. The wise woman of today conserve* her health, beauty and time with the dean, cool convenience of electricity. SÄT I THE CALIFORNIA OREGON power company <