Jayville Exchange Double Main Event Card Pits Pupil and Moved New Location ------ Teacher at Armory I John B. Renault, operator of the Students have been known to marry their teachers, but Thurs­ day night of this week Bob Kruse plans to apply wrtstlock instead of wedlock on his former mentor, Ted Thye, who once taught student Bob the art of curt cuffing in Portland. They will meet in sec­ ond half of Mack Lillard's double main event at * the Medford ar­ mory. In the first half of the double bill Promoter Li Hard has matched Chief Little Wolf of Colorado anil Louie Miller. San Francisco. Lit­ tle Wolf is the redskin who bowled fans over with his Indian "death lock," and Miller has been seen here as one of the fastest, craftiest wrestlers in some time. Both matches promise plenty of display and spectacle, and another full house is expected for this Thurs­ day night. Matches start promptly at 8:30. stated Lillard, and open house bar­ gain prices still prevail. letters ! to the Editor 4---- ------------------- —4 To the Editor: Last week's issue of The Miner caused a great disturbance in the mind of this writer. What in the world is wrong with the civic spirit of that Miner reader on the Applegate side of the hill who complained in a forlorn note that the city’s welcome sign did not welcome Applegate folks, too? Was not all of southern Oregon, as well as the designated cities of Medford and Jacksonville, a proud hostess to the hundreds of visitors from other sections of the west, and is not Applegate surely a part of southern Oregon? Even though Medford was the hub of the cele­ bration. Jubilee heads have given credit to the loyal citizens of southern Oregon, and even resi­ dents of the remotest sections of several rural communities gave their support and hard labor. At such a time is not the Applegate essentially a part of Jacksonville, and of Medford, too, in community spirit if not geographically? The Applegate people did not wait for a welcome of any kind to jubilee pleasures, but waded into the hard work of putting on the celebration with all their might. Two citizens worked faith­ fully on committees at Medford, one as chairman. Two individuals entered floats in the pioneer pa­ rade. Two organizations were rep­ resented in the industrial parade, and at least six other individuals participated in the pageant and ro­ deo and other activities. Now why ask for a welcome from Jacksonville? AN APPLEGATER June 12. ----------- •------------ • August Petard, Jacksonville's famous vinyardist. was taken to a Medford hospital Wednesday suf­ fering with a badly infected hand as a result of blackberry briar scratches. Friday, June 15, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Page/* Jacksonville Exchange for many years hen», recently moved his business to third house west of the meat market, on the right­ hand side of the JaeksonviUe-Ruch highway, changing the business name to John's Seqpnd-Hand store. Renault, who has been ill for some time and but recently re­ covered. is well known throughout this section, and his establishment now is located on the same plot of ground where the famous John B. Renault. Inc., Ltd., mines used to stand. Johnny, as he is known, in­ fers he likes the second-hand busi­ ness better than exchanging, or swapping, and is ready for trade under the newer arrangement, he said late last week. —.*----- Mrs. F. J. Teel • O. E. Harkness and W J. Tern- by of i\>rtland and A. C. Van Galder of Jacksonville Inspected mining properties on Bear river in California last Friday and visited the Mankins mine on Poor Man's creek last Saturday • Western Union at the Nugget • L. H White and daughter Eliz­ abeth are living in the J. C. Given home here while the” Givens a tv visiting Mrs. Green's son nt Ven« tura, Calif. • E L. Adams. “Screwball* Tur­ ner and A. C. Van Galder inspected mining properties on Atthouse creek in Josephine county last Sunday. • Margaret Edens is helping at the F W. Clogston home. • Word was received of the death of F. C Smith at Elgin. Illinois, on May 18. 1934. by the local chap­ ter A F. 4 A. M. Mr. Smith had been principal of the Elgin schools fr the past three years, and will be remembered by old-timers as for­ mer principal of Jacksonville schools. He is survived by the wid­ ow and one son. Interment was ui the Elgin cemetery. • An announcement of the wed- • Mr and and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Cox of Keno were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W M. Lusk. • Mr. and Mrs E. H Hedford and daughter of Phoenix. Arizona, are visiting Mrs. Redford's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hartley. Children • Misses Ruth Sutherlin and Adults Muriel Coke of Medford, and Rob­ 20c I 10c t theatre ^ ert Coke of Tulare. Calif., were Sunday guests at the F. W. Clogs- Friday-Saturday ton home. • F. W. Clogston and sons, who are felling timber at Bly. spent the week-end here with the family. • Geneva Coffman returned to her employment in Medford Mon­ “ADVICE TO THE day. after spending 11 days here LOVELORN” with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Ike Coffman. Sunday - Monday SITINO LEE TRACY in “CONVENTION CITY” I din*r of Miss Ruth Currin and Eu­ gen,» M. Spaniol on June 5 at Cúr­ valas was received here this week by friends. The newlyweds will be at home after July 1 at Stay ton. Oregon Mrs Spaniol is one of the popular instructors in the local high school and needs no introduc­ tion to Miner readers The Miner joins with her many friends here in wishing her wedded happiness • Miss Audrey Martin, of Eugene, is upending some time visiting at the Clinton Smith home here, where special interest has centered tor some time i Andy now is work­ ing and, they do say. saving his money for something or other I • As the next war, it in said, will lx» fought by motor-driven ma­ chines. we suppose tire casualty reports will list th«» dead and missing motors Weston la»a imi Tin-: nun AN Gil I* III It With 10 Great l-augh Stars! Joan Blundell—Dick Powell Ruth Donnelly—Frank McHugh WANTED Good cook stove, with we find ourselves feeling sorry for good oven and reservoir. Send Satan Weston Mader. Information and pries cure The Miner, Jacksonville, or phone 141. Mon-Tue-Wrd SI.FFA F! “Straightaway Thursday und Friday LEW AYRES In “CROSS COUNTRY CRUISE” K \ IC II \ IC \ / MARION DAVIES GARY COOPER f¡a^ Dr. H. P. Coleman Chiropractic - Physlothrraphy Oregon License 264 California License 3029 14 Year« In Medford, Oregon E 4.10x21 - *5.70 ' 4.50x20 - »6.20 4.50x21 - *0.50 4.75x19 - *0.90 5.00x1!) - *7.40 5.00x20 - *7.65 5.25x18 - *8.35 5.50x19 - $9.10 Medford School of Beauty Culture X «!••/. EAST MAIN RHONE 84 ENROLL NOW BEAUTY SERVICES AT A SAVING Permanents ........... $2.50 Shampoo and Finger Wave....... ...... 50c Marcels....... 25c and 50c SPECIAL 6 Scalp Treatments | Jr Facials •»•••— -$6.001 Tuc-Ucd-Thiir Boris Karloff (Frankenstein) Bela Lugosi TYPEWRITER SERVICE (Dracula) BLACK CAT” If OU.— MONEY Jacksonville Service Station S. C. PETERS • TRY THE NEW MODEL UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS • E. S. SEVERANCE (D.M.D.) Taylor and Bierma Dentist Our prices are very low, even for the times. But Eads saves you money in other ways. Saves you the moving “wear and tear" that ages your fur­ niture when inexperi­ enced movers do the job. Saves you “extra time” costs by ¡Manning the moving job beforehand. This time -call in Eads, phone 315. Eads Transfer and Storage 1015 North Central LADIES’ HAIR­ CUTTING BY APPOINT­ MENT PHONE 57 Permanent Waving A Specialty BOWMAN’S Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor 18 South Central, Medford 81 N. Central—Telephone lit Medford « CONGER Opposite Post Office FUNERAL PARLORS JACKSON VILLE Medford, Oregon APPEARANCE IMPORTANT) It’s Important to both your social and business prestige. When people can say, “His suit needs a trip to the cleaners”- - then you surely are slip­ ping. Your character is judged by the neatness of your clothes. Keep yours right! MEN’S SUITS Cleaned and Pressed $1.00 PANTORIUM Dye Works PHONE 244 Instantly—at a finger-touch—the ice trays slide from the freezer of the Frigidaire ’34. And that’s only one of the splendid features of this fine, Super Series Frigidaire. It has everything —automatic reset defrosting; a cold storage compartment for frozen foods; the new Frigidaire Servashelf—even an interior electric light. You will find the Frigidaire '34 makes more ice—120 big, husky ice cubes at one freezing in the model illustrated. It has Lifetime Porcelain inside and out . . . double Hydrator capacity ... a Sliding Utility Basket for eggs and small articles . . . extra space for tall bottles. And it uses sur­ prisingly little current. But 'you really should see the Frigidaire ’34. Drop in at one of the show rooms listed below and learn how easy it is to own the finest Frigidaire ever built—it is the only refrig­ erator that is a product of General Motors. Leonard Electric ROOFING CEMENT and BUILDING MATERIALS COME IN AND INSPECT THIS NEW, COMPLETE STOCK TI mber End North Central C ompany Phone 7 A Good Firm to Trade With